Spoiler Alert!
When I thought TVD was losing it's 'power' the producers surprise us with this amazing episode!
It didn't really feel like an Halloween episode, apart from the Halloween party, of course, but overall, it seemed like a normal TVD episode to me, except that it wasn't normal at all.
First of all, I'm so glad that Oscar is back. Sure he is a little messed up but I can't wait to see more of him. He seemed like a pretty chilled character and, even though we saw in this episode that, with tons of blood, he looses his chill, I'm sure when he comes back to his normal self he will be one of the funniest characters on TVD.
Something else that I quite enjoyed was the relation ship between Nora and Mary Louise. You know that I don't like those girls a tiny bit, but in this episode I enjoyed their story. I have to tell you, I got really caught up in their drama and I started to like them a little bit more. I don't love them, but I can see that they are amazing characters and, besides, they just look really cute together, even though I didn't think that in the beggining.
I was a little bit sad that they didn't show anything else from Julian, because I was really curious to know more about him, but I suppose we will see more of him in the next episode, since Valerie and Enzo are now teamed up to stop Julian to come back to Lily's life.
And, of course, we have to talk about the flash forward and how the episode ended. First of all, they twins are alive! I mean, they will be alive in three years from now, but... Anyway... I saw a couple of days ago someone say a theory that Alaric would have to choose between getting Jo back or gettin the Twins back and, since we saw in the end of episode that Bonnie and Alaric got to bring Jo to life, and we saw that the twins are alive in the flash forward, but no Jo, I assume Alaric will choose to get the twins?! Or that, or something happens to Jo and he is left with just the twins. I just wonder if, now that Jo is back, are the twins back too?! Or Alaric just get the twins after Jo dies again or something? I'm really confused about that but, one thing we know for sure, Alaric will get the twins, which is super cool!
Oh, and we also got an special apperance from Michael Trevino again, which is just amazing! We might not get Nina Dobrev back, but we still see Michael in some of the episodes. It might be just for a couple of minutes, but it is better than nothing, right?!
And, well, Damon is starting to write on a journel... I can't remember if he used to. I know Stafan used to write on journals, but I can't remember if Damon did but, anyways, it is cool to see Damon writing to Elena on a journal, it brings the show's name to life again. Afterall, the show is called The Vampire Diaries and, in the last seasons, we didn't get to see anyone write on journals/diaries so, it's good to get that back too.
So, in the end, I'm super happy with this episode and I can't wait to see more flash forwards and, I feel like next episode is going to be huge because 1. Michael Malarkey said that we are going to see some flash forwards of him in that episode and 2. Kat Graham said that we are going to see who's her love interest in that episode so... I'm looking forward to that!
Leave me in the comments what did you think of this Halloween episode and what are your theories about Alaric and Jo and the twins.