
Thursday, December 1, 2016

The Flash | Season 3 Episode 8 - "Invasion!"

Spoiler Alert!

Omg, best crossover ever!
I know, the crossover barely started but this episode just made the crossover amazing already!
I love to see everyone together although I'm kind of sad they only brought Kara from Supergirl to the crossover, because I would love to see Felicity, Cisco and Winn working together. Besides, I would love to see Chris Wood and Grant Gustin working together because, if you don't know, they went to University together so it would be so cool to now have them working together. Anyway, we are still going to have that The Flash/Supergirl musical episode so... Might still see Grant and Chris singing together.
Anyway, onto the actual episode, which, again, was freaking amazing!
As the title suggests, our Biggest Team Ever have to fight somothing that invades their planet, aliens. So, apparently a meteor is crashing into earth so, obviously, and because this is a The Flash episode afterall, Barry goes there to stop the meteor or, at least, try to find something about it. That's when it crashes that he sees it's not a meteor but a spaceship, with loads of aliens coming out of it.
The next day the first 'crossover character' appears, Lyla, telling them that those aliens are called 'Dominators' and that they have previously been on Earth, killing a lot of people.
That's when Barry decides to join the Teams, Team Arrow, alongside with Thea, who, after knowing about it being aliens, wants to join and help them, The Legends, apart from the 'new characters' Nate and Amaya (which also lefts a bit sad because I would like to see them in this crossover too. We might still see them in the Legends episode, though) and Kara.
I guess I don't need to say that a lot of funny moments happen. I liked to see everyone's reactions to Kara and her powers as well as Kara's reaction to some of the other characters, mostly Mick and Oliver.
Also, when deciding on a Team Leader, Cisco votes it to be Oliver because he's still mad at Barry but Oliver says that it was Barry who got them together so that he should be the Leader. Well, we all know that Barry isn't really a Team Leader so basically he told them to do what Oliver was telling him to say. For sure, Oliver is a way better Team Leader. I still love you Barry, though.
Anyway, so they start training, fighting against Kara, afterall, she's the alien and she's probably the one with similar powers and all with those other aliens.
Something else that I really enjoyed about this episode was that we finally found out what Barry's future sef told Rip Hunter, that message that Jax and Dr. Stein found at the Wave Rider. And, well, if you don't see Legends you probably don't know what the well I'm talking about, as well as, if you only watch Legends and aren't going to watch The Flash's episode of this crossover, you will also miss this really important piece of information so, I highly recommend you to watch all four series because they're all amazing.
Anyway, so we find out and basically Barry's future self tells them that, when the Legends get back to 2016 to not trust anyway because in 40 years time there's going to be a war or something. Then, Barry tells Oliver, Jax and Dr. Stein (the only people that know about this message until now) that we changed the timeline and that a lot of things changed, such as Cisco's brother being dead, Caitlin getting powers and Diggle having a son instead of a daughter.
They decide not to tell anyone right now because they need to focus on the alien issue but, as soon as this ends, Barry will tell everyone.
Of course, things don't go as planned and Cisco finds the message and basically tells everyone. After hearing this, Felicity tells them there's an issue with the aliens and that they need to save the president. As they are about to leave, no one wants Barry to go with them, so he decides to stay, they have Supergirl anyway so they will probably be fine. Oliver doesn't agree and says that he isn't going without Barry, hoping that the rest of the Team would 'let him' go with them, but with no chance, so Oliver stays behind with Barry.
Of course our Team leaders have to be left behind because the rest of the team, then, gets traped by the Dominators with mind control, turning against Oliver and Barry.
Luckily, they have a good plan and Barry gets Kara to destroy the device that was controlling them.
After this, the Team decides to trust Barry again and that's when, suddenly, Sara, Ray, Diggle, Thea and Oliver are teleported away before Barry can intervene. And, that's how the episode ends.
Of course, today there's the continuation on Arrow's episode which I'm going to watch live! So, if you want to tweet with me just follow my accounts - @danixinhahhh.
And yeah, I don't have anything else to say besides already loving this crossover! Seriously so good!
Let me know your thoughts about the crossover and I'll see you tomorrow with the Arrow rant.

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