
Wednesday, May 30, 2018

The Challenge: Champs vs Stars | Season 3 Episode 7 - "Go Deep, or Go Home"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello people!
So, here we are with the remaining series that I have to rant about. The Challenge is actually a pretty cool show to talk to you about because there's always new things happening and new theories coming to my mind so, it's not that bad that's the only one. I do miss my other series, though, but that's fine, they'll be back in October.
Anyway, let's talk about this episode because it was a quite exciting one! It wasn't like a 'proper' episode, like with a Challenge, Nominations and Elimination, but with the way the last one ended and with all the things that happened in this one, I'm actually okay with it. Plus, everything that happened in this episode wasn't drama between the competitors about petty things - everything that happned was game wise and I like that!
The episode started just like the previous one ended - with everyone finding out that they were going to be playing in Duos now. Since Tony was the first one on the leader board, he got to pick his partner first, and he could pick from anyone - guy, girl, team blue, team red, champ, star - which was something that I was wondering about. Tony made an amazing choice and chose CT, making them one of the strongest teams. Next, because basically everyone else in the Blue Team was tied, The Mizz took a name out of a bucket and it was time for Bobby to chose. It was actually pretty surprising because he chose Wes. I mean, I don't blame him though. I may not like Wes but I know he has a good game so I would think about having him as a partner. Then, Louise chose Casper, obviously. After them, Brooke chose Shane, Lil Mama chose Tori, Drake chose Kailah and Selita was left with Jozea, which was just awful for her.
Needless to say that this changed everything. I mean, Louise and Casper were still do ones everyone wanted to get rid off but everything else changed and that was clear in this week's challenge.
It was a swimming challenge so of course Shane and Wes were going to do great. Jozea on the other hand, as awful! He didn't know how to swim so you can imagine. I don't blame him though. Basically everyone was judging him but there's plenty of people that don't know how to swim and, maybe if you do, you might not be able to dive that deep and hold your breath so, this challenge wasn't all about swimming, in my opinion. Obviously, as you can imagine, Joze and Selita were the worst team and then, we don't really know how everyone else did but Shane and Broke won, which was actually fine by me. I like both of them and I like them working together so I was happy.
Then, because everything changed, the rules of the nominations changed as well. From the winning Duo, between the two, they had to choose the MVP and then, the MVP would chose the LVP Team (not only one of them, but the Team). Then, it was up to everyone else, as Teams, to pick other Team/Duo besides the winning Duo, which were save from elimination.
Well, Brooke gave it to Shane so he was MVP and, obviously, Shane chose Louise and Casper as LVP. Then, that's when everything went downhill. Casper and Louise chose CT and Tony as the other LVP Team, as well as Selita and Jozea chose CT and Tony. CT and Tony chose Selita and Jozea.Then, the remaining teams were Star and Champs Duos so the Mizz had to go to the bucket again because they couldn't decide. As for Lil Mama and Tori, Lil  Mama chose and she chose CT and Tony, as for Kailah and Drake, Kailah was the one to choose and she chose Selita and Jozea. There was only Wes and Bobby back and that's where the episode ended - without us knowing who they were going to pick. Personally, I think they are going for a tie but I have no idea what happens if they tie it so... But also, at the same time, I think the smartest thing to do was to put CT and Tony against Casper and Louise. They are basically the only duo that can take Casper and Louise out. I wouldn't just throw them in though. I would probably go to them and explain the situation because everyone wasnt them out so this would be their chance because, if it is Selita and Jozea against them, Casper and Louise are probably going back so... I don't know, that's just my opinion.
Let me know all your thoughts and theories and I guess I'll see you next week with a new The Challenge rant!

Thursday, May 24, 2018

The Flash | Season 4 Episode 23 - "We Are the Flash"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello guys!
Well, as you might have noticed, I wasn't able to post the rant yesterday. I was so full of uni work, everything for today, that I just couldn't post, which was really a bummer because, if you follow me on twitter, you know that I've watched the last episode live and I live tweeted, so I was really excited to talk to you about everything that happened. Plus, if you watched the episode, you might know that I'm extremely happy with the events that took place. Heck, I'm not even going to waste time and I'm just going to say it - My baby Ralph is back!
This wasn't really a surprise, to be honest. Neither the fact that I was going to be happy about this, nor the fact that he was coming back, since we saw pictures from the set of this episode, while they were filming, and Hartley was there as Ralph, more exactly has the old Ralph, before he became a meta but, truth be told, with the writters, you never know so they could come up with something and, even though Ralph was going to be in it, we could not end up alive. Luckily, the episode ended with Ralph very much alive so I presume he's going to be staying for the next season as an (almost) main cast. Well, they could always just do what they did last season with Julian and not have him but I doubt that or, at least, I hope Ralph stays as part of the Team Flash. Besides, even Cisco said that this was the end of an era so, does this mean that Dibny is here to stay? I hope so.
Anyway, now that I've talked about how happy I am that Dibny is back, let's get into all the other things that happened in the episode.
So, as predicted, Marlize played a major role in defeating DeVoe, joining Team Flash right in the beginning of the episode. At the same time this is happening, Cecile goes into labor so here are set the main two storylines of the episode.
With Cecile's help, Marlize comes up with the only plan to defeat DeVoe - send Barry into DeVoe's consciousness in order to find he good in him (DeVoe). Of course Barry encounters a number of obstacles and, that's while he's looking for the 'good DeVoe' that he finds Ralph. I swear, Barry's face when he found Ralph alive was priceless and I'm loving this Bromance! 
Alongside with Ralph then keep searching for the good DeVoe just to find him dead. 
Meanwhile, outside DeVoe's mind, the 'real DeVoe' tries to stop Team Flash and they are forced to go to into a pocket dimension. 
Back in DeVoe's mind, Barry realizes that 'the good in DeVoe' is Ralph and that's why he's still alive because it's his body and DeVoe can't kill him. With that, Ralph and Barry work on a plan to get into the nexus while they are attacked by an huge number of DeVoe's clones (or something). Obviously they make it to the nexus and they get back into the real world, with Ralph reclaiming his body just as DeVoe was about to kill Cecile.
Well, it basically ends here with the DeVoe thing, just with one thing happening then - DeVoe appearing as an hologram but with Marlize destroying it right away.
After that we see a number of things getting fixed. Team Flash still had to deal with the satellites falling from the sky, which Barry, with the help of the mysterious girl, destroyed. Also, Harry gets back to is normal self (kind of) with Marlize's help. He then decides to get back to Earth-2 to be with Jesse, and that's when Cisco says that this is the end of an era.
By the way, since we're on this topic, I would like to point out that line that Cisco had when he said that Harry was the most unique out of all the Wells... I mean, not that I was a major fan of him but what about HR?! He was for sure the most unique out of the Wells'. Just saying.
After everything, Cecile has her baby and later we see everyone celebrating with Wally back from the Legends as well as Cecile's daughter Jenna. And that's when the thing that everyone was waiting for happens - the reveal of the mysterious girl.
I must say that this wasn't like a big reveal, since everyone was already guessing this but the mysterious girl is Barry and Iris' daughter from the future - Nora. And she claims to have made 'a big, big mistake'. And that's how the season ends.
I would also like to point out that, when she steps inside Joe's house she said 'This House is Bitchin' and you know what this means, right? That saying that everyone have been talking about since Barry got back from the speedforce. Now it all makes sense.
So, what did you guys think of the season finale?
I personally liked it, even thought, just like Arrow, it wasn't a big surprise. You know, I liked most the fact that Ralph is alive so, it makes it worth it.
Tell me your thoughts and I guess from now on just The Challenge rants will be up on the blog. At least, until August, when Shadowhunters is back.

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

The Challenge: Champs vs Stars | Season 3 Episode 6 - "Champs Caught in Cross Fire"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello people!
So, here's one of the remaining series that I have to rant about (there's still the flash season finale rant which I'm still going to post today, but probably really late).
Anyway, this episode was good. I would say it was great but it wasn't bad. There was enough drama to make interesting and the challenges were 'challenging' so I liked it.
The episode actually started almost right away with the challenge. There was a little 'drama' in the beginning with Ashley and Wes, were Wes said something about being Louise and Casper's b*tch, as well as some drama with Lil Mama and Kailah which this was all foreshadowing the end of the episode.
The actual challenge were with a sling shot and it was fun, as well as, at the same time, difficult and both teams did really great.
I liked the fact that Ashely, once again, tried to make her team loose but, unfortunatelly, again, this didn't work in her favor and the Blue Team ended up winning. 
This brought up a lot of questions among not only about the Blue Team MVP but the Red Team LVP because none of the girls wanted to go to elimination and the Champs vs Stars thing is getting pretty strong in this team as well so... Everyone ended up voting for themselves.
As far as the Blue Team goes, Wes came up with the idea to vote Drake MVP even though Tony worked his ass off to win this challenge, which left him pretty pissed. After last season, where Tony betrayed Bananas, I got really bitter about him, but I totally agree with him this time so I just can't wait to see what happens in the future because I trully believe Karma is a B*tch and things are going to turn great for him and for the Champs overall.
In the nominations, the Blue Team really ended up voting Drake MVP. As for LVP, the Red Team made a tie between Kailah and Lil Mama in the hopes that, the tie breaker, this time Wes, would save Lil Mama, which didn't happen and Lil Mama was the chosen one to go into elimination. In the Blue Team, as expected, Ashley was the chosen one. Then, Drake got the Power Move, but this time he would only know what it meant in the actual elimination.
In the elimination, they did find out what was the Power Move and basically Drake could trade Ashely for Louise or Lil Mama for any girl from the Red Team. The choice was obvious and they chose to trade Lil Mama for Kailah and send the later to elimination against Ashley. Either way, I was rooting for Ashley.
Unfortunately, Ashley lost, which was really a bummer because not only Kailah is so annoying but also I was enjoying Ashley's game to mess up with the Blue Team.
The episode didn't end right away, there was still one twist.
I predicted that they would go back to Champs vs Stars but it was better, from now on they are going to play in duos and that's the only thing we know. 
Now I wonder if it's going to be Guys/Girls or Champ/Star... I'm really curious about that because that's going to change everything.
Anyway, let me know what you thought about the episode and what is your opinion on the Duos thing? What do you think it's going to be like? Let me know everything.
I'll see you later with the last The Flash rant this season.

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Shadowhunters | Season 3 Episode 9 & 10 - "Familia Ante Omnia" & "Erchomai"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello people!
Here it is, finally, the midseason rant of Shadowhunters.
As you might know, this was a two hour finale which means this rant will cover both episodes 9 and 10. This might end up a bit confusing since I saw both episodes in a row and I can't quite remember what happened in first one so, if I focus a lot more on the second episode, I'm sorry, but it was the one that stood out to me the most.
I'm going to try and talk first about episode 9 but I don't promise anything. So, the first episode basically showed everyone dealing with different things at the same time.
I might say that the story that I liked the most, and the one that I felt for the most was Simon. Obviously Heidi had to came back to mess things up and screw with Simon. It was really painful to see Simon go through all those things and then bite his own sister, as well as his mum wanting to kill him because Simon just isn't like that so I really felt for him.
Of course the other thing that was major in episode 9 was Valentine. We see Clary almost getting killed by the Clave but then working out a plan. She resurects Valentine in order to know why Lilith wanted his body and that's how she finds out everything about Jonathan. I was quite happy that Valentine was killed (again) in the end because we can't just go back to old storylines. That doesn't work for me. At least, not this way. Supernatural does it quite well, to be honest, but I don't trust Shadowhunters to do that so, just stick to the books, please.
Oh, and I have to mention Magnus and his quest to try and save Jace which continues on episode 10.
I'm going to take this and move to episode 10 right away.
I have to say that episode 9 was good and episode 10 was so much better! It wasn't surprising, I don't think they wanted that since they titled the episode "Erchomai" but it was well done and it had a solid storyline.
Since we were on Magnus topic, in episode 10 he goes to Edom to talk to his father, Asmodeus, and ask for help. This was the first time seeing Magnus dad so it was interesting.
At the same time, basically everyone was dealing with Lilith and Jace.
Before the final battles, I might add, we had some pretty cute Sizzy moments and I hope they develop them in the second part of the season because, truth be told, I'm just tired to wait for Sizzy to happen.
Izzy helps Simon with the issues with his mum and this gets even worse that in the last episode when Simon compels his mum to just forget him and believe that he died, which was so sad.
Unfortunatelly, he couldn't be sad that long because they had to deal with Lilith and since he's the only one that can send her back to Edom, he has to be there. Plus, when he finds out that Lilith has Clary he just agrees right away.
Izzy, Alec, Simon and Luke work on a plan to get inside the building where Lilith is but without hurting anyone nor Jace, since Simon's mark can kill basically everyone without him doing anything.
Their plan is actually pretty good - Alec vs Jace, Izzy and Luke vs all the 'demons' and Simon rescuing Clary.
I might say that the most nerve wrecking part was Alec vs Jace because, although Magnus appears just in time to bring the old Jace back, Jace as the Owl had already stabbed Alec and Magnus couldn't do anything because he trade his magic in order for his father to help bring Jace back. So, we are left with Alec dead. I would say that this death isn't premanent but... You never know.
As far as all the other 'fights', Izzy and Luke were quite good but they weren't the major thing and then Simon and Clary. Obviously we knew that Jonathan was going to be back and that Lilith was going away so... That's what happened. Lilith basically linked Jonathan to Clary so, as long as Clary lives, Jonathan lives too, which I'm quite happy, to be honest. But Simon ends up using his mark on Lilith and she's sent back to Edom (I think) and we see Jonathan grabbing Clary's wrist in the end, before the explosion that Simon's mark created.
Then, when Jace arrives at the top of the building, neither Clary nor Jonathan are there so... 
Simon says that she died but do you truly believe that?! Because I don't so, let's see what they do in the second part of the season.
Overall, I liked this ending. Not major nor surprising but it was good and, obviously, I'm so stoked to see Jonathan again! Can't wait for that!
Ok, let me know what you thought and also, tell me if this accurate and follows the book. I would love to know that.
I'll see you next week with The Flash's season finale!

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Supernatural | Season 13 Episode 23 - "Let the Good Times Roll"

Spoiler Alert!

Oh My God!
Hello people and here is the rant of the most epic Supernatural season finale!
But not seriously, this is in the TOP 5 best Supernatural episodes! It was everything that I wanted it to be and more! It left me speechless throughout the whole episode and I couldn't predict anything that happened! This episode trully was like a conclusion to an era (you'll get what I mean in the end) and it was really fullfilling. In a way, it kind ended similar to the Arrow Season 6 Finale, the only difference is that Arrow was so predictable and this wasn't. Maybe because Supernatural have been here for so long and some major points in this episode were related to like Season 3 or 4 (or maybe even 5, I can't remember) that we just wouldn't ever think of what happened.
Anyway, I need to stop rambling and get to the juicy stuff.
I feel like I need to start with the introduction of the episode because, not only they played the usual "Carry On My Wayward Son" but also, for once, it was Dean who narrated the whole thing and I should've known that this meant something.
Apart from that, the episode actually starts with Sam explaining some things to the people from Apocalypse World about our world, as well as we see Sam, Dean, Cas and Jack go hunting and just getting back to their normal life, while the rest of the people just start their own lives.
I don't think they mentioned it and it wasn't really clear but it seemed to me that a few days passes, maybe even weeks or months because it seemed like everyone already had some sort of life and that the Brothers have been doing their thing again.
Anyway, while on a walk through the woods, Mary and Bobby (who seems like is here to stay) find one of the Apocalypse World refugees, Maggie, dead.
They try to find what happened to her and that's when Jack goes after a guy that Maggie have been seeing. Needless to say that Jack almost kills him and gets back to blaming himself for always hurting people, so he leaves. While in the woods, Lucifer appears and tries to 'manipulate' Jack into leaving with him and stuff. I couldn't believe that but Jack actually accepts but not without doing something first - Lucifer getting Maggie back to life.
Lucifer does it, with not really a choice and they leave. Later, Sam talks with Maggie and she tells him that the man who attacked her had glowing red eyes - Lucifer. This actually plays a big part later because at the same time that Lucifer appeared to Jack, Michael also appears to Sam, Dean and Cas. They get away but soon after Lucifer and Jack leave the bunker, Michael appears there.
The exciting things start happening in that moment. I was really afraid for Dean because Michael attacks him not first but with more intent to kill and since I knew Dean was going to play another character, I was really afraid they would kill him. Luckily, Sam prays to Jack who listens and goes to their rescue.
Jack really surprised me there. He appeared and almost killed Michael. I knew he was powerfull but I didn't know he was that powerful. Thank god, thought.
At that exact moment Jack also learns who Lucifer really his. Of course Lucifer went with Jack but, unfortunatelly, Michael reveals that they had an agreement and so Jack finds out about everything. Lucifer wanting to leave with him because Michael was going to distroy the world as well as Lucifer killing Maggie. Jack even uses his own powers on Lucifer in a way to make him tell the truth which was amazing, in my opinion.
With his plan falling apart, Lucifer steals Jack's grace, leaving Jack human and then teleporting to a church alongside with Jack and Sam. Of course Lucifer starts playing his little games and, since he's the most powerful he has ever been it leaves Dean no choice then to make a deal with Michael - be is vessel.
This was like something so out of nowhere! I mean, not in a bad way. I'm saying like, this storyline happened like almost 10 seasons ago and now bringing this back... This writers are amazing, really!
So, Dean makes the deal with Michael, but with himself in control and so, in an epic battle with Lucifer, he kills him with the Archangel blade! Yes, you read it right, Dean killed Lucifer! After seasons with him around they finally did it! I don't know if they're going to get him back somehow but I doubt it. This really felt like a conclusion and, truth be told, it was time. The boys have been dealing with Lucifer for so long that it is nice to have an ending of this storyline. Plus, he is really dead because of the wings (just like Gabriel - yes, I'm not over it yet).
Well, with Lucifer dead, the Winchesters and Jack celebrate only to have Michael betray his deal, take full control of Dean's body and just leaving. And that's how the episode ends, with Dean - now Michael - walking through the streets and really ending with a glimpse of his blue angel eyes.
This was so different from what I thought was going to happen.
I knew that Jensen was going to play a totally different character but I thought it was going to be like some BMOL related or something. I never, in a million years, would think this would happen so, congrats to the writers and producers and everyone, you all did an amazing job with this season finale.
Unfortunatelly we are going to have to wait until October for the next season so, yeah.
Oh, and just something that I forgot to mention. It was nice that they said that Rowena and Charlie went on a roadtrip or something. It was a nice touch and it means they are still alive, which is good.
We might have lost some characters but we also have some old ones back so it's good. I'm also happy that Jack didn't die because, for a moment, I really thought he was going to really kill himself.
Ok, this post is already too long so I'm going to leave it to you now to tell me your thoughts, and I'll see you in my next rant!

Friday, May 18, 2018

Arrow | Season 6 Episode 23 - "Life Sentence"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello people!
Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow! This is what I have to say about the Arrow Season 6 Finale! Although, I have mixed feelings about it.
This was trully an amazing episode! The producers brought everything in this season finale and it had so many amazing scenes but, at the same time, this episode was hella predictable! Basically all the events that took place in the episode were what I expected and, even the one that I didn't expect, was kind of predictable. I guess I can say I was in denial that's why I wasn't expecting it.
So, the last episode ended with Oliver going to Agent Watson for help and we see that she asks for two things - one if he really is the Green Arrow but we don't really find out what is the second thing so this episode was basically foreshadowing that last thing.
The episode actually begins with two really nice fight scenes! One of them all entering the SCPD and basically taking down all the agents that were part of Diaz team and the second one when they actually get to Diaz.
Well, actually there's a few things that happen before the scene where they get to Diaz like Rene, Watson and another agent getting into a trap after Diaz finding out about Anatoly being with Oliver now and Diaz reaching to Quentin so he stops the FBI from working in the city. Obviously Quentin doesn't agrees with anything and actually has a pretty great plan which takes him to Laurel as well as Diaz lair and in which Team Arrow is able to trace him through his pacemaker.
That's when that really nice battle happen as well as Quentin is shot while trying to protect Black Siren. He's taken to the hospital while Oliver goes after Diaz and almost has him. They actually have (another) really nice battle in which Oliver is able to get close to him and clone all the files with the people that is in his payroll. Unfortunatelly, Black Siren messes up and just throws Diaz into the river which, obviously, didn't do anything to him - he's obviously not dead.
After that we move to the hospital where Oliver has a really nice conversation with Quentin before he goes into surgery.
Throught this whole episode Oliver keeps having meaningful conversations with every single character and even Felicity notices it and she wants to talk with him about it but they are cut short when they have to go after Diaz.
While in the hospital that's when everything unravels. Not only Agent Watson comes to get Oliver (and that's when we find out that he agreed to go to prison for being the Green Arrow) but also Sara arrives (the Caity Lotz appearance) and... We find out that Quentin suffered a seizure during surgery and that he died.
I actually didn't think they were going to kill him. I knew that Paul Blackthorn was leaving and everyone kept saying that he was going to die but... I didn't want to believe he was just going to be gone. I thought he was just going to leave and maybe come back for a few episodes or something when needed. Of course there's the multiple Earths and everything and he might come back as Quentin from other Earth but... It's not same. It was actually a pretty sad scene.
Something else that I wasn't really happy about was Caity Lotz's appearance. I thought she was going to come to fight or something but she just came to say goodbye to Quentin which was nice but not fullfilling.
As we see all of this unravel, we see that Diaz is still alive so, again, pretty predictable. 
Then the saddest scene of the episode - Felicity/Oliver/William. Oh my god it was so sad! I felt Felicity's pain and, althought he's not going to stay in prison for long, it was still sad and I just kept thinking like if 'this was the end of Green Arrow'? I mean, this could really be a Series Finale and maybe this was what they intended, since they didn't really know if they were going to get picked.
Anyway then, the surprising scene - Oliver tells the reporters and everyone that he is the Green Arrow and then we just see him going into prison. Also I need to point out that moment when Stephen Amell looks into the camera and says that he's the Green Arrow. Wow! That was quite something! 
And well, that's how the season ends - Oliver in prison.
Like I said before, although really predictable, really well done and so amazingly shot and just wow! I loved it anyway!
So, let me know what you thought about this season finale. Was it what you expected? Were you surprised? Tell me everything.
I'll see you next with the Supernatural Season Finale!

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

The Flash | Season 4 Episode 22 - "Think Fast"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello everyone and here it is the second to last The Flash rant this season.
I'm afraid I don't 'bring good news'.
The truth is, this episode was pretty underwhelming. There was parts that I quite enjoyed, that's true, but the overall look of the episode was pretty poor and I was kind of sad about it because the season is almost ending so this wasn't supposed to happen.
The episode actually begins with a pretty good scene (maybe the best of the episode), with DeVoe infiltrating ARGUS in a way to get to Fallout. In order to do that he had to impersonate Diggle, which was one of the good things of the episode (having Diggle) and then he just killed most of the security in what was the best part of the episode. That scene with him killing everyone and with that soundtrack was trully amazing.
Unfortunatelly, from that, the episode just went downhill.
The Team realizes that DeVoe is doing so Barry goes to Star City to get the real Diggle and have some intel about ARGUS and where that facility is. This time this isn't so simple because DeVoe has an hold of everything inside ARGUS plus all the ARGUS security that it already had and, on top of that, he has hostages so Barry and Team Flash have to work on a plan to get inside, save the hostages and get DeVoe.
In order to do that, Cisco and Caitlin ask Barry to train them so they can all be in Flashtime.
In the beginning I thought they were talking about go back and time but they were really talking about that state when Barry is running really fast.
I don't know about you but this whole thing seemed really weird to me and I just didn't like it. Just like that whole episode that happened in Flashtime in like a few seconds it was trully hard to understand and everything seems odd so I don't really liked this. 
This did bring something nice though, with Caitling remembering some stuff from her childhood which, in the end of the episode, Cisco vibes with her there and we learn that she has been Killer Frost since her childhood, so this is good and a storyline that is actually interesting.
Anyway, they do get to save the hostages and Barry goes after DeVoe but, of course, things couldn't go as planned and, although Barry does destroy the satellite, DeVoe has a Plan B and he uses one of the STAR Labs satellites and the enlightment begin.
Meanwhile Cisco, Catilin and Barry are doing this, Iris and Harry go after Marlize and find her in London. This is when they finally realize that Marlize is the key to all this so... Nothing new.
The main events of the episode were basically this but I would like to mention two other things that I liked. The first one the fact that Joe mentions that Wally is with the Legends. I know this is pretty random but I think it was a nice touch since they never really address it (I think). The second thing that I liked the most about the episode was Cecile and her powers. She develops more powers and, althought this new ones are pretty weird, this made me think that the powers might be the baby's powers and, once again, that mystery girl might be Cecile and Joe's daughter so... Let's see.
In the next episode we are not only going to find out about the mystery girl but, from the set photos, it looks like we are going to have Ralph back so you know, I'm pretty stoked about that!
Let me know what you thought about the episode and which are your predictions for the season finale!
I'll see you in my next rant!

The Challenge: Champs vs Stars | Season 3 Episode 5 - "Fire in the Heart, Ice in the Veins"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello people!
Here we are with a brand new week of rants! Most of the shows are almost ending their seaons but, luckily, that isn't The Challenge's case. From what I am aware of, there's still a few episodes left of this season and, I suspect, as soon as this one ends, the new The Challenge season (the normal version of the show) will start, since they have already been filming it.
Anyway, today I'm here to talk about the brand new episode, which caused a few mixed feelings in me. The truth is, in the beginning of the episode, I was pretty bored. They wasted too much time on drama (in my opinion) and then the actual challenge was rubish. I'm going to talk more in depth about it but it was just another of those lame challenges that they throw in this spin off. The best part of the episode was the actual elimination. That was what made me like this episode.
So, like I said, the episode started off with loads of stories and dramas and everything. I guess it made sense though, because there was a lot going on in the end of the episode with all the players so... But, you know me, it isn't why I watch the show and it turns out to be a little bit boring in the end.
Moving to the challenge, again, like I said, it was kind of boring as well because it was just like that 'football' game they had in the last Champs vs Stars but with hockey. The nice thing about the challenge though was Ashley who was so pissed and so focused on making her now blue team lose. Of course, and because this is the challenge, the Blue Team ended up winning. 
This week it's guys elimination so the Red Team thinks right away to send in Jozea. Not only because there's more Champs in the Team but also because Jozea sucked in the actual challenge so it was fair for him to go in. Obviously he tried to defend himself but even at that he was rubish.
As for the Blue Team they had not only to choose the MVP but also the LVP. As for MVP, they were torn between Tony, who was the only one to score and make them win, and Booby, who was goalkeeper and also helped the other team to not score. Since there's more stars in the Blue Team, they went with Booby. Then, choosing LVP. Obviously he wasn't going to choose neither Casper nor Drake so there was only Tony and Wes left and since Tony was the one to make them win, Wes it was.
And that was exactly what happened at nominations. Joze LVP from the Red Team, Booby MVP from the Blue Team and Wes LVP also from the Blue Team. But there was a twist - the Power Play. Booby had the Power Play to Switch Jozea for any other guy from the Red Team. Of course Booby chose to switch someone because this is still Champs vs Stars and for that they were torn between CT and Devin. Louise wanted CT to go in and make a big move but I guess Booby was smarter and he chose Devin because he didn't really want to send Wes home and send CT against Wes wasn't good for his game.
Then, the elimination was the most interesting part of the episode. They actually had a proper elimination, with something physical and, surprisingly, Devin was doing good. Wes too but I wasn't expecting Devin to do that great. In the end, Wes won and since the Red Team had already saved Shane before they don't have that move anymore.
And that was basically it.
Next episode looks interesting. Mainly because there's going to be another major twist so I'm excited to see what it is. I bet they are going to go back to Champs vs Stars for real so... Let's see.
Let me know all your thoughts and predictions and I'll see you later with a new rant!

Saturday, May 12, 2018

Arrow | Season 6 Episode 22 - "The Ties That Bind"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello guys!
So, stepping away from the depressing Supernatural episode we are moving to a pretty dope Arrow episode!
Overall, I'm pretty happy with this episode. It had everything - from cute moments, to funny ones and, most of all, action, which is what I love the most about Arrow. Plus, this episode had a lot of Girl Power and I loved it!
As we knew, in this episode Diaz was going to attack Team Arrow and all they're loved ones, and that was exactly what he did. He created havoc through out the whole city and right in the beginning of the episode we saw him (or his people) attacking Oliver, Felicity and William in their home, Diggle and Lyla in the hospital, Curtis and his boyfriend Nick in Felicity's apartment which is now they're companies office and Rene and his daughter in their house. All of this in the first 5/10 minutes of the episode.
This was the event that finally brought NTA and OTA back to working together. We knew that this eventually going to happen. Actually, I'm pretty surprised that it lasted this long because, if you think about it, next episode is the season finale so this plot lasted longer than I thought so, congrats on that.
Anyway so they start working together and try to get some advantage. The only way to know any intel about Diaz at this point is through Anatoly who is on Oliver's side now. He thinks of something and actually Team Arrow almost gets to Diaz but Sacramento, from the Quadrante shows up and Diaz gets away.
Obviously he suspects Anatoly but he had a pretty good plan. I don't know if he told Sacramento to show up or something but he blamed everything on her and his 'excuse' made a lot of sense and was so believable that Diaz ended up killing not only her but another member of the Quadrante - which now only has two members.
With this try ruined, they had to think about something else and that's what we see in the very end of the episode - Oliver talking with the FBI lady and confessing to her that he is in fact the Green Arrow.
This was the overall look of the episode but, before I wrap this rant, I would like to talk about Felicity in this episode.
Like I said, this episode had a lot of Girls Power, mainly from Felicity but also Lyla. I loved Lyla in this episode and there was one particular scene where she looked really badass! Love it! But you know, Felicity is my girl and she was awesome in this episode. Right in the beginning when she told Oliver to pick up the phone, that was priceless! Probably my favourite thing in this episode! But also her risking her life and that 'sorry not sorry' moment - love Felicity!
I know most of you don't like her but I love her!
So, I guess that was pretty much what happened in this episode. Next week is the season finale and they have been talking a lot about it so I'm really curious to see how all of this is going to end. I still think that Diaz is going to win and that Oliver is going to reveal that he is Green Arrow but... I hope this last part doesn't happen though... I don't think that it's the right time yet.
Let me know what you think I'll see you next week with new rants!

Friday, May 11, 2018

Supernatural | Season 13 Episode 22 - "Exodus"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello everyone!
Oh My God you guys! You're gonna have to bare with me through this rant because this was such an emotional episode for me.
I kind of talked to you about it in my The Flash rant since I was writting it and watching SPN at the same time but... This was so painful! Just like in previous episode, it got me totally off guard and I was just in shock! If you don't know what I'm talking about... Gabriel died! For real this time! I just... I can't deal with it. Just watching to this post's banner is breaking my heart. You have no idea in how much pain I am. He was the character that I never realised I missed until he came back and now... He's gone again. Please, tell me I'm not the only one to feel this way. This is seriously so painful!
Okay, I gotta step away from a this a bit talk to you about all the other things that happened in this episode, which were quite a lot since the next episode is the season finale.
I can say that, besides the Gabriel thing, Jack and Lucifer's relationship was the best thing in this episode.
I can't say I was totally fine with it, because I wasn't. Through out the whole episode I was worried about Jack. Not that Lucifer would hurt him, I don't think he woud or if he tried, I'm pretty sure Jack could take care of him, I was just worried that Lucifer would take him to the dark side and I don't want to loose the bright and happy Jack. Well, the truth is, despite all the Winchesters' objections, Jack and Lucifer do have a talk and Jack actually gets a little fascinated with him.
Something else that happens, which is a major plot of the episode, is the fact that Mary doesn't want to leave the Alternate Universe and all those people, as we expected. Because of that, the brothers come up with a plan (as usual). Take everyone to the 'real world' through the rift until they can think of a good plan to defeat Michael.
After a vote, the resistance all agree to evacuate, including Bobby Singer, so they start thinking of a way to do so. Meanwhile, they find out that Charlie and Ketch fall into an angel trap and are capture. As expected, the boys go to their rescue and, surprisingly everything goes well. Actually, they even meet the Castiel from the AU which was such a weirdo. Thank god our Castiel kills him in the end.
With that done, they proceed with taking everyone through the rift while Rowena, in the other side, tries to keep it open. Everything is going great until Michael shows up. Lucifer and Michael start fighting but with no luck. Gabriel then steps up as well in a way to buy the brothers some time to leave and that's when my baby gets killed. It was so painful. I can talk about this anymore... 
So, moving on... Then, Sam purposefully strands Lucifer on Apocalypse World and gets through the rift, leaving Lucifer with Michael in the AU.
As everyone celebrates in the bunker, Lucifer and Michael form an alliance to reopen the rift and conquer the other world.
It's going to be an epic battle for sure, so I can't wait for that. Obviously I'm still not over Gabriel's death so it's going to hurt a bit when the final episode airs but... I'm ready! I can't wait to find out what happens and what they are planning for Season 14!
At this point I have no predictions so let me know yours and I'll see you in a bit with the new Arrow rant!

The Flash | Season 4 Episode 21 - "Harry and the Harrisons"

Spoiler Alert!

Hey people!
Here I am with the new The Flash rant!
First of all, I'm sorry if this rant turns out a little short. Truth is, I'm writting it while I'm watching the new Supernatural episode live (in the commercial breaks) so I might forget some things. I mean, this episode didn't have much though. As you might already know, this was all about Amunet which, I didn't really like, but she was fun in this episode.
Also, besides Amunet, this episode was about Harry and trying to find a way to get is intelligence back, thus the name "Harry and the Harrisons", since Cisco assembles a new Council, the Council of Harrisons for that reason.
The Amunet part of the episode was pretty straight forward. First they tried to find her then, after finding her and after she agrees to help them, they had to find her weapons which included her metals since they were stolen. Using is CSI skills, Barry finds who stole the stuff - Norvok - who used to work for Amunet. Obviously they go after him and, for a moment, Amunet backs off but then she gives them some type of 'bomb' that can destroy one of the satellites that DeVoe is working on. Then, she leaves.
The Council of Harrisons also helps a little, actually. They do not get Harry's intellience back, as I suspected, but they made him realize that, to understand DeVoe, he had to put himself in his shoes, and that's when they realize that Marlize is the answer to everything, finally! We still don't know if she's going to turn out eve worse than DeVoe but we'll see.
And, in the very end of the episode, Iris post an article about what DeVoe is planning on doing and, in the very next day, Iris has a bunch of comments with, not only people believing her story but also wanting to help, with some people saying that they have been seing DeVoe here and there. This was really good actually because now DeVoe won't be able to remain undetected.
The episode just ended like that so, let's see what happens next.
Well, now we are basically sure that Marlize is the key to this but I still think she might turn out worse than DeVoe. Tell me which are your thoughts and I'll see you tomorrow with new rants - Supernatural and Arrow. And since I'm watching the Supernatural one right now I can say that this was a really sad one so, prepare yourselves.

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Shadowhunters | Season 3 Episode 8 - "A Heart of Darkness"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello people!
As promised, here I am with the most recent Shadowhunters rant, finally!
I have to say that I'm quite happy with this episode. This was an episode that didn't have Clary that much and I guess that was the main reason why I liked it so much... You know, Clary is one of the most annoying characters ever but, unfortunatelly, she's the main character so you don't get an episode without her that much so this one was good because of that! And, not to jump too ahead but it ended with something that we have been 'waiting'/feeling for so long (at least, I know I did) - Death to Clary! Ok, I might be exagerating and I do know that they aren't going to kill her but still... It was kind of funny.
Anyway, steping back a little bit, the Clary storyline has this outcome because she is questioned by Jia Penhallow and she ends up telling everything about Jace and about the angel wish that she made (everything mainly because of the Soul Sword). That was basically it for Clary so let's move to Simon and Maia.
After Luke's request, Simon, Maia and Jordan go to the place where Lilith was to try and find some clues about her and what she has been doing. They actually end up finding that place with blood and, underneath it, some sort of cacoon which we know is keeping Jonathan/Sebastian. That also ends up in kind of a fight between Maia and Jordan, with Maia basically saying that she still feels something for Jordan. In the end of the episode, Maia decides to leave for a bit. (This was the person that I saw was leaving. Turns out she isn't exactly leaving the show, just town, I guess).
Still about Simon but also to do with Lilith - the later finds out that Simon has the Mark of Caim (as well as we find that out). We also learn that it is the only thing that can banish Lilith from earth and back to Edom so, this basically means that Simon is the only one that can 'kill her', which is something knew.
Because of that Lilith goes to the seelie realm and ends up killing most of the people there. Then, in order to save her own life, the Seelie Queen ends up telling Lilith where the Owl (aka Jace) is, which brings us the leads us to the last storyline of the episode.
With Magnus' help, Izzy and Alec go into Jace's mind in order to bring him back. When they find him, Alec see's that he has been forced to kill Clary repeatedly and has even tried to kill himself. Then, Jace begs for them to kill him but, of course, they don't and they promise that they will get him out. Just as this was about to happen Lilith appears, threatens Magnus and then leaves with Jace.
I have no idea what she's going to do with Jace, I just know that the next episode is the two hour mid-season finale and that means one thing - Sebastian is back! I just can't wait to have my cute little demon back!
Anyway, let me know your thoughts on this episode and your predictions for the mid-season finale.
I'll talk to you later!

Shadowhunters | Season 3 Episode 7 - "Salt in the Wound"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello guys!
Here I am, as promised with the next Shadowhunters rant. I'm still not going to be able to post episode 8's but I'll post it tomorrow, I promise!
Anyway so, this episode wasn't as good as the last one, in my opinion, but it still had some good stuff. Truth is, the first part of the season is almost ending so there's no time to lose, right?
The best things about this episode, I believe were the Maia and Jordan flashbacks.
That's right Kyle really is Jodar (Jordan Kyle) and I wasn't delusional. I was almost 100% sure that this guy was Maia's ex boyfriend but when he introduced himself as Kyle I just got really confused. Turns out I was right. So, Maia finally learns about him, as well as Simon finds out who he really is and, because of that, we see a lot of Maia/Jordan flashbacks. It was actually really interesting to see how everything started and, although they weren't as good as Arrow's flashbacks, in terms of edition and stuff, they were pretty good and, like I said, probably the best part of the episode.
Of course the other part of the episode that was somehow interesting and exciting was the whole thing with Jace. Clary finally told Simon, Alec and Izzy what she did and everything that happened because of that and after that and so they decide to come up with a way to 'save' Jace. They also learn about Lilith and that she's the mother of all demons so it's going to be really hard to defeat her as well as save Jace. Izzy, being head of the armoury knows about a device that was never used that can trap a greater demon so they go to Alicante to get that device.
In the meantime, Lilith also asks Jace to go t Alicante to get Valentine's body and that's where basically everything happens.
Izzy, Alec and Clary go to Alicante, talk to Imogen and she gets them the device that they need. As they leave, Jace arrives and basically kills Imogen. Luckily, she has time to send Alec a message and so the trio go after Jace. They do get to trap him but Clary stays behind to create some 'distraction' (another dumb thing that Clary does, nothing new) and that's when the episode ends - with Clary going to prison. I think that was just unecessary because if she was able to send Jace, Alec and Izzy through a portal why couldn't she go as well?! Doesn't make sense.
The other thing that we see happen in this episode is Luke and Simon finding Lilith's lair and Simon killing two 'demons' with hi forehead thing, which is becoming more and more interesting, to be honest.
Well, I guess that's pretty much it for this episode.
I'm quite excited to watch the new one because I've read something about someone leaving (I don't if it's leaving the show or just leaving New Yorker in the show) but I'm curious about that.
Let me know your thoughts on this episode and please, no spoilers about the new one because I'm only going to be able to watch it tomorrow.
Also, I thought I was able to watch The Flash's new episode today but it's getting late here in Portugal so I won't be able anymore so, The Flash and Shadowhunters for tomorrow.

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Shadowhunters | Season 3 Episode 6 - "A Window Into an Empty Room"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello everyone!
It's finally here! That's right, I'm finally doing the Shadowhunters rants that I owe you! But, like I said in my previous rant, I might not be able to do all three so, just be aware.
Anyway, I'm actually happy with this episode. Not that the characters were great, they were fine but not the best that they have been, but because they finally did something that I've been wanting since the beginning of the season - get rid of some characters that weren't important at all!
So, the episode actually begins with kind of a fight between Magnus and Alec about that box, again. Personally, I thought they were fine about that but I guess they weren't, and that was a major thing for the rest of the episode. Not that they have made it a big part of it, but it made all the other evenst possible, like all the hang out with Maryse. Yes, Maryse is back for this episode and she's basically the one that makes everything in this episode possible.
It's because of her that her, Alec, Izzy and Jace go out and Magnus and Clary start working on something else. 
After Jace is 'back' from the City of Bones (which he wasn't really) Clary notices something odd about him so she goes to Magnus for help. She tells him about everything that happened with the angel and the demon that appeared and then about Jace, to which Magnus sends a message to someone he knows to help them. They agree to meet and that's when they find about everything. They find out from brother Zacariah that Jace has never been in the City of Bones and Magnus puts all the pieces together and remembers that odd woman that went to him for the love spell, and that's when they realize that she must be the demon that killed the angel and that is controlling the Owl. They also predict that something is wrong with Jace so they go after him. That's when they find the Owl attacking the police woman (I think her name is Ollie, I can't really remember) and the Owl aka Jace is able to 'kill' her and that's when Jace, Luke and Magnus find out that Jace is actually the Owl.
At the same time all of this is happening, the vampire that Simon 'created' comes back to cause some trouble. Luckily, Simon takes care of it and, in the end, she is sent away for 'rehab'.
All this means that we are really going to focus on the main issues now so I think the episodes are going to be good from now on.
Let me know what you thought (even though I know this episode aired weeks ago) and I'll see you next with episode 7.

The Challenge: Champs vs Stars | Season 3 Episode 4 - "Face Off, Gloves On"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello people!
Yeah, I know, I know... There's no new Shadowhunters rant yet. I know I owe that to you and that's why those are the rants that are coming next. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to post all of them today (since there's already three episodes out) but I'm going to try. Same thing for The Flash, although I might be able to post that one today since there others I watch with my sister and The Flash I don't so I can stay up late and watch that one by myself. Anyway, that's not why you're here so let's talk about The Challenge.
Surprisingly, this was a pretty 'heavy' episode. From previews that I've see and the beginning of it I thought this was going to be a boring one, and when I saw the challenge... I thought it was so dumb that it was going to be just one of those challenges that are too heavy. Guess I was wrong.
Like I said, the episode started out with some context. Just Ashley talking to Drake about his meat, Brooke talking to her dad through FaceTime and CT showing up, all that. I should've know that this was foreshadowing the future events but, somehow, I always forget about that.
Then, it came the week's challenge - another challenge with big balls in a field. The only difference is that this was a pretty physical and somewhat dangerous challenge. I quite enjoyed it though, but a lot happened during that challenge.
The main thing in the challenge was the fact that Brooke quit without even trying, just afraid to get hurt. That originated a whole thing with CT that said that he hated quitters and she got pretty upset. In the end, they make amends and they are fine... I guess. 
The other thing was that the only person that scored was Casper so the blue team won.
As we've stablished in the last rant, I'm rooting for the red team so I didn't like that they won. But, at the same time that they won, Aneesa also got badly injured and, in the end, she had to leave the show.
That also originated a whole other story. I guess this is the first time that something like that happens because, since she had to leave anyways, there was no LVP so no elimination and the money for the 'loser' went straight up to Aneesa's charity.
But, because there was no LVP doesn't mean there was no MVP, because there was. The blue team, as expected, didn't come to a conclusion so they had to vote. Since this was supposed to be a female elimination, Tori voted for herself, Louise voted for herself as well, Tony voted for Tori and, trying to mess the 'stars' plan, Wes voted for Casper (without knowing that his plan was to vote for Louise all along). Then, both Drake, Booby and Casper voted for Louise so yeah, Louise was the MVP. Because of that she had the Power Play which, this time was Trade - she could trade any player from the blue team for one from the read team, any player - guy/guy, girl/guy, girl/girl. She chose to trade Tori, who was so stoked to be part of the Red Team for Ashley who, unlike Tori, was pissed. Like, really pissed! And, just like Kailah said, they have no idea what they've done because Ashley is mad and, like she said herself (Ashley) she's going to do everything so the Blue Team looses, which I just can't wait to see happen.
Overall, this was a pretty big episode and I just can't wait to see what happens next. They're doing a great job with this season so Congrats!
Let me know all your thoughts and predictions and I'll see you guys in my next rant!

Saturday, May 5, 2018

Supernatural | Season 13 Episode 21 - "Beat the Devil"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello people!
Wow! We are really coming to an ending, aren't we?
This episode was such a ride! It was everything that I wanted! Hell, it was what I've been wishing for weeks and it was so freaking good! We finally had Sam, Dean, Cas, Gabriel, Jack, Lucifer and Rowena all in the same episode and it was fantastic! Seriously, I can't rave enough about this episode!
It had so many good moments, from funny ones to really emotional ones. I knew this was going to be an important episode for Sam but damn I wasn't expecting what happened!
So, this episode was all about getting back to the alternative universe and finally get Mary and Jack back. The first thing was try the spell again. With Gabriel on board, they tried it but his grace wasn't enough so they had to come up with plan B - go after Lucifer. 
Well, this wasn't like a major plot in this episode but I just have to mention it. Gabriel and Rowena! I mean, it was good but cringy... I don't know, I have mixed feelings but I guess deep down I liked it. It was something that never crossed my mind but, somehow, I'm cool with it. You know that I have a thing for Gabriel (just as much as I have for Jack... maybe even more, I would admit) so this was a nice touch to his character I think.
Anyway, back to the important stuff... With the help of Gabriel and Rowena they catch Lucifer and decide to use him and his grace as a continuous power source to keep the rift open.
They are able to open the rift again and the brothers, Castiel and Gabriel travel to the Apocalypse World. 
Of course things had to go a little wrong and, after learning that his son is in the Apocalypse World, Lucifer breaks free and travels through the rift, leaving Rowena to scramble to find a way to keep it open without Lucifer to power it.
In the AU things don't go that well either. Heck, they turn out to be even worse!
Our boys eventually find a couple that is being attacked by some different type of vampires and, of course, being the heroes, they go to their rescue. After that, they learn that they only way to Mary and Jack is through a tunnel full of those creatures. Sam is really eager to just do it and that's exactly what they do. Obviously they end up attacked and that's when Sam dies. Sam actually dies! I mean, for a moment I actually thought that he was dead for sure. I knew that he couldn't. Jared didn't say anything about leaving the show and it was even renewed for a Season 14 so... It wouldn't make sense but... You never know.
What was the worst about all this was Dean. Dean's reacting to Sam's death was so heartbreaking! He actually cried and if you know Dean you know what it takes to make him cry so, as you can imagine, I was almost crying as well. It was that heartbreaking.
They end up finding Mary and Jack and, once again, seeing Jack just in denial about Sam's death was really sad. Also, I need to mentions this... Was it just me or should've been a different scene with Gabriel meeting Jack? I mean, Gabriel is his uncle so I would've liked to see like an introduction scene or something like Jack asking 'You're my uncle?' or something like that... I don't know, I just thought they would do something else but I guess it wouldn't fit the tone of the episode in that moment.
Oh, also need to mention this real quick... Castiel does tell Gabriel about the angels and I guess Gabriel kept thinking about it. I don't know but I see a real chance of Gabriel staying for some time and I'm so okay with that!
Anyway, back to the storyline...
Of course Sam wasn't dead for sure and then we see that it was actually Lucifer who brought him back to life in a way for Sam to show him where Jack is.
And yes, the end of the episode is Lucifer meeting Jack for the first time and, truth be told, I have no idea who this is gonna go. I couldn't read Jack's face at all and that got me even more curious. I just couldn't believe that the episode was ending like that so, as you can imagine, I'm so excited about the next one.
Well, it looks like we aren't done with Lucifer for this season. He's probably going to still be one of the problems or the next season but I don't think he's going to be the big bad.
I don't know, let me know your thoughts and predictions.
This is what I thought of the episode.
I'll see you guys in my next rant!

Arrow | Season 6 Episode 21 - "Docket No. 11-19-41-73"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello people!
As usual, quite late with this rant. This was the only time I was able to watch the episode so you're gonna have to roll with it.
I have to say, I'm pretty impressed with this episode! It was just a simple one but with some many things happening and, most of all, full of emotions! Some things were kind of predictable but the last part of the episode left me surprised, which is always something that I'm looking forward in the series that I watch, mostly in the last episodes of the season.
This episode was basically just Oliver's trial. It actually begins with a scene in Kasnia with Diggle recueing someone and, at first, I thought it was part of some ARGUS job but, as soon as I saw that he was basically alone, I realized that this was part of a plan to 'save' Oliver. We've known for weeks that Tommy was going to be in this episode and, at first, my theory was that Siren X was going to show up or something with Tommy from Earth X and he would be the one to pretend to be the Green Arrow but, as soon as I saw Diggle save that man, I realized that this was going to be a job for Human Target aka Christopher Chance.
In the actual trial, a lot of people are called to testify, including John, Dinah, Dr. Schwartz, Felicity and even Rene. Basically all of the screw up a bit, mostly Dinah with something that happened before she was even in Star City and Rene, who had to actually say that Oliver was the Green Arrow because Diaz showed up in the trial with his daughter.
Then, that's when 'Tommy' shows up and he testifies saying that he has been the Green Arrow all along. He faked his death and in the past Roy actually pretended to be the Green Arrow to save him so, this time, he won't let that happen again so he decided to tell the truth and let everyone 'know' that he's the Green Arrow. 
Obviously, after that, he's taken into custody but, obviously, Diggle had everything planned out so he was able to take him somewhere else and that's when we actually learn that he's Human Target and not actually Tommy.
But it doesn't end there. After that, Laurel is basically 'forced' by Diaz to testify as well, against Oliver, obviously but she changes her mind. She does testify but she says that Tommy is the real Green Arrow which, obviously, leaves Diaz really mad!
With all this mixed up testimonials everything is still up in the air. When the jury does come to a conclusion they say Oliver is guilty, proving the assumption that both the judge and the jury were in Diaz's pocket. After that, Oliver's lawyer challenges the verdict due to the evidence and that's when the episode caught me off guard. 
The judge surprisingly agrees and, just like that, Oliver is free to go. When arriving in the lair, Oliver (and us) find out that Chance switched places with the judge during jury deliberation. Oliver thanks Diggle to which the later says that it was actually Rene's plan. Oliver goes to Rene's place to say thank you and, just like that, they are fine with each other and we are one step closer to get the whole team together again (although, this might prove my theory... Rene is trying to make everything right because, in the end, he's probably going to leave or something).
Well, in the very end we see Diaz kill the judge and then, Laurel appears, attackes Diaz and his men, momentarily overpowering Diaz but not for long. He ends up taking her captive and then tells her that he needs to move to plan B - kill Oliver and everyone he knows.
We already knew this was going to happen since the producers have been saying that in episode 22 Diaz was going to target Oliver's loved ones so... Let's see how everything plays out.
Overall, I was really happy with this episode. Like I said, not much but, at the same time, a lot. Loved all the powerful moments between Oliver, Felicity and William! 
Anyway, let me know your thoughts and predictions and I'll see you in my next post!