Spoiler Alert!
So, I as I said before, here I am to rant about another American Horror Story episode.
I take back what I said before, this was probably the best episode of the whole season! It was creepy, it was lovely and it even was funny!
The episode starts right away with one of the most beautiful scenes of the episode, Liz and Iris following an old couple that kill each other, so they die together. It might sound a little bit morbid but, for me, it was a beautiful scene, and Liz and Iris thought the same.
In that moment, both of them (Liz and Iris) decide that the best thing to do is also die, so they agree to die together, just like that old couple, but first, Liz has to reach back her son so he doesn't have unfinshed business and wouldn't be traped in the hotel.
So, along with Miss Ever, they get her son to go to the hotel in exchange for a bottle of bleach. That was one of the funny scenes in that episode, one of many.
The next scene is one of the best! In the previous episode, Donovan found out about Valentino so, as expected, he went after him and, guess what? He killed him! He freaking killed him! I was hoping he would do that, but I never thought it would actually happen! In that moment, I was so happy, because he finally got revenge!
At the same time as this happens, The Countess is with Natasha at the hotel and, let's say, Natasha tries to kill her but that doesn't goes as planned. The Countess ends up killing her.
In this episode, we also see more of John as the Ten Commandment Killer, as he is almost finishing with the Commandments.
We also see John confronting Alex about everything and well... This was another scene that I quite enjoyed. I never really liked Alex but to see both of them getting together was really nice. Also, seeing them, almost in the end of the episode, leaving with Holden was so cute! I know The Countess is going to be pissed but, let' be real, that is going to be so much fun to see!
Oh, also, they go after all those kids that were turned and locked them next to Ramona which, as expected, got killed (at least, that's what they made us think).
Will Drake storyline was also mentioned in this episode. That's right that he got killed but, remember, he got killed inside the hotel, which means, he stayed trapped in there, which The Countess had forget about.
Back to Liz Taylor's storyline. She ended up really meeting her son and that was such a beautiful scene! He's such a nice guy and he said that he accepted her and that was so beautiful and nice too see, one fo the best parts of the episode, for sure!
And, as expected, Liz decides not to kill herself, which makes Iris a little upset, but Liz tell her that they should take over the hotel and that's what happens!
While all of this happens, The Countess and Donovan have dinner, and Donovan suggests that Valentino is no longer alive, so The Countess go to the hotel he was staying in and finds him dead. From this, we see Donovan 'rockin' to Hotline Bling by Drake, and that was my favourite scene of the whole episode! Seriously, I couldn't stop laughing! Then, The Countess comes back and Donovan tells her that he wants to die because his death is the only way that she would let him love her. She ends up not killing him but... That is when Liz and Iris appear and start shooting (along Hotline Bling again) and... The Episode just ends like that.
We sure know that the target is The Countess but I don't think she will end up died, even though in the preview for the next episode Liz and Iris are 'carring' a body and they are talking about how they actually did it!
I think that is Donovan who ends up dying, which I hope I'm wrong. Tell me in the comments who do you think died and which are you theorys.
And, that's it for today's post. Next post will be just on January because of the hiatus so, there won't be post on the blog for about 2 weeks. If, meanwhile, you want me to rant about other series, tell me also in the comments.