Spoiler Alert!
Hello people!
I'm back with a new The Flash rant and thank god this week's episode was better than the last one. Still, it wasn't what the show used to be and I don't get why people are saying this is one of the show's best episodes ever but it sure was an improvement from previous episodes.
Overall, my complaint is the same - the villains. The villains are so annoying this season. Plus, the fact they wanted to give Iris more things to do just made everything worse, to be honest. Again, I'm going to repeat myself, but the show is called The Flash so Barry should be the main focus... But anyway, let's get into what really happened in the episode.
Well, I guess the main thing is really that Barry finally figured it out that Iris isn't Iris! We knew this was going to happen because of the preview, but still, it was nice to see they go full on with that story and not coming up with something to deny his theory or something. I mean, I guess they tried but, in the end of the episode, Barry figured out the whole thing and even talked with Eva. Sure, Iris is still stuck inside the mirror but at least there's no 'bullshit' anymore and we can finally move on with the story.
That was basically the only 'good thing' about this episode. I did like the end though. The CGI with MIris with those 'glass arms' was so cringe though and the fight overall was not great but I liked the moment where MIris just 'breaks'. It did not make much sense that she, out of a sudden, decided that she 'liked' Barry, but okay... I can deal with that. What I can not deal is that they decided to go back to Ramsey. He wasn't even good before Eva came along. And him, along with Eva and Black Hole... I just couldn't. I hope they not go back to him again because I can't deal with more crappy villains.
Ramsey was just a way for Eva to get out of the mirror, so let's hope he doesn't get involved any further. And after getting to him, we get to see that whole thing that I already talked about - real Iris finding out Eva's real plan, Eva trapping Iris in the mirror, MIris fighting Barry and Eva getting out of the mirror. That still left real Iris inside the mirror so now Barry has to find a way to get to her (unfortunately). Okay, I might be a bit mean right now. I did like that ending with them talking to each other through the mirror... It was emotional, so I'll give them that.
That was the meat of the episode. However, there was another story. Not that it needed to be, though. To be completely honest, the side story - Caitlin's story - sounded like a lot of bullshit and really just a filler. Turns out Caitlin is still 'injured' from her fight with Sunshine and creating some type of reaction sending her human part into hypothermia. With that, Caitlin decides to talk to her mother. That was it really. Ralph and Cisco found her, realized they couldn't do much and Caitlin decided she needed her mother's help. I really don't know why they needed to add that.
Anyway, this was this week's The Flash episode. As I said, better than the last one but not good enough. By now I already lost my hope with this season so I'm just rolling with it.
Let me know what you thought of the episode. Are you as disappointed as I am with this season? Or are you one of those people that loved this episode? Tell me everything and I'll see you tomorrow with a new rant!
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