
Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Arrow | Season 7 Episode 20 - "Confessions"

Spoiler Alert!

Hi guys and welcome back to a brand new week of rants!
I'm actually pretty stoked to talk about this new Arrow episode because I kind of enjoyed it. I say 'kind of' because it was bit of mixed feelings. On one hand I really enjoyed myself while watching this but, on the other, this was way too predictable that I called the whole thing in the first 5 minutes. Nonetheless, it was great to shut up some people that were talking sh*t about Dinah (on twitter, I mean).
So, this whole episode basically plays backwards. We begin with a few scenes from the present and those scenes intertwine with scenes from the past, and then, it's pretty much your typical 'murder mystery' where you have to find out who killed a certain people. But, because there's always a twist in those movies, I knew something was up with this whole thing I called it in the first 5 minutes, that this was all part of a plan. Most people didn't realize it because they were too fed up with Dinah trying to blame Team Arrow for what happened and, in one way, the writers did great because Dinah have always been the one to doubt Team Arrow but again, I called because I've always defended Dinah and I knew this wasn't her, not anymore.
But I've talked too much before actually getting into the plot so, let's talk about it.
Like I said, Team Arrow is being blamed for killing two guards and so, Dinah and Sergeant Bingsley interrogate each and every Team Arrow member. In the mix of all of that, we learn that they asked Roy for help, which was so nice and I was so happy about.
The Team prevents the Ninth Circle from releasing their biological weapon but that's when they find the two guards dead. After the questioning about this, they blame it on Emiko and they are free, since their stories line up, and that's when we learn that this was all a story that they worked out together. It is also revealed that Roy was the one that killed the guards and that's when a lot of things make sense. Turns out, Roy died battling the Thanatos Guild and was then revived by Thea and Nyssa with a Lazarus Pit, and that's where all the blood lust and rage comes from. A bunch of people on twitter also guessed this so, props to them! 
Post that, Felicity locates the Ninth Circle's headquarters, where Oliver confronts Emiko, who reveals that she sent the security footage to the SCPD. Emiko also reveals that she had a role on Robert Queen's death and that she plans to destroy Oliver by making in a villain and dying like one. And then, she just blows up the building, burying Oliver and the majority of Team Arrow under it.
This were some shocking things! Yes, I guessed the whole plan thing and yes, the Lazarus thing with Roy was also kind of predictable, but before this episode, I had no idea so I think it was really cool to introduce this. This was also a pretty crazy way to end and episode and I'm really curious to see where they go with this because, not only we are 2 episodes way from the Season Finale, but next Season is going to be the last one. Plus, Emily is leaving this season and we know that she's alive in the future so... I really have no idea how they are going to wrap this season.
Let me know your thoughts on this episode and I'll talk to you Thursday (tomorrow I'm having a Social Media detox so, no The Flash rant tomorrow. I'm still going to live tweet today so, join me).

Sunday, April 28, 2019

The Flash | Season 5 Episode 19 - "Snow Pack"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello guys!
Finally, here I am with the last rant update that I owe you.
This episode was a mixed feeling for me. I thought it was great, but it had so much going on that, sometimes, it was a bit too much but, somehow, in the end, it all made sense.
The episode actually begins with a pretty surprising scene of Barry and Iris fighting over him sending Nora back without telling her. I didn't really mind that scene, to be honest, because I'm not a fan of West-Allen, and I also was on Barry's side but wow, it really was surprising!
Post that, Iris decides to go to 2049 to get Nora back, and that's when we see that Nora have been talking to Thawne and they introduce something really out there - a new Speed Force. I don't know about you but I thought that there was only one Speed Force and that that Speed Force was the origin for speed and all that jazz but, after all, there's a way to create your own Speed Force (kind of) and that's what Thawne let's Nora know and what he tries to get her there, to the Negative Speed Force. After a failed attempt to get into the Negative Speed Force, Nora and Thawne are confronted by Iris. Nora and Iris have a little argument and that's when Nora storms off and is able to get into the Negative Speed Force, due to the negative feelings. At the same time, Iris also gets back to the Present day, but not before she hears Thawne telling her to reunite her family.
Meanwhile, we see the return of Icicle, who steals a cryo-atomizer from Tannhauser Industries and kidnaps Caitlin and her mother, in order to eliminate their human side and create an 'Ice Family'.
A lot happens but, in the end, The Flash saves Carla who is inside the cryo chamber and Killer Frost fights Icicle, in a really nice fight (with a not so good CGI, unfortunately).
Then, out of nowhere, Cicada appears, after kidnapping her younger self, and also fights Killer Frost (after she 'defeats' Icicle and brings back Thomas). Thomas then sacrifices himself for his daughter by stepping in front of her and getting stabbed by Cicada. Cicada then escapes with the cryo-atomizer, and that's the end of it.
In the very end of the episode Barry admits that he was wrong (even thought I don't think he was) and he and Iris agree to work things out and help their daughter. 
Elsewhere, Nora emerges from the Negative Speed Force with glowing red eyes (which might be a hint that Nora might be the bad guy for next season).
With so many things going on, I don't know how are they going to wrap things up in only 3 episodes. On Arrow, it looks like they can, but on The Flash... They still have Cicada, which I'm still pretty confused about, and they just introduces basically 'bad Nora' so... That's why I think Nora is going to be the bad guys next season, but let's see.
Now, I'm all up to date with everything so... Let me know your thoughts and predictions for the rest of the season and I'll see you in my next rant!

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Arrow | Season 7 Episode 19 - "Spartan"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello people!
As promised, here I am with the most recent Arrow episode!
Thank god there was this episode after the last one because this one was so much better! Still, it wasn't an amazing episode but it sure was a lot more interesting and surprising!
This episode focus a lot on Diggle and his family (as you can kind of guess by the title of the episode) and we learn so much that we didn't know before.
It starts right away with some revealing. In order to get some help on finding out what the Ninth Circle is after, Oliver and Diggle go to the Defense Department and that's when we meet General Roy Stewart, who we then find out is Diggle's stepfather. General Stewart can't really give them any information so they leave empty handed. And to make things worst, the next thing that happens is that the Ninth Circle gets into Smoak Tech and is able to steal Archer, which then leads Stewart to reveal that the drive contains an asset list that the Ninth Circle can now track, thanks to Archer.
Team Arrow and Stewart then go to secure the assets, which ends up with Dante capturing Diggle and Stewart. Turns out, they have always been after Stewart because of some codes that the Ninth Circle needs, which the General gives away when they start torturing Diggle. Luckily, they are able to get free, call in Team Arrow and get away. 
The next thing they do is try to track the Ninth Circle through Archer when they go online to find the weapon that they need, and then, go after them.
While the rest destroy Archer, Oliver confronts Emiko, telling her Dante had her mother killed. At first, it seems like Emiko doesn't really care, because she then leaves with Dante and the weapon that they went after but then, in the end of the episode, we see Emiko confront Dante and kill him, which was really a surprise to me. At first, I was really afraid they would make the same old story-line where she then turns good, so I was hoping she knew that all along, but I guess this way is also nice, with her getting her revenge but still remaining bad. And so, it looks like Emiko is the bad guy this season (wow, we've changed bad guys so much this season).
In the flash-forwards, Mia and Connor obtain a power module for the tech helmet from the Deathstroke gang, who we learn is led by none other than JJ (Diggle's son). This was a revelation! We have been wondering what happened to Diggle's son and we finally know it and I think some people guessed it - he turned bad, which was nice in my opinion. We still didn't get to actually see him so, I'm looking forward to that. 
The episode ends with Felicity (from the flash-forwards) powering up the helmet and learning that Galaxy One has expanded Archer.
Like I said, this episode gave us a lot more new information which is nice, considering that we are almost in the end of the season.
I really enjoyed this episode! Let me know what you thought about it and... I guess there's only one The Flash rant left for me to post so... I'll see you then!

Arrow | Season 7 Episode 18 - "Lost Canary"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello everyone!
Here I am, finally, with the Arrow rants (a new one is coming right after this one). I'm not going to waste any time and jump right into my thoughts.
This was an highly anticipated episode and... It kind of fell flat. It started out pretty great with a really nice fight/shot sequence with Black Siren but then... it became kind of boring and yeah, the girls together fighting was pretty cool but that was about it. Plus, they mixed Oliver in this episode with a pretty sh*tty 'story-line' as well as integrated some flash-forwards that didn't really do anything to the story so... This wasn't what we thought it would be. But, for the sake of this rant, I'm going to break it down (but don't expect a lot of commentary, since I already said all that I had to say).
Like I said, this episode begins with Black Siren going rogue again and going looking for a former associate called Shadow Thief.
Meanwhile, Felicity discovers that Emiko framed Laurel, but Dinah informs her that Laurel has gone back to committing crime. Still, Felicity tries to talk Laurel out of it but with no success and that's what makes her call Sara, to help them bring back the 'good' Laurel. The three confront Laurel about what she wants to be and, somehow, something changes inside her head and she turns on Shadow Thief. Of course they win and, post al the fighting, Dinah clears Laurel's reputation by claiming she went undercover. But, although she could go back to her former work, Laurel decides to return to Earth-2 and right her wrongs as Black Canary. And that was it for the 'Birds of Prey' part of the episode.
But, like I said, this episode also tried to fit Oliver and Diggle for some odd reason and they go after some lead about Emiko and find out that Kodiak of the Longbow Hunters was hired by Dante to kill Emiko's mother.
And then, in the flash-forwards, Galaxy One uses a special tech helmet to target the Canary Network and, while the others want to hide, Mia wants to fight back, being the stubborn kid that she is. In the end, Laurel saves Mia from the man in the helmet and tells her to give the helmet to Felicity.
As I said before, this last two parts of the episode really didn't need to be there and maybe the episode would've been so much better if it just focused on the 'Birds of Prey'. I did like the fight scenes and all the bits that had Sara (just to think that I used to hate Sara) but, apart from that, this episode was really empty and... I was expecting more.
Let's hope the next one is better so, keep an eye for that rant!

Supernatural | Season 14 Episode 20 - "Moriah"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello guys!
So here I am, as promised, with the Supernatural Season 14 Finale rant, and what a finale!
I have to say, after the last couple of episodes, I went in with pretty low expectations and then, after the first few minutes, I really didn't think this would go out with a bang but... Oh boy! How I was wrong! I would even dare to say that this was the most epic season finale Supernatural has ever had and, after 14 seasons, they sure have some pretty big season finales! But this one! They sure are setting up the last season to be one of the best and that makes me so excited!
As we saw in the end of last episode, Dean's plan didn't really work that well and Jack was able to get out of the box. Luckily, he didn't do much damage to them because I really thought Jack would be really pissed and just kill them or something. He was pissed, sure, and he did attack them, but he fled pretty quickly and didn't waist any time in wrecking havoc (not on purpose though). I can't really blame Jack, to be honest, about what he did because I myself I'm a firm believer that you should never lie (and I can't even lie about anything, I feel so damn guilty) so I get why Jack made everyone say the truth all the time but then, he found himself in a situation where he had lied before, when he visited his grandparents and they tell him that they know he lied. 
At the same time Jack is doing all that, the Winchesters try to track him, and that's when God appears! I really wasn't expecting him so early in the episode and I was so excited about him being back! That was, until the last part of the episode, where he really pissed me off (but I'll get into that).
God does kind of help them and undoes what Jack did but when it comes to actually do something with Jack, he just can't. He warns them about Jack being a grave threat and that they must deal with him. For that, God gives them a weapon that can kill Jack, but it will also kill the person that handles the gun and so, it starts that thing between Sam and Dean where Dean wants to be the one to kill Jack and Sam just disagrees with the whole thing and even starts getting suspicious of God's motives.
Castiel also disagrees with the whole thing about killing Jack and even goes looking for him and that's one of the best moments happen, with such a cute talk between Castiel and Jack, just like a father and son talk, so damn sweet!
Unfortunately, Dean interrupts that moment and shows up in the cemetery where Castiel and Jack are, ready to kill Jack but, as he's about to kill him, he just can't bring himself to actually do it and just 'gives up'.
That's when God reveals that he has been manipulating the situation like a story that he writes and is angered about Dean not being able to kill Jack. Post that, God does it himself - he kills Jack, which was such an wow moment for me, followed by an even bigger moment where Sam tries to kill God with the gun and also shooting himself in the process. It then cut to commercial but, when the episode comes back, we see that Sam just hit him in the shoulder and both of them where okay. But, as you can imagine, God wasn't happy with what Sam did and so, he decides to end the world, turning the world into darkness and unleashing every soul from Hell, all the monsters that Sam and Dean sent there, all of them back - we even get to see the lady in the road (such a throwback from season 1).
But, that's not really the end. Before the episode actually ends, we see Jack in The Empty, first seeing the Shadow and then being approached by Billie who tells him that they need to talk about the current situation, which leads me to believe that we will see more of Jack in the future.
I actually saw a pretty good predictions where Jack will defeat God and become the new God and create more angels and everything and that's how the series will end. I'm fine with that, to be honest, but it's still too early to make assumptions so... Let's see what the last season brings!
I don't know about you but I'm extremely happy with this Season Finale and so excited for the next and final season. I'm probably going to react in video for the series finale but there's still a long way till then so... Let's not worry things.
Don't forget to let me know what you thought of this season finale and I'll see you probably tomorrow with a few more rants!

Friday, April 26, 2019

The Challenge: War of the Worlds | Season 33 Episode 12 - "Lost In Translation"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello people!
Yes, I'm here with another The Challenge rant (even before all the others that I still owe you) but you know how I am with The Challenge - I just can't wait to watch a new episode and plus, it's really hard to get away from The Challenge spoilers so I try to watch the episode as soon as I can. Also, just a side note, the next rant is going to be the Supernatural season finale because I just finished watching it and I have to talk about it before I watch any of the other series' episodes, but that's for tomorrow, now let's talk about The Challenge.
Once again, I have to complain about the structure because they did it again - they cut out the final elimination (even the people that is picked, both of them, this time) and you know how I feel about that. I get it, they have to have a cliffhanger, but all the previous episodes were good and didn't have the elimination cut so... They could keep the same structure but okay... We are getting close to the end so they need a bit more 'tension' and build up. Apart from that, this was a pretty cool episode!
Because we didn't see the elimination last episode, that's where the episode started. Unfortunately, my prayers weren't answered and Georgia didn't pick Cara Maria. Instead, she chose Nany, not that it made much difference because then, TJ let us know that they would need an 'ally' for this elimination and both of they would have to pick a guy to 'help' them with the elimination, which was basically to get them taped to a chair and then try to get out as quickly as possible, the guys being the ones to tape them. For the guys, Georgia chose Turbo, which was such a good choice and, surprisingly, Nany chose Wes. I say surprisingly because most people were thinking Hunter but I actually thought right away she was going to pick Wes but now, after seeing the elimination, maybe she should've picked Hunter because yes, Georgia ended up winning and, to be completely fair, this whole thing came down to the guys because Turbo really did a better job at taping Nany to the chair. Georgia also did an amazing job at pissing off Wes and that's probably the reason why he wasn't as good in taping Georgia to the chair but yeah... The guys were the key here and, in the end, Turbo did a better job and Georgia won, which I'm not that mad about (you know that I'm not really rooting for anyone at this point).
After that, we move on pretty quickly to the week's challenge and it's an endurance one and again, it's guy/girl pairs, in which the guys choose the girls. Everyone was pretty happy with the girl they 'got' apart from Wes, which was the last one, which means he didn't really get to choose, leaving him with Da'Vonne. In the end, it was all fine because they actually got into the Tribunal, alongside with Turbo/Ninja (which there was a whole drama between them) and Paulie/Georgia (Georgia has been great). And, because there was only three guys left, there wouldn't be nominations. They still had the 'tribunal' thing but, to be honest, it didn't matter. And that was basically how the episode ended.
We do see them get into the Killing Floor and we see that it's a physical challenge which changes things up a bit, only because Paulie, who is safe, is considering volunteering himself just to go against Kyle, which is such a stupid idea but he's  dumb so... What can you do?! Personally, I would love to see them go against each other (preferably with Kyle winning) but I wouldn't volunteer. So, let's see.
Let me know what do you think is going to happen and I'll see you tomorrow with a new Supernatural rant (and maybe a few more).

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

The Flash | Season 5 Episode 18 - "Godspeed"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello everyone! One final rant for the day!
Unlike the previous rants that I posted, this one is a really exciting one! I was so excited about this episode of The Flash! Not only it had Godspeed, it also had the whole story about Nora but it was also directed by Danielle Panabaker, which is awesome!
In the end, I loved this episode. Maybe I thought there was more to it (Nora's story, I mean) but what they gave us makes sense and I enjoyed it.
The whole episode goes through Nora's journal, which begins with just some 'mundane' stuff about her as a CSI and then we find out how she got around to Thawne and, the reason for that is simple - Godspeed.
I don't know what I was expecting but, the name Godspeed, and the looks that they gave us prior to the episode airing, made it look like this was a really badass speedster and... He just looked 'normal' to me. Actually, he's pretty much a fake because he used Velocity-9 so he's basically a rip-off version of Zoom. But anyway, so Nora encounters Godspeed, who is trying to upgrade the Velocity-9 and so that's when she finds out that she's a meta (a speedster) and that's why she goes to Thawne - first to get some Intel on how to defeat Godspeed and then to actually 'work' with him and just get better. It's also Thawne that basically let's her know that Barry is The Flash which she didn't know (and I didn't know either. I didn't realize that she didn't know Barry was The Flash).
After learning all of that from the journal, Iris decides to release Nora and let her explain all that's left to explain for herself but still, it isn't enough for Barry and so, after stating that he can't trust her no more, he sends her back to the future and says that he would feel any future attempts made by her to time travel. 
In the very end, Barry visits Thawne in Iran Heights and we see that Thawne only has 10 minutes left and then he's going to be executed.
This ending was a bit surprising and, at the same time, it almost looks like a good ending. This whole episode looks like a story of its own which, in a way, it is, but with all of this I completely forgot that we still have to deal with Cicada and I kind of wish Thawne was the villain again (and this coming from a person that has never been a big fan of Reverse Flash).
I know there's a new episode out already but I don't think I'm going to be able to review it today (and maybe not even tomorrow) so... Yeah, I guess that's pretty much it.
Anyway, let me know what you thought of the episode (even if there's a new one out already) and I'll see you in my next rant!

Supernatural | Season 14 Episode 19 - "Jack in the Box"

Spoiler Alert!

Hey peeps!
A bunch of rants in the same day, huh?!
I'm finally caught up on Supernatural and... I can I say I was underwhelmed?! I don't know if it was because I was extremely sleepy while watching this episode but it really didn't get my attention the way I thought it would (having in mind that this is the second to last episode of the season). I so disagree with everything that happened in this episode and ugh! I knew this wasn't going to end well (obviously!) and I'm with Jack on all this. It was extremely bad from Dean to try and trick Jack but I also have to criticize Sam because he went along with it. Sam should've said no because it obviously wouldn't work...
Anyway so, this whole episode, a bit like the last one, has a pretty simple premise - finding Jack.
While the brothers and Castiel keep looking for Jack, Duma finds him and starts using him to create more angels. Poor Jack is so thrilled about this because he thinks he's doing good and helping...
Luckily, Castiel finds out about what is happening in heaven and, in a really big twist, he kills Duma, which really shocked me.
And then, comes the really wrong part of the episode.
Dean comes up with the idea to lock Jack in the Ma'lak Box but at his own free will. The thing is, in order to have Jack agree into going inside box, they agree to basically lie to him and say that it's only temporary until they work out a spell (or whatever) to get is soul back.
Obviously things go south and Jack gets himself free of the box and the episode ends, but we can only imagine that he's pissed and he's probably going to be Lucifer 2.0 (which I don't know how I feel about that).
The only redeeming thing in this episode is the fact that Castiel completely disagrees with what the brothers did and he's basically the only one to remember that Jack is, in fact, only 2 years old. Poor Jack. Seriously, I felt really sorry for him and, usually, I agree with the brothers but in this... Nope, sorry! I'm with Jack!
Let me know where do you stand in this.
We know that in the next episode aka Season Finale, Chuck is going to make an appearance so, hopefully, it will be to restore Jack's soul.
Until then, I'll see you in my next rant!

Supernatural | Season 14 Episode 18 - "Absence"

Spoiler Alert!

I'm finally here to review one of the two Supernatural episodes that I still have to review.
It's crazy because the season is almost ending and I almost didn't get to watch the last episode live because how far behind I was, but hopefully, after this rant, I'll watch episode 19 and then tomorrow I can watch the Season Finale live (so don't forget to live tweet with me @danixinhahhh).
Anyway so, technically, I had already seen this episode when it first aired, the thing is, I was only able to watch some parts because my stream kept crashing because of how slow the internet connection was so I had to watch the whole thing again. The good thing is that I knew what happened and I knew the outcome of that cliffhanger in episode 17, which was huge.
They don't really waste any time and, since the very first minutes of the episode you understand that Jack did kill Mary. I can't say I was either shocked or sad because I wasn't. The truth is, Mary didn't really grow on me so I wasn't exactly sad of her dying, I was more sad to see Sam and Dean sad and even more about Jack. Jack was really the one I felt sorry for because you could see he was hurting (in a way).
Then, the whole episode is basically the brothers, as well as Jack, trying to bring Mary back. I'm actually happy she didn't come back. Sometimes, in this type of shows, you don't really feel the stakes because, at any moment, they can bring that character back or bring the same actor to play a similar character, so it's nice to see them stick with this death (this doesn't mean that she won't be back in the future, in some other form, but for now, I'm happy with this outcome).
I also like the fact that we had Rowena back in this episode (it's always nice to have her) and basically both Jack and the Winchesters were asking for her help. Jack ends up doing the spell to bring Mary back but it doesn't work and the only thing that he brings back is her body, since he basically exploded her and there was no body.
The good thing in this whole mess is what Castiel finds out after going to heaven and talking to Duma. Not only she tells him that Mary died a painless death (which is always nice) but she also showed Castiel Mary's own heaven and he saw how happy she was there, with John, which reassured Sam and Dean. Of course it doesn't make it okay not that they won't be sad, but at least they know she's happy and in a better place.
In the very end, the Winchesters and Castiel give Mary a hunter's funeral while Jack keeps hallucinating with Lucifer, who tells him that he can't trust Sam and Dean anymore.
It was a nice episode but, because I had kind of already seen it, this 'second watch' didn't really stuck with me so, I'm really excited to see the next one and, obviously, the Season Finale, because we are going to have God back (he might even be in episode 19, I don't know, but please, don't spoil it for me).
I'll see you guys in a few hours.

The Challenge: War of the Worlds | Season 33 Episode 11 - "A Simple Plan"

Spoiler Alert!

Yes, I know, I didn't post all the rants that I said I was going to but, in my defense, I didn't promise you (because I knew it would be hard to actually post). Also, I'm not feeling my best so... That might also affect how this rant is going to turn out because I didn't pay 100% attention to everything.
Post the disclaimers, let's get into the actual episode.
When we all thought they were done with the 'cliffhangers'... They gave us this episode, with everything going fine until the very end, where we didn't see the elimination (not even the second person that was chosen to go against the one that was voted in). This either means that it's pretty huge or, and it's what I think actually is, they just wanted to get us hyped up for 'nothing', with a pretty boring outcome. I hope I'm wrong because I had kind of high expectations for this episode so, let's see... (We won't have to wait long because the new episode airs tomorrow).
So, we already knew that this was going to be a girls elimination so the first part of the episode focused a lot on the girls and the 'teams' that have been forming. Then, we moved to the actual challenge which looked really cool but was kind of easy, because it was only a puzzle on a moving car. To be honest, I don't think I would be able to finish that puzzle (not in 3 minutes, at least, I'm not the best at puzzles) but it looked easy anyway. In the end, a lot of people didn't get to finish and were a few that actually finished it. From the ones that ended the challenge, the ones to be in the Tribunal really pleased me - Dee, Wes and Mattie. I know, I'm the biggest fan of Wes but, in this case, I was happy he was the one in the Tribunal, because I knew he would play the game that I wanted him to play (even thought it all changed in the end).
The nominations were really predictable and I kind of liked them - Mattie nominated Cara Maria, Dee nominated Da'Vonne and Wes nominated Georgia. What didn't work here was what happened next, where Wes started working on a plan to save his ass in the future and have Cara Maria and Paulie on his side (kind of) which bummed me because I really wanted to see Cara Maria go home. It can still happen though because, in the actual elimination, they voted in Georgia and that's how the episode ended - with Georgia saying she doesn't have anything to loose and she can beat all the girls so that leads me to believe that she's going to pick Cara to go against her, but you never know. Like I said, they make it look really cool and, when you see the next episode, it is 'boring' but let's hope not and hope that Cara Maria goes home because she has been extremely annoying this season.
Once again, I'm going to try and post a bunch of rants today but again, I'm not going to promise because I have so much to catch up on so, bare with me.
Well, because the next episode only airs tomorrow, let me know your thoughts on who Georgia is going to pick and I'll see you in my next rant!

Friday, April 19, 2019

The Challenge: War of the Worlds | Season 33 Episode 10 - "To All the Partners I've Loved Before"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello guys!
Yes, I'm back after a week of hiatus! I've been on holidays so I really couldn't watch nor review any episodes so today, after arriving, I'm finally here to start some updating. I'm going to try and post all the rants by the end of the week, but I can't promise you anything.
Anyway so, I'm starting of with The Challenge because that's one of the few that I have two episodes to review and it is also the oldest one of all so, that's why.
I have to say that I'm quite pleased with this episode. Needless to say that, by now, there isn't really anyone that I'm actually rooting for, only people that I really want to see go home so, that's my main motivation right now.
For once, I didn't really pay much attention to the things they showed in the first minutes of the episode. I was just so excited to see some action, after missing two episodes. This was also the first episode and first challenges where they were going to compete as individuals so that also got me really excited.
The actual challenge was pretty great. I was surprised with most of the competitors because it actually seemed hard and most of them did quite well, so I was impressed. The end though, wasn't the best, with some of my least favorite people in the Tribunal - Paulie, Theo and Turbo. I don't really care for Theo and I kind of like Turbo but Paulie... You know how I feel about him. And then, the choices they made were pretty obvious, they nominated Hunter, Wes and Kyle. I was actually surprised they didn't choose Bear, but Bear isn't really a threat to them so... Actually, Bear could've been in the Tribunal, if he wasn't so stupid. He did the best out of everyone, to be honest, but he's just dumb and didn't pay attention to the rules, which cost him not being in the Tribunal.
After those nominations and after the actual Tribunal, there was a whole thing with Turbo and Hunter which was quite funny actually. Hunter talks too much and Turbo just shut him up with some pretty good one liners.
In the end, when it came to the actual voting, Turbo voted for Kyle, Theo voted for Wes and Paulie voted for Kyle. Paulie was going to vote for Wes, but he changed his mind last minute because of Cara. She is really pissing me off this season, so annoying!
So, there went Kyle and, of course, he chose to go against Bear (not only the one that wasn't really his friend but also the one that was the easiest to beat). Then, they find out that it's a Trivia elimination (something knew, which I really enjoyed - I actually talked about Trivia in my last rant) and, in the end, Kyle beat Bear (thank god!). How things changed! I used to not like Kyle because he was so annoying and such a player, but I guess this whole thing with Cara Maria changed him and I'm actually starting to like him now and, to be honest, I hope he wins and shows Paulie and Cara Maria that he's better then them (not only as a person, for not keeping grudges, but also as a competitor, mostly towards Paulie, to be honest).
And, that's pretty much it. I know there's already one episode after this one so I'm not going to ask you to leave me your predictions. However, I'm going to ask you not to spoil the next episode because I managed to avoid spoilers until now so... Let's keep it that way.
I'll see you guys soon (hopefully).

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Supernatural | Season 14 Episode 17 - "Game Night"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello everyone!
I know, I'm a bit late with this rant but, not only I have been trying to catch up on other stuff but, to be honest, I also didn't feel like talking about this episode, maybe because it wasn't that great.
Yes, unfortunately, this wasn't my favorite episode. It did end with a pretty big cliffhanger (and with an even bigger preview for next episode) but most of this week's Supernatural's episode felt a bit odd. Overall, it felt rushed and a bit all over the place and I was really confused throughout the whole thing (and not a good confused).
The basic premise of this episode was Nick trying to get Lucifer back into himself (what's new?!), starting with capturing Donatello as part of this complex ritual to do so. Needless to say that the Winchesters manage to save Donatello and prevent Lucifer from being back, sending him back to The Empty. The only issue was that, in the end, Jack ended up killing Nick, not that I blame him though. The truth is, this whole thing was a plot to make Jack 'turn' bad and I don't know how I feel about it. To be honest, I'm not even mad that Jack killed Nick. Nick was starting to get really annoying and, as much as I loved Lucifer and as much as I kind of missed him, this was just recycling the same story again and I'm ready to be done with Lucifer, as well as Nick so, I'm fine with Jack killing Nick. What I'm not fine with is the producers possibly making Jack the bad guy next season - I really don't want that. Unfortunately, it looks like it, mainly because, in the end of the episode, Jack did something to Mary, something that we didn't see so, she could be fine, she could be hurt or she could be even dead (which I wouldn't mad either, to be honest, I was never Mary's biggest fan). That was an huge cliffhanger and then, on top of that, they showed a preview where it looks like Dean and Castiel are going to separate ways and 'be mad' at each other, what makes me really sad. But let's see, might not be what it looks like.
Oh, speaking of Castiel, I might just add that in this episode we had a bit of Castiel and Anael trying to find a way to contact God which, not only was something nice (also to have Jensen's wife back) but also because they brought back the necklace that Dean used to wear all the time, which was such a throwback.
I don't think I have much more to say. Like I said, this wasn't my favorite episode and I felt weird about it but I'm excited about the next one.
Let me know what you thought of the episode, if you felt the same way as me and I'll talk to you in my next rant!

Thursday, April 4, 2019

The Challenge: War of the Worlds | Season 33 Episode 9 - "American Psycho"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello guys!
Here I am, one more week, with basically just The Challenge to talk to you about (don't worry, there's a new episode of Supernatural airing tonight so... Expect a rant tomorrow).
This episode of The Challenge had quite a lot of stuff happening so, I'm going to try my best to unpack everything.
The actual episode begins with a bit of drama. Nothing major, just some teams discussing their strategies and how the game is going. Of course I pay a lot of attention to this because it always gives us a hint of who might win the challenge and who might be up for elimination. In this case, the teams involved were Paulie/Natalie, Wes/Dee and Kyle/Mattie, and all of them were major in this episode.
Moving on to the actual challenge - it was a good one. It was something that didn't seem too hard, but still it was 'challenge material' and I liked the look of it. Plus, it also looked kind of fun so... There's that. In the end, like suspected, Kyle and Mattie were one of the winning teams, along with Hunter/Georgia (which I forgot to mention that there was a whole thing between them as well in the beginning of the episode) and Cara Maria/Theo. As you can imagine, I wasn't too happy with Cara Maria being in the Tribunal, but it was fine because I knew Kyle would pick Paulie to go into elimination, and that was enough for me.
In terms of Nominations, it was also something quite unexpected. First of, Hunter chose Nanny/Turbo which is weird since he has been sleeping with her but okay, he said it was because they picked them last week so... I kind of get it. Then, as expected, Kyle chose Paulie and Cara Maria chose Wes and, what's really surprising about this nominations was that they were basically agreeing on keeping it tied which, don't get me wrong, I really want to see what happens when they tie it but... Really?!
Anyway, when it came to the actual elimination, and for them to vote, initially, they went with the plan but then, Georgia had some sense and she changed her vote from Nany to Paulie which was really the smartest thing to do, I don't understand why Hunter really wanted to keep it tied and go into elimination - he's just dumb.
So, Paulie and Ninja Natalie were chosen to go into elimination and then... They chose to go against Ashley and Kam. Initially Paulie wanted to go against Wes, but because Natalie is friends with Dee, he changed his mind and they targeted the British Alliance which, in the end, worked out in their favor because Paulie and Natalie won, which wasn't really what I wanted but well... What happened next made up for it and... Yes, there's no more teams from now one which is amazing for me because now I can root for the ones that I kinda like when, previously, they were linked with people that I don't like so... I'm really curious to see what happens from now one because for sure things are going to change.
This are my thoughts on the latest The Challenge episode. Let me know what you thought and what you think about this last change.
I'll see you tomorrow with a new rant!!