Spoiler Alert!
Damn, what an episode!
Ok, yes, unfortunatelly, we didn't have Adrian Chase in it (which I really looking forward to), but we had so many good stuff anyway!
And, in this episode, I feel like Arrow swap with The Flash, because this episode felt a lot more emotional and sentimental. It still had the Arrow 'darkness' feel, but we had so much development of relationships (any kind), which I loved!
I already knew what was going to happen in this episode.
I knew this was going to be a Felicity centred episode, which I liked, but I'm not a big fan of Felicity going dark or being part of Helix, so I was curious to see what they were going to do.
So, basically the only way to find Chase is with a device that Helix's former leader Cayden James developed. The issue is, he is in Argus costudy so you see where this is going... They have to free him.
Obviously there was going to be some conflit here between Helix and Team Arrow and, this time, Felicity chose to be on Helix side.
Also, before we get deeper into this, I need to say that I don't ger Felicity's obsession with getting Adrian Chase. I mean, I know that she's broken and mad because of Billy's death but, we're so over that already! That was so long ago that I don't even care! But I get Felicity's motivation, I just don't buy this 'obsession'. This doesn't seem like Felicity at all but yeah, hopefully after this episode this will change. Anyway, back to the episode...
Lyla then takes advantage of the fact that Helix is going to attack Argus in order to get Cayden and plans a way to get Helix, the thing is, Helix is smarter and doesn't get caught and gets to rescue Cayden in the end.
Then comes probably my favourite part of the episode, Helix leaving Felicity behind.
You already know what I didn't like this Felicity storyline but, even if I liked, I always wondered how they would end this because, in the end, Felicity had to be 100% Team Arrow and I was seeing her getting more and more into Helix. But then, this ending I thought it was Perfect!
Helix getting Cayden out of Argus and back to 'them' is a perfect excuse to leave Felicity behind.
Obviously Argus is going to be on the look for him so Helix has to be on the run so it made perfect sense (to me, at least) for them to leave her behind. The only thing was, in that moment, I really thought they were just going to leave her and that's it, no device no nothing.
Luckily, they were better than I thought and Cayden left the device to track Chase for her.
The next thing we see is Felicity going to the bunker and put the device in action, while she had a little talk with Oliver.
Oh, also, I need to talk about Olicity in this episode. We had a lot of Olicity moments in this episode, but they were all so sad... The only thing making me happy about all of this was the outcome of this episode.
After putting the device to action, Felicity sees that Adrian is in the build and that's when he starts and assault, and basically the episode ends like that.
And, because I already know what the next episode is going to be about, I got really excited about everything, because we are going to get Olicity back next week! I seriously can't wait!
I also can't wait to see Adrian back because I just love him! I don't care, I really like his character and I seriously hope they don't kill him.
Anyway, and just to finish this rant, I need to talk about the other main part of the episode, which was about Rene and his daughter.
They talked about this a few episodes ago and we all have been waiting to see when this information was going to come in play and it finally did! I guess they decided to show this now because the actor who plays Rene was added to the main cast so this is going to be an huge story for next season.
I don't know if they're going to do more things with it in this one but I don't believe so because next season is about Olicity and, after that, we need to focus on getting Chase and all of that so, I don't think this will come up in this season but it will next season for sure, and I'm excited about that!
Rene was a character that I didn't really like but this past episodes made me like him more and I'm actually enjoying to see him.
And yeah, that's basically it guys!
Overall a pretty good episode and I can't wait for the next one!
Let me know your thoughts about it and I'll see you tomorrow with a new Supernatural rant!