Spoiler Alert!
Hi guys and welcome back to a brand new week of rants!
I'm actually pretty stoked to talk about this new Arrow episode because I kind of enjoyed it. I say 'kind of' because it was bit of mixed feelings. On one hand I really enjoyed myself while watching this but, on the other, this was way too predictable that I called the whole thing in the first 5 minutes. Nonetheless, it was great to shut up some people that were talking sh*t about Dinah (on twitter, I mean).
So, this whole episode basically plays backwards. We begin with a few scenes from the present and those scenes intertwine with scenes from the past, and then, it's pretty much your typical 'murder mystery' where you have to find out who killed a certain people. But, because there's always a twist in those movies, I knew something was up with this whole thing I called it in the first 5 minutes, that this was all part of a plan. Most people didn't realize it because they were too fed up with Dinah trying to blame Team Arrow for what happened and, in one way, the writers did great because Dinah have always been the one to doubt Team Arrow but again, I called because I've always defended Dinah and I knew this wasn't her, not anymore.
But I've talked too much before actually getting into the plot so, let's talk about it.
Like I said, Team Arrow is being blamed for killing two guards and so, Dinah and Sergeant Bingsley interrogate each and every Team Arrow member. In the mix of all of that, we learn that they asked Roy for help, which was so nice and I was so happy about.
The Team prevents the Ninth Circle from releasing their biological weapon but that's when they find the two guards dead. After the questioning about this, they blame it on Emiko and they are free, since their stories line up, and that's when we learn that this was all a story that they worked out together. It is also revealed that Roy was the one that killed the guards and that's when a lot of things make sense. Turns out, Roy died battling the Thanatos Guild and was then revived by Thea and Nyssa with a Lazarus Pit, and that's where all the blood lust and rage comes from. A bunch of people on twitter also guessed this so, props to them!
Post that, Felicity locates the Ninth Circle's headquarters, where Oliver confronts Emiko, who reveals that she sent the security footage to the SCPD. Emiko also reveals that she had a role on Robert Queen's death and that she plans to destroy Oliver by making in a villain and dying like one. And then, she just blows up the building, burying Oliver and the majority of Team Arrow under it.
This were some shocking things! Yes, I guessed the whole plan thing and yes, the Lazarus thing with Roy was also kind of predictable, but before this episode, I had no idea so I think it was really cool to introduce this. This was also a pretty crazy way to end and episode and I'm really curious to see where they go with this because, not only we are 2 episodes way from the Season Finale, but next Season is going to be the last one. Plus, Emily is leaving this season and we know that she's alive in the future so... I really have no idea how they are going to wrap this season.
Let me know your thoughts on this episode and I'll talk to you Thursday (tomorrow I'm having a Social Media detox so, no The Flash rant tomorrow. I'm still going to live tweet today so, join me).