
Wednesday, January 30, 2019

The Flash | Season 5 Episode 12 - "Memorabilia"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello guys and welcome to a brand new The Flash rant!
I have a few things to say about this episode so let's jump right into it.
Overall, it was a good episode but it left me a bit underwhelmed. The whole thing about this episode was the idea to go into Nora's mind, see her memories and find out about what she's hiding and, throughout the whole episode, they made us believe that we were going to get some payoff but... It never arrives. I understand that this is a little early to get answers in that department, but you really made us believe that Barry and Iris were going to find out something about Nora and they never do. That's the downside of this episode. Good thing is, this episode also gave us a lot of hints about other stuff so it kind of redeemed itself.
So, they get right on with Barry's plan to wake Grace up in a way to 'stop' Cicada and, for once, it looks like everything is aligned. Sherloque proposes a method in which they can enter Grace's memories and wake her up from there. The thing is, Sherloque has another intention with this and, as a precaution, he says that two people have to enter Grace's mind in order to be safe and, right away, he suggests Nora and Barry, which Barry agrees right away (Sherloque always having in mind that Barry might find something in Nora's memories, because that is a possibility). Of course, Nora is afraid about what Barry might find and, when she gets the chance to get inside Grace's mind by herself, she takes it, without thinking in the consequences (as she often does). Obviously things go sour and that's when Barry and Iris have to intervene and go to Grace's mind as well but, instead of Grace's memories, they end up in Nora's memories.
This thing about Nora's memories was actually nice because we got so see the Flash Museum, which was something that I was curious about. 
As you can imagine, they have a lot of problems, not only Barry and Iris but also Nora and Grace, in Grace's memories but eventually Barry and Iris find the two girls, just in time to discover that Grace shares her uncle's anti-meta views, ending up attacking Nora.
Thankfully, they are able to get back to the real world, without Grace though, and that's when Caitlin reveals that Grace has some Dark Matter around her brain and that they can't go back to her mind.
This was the main story-line of the episode but there were other little things that were quite interesting about this episode, such as Iris creating her newspaper - Central City Citizen - which Nora reveals was only founded in 2021 and so Iris is changing the future.
Also, Cisco makes some headway on the meta cure, which Barry decides to use on Cicada.
The whole thing with Grace also brought some things to my mind and now I think that Cicada isn't really the big bad in this episode but Grace is! We saw something in Nora's memories about Cicada never dying and something tells me that he does, but Grace take's his place and keeps on killing metas. That's my prediction for now.
Let me know your predictions and I'll see you guys in my next rant!

Arrow | Season 7 Episode 11 - "Past Sins"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello guys!
Yes, a little late (as usual) but, if you follow me on twitter, you already knew that this was coming a little late today. Oh, and in case you didn't know, follow me on twitter (@danixinhahhh) because I always post there when I can't post or when the post is going up a little late.
So, about Arrow... This episode, I would say, was neutral for me. There wasn't anything that I really hated (maybe one thing) but there wasn't really anything special about it either so... I don't really know what to think about it.
The episode starts actually pretty good, with Black Siren and Oliver giving an interview about being vigilantes with their identity revealed, and I liked that. But then, I guess it was downhill.
First, there was a story-line involving Black Siren and a stalker that, apparently, came back from Earth-2. That story-line was pretty weak, in my opinion. Not only I don't really care about Black Siren, but pretty soon it was revealed that her stalker had already died so... It did give a good ending to the episode though, with Dinah also getting a note from Black Siren's same stalker which means, it wasn't the guy from Earth-2 that Black Siren suspected.
Then, there's the ARGUS story-line.
At first, I was actually enjoying that story-line. I mean, in the really beginning of the season I just thought it was pointless but after the whole thing with Diaz and the ghost program I was getting excited. That is, until we see Diaz escape and killing Curtis in the process. I was so mad when I saw that. Plus, that cut to commercial what really made me mad and sad at the same time. When we got back to the episode, it was revealed that Diaz was actually in a controlled hallucination brought on by Curtis with the intent of getting information out of Diaz and so, nothing that happened before really happened, which I thought was pretty clever. That part of the episode surprised me so, congrats on that!
And then there's the third story-line which is basically about Oliver's dad security's son. Basically the SCPD is attacked and we find out that the 'villain' is the son of one of the men from the Queen's Gambit, who Oliver's dad killed so that Oliver could survive. It's the basic revenge story which, obviously ends with the guy in prison.
Of course this was all a way to make Emiko realize that Oliver isn't Robert, which she does in the end, going to Oliver and telling him that she's going to think about starting to talk, which is already something. And that's basically it.
Like I said, there wasn't anything major in this episode. I don't care about Black Siren, the Diaz story-line is getting really annoying, the 'villain of the week' wasn't anything special and I still don't know if I like Emiko or not. The only good parts for me where the hallucination, which was really clever, and the note that Dinah got in the end of the episode. That left me really curious so... Let's see where this goes.
From what we can see until now, this season still doesn't have a villain so... Let me know your theories on that. I would say that Dante might be bigger than we think but... I don't know. We don't know much about him.
For now that's it. I'll see you guys next with a new The Flash rant!

Monday, January 28, 2019

Supernatural | Season 14 Episode 11 - "Damaged Goods"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello guys!
So, as per usual, a little late with this rant but let's just get pass that and talk about the latest Supernatural episode.
This was a really 'interesting' episode for me. After how the last one ended, I was really curious so to see where the story was headed - plus, I saw Nick in the trailer so I was curious about all that as well - unfortunately, the Nick part of the episode was just... Boring.
The episode started pretty well with Dean acting strangely and departing the bunker to visit Mary and Donna. Right away, I liked to see a bit of Donna in this episode and we had a pretty nice one-on-one moment between Dean and Donna that doesn't happen often so... That was nice! Also, I can't get other that 'He hugged me!' scene with Sam. I saw it a bunch of times in the preview and every time it cracks me up. Anyway so, Dean goes to Donna's cabin to spend some time with Mary but not just that - and that's when we see him start building something in Donna's cabin's workshop.
Later, Mary finds out about what Dean is building (with us, the audience, still unaware of what it really is) and alerts Sam who travels to Hibbing, Minnesota to confront his brother. After that, that's when the episode takes a turn for the worst.
We get into Nick's part of the episode and we see him continuing his bloody  rampage of revenge by searching for Abraxas, who he then learns was captured by Mary while slaughtering a Girl Scout troop. Of course, finding about that, Nick goes after Mary, kidnaps her and forces her to lead him to a storage unit where Abraxas is trapped inside an Enochian box.
The boys learn about what is happening with Mary and so, with the help of Donna, they track down Nick as he releases Abraxas into someone else that he kidnapped. The expected happens and, as things are getting worse, Abraxas confesses what everyone already knew - that he killed Nick's family on Lucifer's orders. Finding about this, Nick kills Abraxas with an angel blade, getting his revenge and then is arrested by Donna. And, apparently, we are done with Nick's story. Obviously that's not it because I still suspect that Lucifer is going to be back and maybe even help the boys really kills Michael but, for now, that's it. And that's also when we get back to the good part of the episode.
Dean reveals to Sam that he built a box that can permanently contain even an archangel as according to Billie - being the only option that they really have. That's when we find out what really is Dean's plan - to trap himself with Michael for eternity at the bottom of the ocean. Of course Sam doesn't take that that well (neither did I, by the way) but in the end, Sam agrees with Dean and that really worried me. Of course we know that that's probably not going to happen and, if it does, they'll find a loophole or something because we still have 9 episodes left in this season and there's no way we're going to spend those remaining episodes without Dean so... I'm curious to see how things will work out. 
We can't also forget about the whole thing with Castiel and The Empty so... Just gonna keep that in mind.
I seriously hope they get done with the Michael story-line because it's getting a bit boring in my opinion. But anyway... Let me know your thoughts and predictions and I'll see you in my next rant!

Friday, January 25, 2019

The Flash | Season 5 Episode 11 - "Seeing Red"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello people!
So yes, I'm a bit late with this review but I got caught with some other stuff and only had time to post this now but you know the drill by now so let's not waste time on that and move on to my actual thoughts on the episode.
This was an episode with a lot of mixed feelings for me. For once, Ralph was back which made the episode already good for me. Then, I also loved the whole Killer Frost story-line on this (which I'll get into in a minute) but the Nora stuff... It bugged me a bit. And mostly the whole Iris thing. You already know that I dislike Iris and with this episode... Damn, I really disliked her!
But anyway so, Cicada is back in this episode and starts killing meta humans from an arrest log provided by someone in the CCPD. Finding out about this, obviously Team Flash has to do something and that's when, in the fight against Cicada, Nora gets paralyzed and with her speed healing slowed down, which leaves her in a bed throughout the whole episode (which was fine by me, to be honest).
The Team finds out about the arrest log and so Cecile goes investigate on who gave him the list while the remaining on Team Flash goes find the metas in the list to save them. (Oh, I should also mention that Cisco wasn't in this episode which, in the beginning, kind of concerned me but, by the middle of the episode, I was okay with it).
While all this is happening, we also see that Caitlin have been working on the cure for metas but, besides the disagreements between her and Killer Frost, she also needs blood from a recently created meta.
Another story is foreshadowed in this episode, which I'm quite interested in, to be honest, which revolves around Sherloque and the fact that he found two different handwriting styles in Nora's journal. He then goes to her to find more about that and that's when the whole thing with Iris goes down, which made me really angry at Iris. Nora is, for sure, hiding something (and I feel like it's more than the Eobard thing)!
Anyway, back to Team Flash.
So, the Team does succeed in locating and bringing together the metas, but Cicada finds them anyway. Then a pretty nice fight goes down and then my boy Ralph goes to the rescue. He's able to get every meta secure while Killer Frost distracts Cicada - and also drawing blood from  him for Caitlin, which was a really nice touch from her.
Cicada ends up escaping but Cecile does find the guy that gave Cicada the list and he is arrested in the end.
And, in the very end of the episode, Barry has a great idea that, to be completely fair, never crossed my mind, which is to appeal to Cicada's heart by trying to cure his niece.
I really liked the outcome of this episode and I'm curious to see what happens now. It's a different approach from the last seasons so... Let's see how this goes.
Let me know all your thoughts and predictions for next episode and I'll see you in my next rant!

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Arrow | Season 7 Episode 10 - "My Name Is Emiko Queen"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello guys and welcome to the mid-season premiere of Arrow!
Unfortunately, this time, I wasn't able to watch the episode live. Still, I managed to watch it today and so, as usual, I'm here to talk about it.
This episode left me a bit conflicted because, although I liked it, and there were some parts that I really did enjoy, there was also parts that got me really confused and I don't know how I feel about those, for example, the direction that the flash forwards are taking. Also, I didn't enjoy Emiko's character that much and I guess that's going to be a pain in the ass because, from the looks of it, it seems like she's going to be an huge part of the show from now one. But anyway...
As you can suspect by the title of the episode, basically everything revolves around Emiko and I really enjoyed the opening scene, with Oliver beginning his work with SCPD and finding blood belonging to the new vigilante.
Post that, Oliver takes the blood to Felicity, in a way to speed up the process, so she can find out who it belongs to. That's when Felicity reveals that the blood belongs to a woman (which was also a nice touch, saying that they were being a bit sexist) named Emiko, who is Oliver's biological sister as she shares his father's DNA.
This whole thing brings back some memories and some conflict inside Oliver, who begins to doubt if he ever truly knew his father. And that's basically what we see of Oliver in this episode.
Then, we move on to Emiko and really get to know the character.
We see her going to Rene for help after being injured in her quest for justice. We learn the whole thing about how Oliver's dad left them and how Emiko's mum was killed by someone - that someone being the person that Emiko is going after. This being kind of dangerous (it always is dangerous), Rene offers to fight alongside her and then brings Curtis to help them. In the end, they find out that the guy that Emiko thought killed her mum wasn't really who killed her and so we see her frustrated and beginning a new 'quest'.
The last main story line of the episode revolves around Diaz. Right away I got annoyed with this whole thing. I just wanted Diaz to be gone but, to be honest, I kind of liked the outcome of this. So, turns out, Diaz was taken into ARGUS custody in a way to get some information about Dante (I can't remember who that is but... anyway). As you can imagine, Diaz doesn't want to cooperate. That is, until Diggle offers him a deal - he gives Dante's real name (or whatever) and he goes free. I couldn't believe what I was hearing but then Diggle let us know the whole thing - Diaz gets into the Ghost Program - that whole thing where the bad guys get a bomb implanted in their neck. That I did like so... I'm kind of interested to see where this goes.
And, in the very end we see Emiko visiting her mother's grave, where she is confronted by Oliver.
It was a good way to finish the episode and it left me waiting for more.
What didn't leave me waiting for me was the whole flash forward with Rene being mayor of the Glades. It got me really confused so... I don't know what to think about that.
Okay, that's it for today guys. Let me know what you thought of the episode and I'll see you tomorrow with a new The Flash rant!

Friday, January 18, 2019

Supernatural | Season 14 Episode 10 - "Nihilism"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello guys!
So, here it is a brand new Supernatural rant!
Unfortunately, this wasn't the 'comeback' that I was expecting. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't a bad episode, it just wasn't as good as I thought it was going to be. Overall I think this was a bit rushed. I feel like they don't really want Michael to be the 'big bad' this season and they just had to do something with him in a way to start focusing on what 'really matters' and so they came up with this episode. The story-line of this episode could have lasted a few more episodes and, instead, they wrapped everything in this and so that's why I think this was rushed. But anyway...
The episode starts right where the last one ended, with Sam, Jack and Cas against Michael. The end of last episode looked like this was going to be an hard challenge but pretty quickly they manage to trap Michael using the angelic handcuffs, but it couldn't be that easy so, post that, Michael summons several of his monsters to rescue him.
With a new threat, Sam attempts to get the Reaper Violet to transport them to safety and despite her protests, the four of them are teleported to the bunker. That's when Sam gets a call from Maggie, who tells them that all of Michael's monsters have broken off their attack on Kansas City, Missouri and are headed to the bunker.
Michael remains the first priority though, as well as get Dean back and so, remembering how Crowley helped Sam kick Gadreel out of his mind, they work on doing the same thing with Dean, entering Dean's mind with the help of the British Men of Letters mind-link device. And so, Sam and Cas get inside Dean's mind while Jack stays in the 'real world' to protect the bunker.
Inside Dean's mind, Sam and Castiel find Dean living out a looped existence where he owns a bar with Pamela. Next move is to get Dean to remember 'the truth' and for that they have the help of 'Poughkeepsie', a word that, to be honest, I couldn't quite remember but, after some research, I found that it was used in Season 9 and it basically means 'get out and run' or something like that.
Anyway... They succeed in getting Dean to remember the truth, but that's when Michael attacks and warns that if he's forced out, Dean will die.
Post that, Sam, Dean and Cas work on something else and end up trapping Michael within Dean's mind. At the same time, several monsters attack the bunker and Jack draws on power from his soul to destroy them.
But, because this is Supernatural, and we are only on episode 10, of course things couldn't end that well.
After all that, Dean is visited by Billie who reveals that she had rescued Sam and the others from Michael's monsters. She also warns Dean that all versions of his fate but one now have Michael breaking free and using Dean to destroy the world. She then moves to show Dean the one fate where Michael fails, leaving Dean shocked. You know what this means right?! This must be something about Sam dying. Of course that, if they get renewed, they will work something out to keep the boys on the show but... Just thinking that one of them might actually die in the end... I don't like it and I also didn't like Dean's face when he saw that fate.
Well... That was it for this episode.
Like I said, it was too packed and too rushed for my liking but it did end with a big cliffhanger that is making me really want to see what comes next so... I'm excited (I guess).
Let me know what you thoughts of the episode and what you think is that one fate that Dean was so afraid of.
I'll see you guys next week with new rants!

Thursday, January 17, 2019

The Flash | Season 5 Episode 10 - "The Flash & the Furious"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello guys and Happy New Year!
We are back to our usual program and we're starting off with a brand new The Flash episode!
Right away I need to say that I was sad that Ralph wasn't in this episode (you know me and my affection/obsession with Ralph) but, overall, it was a good episode. Also, I liked the fact that we basically went through an episode of The Flash without the flash really doing anything but I'll get to that in a minute.
The episode starts right away with the big cliffhanger from episode 8, with Nora going to Thawne and refusing to work with him because he killed her grandmother. After that, we get back to present time and we see that it's Cecile's first day back on the job and we see that she's going to represent Central City in the trial of Joss Jackam (Weather Witch). During the trial, Barry gets a call about a new villain, Silver Ghost, who possesses meta tech allowing her to access any car, who Barry and Nora go after. In this encounter with Silver Ghost, Barry touches her tech, leaving Barry phasing uncontrollably, and that's when the 'no flash in this episode' happens.
In a way to help Barry, Nora and Team Flash help Barry into the pipeline, where he can stabilize for 24 hours (which means he won't be able to help catch this villain).
Meanwhile, Silver Ghosts frees Joss from CCPD's custody so she can help her steal a WayneTech car in ARGUS's possession. I really liked this little 'crossovers' - the WayneTech (obviously Batman related), the ARGUS (Arrow) and there was also another little Legends connection that I liked when they gave Mick's book to Barry for him to read while in the pipeline.
Anyway, The Flash being The Flash, obviously they work out a way to stop Silver Ghost and Weather Witch. Unfortunately, the weren't able to catch them, but they were able to stop them and that's enough for now. Plus, Silver Ghost mentioned something about creating a Rogue Group and I like the sound of that so... Let's see what this brings.
But this episode wasn't all about catching Silver Ghost. We also had some stuff between Cisco and Caitlin, where Caitlin helps heal Cisco's hands and they agree to try to develop a meta cure, provided that those they help can choose to either have or not have their powers removed.
And well, in the very end of the episode, and because every episode of The Flash is basically a way to teach something, in this one Nora 'learns' that bad people can change so she returns to the future and agrees to help Thawne who, from the looks of it, doesn't have much time left.
Oh, and we also see Sherloque Wells going to the Time Vault and discovering that the files on Nora West-Allen have been deleted.
That's basically it for the comeback of The Flash.
This wasn't exactly my favorite episode, but it opened a lot of doors for good story-lines plus, we can forget about Cicada who, from the preview for next episode, is going to start kill again so... It's going to be interesting.
Let me know what you thought about the episode and I'll talk to you on Friday with a new Supernatural rant!