Spoiler Alert!
Hello people!
So, here we are with the remaining series that I have to rant about. The Challenge is actually a pretty cool show to talk to you about because there's always new things happening and new theories coming to my mind so, it's not that bad that's the only one. I do miss my other series, though, but that's fine, they'll be back in October.
Anyway, let's talk about this episode because it was a quite exciting one! It wasn't like a 'proper' episode, like with a Challenge, Nominations and Elimination, but with the way the last one ended and with all the things that happened in this one, I'm actually okay with it. Plus, everything that happened in this episode wasn't drama between the competitors about petty things - everything that happned was game wise and I like that!
The episode started just like the previous one ended - with everyone finding out that they were going to be playing in Duos now. Since Tony was the first one on the leader board, he got to pick his partner first, and he could pick from anyone - guy, girl, team blue, team red, champ, star - which was something that I was wondering about. Tony made an amazing choice and chose CT, making them one of the strongest teams. Next, because basically everyone else in the Blue Team was tied, The Mizz took a name out of a bucket and it was time for Bobby to chose. It was actually pretty surprising because he chose Wes. I mean, I don't blame him though. I may not like Wes but I know he has a good game so I would think about having him as a partner. Then, Louise chose Casper, obviously. After them, Brooke chose Shane, Lil Mama chose Tori, Drake chose Kailah and Selita was left with Jozea, which was just awful for her.
Needless to say that this changed everything. I mean, Louise and Casper were still do ones everyone wanted to get rid off but everything else changed and that was clear in this week's challenge.
It was a swimming challenge so of course Shane and Wes were going to do great. Jozea on the other hand, as awful! He didn't know how to swim so you can imagine. I don't blame him though. Basically everyone was judging him but there's plenty of people that don't know how to swim and, maybe if you do, you might not be able to dive that deep and hold your breath so, this challenge wasn't all about swimming, in my opinion. Obviously, as you can imagine, Joze and Selita were the worst team and then, we don't really know how everyone else did but Shane and Broke won, which was actually fine by me. I like both of them and I like them working together so I was happy.
Then, because everything changed, the rules of the nominations changed as well. From the winning Duo, between the two, they had to choose the MVP and then, the MVP would chose the LVP Team (not only one of them, but the Team). Then, it was up to everyone else, as Teams, to pick other Team/Duo besides the winning Duo, which were save from elimination.
Well, Brooke gave it to Shane so he was MVP and, obviously, Shane chose Louise and Casper as LVP. Then, that's when everything went downhill. Casper and Louise chose CT and Tony as the other LVP Team, as well as Selita and Jozea chose CT and Tony. CT and Tony chose Selita and Jozea.Then, the remaining teams were Star and Champs Duos so the Mizz had to go to the bucket again because they couldn't decide. As for Lil Mama and Tori, Lil Mama chose and she chose CT and Tony, as for Kailah and Drake, Kailah was the one to choose and she chose Selita and Jozea. There was only Wes and Bobby back and that's where the episode ended - without us knowing who they were going to pick. Personally, I think they are going for a tie but I have no idea what happens if they tie it so... But also, at the same time, I think the smartest thing to do was to put CT and Tony against Casper and Louise. They are basically the only duo that can take Casper and Louise out. I wouldn't just throw them in though. I would probably go to them and explain the situation because everyone wasnt them out so this would be their chance because, if it is Selita and Jozea against them, Casper and Louise are probably going back so... I don't know, that's just my opinion.
Let me know all your thoughts and theories and I guess I'll see you next week with a new The Challenge rant!