Spoiler Alert!
Hello everyone and welcome to the new season of The Flash!
First of all, I thought I should tell you that I had to watch this episode twice because I did watch some parts live but my stream was crappy and I missed the last 10 minutes (plus some other parts) so I had to re-watch everything today.
Anyway, past that, I loved this episode! Right from the beginning!
Like I said previously, I did miss some parts and one of those were the very beginning where it's actually Nora who makes the introduction of the episode, which I thought was really cute! Also, it totally got the mood started for the rest of the episode which, like the title says, was all about Nora.
There was a lot of questions about what she was doing in the present timeline, what was the big mistake that she did and what is going on between her and Iris and a bit with Barry as well, and we get answers to basically all this questions in this first episode. (Or at least, we think we get them).
Right in the very beginning we get the answer to the biggest question for the end of last season, which was 'what big mistake did Nora do?' and, turns out, she says that it was getting to this timeline. I don't know if I buy that, to be honest, but let's roll with that for now.
She also says that she can't go back to her timeline because she can't run fast enough so, from that point, the main focus of the episode is to find a way to get Nora to her timeline.
We see that Iris is pretty excited to meet her daughter but, on the other hand, Barry is really concerned about the timeline and that she might create another Flashpoint or something.
And if getting Nora back to her timeline wasn't enough, of course a new 'meta of the week' appears - Gridlock, who uses kinetic energy to get stronger and stronger. Well, turns out that Nora knows this meta because of The Flash museum from her timeline. This raises a lot of little things that were pretty funny. Well, the whole episode was kind of funny and cute, but pretty sad by the end, to be honest, but I'll get into that.
So, Flash keeps fighting this meta with some old versions of his suits, courtesy of Nora, and even that is pretty funny. Also, of course they can't defeat the bad guy in the first attempt so they try to get their other problem fixed - getting Nora home. That's when they try to do that that they find out that Nora's blood has some negative tachyons that are making her slower so that's why she can't time travel.
After that failed attempt, Iris and Barry have a conversation about Nora and that's when Barry realizes that something is wrong. He goes to talk to Nora and that's when she reveals that, in the future, Barry disappears and he never returns, so she ended up living with just Iris her whole life. That was actually why she came to this timeline and that actually she is using some type of device to 'create' the negative tachyons, because she just wanted to spend a day with her dad, who she barely met.
Back to the 'meta of the week', the later now decides to cause a plane crash and, of course, Team Flash has to stop it, to which all three - Barry, Wally and Nora - go and make the place phase, making this the first time that Nora was actually able to phase. That was a beautiful scene!
Well, and in the end, Barry decides to let Nora stay, saying that she should improve her powers before she goes back to her timeline which, we know, deep down, is just Barry sorry that she didn't spend any time with him when she was growing up.
Oh, and before I end, I should also talk about some other things that I really enjoyed about this episode which were Ralph, obviously, and him not knowing about the multiverse - that was so cute! Also, the Killer Frost story-line is already in progress, with Ralph helping Caitlin and finding out that her dad might not be dead after all! This was huge! Oh, and of course, Cicada in the very end of the episode was nice too. Although I don't know if we're getting to him already in the next episode... Let's see.
I guess that's pretty much it for this rant. I still have some doubts about Nora's big mistake, I believe there's more to it, also, I think something happened between her and Iris, besides being her only parent. I don't know, there must be something more about Nora so, let's see. But I really liked her anyway! I'm happy to have her in the cast!
So, let me know your thoughts and predictions and, just a side note, The Challenge's review is only going to go up probably tomorrow because I have an event this evening so I can't post it today. So, I'll see you tomorrow with new rants!