
Wednesday, October 31, 2018

The Flash | Season 5 Episode 4 - "News Flash"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello everyone and Happy Halloween!
As promised, here I am with a new The Flash rant!
This was a pretty interesting episode with a lot of revelations that kept the story going.
The first one, and the one that I was most excited/curious about was the whole drama between Nora and Iris. I'm just going to say it and turns out, in the future, Iris implants a ship on Nora to suppress her powers and, as you can expect, when Nora found out she got pretty mad and now, even in the past she can't not be mad at Iris.
The next point of this episode was Cicada. This was actually a 'side story', with only Ralph and Sherloque following some leads. And, the truth is, in the end, by following Ralph's intuition, they found out that Cicada uses the mask not only to protect his identity, but also because he has some type of lung problems and she needs it to breath better. It seems like something really 'not important' but it is huge and I'm so happy that it was Ralph who thought there was something about his mask.
And then, the last story-line of the episode, and the main one, was a meta that could control people. But the thing about this meta is that he wasn't really a meta - her phone was the meta! This is something quite different and I applaud the writers and the producers for coming up with something different besides your usual 'meta of the week'. Now, you have also objects that are metas so, this is a whole new threat.
Well, I guess that's pretty much it guys. I know this is a really small rant but I feel like I don't have anything really to comment about. I liked discovering the whole thing between Nora and Iris, we knew there was something else going on between them and now we know what. I still think there's more to Nora, though. She always looks kind of shady and there was the whole thing between her and Sherloque that we can't forget so... I'm still waiting on that.
Anyway, let me know your thoughts and predictions and I'll probably just see you tomorrow or something because I doubt I'll be able to post the The Challenge rant but... You never know.

Arrow | Season 7 Episode 3 - "Crossing Lines"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello guys!
I come to you quite late with this rant, mainly having in mind that I did watch this episode live. But the thing is, like it happened in the first episode of the season (I think), I had to watch the episode again because my stream kept freezing and I missed quite a lot of parts of the episode - parts that were really important - and I didn't understand the story-line.
In this second watch I understood and I enjoyed the episode a lot more than the first, even though I still think some parts were odd and unnecessary.
My favorite part this episode was the whole prison thing with Oliver, where Oliver demands Brick to honor their 'deal', to which Brick tells him there's someone named 'The Demon' in the prison and it's that person that has contact with Diaz.
This sends him on a spiral of events, following clues and people, which I actually enjoyed.
We found out that now that the other guard was out, the inmates created like a fight-club and, in the end, Brick made Oliver fight in it, which was pretty cool, having in mind that he went against Sampson who is played by Cody Rhodes who's from the WWE and actually fought with Stephen Amell. It's a long story but it's kind of cool to see this on the show. Anyway, Oliver gets tired of Brick's games and that's when Brick reveals that the Demon is incarcerated on Level 2, prompting Oliver to attack the guards in a way to get sent to Level 2.
This is an interesting plot and I'm actually curious to see not only what is it like in Level 2, but also to find out who this Demon guy is. Also, I love Oliver's new 'sidekick' but something tells me that there's more to him. I mean, don't get me wrong, I love a helpless guy that needs protection but... I have a feeling that he's not who looks like.
So, meanwhile, outside of prison, Felicity plans a trap for Diaz and the Longbow Hunters at the CDC along with Rene and Dinah.
I also liked this story-line because one, I loved to see basically all of them working together again, and two, I love seeing Felicity being a badass! More than usual, I mean. Of course, this being Arrow, and only episode 3, they didn't catch Diaz (which is really annoying me, I'm tired of him) but they did catch Silencer, one of the Longbow Hunters, so I'm curious to see where this leads to.
And, to finish this rant, the weirdest story-line of this episode - Diggle discovers that Lila has been keeping secrets from him about some type of mission or something.
I don't know where this is going and I'm actually pretty confused by it. I'm not really that interested right now, to be honest, but let's see.
Okay guys, this are my thoughts on the latest Arrow episode.
So far, this season isn't really surprising me. I think right now The Flash is better but, you never know, things might change.
Let me know your thoughts and predictions and I'll see you tomorrow with a new The Flash rant (which I watched live today).

Friday, October 26, 2018

Supernatural | Season 14 Episode 3 - "The Scar"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello people!
Here I am with the last rant of the week - Supernatural.
Once again I was able to watch this episode live (although I missed a few minutes of the beginning) and I'm so glad I did because this was a really interesting episode. There wasn't anything major that left me surprised or really excited, but it was an interesting episode overall.
Like the title says, this episode was all about the scar that Dean finds in his body.
I the beginning, I was really intrigued buy the name of the episode, but as soon as I saw that scar, I understood.
So, in order to remember where it came from, and know more about Michael and his plans, Dean asks Castiel to search in this mind for stuff and that's when they see Michael being attacked by a hooded figure with a spear, the same spear that injured Michael, and pretty soon they recognize the figure as the same one that killed Kaia in 'The Bad Place'.
Then, the Winchesters team up with Jody, who has been investigating a series of murders where the victims all have scars just like the one Dean has. They then discover that this victims are, in fact, some of the monsters that Michael have been experimenting on. As they discover this, the hooded figure attacks them and that's when they realize that it's Kaia's doppelgänger from 'The Bad Place'.
They get to capture her and learn a lot about her, such as that she's also a dream-walker and that she has been sharing visions with Kaia her whole life. Dean also tries to get an hold of the spear, but Kaia doesn't tell him, and that's the moment where enhanced vampires, sent by Michael attack them.
Kaia ends up saving their lives but then leaves with the spear.
This was a pretty badass moment and, to be honest, all of Kaia's scenes were pretty good and I'm glad she's back because I had totally forgotten about this hooded figure so, this is a nice touch to this season.
Probably my favorite part of the episode was actually the whole Jack story-line (which has a lot more to come, I can feel it).
Jack, feeling useless without his powers, tries to leave the bunker but, suddenly, he takes interest in a young woman that the hunters saved from a witch. But, the issue his, she's not really saved, because she's aging to death and neither Castiel's powers nor a reverse spell can save her.
That's when Jack realizes some stuff and he's actually the one to save this girl and bring her back to life after dying.
This was a pretty cute moment, even more with Castiel congratulating him. But then, Jack hides the fact that he is now coughing up blood and that really worried me. First, I thought it was just a cold, and that was pretty cute, but then I saw the blood and now I'm really worried about Jack because I love him and he's so precious that I don't want anything bad to happen to him.
Anyway, this are my thoughts on the latest Supernatural episode.
Next one is going to be a case of the week type of episode and, surprisingly, I'm pretty excited about it. I feel like I need some 'normality' so what's better then a case of the week? Plus, Jack is coming along this time (at least I'm counting on that) so I'm going to be so much fun.
So, let me know all your thoughts and predictions and I'll talk to you next week!

Thursday, October 25, 2018

American Horror Story: Apocalypse | Season 8 Episode 7 - "Traitor"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello people!
Today I am here with the rant of the new American Horror Story episode. Unfortunately, not my favorite.
I feel like I say this in basically all flashback episodes, and I've explained this already, but I don't enjoy them as much as the 'present day' episodes and this week's episode wasn't exception. I have really mixed feelings towards this episode because I feel like it was necessary. It gave us a lot of information that we needed and that we wanted to know but at the same time I wasn't surprised nor excited about it so I just feel weird.
So, as I said, this episode tied a lot of loose ends, one of them being Dinah Stevens.
Right in the beginning of the episode we learn that Dinah is a voodoo witch (the queen actually) and we see  Cordelia reach out to her in a way to arrange a meeting with Papa Legba in an attempt to prevent Langdon's plans.This brought back another cool character from Coven and, actually, it brought a big surprise - Nan. It was really unexpected and this must have been my favorite part of this episode because, although I wasn't that attached to Nan, it was a nice touch and something that barely anyone was expecting so... I liked it.
Anyway, after revealing that he owns Nan's soul, Papa Legba agrees to help entrap Langdon under the condition of Cordelia giving him the souls of the remaining girls. Of course Cordelia refuses and Papa Legba just disappears with Nan.
Meanwhile this is happening, we see the return of another character, but this time, a much recent one.
In order to learn more about the warlocks and their plans, Madison enlists the help of Myrtle's long time friend, Bubble McGee, an witch-actress who has the ability to read minds.
At a dinner party help by Myrtle, Bubbles discovers that Ariel and Baldwin know about the death of John Henry and that they are planning to kill all the witches.
Back in the Coven's house, we see Coco developing her powers (not much though) and, suddenly, she chokes and dies. That's when we get deeper into Mallory's powers and we see her taking the piece of cake out of Coco's throat and just bringing her to life (sort of). After learning this, Zoe tells Cordelia and even confides that she thinks it's not Michal who's making Cordelia weak, but Mallory, who might actually be the next Supreme.
I can't say this was surprising, because I saw a lot of people predicting that, but I do prefer this idea over Mallory being an angel so I hope they stick to this. There's still the possibility of her actually be an angel, mostly because of what Zoe said about never seeing a power and a spell that could do that, but I hope they stick with her just being a really powerful witch.
Then, we see another of those little montages of the Seven Wonders, now Mallory being the tested one, to which she passes after successfully resurrecting John Henry, which wasn't a big surprise to me because I predicted that he was coming back. Mainly because he's a main character this season but yeah.
Then, in the very end of the episode, the coven capture Ariel, Baldwin and Mead, and burn them at the stake. And that's how the episode ended.
And, before I end this rant, I just wanted to add a few things. First, I need to mention that we also saw how Myrtle came back to life, which was a nice touch that some people where wondering so, nice. Not so nice was the fact that neither Even Peters not Cody Fern were in the episode, and I'm not okay with it. Just wanted to point that out. Okay, rant over.
I don't really have many predictions for next episode. Just that I think there's still going to be one more episode with flashbacks and not just this one as I predicted last week. There's still a few things for us to understand, mainly how the apocalypse actually happened, so I feel like next episode is going to be that. Maybe they'll intertwine with some 'present day' stuff but, I don't know. Let me know what you think and I'll talk to you tomorrow!

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

The Challenge: Final Reckoning | Season 32 Episode 16 - "The Leftovers"

Spoiler Alert!

(Look how beautiful Bananas looks in my banner!)
Hello people!
Here I am with the new The Challenge rant (which I thought I wasn't going to post today but I did so congrats to me!).
I'm not going to waste any time and jump right into it! I really liked this episode, even though I was wrong with my prediction.
The episode actually started with that huge fight that was a big part of the episode. So, the story goes like this: they all go out for dinner, they eat a lot, everyone is pretending to be okay with each other, they get to the vans to get back to the house and... Tony throws away Cory's pasta (which was in a container). They then arrive at the house and, out of nowhere, Cory knocks out Tony. Tony was clearly wasted though but, this time, he didn't do anything and Cory went pretty low and just knocked him out, out of nowhere.
The rest of the night was focused on that. Then, as usual, the people involved in a 'fight' go to an hotel to clear their heads and then the drama moved to Bananas.
Bananas have been a target throughout this whole season and, as he said before, everyone has their limit and in this episode Devin really pushed them. Actually, despise what everyone might say, I applaud Bananas because he acted pretty well in this whole thing. Devin kept pushing him and Bananas actually tried to get away from him but Devin kept chasing him and it came to a point where Bananas had to use Devin's dad's death to just get rid of him. But, to be honest, he didn't even say anything that bad. The only thing that he did was say that he shouldn't be in the game but instead be at home with his family and such, which I don't think is that bad.
After that, things cleared a bit and in the next morning both Tony and Cory came back to the house. And then TJ appeared. Something had to be done so... Devin and Cory were sent home, just like that. What Cory did was really horrible and this was actually the right thing to do.
Also, this is great for Bananas' game so, that's also a plus.
Past all this, it was time for the week's challenge - Trivia.
I was really excited for this challenge because they usually are pretty bad at it but this time they surprised me and basically everyone did pretty well. I was also really happy with the outcome because Paulie and Natalie won and they're on Bananas' side so, I'm cool with how this is going.
Then the episode just ended but not before we see a preview for the next one. We got to see a lot of people and the only two teams that we didn't were Bananas/Tony and Ashley/Hunter. My guess is that all of Bananas' people are going to vote for Ashley and Hunter and they are probably going to choose to go against Bananas and Tony, just because... I doubt Ashley and Hunter win against them, and I sure hope they don't but, you never know. My prediction is that they are the ones to go to the redemption house. Also, they next challenge is a Purge challenge so, that's also going to be interesting.
Let me know your thoughts and predictions and I'll see you tomorrow with a new AHS rant!

The Flash | Season 5 Episode 3 - "The Death of Vibe"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello everyone!
Once again, here I am with a new The Flash rant! This time, I was able to watch the episode live again and that always makes me happy. Also, somehow, it always makes the episode more enjoyable.
I have to say, this episode wasn't anything special. It was okay, and I liked it, but there wasn't anything surprising nor that exciting. Yes, Tom Cavanagh was back with a different Wells but that wasn't enough for me. Plus, this Wells isn't that enjoyable (just like all the other Wells, to be honest, apart from HR) so, I don't know...
There was something else that I quite enjoyed about this episode, which was all the Ralph and Caitlin story-line. Caitlin and Ralph finally go to meet with Caitlin's mom and confront her about her husband's death certificate which she obviously denies she has anything to do with it. But Caitlin and Ralph are smarter and they go check the records and see if they find something else. They do find some stuff, including an old periodic table that Caitlin used do to/play with her father, alongside a letter from her dad confessing committing suicide. It was obvious to me that her mum must have put it in there for them to find. We don't know if that's case, but we do find out in the very end of the episode that Caitlin's dad left an hidden message in her periodic table telling her to go find him so that is huge and I'm really enjoying this story-line. What I'm not enjoying about this is that people are already shipping Ralph and Caitlin and, don't get me wrong, I love both characters, but I just can't see them together. I would be okay with it though, but I'm not rooting for it right now nor I'm shipping it.
Meanwhile all this is happening, the remaining members of Team Flash are dealing with Cicada.
I like that they are jumping straight into it and not wasting time. That's something new and I'm enjoying that.
Anyway so, the new Wells pinpoints Cicada as David Hersch, but is proven to be wrong when Cicada attacks Joe, looking for Cisco/Vibe.
We king of knew this was going to happen because it it the name of the episode, but they actually handled things quite well. 
Cicada does 'catch' Vibe and stabs him, breaking his arms in the process. But then, Nora has a plan (surprisingly). She makes it seem like Cisco died when, in fact, he used a breach machine instead of his hand in a way to escape. 
In the very end of the episode we learn that Cicada is a father, which we already kind of guessed, but that he is also a meta-human, which was surprising to me. We also see that he has a daughter which is in a coma.
I'm getting pretty convinced that this is all revenge because a meta-human must have done something to his daughter. I just don't know because, initially, I thought she was dead, but now we see that she's in a coma so... I'm curious to see why he's targeting metas and what's behind all this stuff. Also, it just occurred to me, what if it was him who did something to his daughter? What if he didn't want to be a meta and because he turned into a meta he injured his daughter and now he's angry with himself so he wants to kill all metas and then kill himself? That's just a thought that occurred to me.
Well, let me know your thoughts and predictions and I'll see you tomorrow with new rants!

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Arrow | Season 7 Episode 2 - "The Longbow Hunters"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello people!
Here I am, today, with a new Arrow rant. Unfortunately, not a good one.
It really pains me to say (I hate saying bad stuff about my favorite series) but this episode was really boring. I was really hopeful after the first episode, which got me really pumped for this season but this episode... it really disappointed me.
Just like in last season, this episode was heavily focused on Diaz and I thought I was okay with having the same villain but, I guess I'm not. With this episode I realized I'm really tired of Ricardo Diaz and I just can't wait for him to disappear or go away or something. I guess I'm feeling just like Felicity - I can't wait to get rid of him.
Also, I never thought I would say this about Arrow but the (now) flash-forwards are the best thing right now. And, in this episode, was the only thing that got me excited. It's really amazing finding out where people are in the future and, in that department, they are doing things really well.
Something else that I quite enjoyed were the prison scenes. There's a reason why the show is called Arrow and there's a reason why Stephen Amell is the lead. His parts of the episode were the best and, although those guys at the prison are pissing me off, I'm also pretty interested in everything that is happening to Oliver while he's in prison. Also, I don't know if I mentioned this in my previous Arrow rant, but Oliver's new 'sidekick' he's from an horror movie that I really love so it's funny having him now in the show. And I'm liking it.
I don't know what else to say about this episode because, apart from what I've already mentioned, everything else was boring. I liked Felicity though, and that Rene and Curtis helped her. That was nice as well. I guess I kind of enjoyed Dinah and Black Siren, even though I still hate Black Siren and I am still annoyed that Katie Cassidy is still part of the cast. Don't get me wrong, I don't have anything against her (even though I don't particularly like her) but, to be me, it just makes Laurel's death pointless and I just can't. I just can't!
Okay guys, I'm sorry for this really short rant but, the truth is, this episode didn't do it for me so I don't have much to say about it. Hopefully the next one will be better.
Let me know your thoughts and I'll see you tomorrow with a new rant!

Friday, October 19, 2018

The Flash | Season 5 Episode 2 - "Blocked"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello guys and welcome to the last rant of the week!
Finally I'm all caught up on the posts so that's always nice.
I know I took a little some time with this The Flash rant but I had so many other series to watch that I had to leave one for last, and this time it was The Flash. This episode wasn't as good as the first one, in my opinion, but it was really nice. It was full of different stories and I like when every single character has their own story, even if all of them have to get together to fight the bad guys (which isn't exactly true, and we saw it in this episode).
The episode actually started with Nora telling everyone that she's not really stuck and telling everyone about what is going to happen to Barry in the future. This was something nice because I'm tired of everyone keeping secrets so this was different and I liked it.
Then, like I said before, this focused on little story-lines from each character. I guess I'm going to start with my favorite (character, I mean) - Ralph. This episode showed me why I love Ralph so much! He's too cute! In every way!
His story-line was actually connected with Cisco and Caitlin. Ralph wanted to keep searching for Caitlin's dad but Cisco was still heartbroken from Gypsy, so they started on working on some steps (made by Ralph) to get over a break-up. This was really cute and I loved it! Then, we realize that Caitlin is dealing with her own issues as well and turns out she doesn't really want to find out if her dad is still alive because if he is, it means he didn't want to see her. Then, of course, they have some talks and I guess in the end everything works out and Cisco vibes and Caitlin sees her mum signing the death certificate, or at least, that's what it looked like.
At the same time as this was happening, Barry was also dealing with Nora. He started letting her spend a lot more time with him and even help him with the case of the week - which was a meta that manipulated atoms or something and was stealing high-tech weapons. Well, I'm not getting much into the small events but they do catch her and then that's when the most interesting part happens. Cicada appears and kills this meta as well as 'steals' or 'blocks' Barry, Cisco and Ralph's powers.
Well, back in STAR Labs, Iris let them know about her own investigation and, turns out, she has been investigating this Cicada guy and it also looks like Nora knows something about him as well, so this is going to be interesting. For once, Team Flash might be a little ahead because of Nora. Also, I need to point out that, when Nora and Cicada look at each other, it looks like they know one another so, I guess we're going to find more about that in the next episode.
Okay, I guess that's it for this episode.
Let me know your thoughts and predictions and I'll talk to you in my next rant!

Supernatural | Season 14 Episode 2 - "Gods and Monsters"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello guys!
Today I am here with the new Supernatural rant (the The Flash rant it's coming soon, I promise) and what an episode! 
Thank god I was right about Richard Speight Jr. saving this episode! And he really did! After last episode, my hopes were a little low, but I had faith in Richard and he did an amazing job with this episode. Unlike the previous one, this felt like a Supernatural episode. Everything was a lot more authentic and I loved the interactions between the characters and the whole story made a lot more sense and, overall, it was just so much better than and I truly loved it! Also, I got to watch the episode live (and live tweet) so that's always a plus.
Like I was saying, this episode touched a little bit on everything and we got development for basically all the characters. We saw Jack still struggling with not having powers, we see Jack and Cas have some really nice bonding moments and, overall, Jack was just a cutie this episode, mainly when he goes to visit his grandparents - that was such a sweet part of the episode.
We also get more development from Nick, seeing him still tormented by what Lucifer did using him and he even displays some aggressive and even Lucifer-like behavior, causing Castiel to suspect that Lucifer did more damage than they thought. This is even worse when Nick remembers that his wife and son were murdered and it never got solved, setting him off after revenge. Actually, the last scene that we see with Nick was a really alarming one with him going to his neighbor Arty, the only witness, for answers and then just killing him. I don't really know what to think about this, to be honest, but I kind of miss Lucifer so it's nice to have Mark Pellegrino not playing exactly Lucifer but a character somehow similar to him.
Then, there's the 'major' thing this season - Michael.
We see that he's still in Dean's body and that he has been experimenting on vampires, feeding them angel grace in a way to form some type of enhanced monster.
Michael's experiments draw the attention of Sam, Bobby and Mary who investigate while Michael makes a deal with a pack of werewolves to create this enhanced monsters and wipe out the human race.
Also, turns out Michael created a trap and then this enhanced monsters attack Sam, Mary and Bobby, making them realize that they are immune to silver but not to decapitation. After the fight, Dean suddenly arrives with Michael no longer inside him. Dean explains that Michael left his body on his own, but he doesn't know why.
To be honest, my first thought was that Michael was playing them, but after watching the preview for next episode, I guess this really is Dean and Michael must have a much bigger plan. Also, I don't know how I feel about being really Dean. I mean, I really missed Dean and I much prefer Jensen as Dean then as Michael, but it seemed too easy. I don't know...
Let me know your thoughts and predictions and I'll see you soon with the new The Flash rant!

American Horror Story: Apocalypse | Season 8 Episode 6 - "Return to Murder House"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello everyone!
The wait is over! The long awaited Murder House episode is here and it did not disappoint!
I have to say, I had really big expectations about this episode! Murder House is one of my favorite seasons and I'm that basic girl who loves Tate and Violet so, I just couldn't wait for this. Well, I can't say it exceeded my expectations, because it didn't, but it did not disappoint either. The episode was exactly what I was expecting. Yes, there was some stuff that I would never guess, just like the Moira part of the story, but like the Tate and Violet stuff, as well as the Tate and Michael 'encounter', I knew those things were going to happen.
Anyway, the episode starts with Madison and Behold buying the Murder House, just like some people predicted. Right away they felt something odd about the place. Then, they moved to cast a spell in order to make the spirits of the house show themselves. The first thing that they see is Tate and Ben talking, and Tate asking Ben for him to talk to Violet in a way to make her talk to him (Tate). After them, they encounter Constance, who agrees to talk to them if they banish Moira's ghost from the house, permanently. This, as I guess, must have been one of people's favorite thing, seeing Jessica Lange back. I myself couldn't really care that much. Her characters never were my favorites. Although, I did understand that she was going to be major for this episode and for this story so, I guess I was happy to see her back.
So, Madison and Behold do as Constance asked and set Moira free. Constance then starts telling them her story with Michael.
She says that she sensed something evil about him from the very beginning. In his youth, he began killing animals and then moved to his babysitter, just like we saw in the end of Murder House. In that moment, she thought she was raising a serial killer. But then, Michael ages ten years overnight, and so Constance asks for a priest's help, who then Michael ends up killing. It's in that moment that Constance realizes that sooner or later she's going to die on the hands of Michael, so she decides to go to the Murder House and kill herself there, where she then is reunited with her children, Tate, Beauregard and a little girl with no eyes.
After talking to Constance, Madison and Behold then go to talk to Ben, who tells them about all the times that he spent with Michael, treating him like his own son. This was something pretty sweet, actually. And I really liked to see a vulnerable side from Michael. You know, I'm a sucker for bad guys who are vulnerable and Michael is no exception. You could see in those moments that he's not actually evil, but that he became evil overtime and with what happened next.
It's then Vivien who tells Madison and Behold that a cult appeared in the house, looking for Michael. One of the members being Ms. Mead. They then to some type of satanic spell or something and that's when we see Michael turn to the dark side.
In the end, Vivien tells them that Michael's father is neither Ben nor Tate, but the evil of Murder House. 
And, in the very end, before leaving, Madison reunited Tate and Violet, which was, to be honest, the reason why most people were excited for this episode.
Before I end, I also need to mention that Sarah Paulson was the one to direct this episode and I quite liked what she did with the episode. It wasn't anything 'amazing' but it had the American Horror Story feel that I like so, good job.
I don't really have much predictions for next episode, to be honest. I do think that the next one is still going to be a 'flashback' and just after that we are going to go back to present time and really fight Michael. In the next episode we are probably going to find out more about the whole Mallory, Coco and Dinah stuff so, I'm curious about that. And, just a side note, I take back what I said in my last rant. I still think Murder House is the Sanctuary. This episode kind of made me make 'sure' of it because they did perform that satanic ritual or something in there so... Maybe it is the Sanctuary?! I don't know, but I'm going to keep that predictions.
Okay, I guess this is it. Let me know what you thought of this so awaited episode and which are your predictions for the next ones. We are nearly in the end so, how do you guys think this is all going to end? Personally, I hope Michael wins, but that's just me.
I'll see you tomorrow with new rants!

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Arrow | Season 7 Episode 1 - "Inmate 4587"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello everyone!
I am finally here with the rant of Arrow's new season!
Well, I have to say, I was quite scared of this episode. After Supernatural's season premiere, which I didn't like, I was really afraid I wasn't going to like Arrow's as well, mainly because both series have been airing for quite some time and they are basically dealing with the same issue - changing things up, and you already know how I feel about changing. Even more with two of my favorite series!
Luckily, I did enjoy this episode and I'm quite curious for the rest of the season. It looks like them changing show runners was a good thing and I'm liking where this is going.
We get into this season five months after what happened last season. We see Oliver in prison, trying to keep a low profile in order to get his sentence reduced. We also see that this is extremely difficult because, not only people keep provoking him because they all know now that he's the Green Arrow, but also because there's Diaz's associates inside the prison who also want him to loose his temper.
Meanwhile, Felicity and William try to cope with witness protection program while Diggle and ARGUS keep looking for Diaz.
Something also starts happening in Star City, or should I say, someone. A knew vigilante dressed as Green Arrow appears and takes down some arms trafficking operations. This was something interesting, one of the best things in this episode.
With Diaz still alive, I was pretty curious about who would they have as a 'bad guy' this season. Where they going to keep Diaz as the bad guy? Are they introducing another bad guy and still have Diaz around? My bet was the first thing, and I still think it's the thing that it's going to happen, but now they introduced a new element (or should I say, two) and, I don't know about you, but my first thought was that this archer guy was Roy. I was half right, I guess. We already knew that Colton Haynes was back to the show and I saw in an interview that he said that he was going to come back in a 'weird' way. Well, now that I think about it... I guess I'm a bit confused with this whole thing. Maybe they will do some intertwining with The Flash... I don't know, but I'm going to jump straight into the end because it was the most interesting part.
The episode actually ended with a 'flashback' (or so I thought). We see someone go to Lian Yu and then get captured. We then find out that Roy is in the island, he was the one who captured this guy and, turns out, this guy is none other then William! Which makes this not a flashback but a flash-forward! This is huge for Arrow because they have never done this, so I'm quite excited! At the same time, I'm confused because if William is the archer guy that his in Star City right now, as an adult, does that mean that he came to the past?! Or his this archer guy Roy? I don't know, but I hope to find out answers soon.
This archer guy also raises a lot of questions in the remaining Team Arrow. While Rene kind of trusts him and thinks that he's doing what's right (which I kind of agree), Dinah doesn't agree with Rene and is set to arrest him.
Well, and I guess that's pretty much it.
Although the beginning of the episode wasn't that great, it came around and by the end I was really excited! Loved that last 'fight scene' with Oliver in prison and then, of course, the flash-forward was something really unexpected! Congrats Arrow!
Now, let me know your thoughts and predictions and I'll see you later with the new AHS rant (which I'm so excited about)!

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

The Challenge: Final Reckoning | Season 32 Episode 15 - "Wheel of Fortune"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello again people!
Yes, I was able to watch and post about the new The Challenge episode, like I said I was going to try! And what an episode!
I'm extremely happy with this episode and I'm so stoked for the next one! It's going to be huge so I can't wait!
But anyway, this episode was full of eliminations. Heck, it was just eliminations, and it was so good!
First of all, we saw the elimination of Cara Maria/Marie and Shane/Nelson that was extremely short. Well, now that I think about it, I understand why it was so short. In the end, Cara and Marie lost and we saw them, straight away getting to the Redemption House and that's when the focus of the episode also moved to the Redemption House.
We already knew this was going to happen. This was only about the Redemption House and we see what we saw in the preview last week - that there was going to be two eliminations aka four teams to battle it out. My only issue was how that was going to play out but we soon learn that the eliminations are correlated and that was cool.
Anyway, back to the double cross. The first team to get the double cross was Kam and Kayleigh, who I don't really like but I was happy just because they had said that they were going to pick Cara and Marie because both were teams of two girls, and now it was all about getting a team of two girls back to the game. The next team to get the double cross was Kyle and Brad who, again, I'm not the biggest fan of but I guess I was okay with it. Either way, it was going to benefit Bananas so, that's all that matters really. 
I'm not going to talk much about the whole politics that happened after the double cross because it's just a mess but I'm just going to say that Kam had a plan to get Natalie and Paulie back into the game as well as having Cara and Marie. Well, in the end, it kind of worked out.
In the Armageddon, Kam and Kayleigh ended up choosing Cara and Marie, like they said they would, and Kyle and Brad chose Natalie and Paulie, just because they thought it was easier to beat them. Also in that moment, we learned that Zach had his nose broken so he couldn't stay in the game anymore, which meant Amanda had to go home as well. I can't say I'm mad at it, because I hate Amanda and I just can't stand looking at her, but I felt sorry for Zach who is a good competitor and is also on Bananas side. Oh, this also meant that we had to say goodbye to Jozea and Da'Vonne, which is a bummer too because they were actually good and I had faith in them. Well, I can't wait to see them in the game again, just like they said.
So, after that, we moved to the actual elimination which was pretty hard, I must say. First were the girls and I was so happy with the results! Cara and Marie won! And then, the other team... What a slap in the face! Natalie and Paulie ended up winning, which I'm also happy about, to be honest, even more after what Natalie went through inside that ball. That looked awful so, congrats!
And, that was it for the actual episode. We then saw that the next challenge is going to be Trivia, which is one of my favorite challenges and there's going to be a whole lot of drama involving Bananas, and I actually paid really close attentions to the footage and I'm 90% sure that Hunter is the one that is going to 'knock out' Bananas which is huge and, no matte who actually does it, it's going to make an huge impact in this team's game so... We're in for a ride in the next episode.
Anyway, that's it guys. I doubt I'll be able to post any more rants today so, keep an eye tomorrow.
Until then...

Supernatural | Season 14 Episode 1 - "Stranger in a Strange Land"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello guys!
I know, I know. I'm so late with all this rants. Hopefully, I'll be able to update you all on everything by the end of the week but, for now, you're going to have to bare with me. 
Anyway, today I'm here to talk to you about the season premiere of Supernatural. Unfortunately, I don't really have good things to say about this episode. Really, it pains me to say that I didn't like this episode and this might be the first time that I don't like a Supernatural episode. I don't know what it was but a lot of things felt off and I truly believe it's the director and the writer's fault because the actors were all pretty great.
So, we learn that three weeks have passed since Michael took over Dean's body and that Michael have been asking a lot of people the question "what do you want?" in a way to see who is 'worth' or something (which we kind of learn by the end of the episode). One of the people that he goes to talk to is the angel Anael aka Jo aka Danneel (Jensen's wife) and this must have been the only thing that I liked about the episode - seeing Jensen and Danneel act together. It was nice and funny at the same time. From that, it was just downhill.
Back in the bunker, everything is different! And, I guess that's the reason why I didn't like this episode. Everything felt so off and weird. Me, as a person, I hate change. I like to stick to a routine and know what I'm supposed to do and to go and what to expect and, seeing everything in this show so different from what it used to be... I guess it just upset me. First, Sam and Dean not being 'together' was so weird. Not that this hasn't happened before, but this time I fee like it's different. Plus, there's all other things that changed in this episode (and this season) - Sam is now the leader of a hunter group or something, which also means the bunker is full of people and that is also weird. Then there's Jack who doesn't have powers anymore which is extremely weird and, there's something going on between Mary and the Bobby from the other world which... weird!
Well, I guess there was another thing that surprised me and that I quite liked about this episode - Nick still being alive. And, if you don't know who Nick is, he's the vessel that Lucifer possessed (aka Mark Pellegrino) who survived after Lucifer being killed. I don't know what this means... Maybe there's a way for Lucifer to be back? To be honest, I'm really torn about that. In one hand I king of want him back because I just like Mark playing Lucifer but, on the other hand, it's getting tired of Lucifer always getting back so... Maybe they'll stick with him dead but still have Mark around as Nick. By the way, someone else that I really want to be back is Gabriel. And, there might be a chance that he's alive because I saw some set photos of Richard Speight Jr. with Jared and Jensen so... Maybe Gabriel is alive?! It can also just be the fact that Richard directed some episodes (one of them being the next one) but I'm going to keep on believe that Gabriel is still alive because I just love him too much.
Anyway, back to the story...
In a way to try to find Dean, Castiel goes to meet with the Demon Kipling who then ambushes him in hopes of making a deal with Sam and becoming the new King of Hell. Of course, Sam goes to rescue Castiel, not alone, of course and, in the end, he's able to kill Kipling and letting all the other demons know that there won't be no more Kings of Hell, something that he will enforce and the demons accept out of fear of Sam.
So, I guess that's pretty much it for this rant.
Like I said, I didn't like it, it was too weird for my liking but, hopefully, the next one will be better, mainly because it's Richard who directed the next episode and I always like his episodes so, I have faith.
Let me know what you thought of Season 14 premiere of Supernatural and I'll see you in my next rant (which might be still today - The Challenge - but I can't promise you anything).

Sunday, October 14, 2018

American Horror Story: Apocalypse | Season 8 Episode 5 - "Boy Wonder"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello everyone and here it (finally) is the new AHS rant!
So... What can I say about this episode? It was good. It wasn't like episode 3, but it was better than last episode. I don't know what else to say. For some odd reason I never like 'flashback' episodes as much as the episodes in the present day, but that didn't mean that I didn't like this episode. Actually, it had a lot of nice development of the story-line and it set things up nicely for the next one (which I'm so excited about).
Anyway, let's get into specifics and then I'll talk about predictions and what not.
The episode starts basically where the last one ended. We see some type of vision of a destroyed world and then we see Cordelia waking up. She tells the other witches the vision that she had and then decides that Michael does need to do the Seven Wonders test. Some of the witches don't agree with her decision, one of them being Myrtle.
Then, back in the Coven house, Cordelia let's Myrtle know that she is dying and slowly starting to loose her Supremacy.
Back in the warlocks house, John Henry Moore discovers Langdon's true self and decides that he needs to talk to Cordelia and so leaves. Unfortunately, Mead interferes and ends up killing him.
After that, we move on to the Seven Wonder test, which got me surprised for two different reasons. First, I thought that he wasn't going to do it because she said that it was in two weeks time or something and we saw in the present day in the last episodes that Cordelia was still the Supreme so I thought that he wasn't even going to get that far. And second, I was surprised with how they edited the sequence. It was actually pretty clever and interesting. Quite different actually, and I liked it so, good job on that.
Well, in the very end of the test, that's when things get really interesting. Cordelia asks Langdon to bring Misty from her personal hell and, besides already knowing that Lily Rabe was going to be back, you also know that Michael can, indeed, do that so, you know things are going to work out 'fine'. Which they do.
Misty then tells Cordelia that she senses something evil about Michael and that's when Cordelia let the witches know that she never planned to make Michael the Supreme and that she is actually planning an army against him and that she used him to resurrect her students.
And then, the set up for the next episode. Cordelia asks Madison to investigate Langdon's origins and sends her to the Murder House. And that's how the episode ends. 
I'm so stoked for the next episode! Not only it is going to feature all of my favorite characters (which are all from the Murder House) but it will also be a longer episode with almost an hour, which is great!
Oh, and before I end this rant, I just need to mention two other things. One, we finally saw how Coco came into place of being a witch and everything and, of course, she had to have the dumbest power of all. Two, where was Evan Peters in this episode?! That must have been my only issue with this episode, to be honest. Luckily, we are going to have a lot of Evan Peters in the next one (or at least I hope so).
In terms of predictions, I have to say that I'm starting to doubt my prediction that Murder House is the Sanctuary. I'm starting to believe that there's no Sanctuary and, instead, I believe that Murder House might be the place where the witches are right now. Having Cordelia's vision in mind, if that really happened and Michael destroyed the Coven's house, they had to move somewhere else so I believe that might be the Murder House. Also, I don't know if Mallory has, in fact, someone inside her. I still think Dinah is Queenie and Coco is Zoe but Mallory... I don't know. I also don't like the prediction that everyone is saying - that Mallory is an angel or something. I guess that's too cliche for AHS, in my opinion, so I hope they don't go with that.
Anyway, this are my thoughts and predictions for AHS. Let me know yours and I'll see you soon with a new SPN rant!

Saturday, October 13, 2018

The Challenge: Final Reckoning | Season 32 Episode 14 - "Lavender Is the New Black"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello everyone!
First of all, I'm so sorry I took way too long with this rant (this and all the others). You know, life happens. I really thought I was going to be able to post this sooner but turns out I didn't have any time so I'm posting this now. Hope you don't mind and forgive me for being late.
Anyway, past that, I have to say that I'm actually pretty happy with this episode of The Challenge. After the huge twist that was the last episode, I was really curious to see this one and, at the same time, kind of worried because Bananas was really low on alliances and I don't like that.
Surprisingly, we didn't see much drama in this episode. We saw Zach/Amanda and Jozea/Da'Vonne getting to the Redemption House, talking to everyone else that was there and that's it.
Then, we moved to the main house where the main topic was, obviously, the two alliances that are against Bananas, the Lavender Ladies and the TYB (Nelson, Hunter and Cory). They kept all being so annoying and seriously, I applaud Bananas for keeping up with that sh*t and not saying anything really, because they were all so annoying. But enough about that, let's just jump right into the week's challenge.
It was a pretty interesting one and, actually, they dragged it a lot, and leaving Bananas and Tony for last just to build up the tension because right now, they would either win and be safe, or not win and know that they were going to elimination. Thank god they actually won! I was really worried because, in the end, it was between Bananas/Tony and Nelson/Shane and I really didn't want Shane and Nelson to win so yeah, thank got Bananas and Tony won!
After that, all the drama was about Marie and her fake friends. Since she's teamed up with Cara and Cara, obviously is the only person right now on Bananas' side, they both knew (Cara and Marie) and they where going to be the ones to go to elimination. Still, Marie was part of the Lavender Ladies (kind of) and she was really good friends with Shane but everyone tells her that they are voting for her and Cara and all hell breaks loose! Marie starts fighting with everyone and Sylvia even pushes her with her head like, it was a little 'tap', it wasn't a big fight but it was nasty the way Sylvia was talking to her 'friend'. This is how you see who your real friends are.
When it came to the actual elimination, Cara and Marie already knew they were going in, with everyone but Bananas and Tony voting for them. This was actually 'funny' because now they could choose anyone else to go against them and Marie was really pissed off at everyone so, I was curious to see which team they were going to pick. I was actually surprised (or not, I don't know) when they chose to go against Shane and Nelson. I mean, I don't know if I would pick them because it's two guys against two girls but at the same time, Shane is the shadiest and he's, like Marie said, they head of all this alliances so, you gotta start with cutting off the snake's head.
And well, the episode ended like that.
I have faith that Cara and Marie are going to pull it off and win. Well, at least, I hope so, because I would love to see Shane and Nelson go to the Redemption House and basically have no chances into getting back to the main game because no one likes them in there. 
I don't know what's going to happen with those teams, but we do know, from the preview, that in the next double cross, four teams are going to elimination and two are getting back to the game so, I'm excited for that.
Ok, so that's it. Let me know all your thoughts and predictions and I'll see you soon with a new rant.

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

The Flash | Season 5 Episode 1 - "Nora"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello everyone and welcome to the new season of The Flash!
First of all, I thought I should tell you that I had to watch this episode twice because I did watch some parts live but my stream was crappy and I missed the last 10 minutes (plus some other parts) so I had to re-watch everything today.
Anyway, past that, I loved this episode! Right from the beginning!
Like I said previously, I did miss some parts and one of those were the very beginning where it's actually Nora who makes the introduction of the episode, which I thought was really cute! Also, it totally got the mood started for the rest of the episode which, like the title says, was all about Nora.
There was a lot of questions about what she was doing in the present timeline, what was the big mistake that she did and what is going on between her and Iris and a bit with Barry as well, and we get answers to basically all this questions in this first episode. (Or at least, we think we get them).
Right in the very beginning we get the answer to the biggest question for the end of last season, which was 'what big mistake did Nora do?' and, turns out, she says that it was getting to this timeline. I don't know if I buy that, to be honest, but let's roll with that for now.
She also says that she can't go back to her timeline because she can't run fast enough so, from that point, the main focus of the episode is to find a way to get Nora to her timeline.
We see that Iris is pretty excited to meet her daughter but, on the other hand, Barry is really concerned about the timeline and that she might create another Flashpoint or something.
And if getting Nora back to her timeline wasn't enough, of course a new 'meta of the week' appears - Gridlock, who uses kinetic energy to get stronger and stronger. Well, turns out that Nora knows this meta because of The Flash museum from her timeline. This raises a lot of little things that were pretty funny. Well, the whole episode was kind of funny and cute, but pretty sad by the end, to be honest, but I'll get into that.
So, Flash keeps fighting this meta with some old versions of his suits, courtesy of Nora, and even that is pretty funny. Also, of course they can't defeat the bad guy in the first attempt so they try to get their other problem fixed - getting Nora home. That's when they try to do that that they find out that Nora's blood has some negative tachyons that are making her slower so that's why she can't time travel.
After that failed attempt, Iris and Barry have a conversation about Nora and that's when Barry realizes that something is wrong. He goes to talk to Nora and that's when she reveals that, in the future, Barry disappears and he never returns, so she ended up living with just Iris her whole life. That was actually why she came to this timeline and that actually she is using some type of device to 'create' the negative tachyons, because she just wanted to spend a day with her dad, who she barely met.
Back to the 'meta of the week', the later now decides to cause a plane crash and, of course, Team Flash has to stop it, to which all three - Barry, Wally and Nora - go and make the place phase, making this the first time that Nora was actually able to phase. That was a beautiful scene!
Well, and in the end, Barry decides to let Nora stay, saying that she should improve her powers before she goes back to her timeline which, we know, deep down, is just Barry sorry that she didn't spend any time with him when she was growing up.
Oh, and before I end, I should also talk about some other things that I really enjoyed about this episode which were Ralph, obviously, and him not knowing about the multiverse - that was so cute! Also, the Killer Frost story-line is already in progress, with Ralph helping Caitlin and finding out that her dad might not be dead after all! This was huge! Oh, and of course, Cicada in the very end of the episode was nice too. Although I don't know if we're getting to him already in the next episode... Let's see.
I guess that's pretty much it for this rant. I still have some doubts about Nora's big mistake, I believe there's more to it, also, I think something happened between her and Iris, besides being her only parent. I don't know, there must be something more about Nora so, let's see. But I really liked her anyway! I'm happy to have her in the cast!
So, let me know your thoughts and predictions and, just a side note, The Challenge's review is only going to go up probably tomorrow because I have an event this evening so I can't post it today. So, I'll see you tomorrow with new rants!

Friday, October 5, 2018

American Horror Story: Apocalypse | Season 8 Episode 4 - "Could It Be... Satan?"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello everyone!
First of all, I'm sorry for being a little late with this rant. It's been hard to manage both my blog and my youtube channel at the same time with new content basically almost every day so, I hope you forgive me.
Second, I wasn't that pleased with the episode. I mean, I get that this episode was important to understand a lot of things, but after last week's episode, which was mind blowing, I have to say, I was disappointed.
So, basically the whole episode is flashbacks from three years ago. We see that Outpost 3 was a warlock school (only boys with power) just like the coven was a school just for girl witches. I saw some people predicting this so, it wasn't a surprise. We then see this school seek out for Michael Langdon because of his powers. They believe Michael is the Alpha, which is superior to the Supreme (which is always a women). We see this thing about witches and, now that I'm realizing, maybe that's the reason why I didn't enjoy this episode that much. This was heavily about witches and the coven and, as you know, Coven is my least favorite season so...
Anyway, they go look for Michael and put him through tests where he displays tremendous abilities. After seeing those, they decide to call the Witches School for a meeting in order to Cordelia see his powers and put him through the Seven Wonders Test (I think that's what it is called).
Cordelia refuses, afraid that he might be killed because there has never been an Alpha. So, in order to prove his power, Michael saves Queenie from eternal damnation at the Hotel Cortez, which was a big surprise, probably the best thing in this episode because I had no idea that this season was gonna feature Hotel as well as some character from that season, such as Mr. March, who was in this episode and which I loved! 
As well as saving Queenie, Michael also fetches Madison from her personal hell. I didn't remember her dying though, so this was a surprise.
And the episode basically ends like that.
However, it did make me change my mind about who Coco and Dinah are in fact. Mainly because Madison mentioned something about voodoo so she's clearly Queenie. Now, I wonder if Coco is in fact Zoe because in the flashback Zoe was the one to go with Cordelia and Myrtle to the warlocks' school. Now, it was Madison instead of Zoe so I wonder if Coco is Zoe. That would also make sense why Mallory was her assistance because we also saw in the flashback that Mallory really is a witch and she was in the witches school and Zoe believed she was really powerful so, I wonder all of that.
I hope it made some sense. This things get pretty confusing.
Well, I don't have anything else to say so, tell me your thoughts and predictions and I'll see you next week with new rants!

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

The Challenge: Final Reckoning | Season 32 Episode 13 - "The People vs. Johnny Bananas"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello everyone and welcome to the review of the craziest The Challenge episode!
Seriously, wow! I don't have words for this episode! It was everything that I want out a The Challenge episode and this showed why I love this series so much! For real, I couldn't be happier with the episode! Yes, my prediction was all wrong but you know what?! I liked this outcome better, to be honest.
In case you didn't watch the episode (which, by the way, you should) everything came down when Zach and Amanda couldn't make a decision. I mean, we already knew this was going to happen, but that outcome, wow!
So, the first part of the episode was just 'drama'... Like, everyone was coming up with a plan and, this part, actually, I got right. The lavender ladies all wanted to vote for Bananas and then, there was Jozea/Da'Vonne, Cara Maria/Marie and Zach/Amanda. Zach and Amanda actually had a pretty big argument and, in the end, they voted for Jozea and Da'Vonne, like I predicted. But then, there's what I didn't get right - Bananas and Cara Maria decided that they should vote for Ashley and Hunter because Marie didn't want to vote for Shane so, they went with Ashley which, right away, was something I wasn't expecting. But one of the biggest surprised were that actually, this time, Jozea and Da'Vonne picked a side and, since we knew this was going to go to a tie, we knew they were on Bananas' side! 
Then, comes the biggest surprise of the episode (and maybe even the season)!
It gets to a tie between Bananas/Tony and Ashley/Hunter, as expected. Also, as expected, Amanda and Zach can't be on the same page so... They are the ones to go to elimination! That was some big twist! I mean, they didn't have to, but TJ said that either they would come to a decision or they would be the ones to go to elimination and Zach, also in a way to king of 'punish' Amanda, decides that they go in and that's it. Then, obviously, because no one voted for them, they could pick out of anyone else so they went with the safe choice - Jozea and Da'Vonne. But they weren't going to go against each other - both teams would go against Devin and Cory, the mercenaries. 
That's when TJ explains that, because Cory and Devin are getting into the game pretty close to the end that, in order to really get a place in the game, they had to beat both teams and, if not, they would go to the redemption house. Zach and Amanda went first against them and... Cory and Devin won, unfortunately. After that, it was all up to Jozea and Da'Vonne to stop Cory and Devin from getting into the main game but... They also failed at that, unfortunately. I was really rooting for them, not only because they were on Bananas' side, but also because I hate Devin, he's like the male version of Amanda so we did get rid of Amanda, but now there's Devin to replace her... Ugh!
Anyway, these were the events in this episode.
I have no idea what's going to happen in the next episode but a Redemption House episode must be pretty close and, after that, I guess there won't be more Redemption House. Also, I do believe Joze and Da'Vonne are going to get the double cross and they are going to get back into the game again. They are just that lucky and, to be honest, I kind of want them back. I don't like any of the other people that is there so... They are the better ones and, since the beginning, I've been liking their game so, I want them back.
So, let me know your thoughts on this crazy episode and I'll see  you tomorrow with a new AHS rant!