
Friday, November 11, 2016

Arrow | Season 5 Episode 6 - "So It Begins"

Spoiler Alert!

Just like the name of the episode, So It Begins!
This episode is basically the start of the real villain of this season - Prometheus! And, before I get into the actual rant, I just want to say that my theory that Prometheus is Malcolm Merlyn is kind of vanishing. I still think that it might be him but, right now, I think it's someone from Oliver's past, so that's the connection to the flashbacks. But, at the same time, we got some leads from who he might be in the end of the episode (and it looks like it's neither Malcolm nor someone from Oliver's past), but I'll talk about it later.
So, this episode was an huge throwback to Season 1, because the main thing was Oliver's killing list!
But let's start with the beginning.
The first scenes that we see in the episode are from Oliver, Diggle and Felicity (Felicity only in the 'background') chasing Prometheus, who starts killing, supposely, random people.
Oliver decides to not tell anything to the recruits but Prometheus' killings start appearing on TV, which causes an huge tension in the city. They find out that Oliver kept that from them and they get pretty mad, mostly Evelyn.
I gotta tell you guys, Evelyn really annoys me! I'm fine with every other member of the 'new team', but Evelyn... She's really really annoying! I'm not really keen on Rene either but.. I can 'take' him, but Evelyn.. Not. Don't. Like. Her.
Anyway, this isn't really about my feelings about Evelyn, but about the events in this episode,
So, like I said, although they are a little mad at Oliver, they decide to help anyway.
But then, that's when Felicity finds out that, the people that Prometheus is killing, are acronyms of people that Oliver had in his list and that's when the recruits find out about the lists and get even more mad.
Felicity finds out, from the pattern, more supposely victims, and although mad, again, the recruits help Oliver. This time, they have to split up and each of them 'protect' one 'victim'.
Of course, the one that Prometheus had to attack is the one that Evelyn is 'protecting'. They sense something is wrong and so Oliver goes to Evelyn and helps her fight with Prometheus, who ends up with a cut in his arm (which is going to be important for later).
Meanwhile, Thea discovers that Quentin have been drinking all this time and have never stoped.
Also, Felicity finally tells Billy that she works with Green Arrow and, in that moment, I really liked Billy, although I don't want him and Felicity together. But.... He was so understanding with Felicity and kind of a fangirl about Green Arrow, to be honest, wich was really cute.
In the very end of the episode we see Felicity telling Oliver new leads about Prometheus. That his weapons are made from Oliver's old arrows, arrows which were apprehended by the SCPD which means, Prometheus is someone from the SCPD. After this revelation, we see Quentin, with a cut in his arm!
And, in the flashbacks we see Oliver in a Bratva operation, which goes wrong, ending up in Oliver being abducted by Kovar.
Well guys, that's it.
Right now, all I can think about is 'who's Prometheus?'. This episode made us think that it's Quentin but  don't really think it's him. My options are either still Malcolm Merlyn, who is trying to incriminate Quentin, someone from Oliver's past, who I doubt right now, or Billy, which would be an huge plot twist! Let's see if I'm right with any of this options.
Anyway, let me know your thoughts about the episode and which are your theories about who's Prometheus!
And, just a side note, Supernatural's rant will only be up on Monday. I'm sorry but I've been really busy lately and I only have time on Monday. TVD's rant will probably only be up on Monday also but I'm going to try and upload tomorrow.
Ok, that's it guys.
If not tomorrow, until Monday!

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