
Friday, November 4, 2016

Arrow | Season 5 Episode 5 - "Human Target"

Spoiler Alert!

Wow, what a great episode!
I feel like Arrow is getting better and better this season, each episode is better than the previous one and, after last season, where everyone lost hope in the series, this is amazing!
So, just like I said, this episode was amazing! Starting with the production, which I really noticed a difference between this episode and the previous episodes, in terms of camera positions and stuff (You know, me being a multimeadi student, I start noticing this stuff) and going through the storyline and basically everything is this episode. For me, this was one of Arrow's best episodes, really!
There's a lot that I liked in the episode so let's just get into the storyline and I'll walk you through my favourite parts.
So, basically in the start of the episode Oliver gets to rescue Rene and that's when the episode 'really' starts. Rene says that, under torture, he gave Church Oliver's real identity (that he is Oliver Queen) and the rest of the episode is the Team trying to figure out how to both, stay away from Church's radar and finding what he's up to.
In this episode we also get introduced to a pretty interesting character, the "Human Target", who's Oliver's new 'bodyguard', since Church is now going after the Mayor and not the Green Arrow.
I got to say that the "Human Target" is a pretty interesting character and we also see in the end of the episode where he's related to Oliver from the flashbacks, which is also pretty cool. I don't know if he's going to be in more episodes but I would like that so, let's hope.
Anyway, so Church tries to kill Oliver and everyone thinks he's dead but, in real life, it was the "Human Target" who were impersonation Oliver, so neither of them really died. But, Church didn't know that so he kept going with his plan, which was what Oliver and the Team, wanted. 
Later, they find out what Church was really planning and that's when one of my favourite parts of the episode happens, Diggle 'back' at the Team! I don't know it this is to stay but it was really nice to see almost all of the Team together again, joined with the new Team! We still need Thea to come back so... I'll be waiting for that.
Like expected, the Team catches Church and later Oliver gives a speech saying that he faked his death in order to catch Church.
As we get to the end of the episode, we see Church being taken to Iron Hights, and that's when Prometheus appears. He kills every cop and, because Church didn't give up on killing Oliver/Green Arrow, he kills Church as well (although Church tried to negociate with him tellin Prometheus Green Arrow's real name - Oliver). 
In my opinion, Prometheus already new Green Arrow's real name because I still stand my position, I think Promtheus is, in fact, Malcolm Merlyn. He has been really away from this first five episodes and we know that John Barrowman have been filming so... Until someone proves me wrong, I'll keep thinking that Prometheys is Malcolm.
Anyway, also just like I 'wanted' the real bad guy this season is Prometheus. 
I said in my previous rant that I didn't really like Church as a villain and that I prefered Prometheus as the big bad guy this season so, that's when they gave me, so I'm really happy about that!
And, just like always, I have to mention the flashbacks, which I'm still really enjoying this season. Also, we get to see even deeper how everything connects to the present day, which is awesome.
That was basically it guys!
I loved pretty much everything in this episode, apart from that Felicity scene with her new 'boyfriend'. But, apart from that, we even got a little Olicity scene, which was so cute and got my hopes up that Oliver and Felicity will get back together soon.
Ok, that's it, I'll see you later with a new The Flash rant (which I'm owing you).

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