
Friday, November 9, 2018

Supernatural | Season 14 Episode 5 - "Nightmare Logic"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello everyone!
Here I am with the last rant of the week - Supernatural.
I have to say, I'm not quite sure of what to think about this episode. It was a nice episode, don't get me wrong, but it wasn't like amazing! There was quite a few stuff that I liked (mainly the ending, to be honest) but nothing really stood out to me so... I'm confused.
Anyway, the episode starts with Maggie who, while working on her first solo case, disappears. From her body camera, Sam and Dean learn that Maggie was hunting what appeared to be a ghoul, who might have caught her off guard. And this is what sets the whole episode.
While investigating, the Winchesters encounter their mother and Bobby Singer who are investigating the same case. The four discover the body of another hunter and weird manifestations that make them suspect that the owner of the house, who is comatose, is some type of psychic and that he's bending reality around them.
And then that's when my favorite part happens.
Sam does find Maggie in the attic of the house meanwhile Bobby and Mary fight Bobby's son (another weird manifestation) in the woods. And, while all of this is happening, Dean realizes that the home owner's nurse is a djinn, enhanced by Michael, and that he's do one 'creating' all this monsters.
Neil reveals that he was left as a trap for hunters by Michael and that are dozens of similar traps all over the place. Then, obviously, the djinn tries to attack Dean and that's when we see that, for some odd reason, Dean is immune to the djinn's powers and that's when Dean attacks him and kills him.
Finding this information (about all the traps that are spread around the globe) Sam and Dean spread the word warning other hunters while Bobby tells Mary, who has begun falling for him (as we predicted) how since he lost his son, hunting is all he's had and known. Post this, Mary and Bobby decide to take time off in order for Bobby to heal as well as find something else to live for.
I'm actually pretty happy with this. I haven't been loving Mary that much and I think there have been too many characters on the show right now so I think this is great so he can get back to focus on the brothers. Also, this is a great way to have Jack and Cas back, which we will, from what we've seen in the preview.
I really don't know what else to say about this episode so tell me all your thoughts and predictions and I'll see you next week with new rants!

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