
Friday, March 27, 2020

The Sinner | Season 3 Episode 8 - "Part VIII"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello everyone!
Another season come to an end. This one, although not unexpectedly, still left me speechless. I really was not expecting the things to go down the way they did so, for that, I'm really happy. However, the ending itself was pretty sad and... I'm a bit torn.
After last week's events, we knew this was going to go on a different direction. This whole season was a bit different from the previous two, but I still loved it (unlike most people, from what I've seen). Heck, I liked this season better than the last one. I think this was way more clear and the characters were more interesting. I can't say enough praises to Matt Bomer! He was phenomenal in this role and he really should get an Emmy for this. But, back to the plot itself, we knew Jamie was about to go on a dark path and so... That's what he did.
The episode starts with Detective Ambrose finding the body of his Superior. Pretty soon they realize that Jamie is going after people that matter to Harry and the next in line are Eli, Melanie and Sonya.
I must say, I'm a bit disappointed that Sony didn't have much to do with this plot. You could take her out of the season and it wouldn't really matter, in my opinion, but I'll get past that.
So, with that, Harry and the police keep an eye of every one of those people. We see that Jamie tries to do something to Eli but instead he goes after Sonya. That scene where he's confronting her led me to believe that she was more like him than Harry is, but they didn't really go deep into that so... We don't know. Again, I think her character was a bit of a waste of time.
Then, things get deeper. Jamie goes to Leela and they have a moment through the glass. It really looked to me as a goodbye (which is odd because he didn't know what was going to happen next) and I really felt that moment. That moment really showed that Jamie wasn't a bad person - he was just troubled. He really needed help and the only person that helped him was the wrong one - Nick - and after that, there was no helping. The damage was done and no one could do anything about it.
Post that, Jamie calls Ambrose from Eli's phone and that's when everything comes crashing down. Harry goes after Jamie, there's a big and deep confrontation, they fight and Harry really tries to get under Jamie's skin. And I think he manages to. That scene where Harry is shouting and Jamie just doesn't know what to do, again, just shows how human Jamie is and that he didn't want to do what he was doing, he was just lost. Unfortunately, things don't go down as planed and after a chase, back at the house, after another confrontation Harry has had enough of it and just shoots Jamie. That really was the breaking point an after that everything goes downhill.
The shot wound was worst than they thought and, even though Harry calls for the police and the ambulance, there's no way Jamie is going to make it. I must say, I was hopeful. I could see in Jamie's eyes, again, that he was suffering and he really didn't want to die (as he said). You could see in Matt Bomer's performance that Jamie was suffering and he was realizing that he loved life, he loved to live and... There was no time left. And it didn't.
Jamie died and Harry broke as well after seeing Jamie struggle and wanting to live. And that's it. That's the end of the season.
I think this episode was packed with emotion and, overall, I think this whole season was pretty intense. Yes, there could've been a bit more and more mystery, but up until episode 6 I kept having questions and I loved that about the season. I'm pretty happy with it!
Let me know what you thought of the season. Did you like it? Did you not? Why not? How does this season compare to the last ones? Tell me everything and I'll see you sometime with a new rant!

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Supernatural | Season 15 Episode 13 - "Destiny's Child"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello people!
So, I guess this is going to be the last Supernatural rant for a while. That's right, not only The Flash but also Supernatural is taking some time off because of the coronavirus. However, unlike The Flash, Supernatural's time off is undetermined. Turns out they did film all the episodes up to episode 18 (only two episodes left to film) but this last episodes that they filmed still have some post-production to be done and the studios are closed so they can't do that. So, for now, let's talk about this last episode.
I must say, this episode wasn't what I was expecting at all! I really thought this was going to be one of those fun goofy episodes and it wasn't. I mean, the moments were there but there was actually some story development and I appreciate that.
The episode begins with Billie warning the brothers that Chuck is almost done destroying the other worlds, which means pretty soon he will get to theirs. Post that, Billie sends them on a quest for the Occultum. And the thing is, they have no idea what this object is and what it is supposed to do. Nonetheless, they go after it and they get to Anael, who reveals that she gave it to Ruby before she died and tells them that Ruby hid it in Hell. This makes the brothers go to Hell but pretty soon discover that it was a trap when demons, sent by Anael, try to kill them.
While the brothers are in Hell, Castiel tries something else to find this Occultum. And so, he has Jack send him to the Empty in order to talk to Ruby. The Empty allows him to do so and, in exchange for her to be free, Ruby tells Castiel where the Occultum is.
After that, that's when the fun comes into place. To keep God from knowing what they are up to, the Winchesters rescue a pair of alternate Sam and Dean and have them pose as the real ones. This was where the fun parts of the preview happened and it was, indeed, pretty funny, but I believe most of it was in that preview so... I was kind of sad.
Anyway so they go to that place where the Occultum is and are met with hell-hounds guarding the place. I must say, that was a really good throwback and added a nice touch to the episode. Anyway so the Occultum transports Jack to the Garden of Eden where he meets a young girl and a snake. Something happens to him (we don't exactly know what) but, somehow, when he gets back to Earth, we are met with a different Jack. I mean, not completely, but one with his soul back. That was such a huge an touching moment and I'm so happy we have our 'old' Jack back. I still loved Jack but having him be the softie that he was is really nice.
And well, I guess that's pretty much it for this episode. It's really bittersweet because things are starting to get somewhere now and we have to stop and we don't really know for how long. At least there's other series to watch so check out my The Flash and The Sinner rants next week.
In the meantime let me know what you thought of this episode and I'll see you in my next rant.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

The Sinner | Season 3 Episode 7 - "Part VII"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello people!
I'm back with a new episode of The Sinner and, as per usual, what a great episode!
This is when the season takes a turn! Until then we were just 'waiting'... Not really sure what we were waiting for. I mean, now we know what were we 'waiting' for but until this episode we didn't. And now that's when things are going to get intense. But, before I get ahead of myself lets get back to the beginning of the episode.
So, I guess I was kind of right when I said that Jamie was going to get Harry out of the hole. Harry did stay buried for eight hours but Jamie took him out and I guess they bonded?! In a way, I was happy and interested in seeing Harry go through a 'transformation' but, turns out, this was all a plan to get a confession, which did happen and Ambrose recorded it without Jamie knowing.
The confession thing didn't go too well in the end. Everything because Detective Ambrose went back to Jamie to apologize. I mean, I get it, they kind of have a bond, and Harry broke that bond. This whole thing is so confusing because on one hand I'm rooting for Harry to catch Jamie but, on the other hand, I'm on Jamie's side. I really feel like Jamie is not a bad guy, but he does need serious help.
Anyway, after the confession thing not working out, Jamie is released and tries to go back home. However, Leela put a restraining order against him, suggested by Detective Ambrose and... That really sets Jamie off. Not only that but also learning that his 'protégée' Emma is doing fine. My take on this was that he thought she was 'broken' too and thought of replacing Harry with her, but she doesn't need him anymore so... That really set him off and the next thin we see of him is him going after Harry's boss and, presumably, killing him.
Also, in the very end of the episode, we see Leela reporting to the police Jamie's confession of killing Kyle as well as the blood that she washed off Jamie. And that's pretty much it.
This season has been really interesting. Not only the concept is a little different, with Harry not believing the suspect is innocent but, instead, going after this suspect. Also, this season feels a lot more dark and eerie, mostly this exact episode. The whole atmosphere of this episode was really heavy, which I personally loved.
Well, as per usual, I never talk a lot about my favorite episodes so I'll leave it up to you to tell me your thoughts on the episode.
Apart from that, I guess I'll see you next week with more rants!

Thursday, March 19, 2020

The Flash | Season 6 Episode 15 - "The Exorcism of Nash Wells"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello people!
So, new episode of The Flash. I must say, this wasn't as bad as some of the previous episodes, but it wasn't as good as the last one. I guess this was fine. However, this wasn't really memorable because I can't really remember it that well. I'm going to try my best on reviewing it, but I can't promise I'll cover everything.
As usual, an episode convoluted with story-lines. Not as much as the previous one, but still three different ones. The main one, as the title says, was actually interesting.
Initially Team Flash was dealing with Thawne and trying to come up with a plan on what to do with him and how to 'save' Nash but, as it was bound to happen, Thawne tricks them and, momentarily gets free. Luckily, they get an old of him and that's when this story-line really happens. Basically Thawne is trapping Nash inside his mind and, it's pretty complicated so I'm just going to move along and, Nash deals with the death of his daughter Maya (Allegra's doppelganger), and gets himself free, getting Thawne out of his mind. However, he keeps seeing the other Wells', which is kind of interesting, in my opinion.
Then, we have the 'not so interesting' story-lines. Mainly the one with Iris in the mirror.
Turns out Kamilla is not dead but she starts working with Mirror Iris to get some type of device that Eva needs to get herself free. So both of them go after that device only to find someone else looking for it as well. Flash and Killer Frost go after this thief and Frost is almost killed during all of this, mainly because of Barry's speed getting 'faulty'. And this raises an 'outside' issue for me.
This is a side note but we all know that Danielle Panabaker is pregnant ans it is so obvious in the show. I know they're trying but it's painful to watch, to be honest. The screens in front of her, the camera angles that only focus on her face and the pillow on her lap in one of the final scenes in this episode... It all really bothers me and I wish they had found another way to hide it or just to send Caitlin away. And, with the production on hold, I wonder if, by the time they get to shooting, Danielle has to give birth?! I don't know, but I guess it's a possibility.
Anyway, getting back to the plot. Of course Team Flash deals with this thief. However, Mirror Iris and Mirror Kamilla get the device and do give it to Eva, so things are going to start moving now.
And well, in the very end of the episode, Barry decides to use Nora's journal to create his artificial Speed Force, since Thawne told her how to do it.
I'm hopeful that the show will get better, mainly because of this last story. I just wish they would get rid of the whole Mirror thing, it's really boring.
Let me know what you thought of the episode and what are your thoughts on this Mirror story-line. The Flash is only back in April so, in the meantime, I'll see you with other rants!

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

The Flash | Season 6 Episode 14 - "Death of the Speed Force"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello people, once again!
I know, this review is long overdue but... Better late than never right?!
Well, to be completely honest, I wasn't able to watch the episode live and then I kept putting it off because the previous episodes haven't been that great. This season of The Flash, mainly after Crisis, has been really poor. Really convoluted with story-lines and with no particular direction. However, I think we finally got somewhere! The episode still started out on a really rough note, but it of better in the end and I'm hopeful for what comes next. There is still so many issues with it tho, so let's get onto it.
First of all, the multiple story-lines is still an issue. There was way to many things happening in this episode - 6 overall in this episode - starting out with two comebacks. Like they couldn't have waited to bring one at a time. I know, Wally was just a special guest in this episode, but they had to mix that with Cisco coming back so, right away, two plots that shouldn't have been together. And this gets even worse because both this characters come with two different plots.
Wally's mission in all of this was warn Barry about the Speed Force which, from the title, looks like the main plot of the episode, but it really doesn't shine because of everything else that is going on. However, I did like that they intertwined the Speed Force dying with the Spectre (aka Oliver) which is always nice. Needless to say that the Speed Force does die in the end which, ultimately, was a good thing. I say this because it brought us a more interesting plot - building Barry's own Speed Force. I see that story-line being way more interesting that everything else that they're dealing with (aka Iris story) so let's just hope they take advantage of it and that they do it well.
Then, we have Cisco who has his own story. Kind of two, to be honest, because he helps with the 'baddie of the week' but I guess I can say his main story is the one with Nash and, in this case, with Thawne. Yes, I know I said in my last The Flash rant that I was kind of annoyed that they're bring Thawne back but, hear me out. This Thawne being in Nash's body and without powers?! This looks way more interesting than the 'usual' Reverse Flash. I don't know about you but now I'm curious to see what Thawne does and what the producers do with this story. Again, let's hope they come up with something interesting and stronger.
Those where the two things that redeemed this episode for me. The remaining story-lines were really poor and not interesting at all! We had the baddie of the week, as I said, which was boring and I really don't want to get into it (I don't think it matter for the rest of the season, to be honest), and we had a bit of a development when it comes to the Iris story-line in the mirror.
Well, turns out, Kamilla discovers evidence of mirror Iris' true nature but, in the very end, the 'fake Iris' shoots Kamilla with the mirror gun and... there she goes. I can't remember if she's really dead or if something just happened to Kamilla so, if you do, please let me know because I was so shocked with that last scene! I assume Kamilla is dead because, as I said in my last rant, they are introducing way too many characters so it's time to get rid of some. In a way, they already got rid of Nash and I guess now Kamilla as well?! I don't know, please enlighten me.
Anyway, this are my thoughts on the latest The Flash episode. Tell me what you think and I guess I'll see you in an hour on twitter for the new episode!

Supernatural | Season 15 Episode 12 - "Galaxy Brain"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello people!
So, another series is back (and I know I still have one The Flash episode to review) - this time Supernatural! I must say, with how the last episode ended and with how this season has been so far, I was really excited about this episode! Unfortunately, it wasn't what I was expecting.
I felt like this episode was a waste of an episode, in my opinion. I get that they're trying to tie up loose ends, but the Kaia story-line wasn't that interesting to me (I didn't even remember it until this episode) and besides, I feel like Kaya was mainly part of the Wayward Sisters spin-off that ended up not being picked up. Maybe this episode is trying to get series come back to life and maybe, this time, getting picked up but, apart from that, I don't really see a reason for them to get back to the Kaia story-line.
But anyway so, apart from all that, I feel like this episode also showed that God is not wasting time anymore and, from now on, he's focusing on the Winchesters and the Winchesters alone. He basically even says that in the beginning of the episode when he decides to end all the Earths that he created, leaving only the OG Earth, the one with our Sam and Dean, alive.
Then, we move to the Kaia story. Again, as I said, I didn't care much about that so I'm just going to summarize. Basically the Earth 2 Kaia wants the Winchesters to keep their promise - the spear in exchange for her to go back to her Earth. That can't happen right now because Jack can't open a riff otherwise God will know that he's alive. That raises a whole another plot where the Winchesters get help from a Reaper named Merle to hide them from God (and from Billy) in order for Jack to use his power. So they do that and Kaia goes back to her Earth and they bring back the OG Kaia who is still alive. That whole thing was fine but, once again, not that important to me.
What I did like was what happened next. And when I say liked I mean I was shocked. So Billy finds out about Jack using his powers and so she kills Merle, because she didn't do her duty on keeping Jack on check. Then, she tells the Winchesters that they all have a role in this kill God plan and they must stick to it. Billie also reveals that there's a book on God's death and that both the Winchesters and Jack play a crucial part in it, but she doesn't reveal more.
And that's basically it.
I don't want to repeat myself but the truth is, I really feel like this episode was wasted. I want to see more of that plan and I want to see more of Jack and Sam and Dean, not other side characters that don't really matter right now. 
Next episode looks like it's one of those fun ones. At least that. If you're not going to make the story go forward, at least make some OG Supernatural episodes where they're just 'crazy' and fun, so I'm looking forward to that next episode.
Let me know what you thought of this episode and I'll talk to you soon.

Friday, March 13, 2020

The Sinner | Season 3 Episode 6 - "Part VI"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello people!
What an episode! When everyone thought this season didn't have anything else to give, they present us with this episode!
I knew there was so much more to this season, and I guess I was right. There were two particular events that really shocked/impacted me this episode.
The first one was when Jamie visits Sonya and... There's something shady about her, definitely. Yes, she comes to him, initially, with a shot gun, but then she starts taking photos of him and that scene really created some tension. I felt like at any minute Jamie would burst and something would happen but... It didn't. Still, that scene was so impactful and I'm sure I won't forget it anytime soon. Also, that scene really shows that there's more to the story, mainly with Sonya, so I'm really curious where that leads us.
Then, the second main event was the end of the episode, when Jamie buries Ambrose and he tricks him (or at least that's what we are lead to believe). I still think that there's more to it. Maybe the time is up and he's just taking the tube out because he's going to free Ambrose. I don't know, but I truly believe Jamie is not a bad person and I got back to feeling bad for him in this episode. Again, that scene with Sonya where he strips himself... Well, not only it was really nice to look at (judge me) but it really made him look vulnerable and I don't know, I just felt some type of way. Yes, it might be because it's Matt Bomer but regardless, I'm loving his portrait of Jamie and overall, Jamie is just really complex character.
Also, there's the flashback scenes that was really in awe. The younger-self's of Jamie and Nick were great! Not only they looked pretty much alike with Matt Bomer and Chris Messina, but their voice and their mannerisms where so spot on! Really well done job picking those actors and good job of the actors themselves.
Well, I don't think I have anything else to say. I'm still really excited and curious about the rest of the season and, for now, I don't have any more predictions. Let's see what the next episode brings.
If you do have any predictions let me know in the comments and I'll talk to you on the next rant!

Sunday, March 8, 2020

The Sinner | Season 3 Episode 5 - "Part V"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello people!
That's right, here I am, once again, with a new The Sinner episode.
This week's episode was... interesting. I feel like it was more about the characters and not so much about the plot. Still, I was pretty invested and I have some new theories.
As per usual, we find more things about this whole Jamie situation. He was, indeed, who killed Kyle, the guy from that party, after he comes back to have a more insightful reading. Kyle talks a lot about how Nick was and says things that he used to say but after getting too deep into Jamie's head (or whatever) he decides to stop, and that's when Jamie gets mad and kills him. This whole interaction was presented to us through flashbacks throughout the episode and only in the end we see Jamie really kill him. And from all the things that Kyle said, I came up with something slightly different. I'm just going to go straight to that and then touch on the rest of the episode. So, Kyle says that Nick wants Jamie to keep going, that he's almost there but I thought he was already 'there'. I thought the 'look death in the face' was about seeing someone die and, at this point, Jamie has seen two people die and he's still not there? That makes me thing that it's not about someone dying, it's about you get close to dying - in this case, Jamie get close to dying, hence the grave. There's still a lot of things unexplained so I'm curious to see where this whole thing goes.
Post that we follow Harry. He quickly gets an hold of some evidence that might incriminate Jamie and he gets in touch with him. Jamie basically confesses everything to Detective Ambrose and the later tells him to just turn himself in. Jamie refuses to and just leaves. At this point you can see that Jamie is really out of his mind and, as much as I feel for him. I'm with Harry on this. And with this killing... There's no excuse.
And the last piece of this puzzle is Sony, the woman that owns the property where they had the accident. Harry tells her that she should be fine and that it was only a game but she's not satisfied and she goes to Leela and tells her everything about the grave and the night that Jamie had with Detective Ambrose. This was really shady and I'm so sure that this woman is hiding something. Every episode she gets more suspicious and this... This just was too much.
Well, with all that she found out, Leela ends up kicking Jamie out of the house, which leads him to make a visit to Detective Ambrose, when he had his grandson staying over with him. This just let to a minor fight that I'm pretty sure was Jamie's purpose - to instigate Harry just like Nick instigated him. Which makes me thing of another theory - Jamie is trying to 'recruit' Detective Ambrose. It's a really out there theory but there's a reason why Harry cares so much about Jamie - he sees himself in him, in a way, so that's a possibility.
Okay, I guess this might have been my biggest The Sinner rant so far.
Let me know what you thought of the episode and which are your theories. Do you agree with any of mine? Tell me everything. I'll see you next week with new rants!

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

The Sinner | Season 3 Episode 4 - "Part IV"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello people!
Here I am with the latest The Sinner review and... Wow! Just when I thought we had basically everything figured out, the show throw us another curve ball and leaves me confused all over again!
The truth is, this episode gave us all the answers (or so I thought). We follow Detective Ambrose and Jamie through New York City (which was super interesting, in my opinion) and throughout the episode they give us numerous clues. Also, we get s few flashbacks from the night when Nick died and those, more than the walk through New York, gave us the missing pieces.
Turns out I was half right (for now, at least). It looks like yes, they used to do a bunch of different things to 'face death', as they said in the show, but in that night Nick decided to change things up and he wanted to bury the woman that owned that house in the middle of the forest. And, as we suspected, Jamie wasn't okay with it and so he created the accident. But, unlike we thought, he didn't let Nick die on purpose. It was Nick's idea do die so Jamie could face death. That was so messed up but at least, just like in the previous seasons, proves that Jamie is not 100% guilty that there was more to the story. However, from the end of the episode, we know there's more to the whole thing.
In the end of the episode Detective Ambrose is notified of a new murder that occurred that night and, when he gets there, he realizes that the dead guy was the 'psychic' that told Jamie the prickly pear thing. So, I guess there's way more that we don't know about and there's for sure more to the story than just two guys playing God and 'facing death'. Well, we know that Nick as a sociopath but I don't know about Jamie... Maybe it's because it's Matt Bomer but I just feel sorry for Jamie and, in a way, I kind of connect with him. That whole speech about being lonely... That really got to me, and Jamie might be one of my favorite characters ever.
Anyway, post that, I have no more predictions. Everything that I thought already kind of got revealed but still the story is not done and so I have no idea where this is going. I just know that I'm super excited for the rest of the season and can't wait for the next episode (luckily I don't have to wait much).
If you do have any predictions let me know and I guess I'll see you in the next review.

The Sinner | Season 3 Episode 3 - "Part III"

Spoiler Alert!

OMG, this gets more intense with each episode!
Hello people! Here I am to talk about a new episode of The Sinner (yes, I know, I still have another one to review).
This episode just left me even more confused. If I already had a lot of questions, now I have even more. And when I thought Jamie was finally going to get better... Nope, he's just about to get worse.
Overall, not much happened and we didn't really find new things (hence why I'm still so confused) but we did get a pick into Jamie and Nick's past and we learned more about when they met in college. Turns out, Jamie changed once he met Nick and they started doing some weird stuff, from the looks of it. It really looked like they were doing what now what they used to do them, which isn't something new... We had kind of learned that in the first episode, but now we get a few more details. Also, Detective Ambrose finds something in a photography from Jamie's old roommate - Ubermensch - which is basically becoming your own god (?). I'm not too sure if I understood the concept correctly but it is based on the study of Friedrich Nietzsche, so you can look it up if you want to. For now, I would rather be in the dark - I feel like that creates a better atmosphere for the show. 
Anyway so, right now, I don't think they wanted to kill that woman. Instead, they just wanted to play with death and what they were doing was bury themselves alive, which might be some type of initiation. And maybe Jamie was doing it all over again because he didn't complete it the first time. Maybe things got out of control and he bailed. Unfortunately, I think this time things won't end up well because Jamie is really loosing it.
All of this makes up for good television though and I'm loving Matt Bomer's performance!
I really don't know what else to say about the episode. Everything else that happened doesn't look like as interesting or as important to me. Maybe Emma (Jamie's student) will play a bigger part in all of this but, for now, it looks like it's just a way to let us know that Jamie is really not well.
Detective Ambrose tries to help him in the end of the episode, but Jamie sees the whole thing as a way to force a confession out of him and just runs away.
I really can't wait for the next episode! It looks like the next one is going to be more intense so... Let's see.
Let me know what you thought (even though episode 4 is out already) and I'll see you pretty soon with the next rant.

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

The Flash | Season 6 Episode 13 - "Grodd Friended Me"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello people!
I'm back from my hiatus which means catching up on a lot of series and on a lot of reviews. I'm starting of with The Flash... Unfortunately...
After the previous episode, I had hope that this season would turn out better than what I thought it would, but it got right back to the same old story and the same 'format' and I'm really not enjoying this.
This episode started out in a good way, with 'only' Barry and him finding Hartley Rathaway. Not only I like Hartley but, after the last few episodes being really focused on Iris, I thought this one would get back to the roots and focus on Barry, but I guess I was wrong. Pretty soon they introduced other characters and other story-lines and that is what has been bothering me - there's way too many story-lines at the same time and that just confuses me. It's like the producers don't know where to focus the story so they just 'shoot' everywhere and see what sticks - which is nothing, to be honest. And on top of that, there's way too many characters on the show right now. So they either stop introducing new ones or they are preparing to have a 'whole new cast' with a bunch of our favorite actors leaving the show which, unfortunately, is the most likely thing to happen. And, with how things are going, I wouldn't even be surprised if Grant Gustin left the show. Call me whatever you want, but Iris just isn't as interesting as Barry and no one can convince me otherwise.
But back to the story, this episode was heavily focused on Barry being inside Grodd's mind and Grodd turning good after the Crisis. I mean, it was nice to see that Crisis really messed things up but I think we get it by now. Yes, Crisis was important, but enough is enough and the show needs to go forward, and this story didn't do that. This really felt like a filler episode and there wasn't one bit that I really enjoyed or cared about.
Apart from that story with Grodd, there was also the Iris and Eva inside the mirror things and surprise! Eva is evil... Like we didn't know that already... 
The only story-line that was mildly interesting was the Nash and Allegra one but pretty soon that got me rolling my eyes too. The episode ends with Sherloque Wells warning Nash that 'He is coming' aka the Reverse Flash and... Again?! Like, I'm so tired of him! I don't think he's a good villain but it's not even that, they have used him so many times that I'm just tired... 
Yeah, as you can see, and pretty disappointed with this show and that really is a bummer because Arrow is over and Supernatural is ending in a few months and... I just need this show to stay good because it's one of the few lefts that I really love... 
Anyway, let me know what you thought of this episode and I'm sorry I'm late with this rant... As I said, I was on holidays and there was no way for me to watch the episode.
I'll see you pretty soon with new rants!