
Friday, October 30, 2015

The Vampire Diaries | Season 7 Episode 4 - "I Carry Your Heart with Me"

Spoiler Alert!

When I thought TVD was losing it's 'power' the producers surprise us with this amazing episode!
It didn't really feel like an Halloween episode, apart from the Halloween party, of course, but overall, it seemed like a normal TVD episode to me, except that it wasn't normal at all.
First of all, I'm so glad that Oscar is back. Sure he is a little messed up but I can't wait to see more of him. He seemed like a pretty chilled character and, even though we saw in this episode that, with tons of blood, he looses his chill, I'm sure when he comes back to his normal self he will be one of the funniest characters on TVD.
Something else that I quite enjoyed was the relation ship between Nora and Mary Louise. You know that I don't like those girls a tiny bit, but in this episode I enjoyed their story. I have to tell you, I got really caught up in their drama and I started to like them a little bit more. I don't love them, but I can see that they are amazing characters and, besides, they just look really cute together, even though I didn't think that in the beggining. 
I was a little bit sad that they didn't show anything else from Julian, because I was really curious to know more about him, but I suppose we will see more of him in the next episode, since Valerie and Enzo are now teamed up to stop Julian to come back to Lily's life.
And, of course, we have to talk about the flash forward and how the episode ended. First of all, they twins are alive! I mean, they will be alive in three years from now, but... Anyway... I saw a couple of days ago someone say a theory that Alaric would have to choose between getting Jo back or gettin the Twins back and, since we saw in the end of episode that Bonnie and Alaric got to bring Jo to life, and we saw that the twins are alive in the flash forward, but no Jo, I assume Alaric will choose to get the twins?! Or that, or something happens to Jo and he is left with just the twins. I just wonder if, now that Jo is back, are the twins back too?! Or Alaric just get the twins after Jo dies again or something? I'm really confused about that but, one thing we know for sure, Alaric will get the twins, which is super cool!
Oh, and we also got an special apperance from Michael Trevino again, which is just amazing! We might not get Nina Dobrev back, but we still see Michael in some of the episodes. It might be just for a couple of minutes, but it is better than nothing, right?!
And, well, Damon is starting to write on a journel... I can't remember if he used to. I know Stafan used to write on journals, but I can't remember if Damon did but, anyways, it is cool to see Damon writing to Elena on a journal, it brings the show's name to life again. Afterall, the show is called The Vampire Diaries and, in the last seasons, we didn't get to see anyone write on journals/diaries so, it's good to get that back too.
So, in the end, I'm super happy with this episode and I can't wait to see more flash forwards and, I feel like next episode is going to be huge because 1. Michael Malarkey said that we are going to see some flash forwards of him in that episode and 2. Kat Graham said that we are going to see who's her love interest in that episode so... I'm looking forward to that!
Leave me in the comments what did you think of this Halloween episode and what are your theories about Alaric and Jo and the twins.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Arrow | Season 4 Episode 4 - "Beyond Redemption"

Spoiler Alert!

One more amazing episode of Arrow aired yesterday so, again, I'm here to rant about it.
Just like I said, it was an amazing episode, if not, the best until now. It got me 'glued' to the screen in every scene and it also got me so excited for the next episode.
One of the best parts of this episode was Oliver running for mayor. I got so surprised in the end of last episode but I loved it! I think they're starting a great storyline, not just the Green Arrow as an 'hero' but also Oliver Queen as an hero to that city. I can't wait to see more of his campaing and all the stuff that him and the Team Arrow are going to do. Also, so ready for some funny jokes from Felicity, which I really liked in this episode.
Although being an intense episode, I think it was pretty light-weighted too. I found myself laughing in a lot of the scenes, but also really 'worried' in others, so I think that's one of the main reasons why I liked this episode so much.
The SCPD storyline was really great too. It was good to 'worry' about something else besides Darhk for a moment, and this storyline was great for that. We still got into the Damien Darhk storyline, which is the main storyline, but I always like to have like little storylines in between.
Oh, and of course, we have to talk about Sarah. First Lance is so happy, then he wants to kill her and, in the end, she ran away. I know she's going to live and be 'well' because she's joining Legends of Tomorrow but, again, I'm really curious how that's going to happen.
We also got a little bit into the story about Ray Palmer and how he's going to 'come back'. I'm pretty sure he is the one who's sending those things to Felicity, and I think he's trying to say that he is in his small state. I'm almost sure that is what's happening but, let's see, I have a feeling we're going to find out in the next episode. If not, the other after next week.
Also, Oliver finally found out that Lance is 'working' with Damien Darhk and I totally understand his first reaction, but I'm so glad that everything turned out well and that plan on Lance 'working' on both sides is just genious
And, to finish, the flashbacks! I still don't know how that's linked with today's world but I'm really enjoying this flashbacks and I can't wait to find out more. And since that that agent found out the device that Oliver was using to communicate with Amanda, I think that's going to be pretty interesting.
I seriously can't wait for the next episode.
Tell me in the comments your thoughts and I'll see you tomorrow, hopefully, with a TVD rant.

American Horror Story: Hotel | Season 5 Episode 4 - "Devil's Night"

Spoiler Alert!

American Horror Story's Halloween episode aired yesterday and what an amazing Halloween episode!
I felt like this episode was so creepy. A little bit confusing, but so creepy. The stuff that happened in this episode just kept me thinking about what the hell was happening?!
That dinner called "Devil's Night" (the episode name) was the highlight for me. All those killers in the same room, doing some creepy sh*t, I might say, was seriously the best part of the episode. I also really liked Evan Peters in this scene and I have to say this, I think this might be Evan Peters' best character. I really liked Tate but the way he is playing this character is just amazing and he keeps me 'glued' to the screen.
It got me a little bit confused at the end of tha scene, when John is alone with Sally but I think I'll understand in the next episodes, and it wasn't a big thing anyways, at least, I think.
Apart from that, the other thing that happened was that Alex found out about Holden and that scene where Holden drinks Scarlett's dog blood just got me in shock! Seriously, I wasn't expecting it at all. I sure was expecting something to happen, like he would run away or something but that?! Nope. 
Something that got me really surprised was that the Countess told Alex about everything, or almost everything, and, let's not forget about the end of the episode like WTF?! I get that she loves her son but... omg that was other thing that I wasn't expecting and that got me really surprised. We are running out of alive characters and that kind of worries me. 
This wasn't the best episode of this season, I kind of feel like this was almost a filler, but it was a good episode anyway. I missed Matt Bomer though, and I was really curious about how the relationship between Donavan and his mum would be now that he turned her in a 'vampire', which made me sad that they didn't talk about that in this episode. Hopefully we will see more of him and his mum next episode.
Tell me what did you think of this episode and tell me what are you dressing up as for Halloween.

Friday, October 23, 2015

The Vampire Diaries | Season 7 Episode 3 - "Age of Innocence"

Spoiler Alert!

This season of The Vampire Diaries is getting better and better! This episode was just amazing, my favourite so far! I don't even know what to start with...
What about the flash forward?! 
That flash forward made me feel all kinds of feels. First, getting a special participation of Michael Trevino made me so happy! He has always been a big part of TVD and I already kind of missed him. On the other hand, seeing Stefan getting his car on fire just got me really sad. Stefan's car is probably the thing that Stefan cares the most (probably more than Caroline) and seeing him destroying his care just made me feel so sad. But, that also means that something big is going to happen, so that got me really curious about whats going to happen next!
Then, the major part of this episode, Valerie's storyline. I still don't know how I feel about Valerie. I know she's the only heretic that I don't hate but I don't particularly like her. Her story also made me feel both those emotions. At one time I liked her, at other I hated her. I kind of liked to see old Stefan again, reminded me of the Katherine ages, which I kind of miss. But, in the end, it was interesting to know all their story together and, mostly, to find out that she was the first heretic to exist! I'm really excited to find out more about Julian, because he seems like a quite interesting character and he might be the big villain of this season. Just a guess! 
Also really liked Oscar! Like, seriously, that dude seemed so cool and, by far, my favourite heretic. So sad that Valerie had to kill him in the end. That made me hate her quite a bit. 
The interection between Bonnie, Damon and Ric was really cool too in this episode. I'm so curious about this Phoenix stone! We've already seen that it does bring people from the dead, but I feel like there's more behind it, that must be! Afterall, Lily is also after that stone, so there must be something really big behind that stone. I really want that stone to work out, to be honest, not just because I want Jo back, but also because, if Ric manages to bring Jo back, there's a chance they can bring Kai back to. I don't know who would want him back, though, but it would be so damn cool to have Kai back. It's obvious that in every episode I try to find something to bring Kai back, but truth is that Kai was my all time favourite character from TVD, so obviously I'm always going to find an excuse to bring him back.
Something that I missed in this episode (or should I say, someone) was Michael Malarkey aka Enzo. I know he's not a major character, I mean, he is in the main cast, but he doesn't have like a major role in the story line, but he's one of my favourite characters and of course I'm going to miss him when he isn't in an episode.
And yeah, I think that's it for todays rant. Overall, it was an amazing episode and it got me so excited to the next one.
Leave in the coments what did you thought, what did you think about Valerie and Stefan's storyline, and which is your favourite heretic.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Arrow | Season 4 Episode 3 - "Restoration"

Spoiler Alert!

Two rants on Arrow episodes in one day! I just got too excited with the last episode that I had to watch the new one today, and what an episode!
First of all, so glad that Diggle and Oliver are back on tracks and that the OTA (Original Team Arrow), just like Felicity said, is reunited and happy. Well, as happy is they can be... 
Really liked the fact that we got to see more of Damien Darhk, because I really like him as a villain. I mean, he's not likeable but he is an interesting character and I always like to find out more about him. We still don't know about his 'powers' but I'm sure we'll find out, eventually.
And of course, I have to mention like the highlight moment of this episode, that was the come back of Sarah. You know I don't like Sarah at all but it was the moment that everyone was waiting for.
We also got to see Malcolm again, now as Ra's al Ghul. I never really liked him but he gives a different feeling to the show so I'm always interesting to see what is his next move.
I also got really excited about Diggle's storyline. The truth is, we never got know much about Diggle. Ok, we know about his wife, and now his daughter, and we know that he was in the military and all but we didn't know anything else, so I'm super excited to find out more about him and, of course, about the death of his brother.
Oh, and J. R. Bourne was in this episode, which was super cool. He played a meta-human so, another 'bridge' between The Flash and Arrow, what I always apreciate.
And, let's not forget to talk about the flashbacks! I feel like I never mentioned the flashbacks on my rants but I'm really liking this season's flashbacks! Last season, the flashbacks were kind blah! but this year they're pretty interesting. I still don't know how that's connected to this storyline but I'm sure we'll find out, just like everything else.
Well, that's basically it. I feel like this might be one of my favourite shows this eyer because it always keeps me wanting more and more. Can't wait for next week!
Tell me what did you thought in the comments and expect for a TVD rant soon!

American Horror Story: Hotel | Season 5 Episode 3 - "Mommy"

Spoiler Alert!

I swear to god, American Horror Story gets better and better with each episode. 
I feel like this episode was a little bit emotional. With the last episode, we got to see how everything happened and got to learn more about each character, and with this episode I feel like we got to see the result of what happened. Sure we also get some back story, mostly from Angela Basset's character, which I was so excited to see, but I think what was important in this episode was the relationships between each character.
Another thing... This series is getting more sexual with every episode, what I kind of like, to be honest. Well, we couldn't expect something else from Lady Gaga, isn't it?
The highlight for me in this episode was Donovan's and his mother relationship! I really like Matt Bomer as a bad boy but I prefer him a little bit more sweet, and that last scene in the episode was just perfect! For sure, Lady Gaga's character is going to get pissed, afterall, we saw what she did when the same thing happened to Angela Basset's character, right?! But, that's what I'm most excited to see next. Just can't wait to see what evil plan Lady Gaga's character is going to do and, of course, how Donovan's and his mom relationship is going to change, because I'm sure it is going to change.
Also, I really felt sorry for John... The Hotel is really messing with his head and I feel like we are losing like, the 'down-to-eath' character that we had... I just hope he works out something.
A character that I'm not really enjoying is Tristan like, he kind of pisses me off. I really like Finn Wittrock but his character is just so anoying. 
I also didn't understand the point of Will Drake but now I get it, the Countess wants to marry him and kill him so she can have his money... I don't see that working out, to be honest but, let's see what happens.
Really liked to see Evan Peters again and I feel like his characters is one of the most interesting ones. He has quite a story and that really keeps me locked to the screen. I always want to know more about his story and, to be honest, I can't wait to see him like in action in real life
And yeah guys, overall, the series keep better and better and I just can't wait to see more of Donovan and Mr. March. Tell me in the comments what is your favourite character from this season and what did you thought about this episode.

Arrow | Season 4 Episode 2 - "The Candidate"

Spoiler Alert!

This weeks episode of Arrow kind of let me down. You know I loved the first one and, out all the series that I talk in this blog, this was my favourite season premiere but I feel like this second episode wasn't as good as the first one.
Of course the first ones are always better and, even though I didn't like this one as much as I liked the first one, this episode had a lot of things that I quite liked.
First of all, loved the new character, Curtis Holt. I feel like he's going to bring something to the series. He seems like a funny and enjoyable character so I can't wait to see more of him!
Also, still so in love with Oliver and Felicity's relationship! Seriously, I can't get enough of them! They're probably my favourite ship ever and I'm so loving their cute moments.
In this episode, we didn't get to see much more of Damien Darhk, but we got to see more of Thea's stuggles and we found out the story behind how they are going to bring Sarah back for Legends of Tomorrow. I never liked Sarah, but it's interesting to know how they came up with bringing her back.
To be honest, the story about Lonnie Machin wasn't that interesting, but that end about Anarchy and that got me excited for the next episode.
I forgot to talk about this on the last rant but, WTF like Detective Lance working with Damien Darhk? I wasn't expecting that at all but in this episode we got a glimpse of why he's working with him.
And, the most exciting part of the episode was the end... So.. Oliver is running for Mayor?! Like What?! Seriously, I wasn't expecting that at all. I still wonder if what he meant was that Green Arrow was going to run for Mayor or if it was like him, Oliver Queen. I think it's Oliver but... How cool would it be to have Green Arrow running for Mayor?! I think that would be so dope!
Anyways, that's it for this rant. Tell me in the comments what did you thought of this episode!

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

The Vampire Diaries | Season 7 Episode 2 - "Never Let Me Go"

Spoiler Alert!

Sorry I took a little bit longer with this episode but this last week has been crazy and didn't have time to watch this new episode. But anyways, let's just start with the rant because you're not here to read why I didn't updated earlier.
So, this episode was just amazing! I don't know if it was because it was Brian Young who wrote it but I feel like this episode was way better than the first one, which is odd, because usually the first episodes of the seasons are always the best ones but I didn't feel it this time. 
This episode got me a lot more in the storyline and I'm just loving what they are doing with this two storylines, the heretics one and the stone one. For me, the stone storyline seems more interesting, even though I think the two storylines are connected. I don't know why, but I feel it.
Something else that I also really liked was the beggining. I miss Kai so damn much and the fact that they still bring some clips of him in the beggining of the episode makes me so happy. 
On the other hand, the heretics are starting to really piss me off. Their storyline is somehow interesting but... I don't know, they're kind of annoying at the same time. Also, I like Lily from last season way more than I like this Lily. Lily seemed a pretty interesting character last season but this season... She's kind of annoying.
Something they said they were going to do this season was bring back the 'feelings' from Season 1 and I feel like they're actually doing it. I'm loving the Salvatore Brothers scenes and what they are planning to do and they are bring back the stone storyline. It's not the same stone, of course, but I always like when they had a stone involved in the story so... Let's see what happened. I'm really excited about it!
Jeez, I have so many more scenes that loved in this episode!
Let's just talk about Enzo like... OMG! I don't know, but he seems to get hotter and hotter in every episode (even in every scene, I would say) and I'm loving his scenes. The Guitar scene was just.. WOW and, is he in love with Lily?! Like, what?!
Also, the flash forwards with Caroline working in a television show! Those were just amazing! Those flash forward scenes make me want to watch more and more and, who the hell is her fiance if it isn't Stefan?! I mean, I don't like Steroline but... That's what I was expecting... I wonder if its Enzo... OR KLAUS! That would be so amazing. Anyways I'm rambling now, let's continue with the episode.
Something that I also wonder about is who is the sixth heretic... I'm betting on Lucy, just because I read all the producers talking a lot about Lucy on twitter so... There's something special about her, I feel it!
Oh, and let's not forget about Bonnie and Matty-Blue-Eyes! Loving them and really excited to see what they are also up to.
Ok, I think that's it for this episode. I think I covered every topic in this episode so... Wait for the rant of the next episode which is airing this Thursday!

Thursday, October 15, 2015

American Horror Story: Hotel | Season 5 Episode 2 - "Chutes and Ladders"

Spoiler Alert!

Episode 2 of AHS: Hotel aired yesterday and, of course, I'm here today to rant about it.
To be honest, I think this episode was as good as the first one. This episode just gave more details about everything that happens in the hotel and now I feel like I completely understand it. We got a view on how the hotel's story beggan and, with that, they introduced us to Evan Peters character, finally! I missed Even in the first episode because he is basically the soul of the show. A season without Evan Peters wouldn't be the same thing, that's for sure!
We also understood all the 'vampire' thing, and we now we can proper call them vampires, even though this vampires have some particullar caracteristis, which is cool, because shows keep doing the same vampires and, don't get me wrong, I love the 'traditional' vampires but it's good to change things up once in a while.
Also, I keep getting amazed with all the scenarios in this season! Seriously, the hotel itself is already amazing but the other locations that they use are also pretty amazing.
I kind of missed Angela Basset so I hope they introduce her in the next episode.
Something that I didn't quite like/understand/agree is how the hell Lady Gaga's character left Matt Bomer's character? Seriously, who dumps Matt Bomer?! I know I wouldn't! And, with that guy? (I mean, I love the actor, which name I can't remember but, seriously?)
Anyways, I can't wait to see more things about Evan Peters's character because he seemed quite a pretty interesting character and I also can't wait to know what's going to happen between Lady Gaga and Matt Bomer because he seemed pretty pissed with her... just saying!
And well, I think that's it for today's rant. I know it's smaller than the previous one but I feel like, even thought a lot happened in this episode, not much happened... Did you get me? I feel like most of the episode was to understand all this characters and I've already told you what I thought about that. I now, I'm just waiting to get into the really creepy stuff because that's what I love the most about this show.
Tell me in the comments what did you thought about this episode and see you in my Arrow rant (which is coming pretty soon).

Friday, October 9, 2015

The Vampire Diaries | Season 7 Episode 1 - "Day One of Twenty-Two Thousand, Give or Take"

Spoiler Alert!

After 5 (racking) months my favourite show of all time is back! My opinions may be doubtful since, like I said, this is my favourite show, but I'll try to be the truest possible and kinda 'forget' that this is my favourite show.
So, I've been so curious to know what they were going to do with this season, since Nina Dobrev left and Michael Trevino isn't going to be on it as much as he used to. Also, because they killed Kai and, if you follow me on other social media, you know Kai is my favourite character from all time. They had an amazing storyline with the Parker family and all the Kai stuff, but instead of going on with it, they decided to kill them all and start a new storyline which, in my opinion, isn't as good as the Parker storyline but, anyway...
The episode started with some scenes that I've already seen in some previews, so it wasn't anything new for me. I liked the fact they came back with the diaries which is the main thing in the series. In  this episode we see Caroline and Bonnie writting what have been happening to them, just like Elena asked them, which is a good thing in this episode. On the other hand, no one seems to be actually fine in Mystic Falls, which makes me kinda sad and kinda annoyed, to be honest. I'm already over Elena, and the fact that they keep mentioning her kind of pisses me off. I understand that she was the main character in the series and, somehow, they wanna keep her the main character but... Without Nina, there's now Elena so, just stop mentioning her and keep on with your lives!
Something insteresting about the episode is the fact that they are aroud world. Damon, Alaric and Bonnie are in Amsterdam, Enzo in New York and Stefan, Caroline and Matt in Mystic Falls (along with the newbies, the heretics). In the end of the episode they come back to Mystic Falls but yeah.. that was cool.
Enzo for me is the best character in this season. I think now he has a porpuse in this storyline and that makes me really happy, because Enzo is one of my favourite characters and also, Michael Malarkey is an amazing actor and amazing person so, I'm happy to see him more involved with the storyline.
But, to ruin everything, they can't shut up about Steroline. I know I'm not the only one (which is cool) to hate Steroline! I will always be Team Stelena and it just annoyes me so damn much to see Steroline happen and, apparently, that's the main thing in this season (along with the heretics). I just wish they would change Steroline with Carenzo because I would SO MUCH prefer Caroline with Enzo then with Stefan.
And, talking about the heretics... So, they are the main villains in this season... I still don't know what to think about them... The two lesbians really piss me off, that I know! But still, the others really get on my nerves too so... I seriously don't know what to think about them. Let's just wait for the next episode and see if I can have a proper opinion about them.
In this episode, we also get to understand that fast forward that happened in the end of last season, and something interesting about this season is that they keep bringging more fast forwards. I think that's the only thing that is keeping the series interesting because all the heretics stuff kind of bothered me, to be honest. 
And yeah... As you can see I have really strong opinions about everything in this series, which is kind great for me to do this rants.
I just hope they come up with something better than this heretics because if they don't, I think this is the last season of The Vampire Diaries. It really makes me sad to say this, but it's true. I don't want this series to ever end but... Julie Plec just keep ruining the storylines so... There's not much we can do.
Anyways, tell me in the comments your thoughts and if you have the same opinions as me so we can chat about the episode!

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Arrow | Season 4 Episode 1 - "Green Arrow"

Spoiler Alert!

Arrow is back and what an amazing way to start the season! Arrow's first episodes are always really good and this one wasn't exception!
The episode started right away with the most beautiful scene ever: Oliver and Felicity together! As an Olicity shipper I was DYING to see a scene like this and it finally happened! Oliver and Felicity ae finally together and I couldn't be more happy!
Something that was also really excited to me was to see Thea with the Arrow Team. Thea from season 4 was kind of pissing me of, but the 'good' Thea is back and that was one of the most exciting things about this episode.
I was kind of upset with Oliver and Diggle's relationship but with the end of the episode I think they're almost back on track so, it's all fine.
Talking about the ending... OMG! What was that ending?! That 'Six Months Later' just killed me! I seriously hope that it wasn't Felicity who died because if it is her... I'm dying with her! Seriously, Felicity is my favourite character from the series and it would be so sad to see her leave the show. I have hope that the producers come up with something to 'not make her die' because it wouldn't be the same without her.
On the other hand, I was so happy to see Grant Gustin (aka The Flash) in the episode. That means awesome crossovers and I love when Arrow and The Flash crossover because I LOVE both shows and, from what I understood, they're helping each other 'kill' the villains from each show, which is super cool.
Also, that new villain is super exciting! I didn't read the comics so I don't know sh*t about Darhk, which makes me even more curious about what's going to happen next. 
In the end, it was an AMAZING episode and I'm going to die waiting for the next one. Already have a feeling that it's going to be an amazing season but, when it isn't?!
Hope you guys liked my rant and tell me what did you guys think about the episode and if you agree with me!

American Horror Story: Hotel | Season 5 Episode 1 - "Checking In"

Spoiler Alert!

American Horror Story: Hotel finally started and what a way to start! This episode was just what I was expecting it to be! 
I feel like I should start with the scenarios. That hotel is just amazing! Loved the beggining of the episode where we can see clearly every part of the of the hotel (or at least, almost every part). Other thing that I noticed about this episode that is kind of different from the other seasons of AHS is the soundtrack, Just like the scenarios, the soundtrack of this episode was just amazing! I think it suited perfectly with the episode and it gave the episode a different style from what I was used to from AHS, but in a good way. 
Now, let's get into specifics. The scene that was just like WOW in that episode is the scene that I chose to post in the banner. That scene between Lady Gaga's character and Matt Bomer's character (with the other two 'extras') was just... I don't even have words for it, For sure, this season is way more sexual than the previous ones, but with Lady Gaga in it, what were you supposed to expect?! And, let's just say, Matt Bomer is the BEST THING in this season. Seriously, that man is just hot hot hot. I kind of missed Evan Peters, though. Hopefully he will be in the next episode, which I'm really excited about.
To resume this first episode of this amazing season (which I'm sure is going to be), my thoughts are that this is really a different season for AHS. I feel like this season doesn't have that super scary scenes, but some weird sh*t happens in that hotel. I'm still trying to figure out all that 'white man' stuff that was rapping Max Greenfield's character while Sally (Sarah Paulson's character) was watching but I already understood the main part of the season, which is Lady Gaga's character and all her 'kids'... I'm sure Ryan Murphy is going to come up with some twist but, for now, I think I understand it. I also think that this first episode was a little bit confusing, because there's a lot going on at the same time and, even though at the beggining I didn't think they were connected, by the time the episode was ending I realized everything is connected in that hotel which makes me really excited to find out more about all the creepy stuff that happens in there (which is a lot, by the way).
So, yeah, this are my first toughts in this season premiere of American Horror Story. I have super high expetations about this season so, can't wait for the next episode!
Let me know what did you think about this first episode in the comments :)