
Friday, March 30, 2018

Arrow | Season 6 Episode 16 - "The Thanatos Guild"

Spoiler Alert!

So, like I said, here I am with a new Arrow rant!
Also, yes, I'm starting off with a pretty similar overall look on this episode as from the one I had on the Supernatural episode. I feel like this episode was also a filler. While the Supernatural episode was mainly done just for the crossover, I feel like this episode was just done to say goodbye to Willa, which it was actually.
Still, it pains me to say this but I feel like this episode was better than the Supernatural one, mainly because this one had some storyline development - the Dinah/Curtis part of the episode which, surprisingly, I really liked.
In the past episodes Dinah and all the NTA have been pissing me off but I'm really happy with them in this one. I'm just going to get this out of the way because, althought this one of my favourite things about this episode, there was so little of it. Basically Dinah, with Curtis' help, finally noticed that the Head of the Police is working for Diaz. Thank god because that way they are closer to 'distroy' Diaz, which is always good. From that storyline, that was basically it so, let's move to the main part of the episode.
Basically Nyssa comes to Star City for Thea, claiming that a splinter group from the League of Assassins, lead by a woman named Athena, are coming for her because of a map that only Malcolm knew about and where it was.
Thea decides to help her but just to find the map and then she leaves with Roy.
Obviously it doesn't end there. They do find the map, but it's inside some type of locked box and that's when Felicity comes in action.
Something else that I really enjoyed in this episode was all the girl power. Not only because of Thea and Nyssa, but also Felicity who helped a lot in this one (she always does, but still). And let's not forget about Dinah that was doing something else.
Anyway, soon enough Thea decides to go even further with this, which doesn't make Roy that happy.
At the same time, there's a really cute moment between Thea and Oliver that really cleared things up and which is going to cause some 'trouble' for the next episode, between Oliver and Diggle. Well, basically in this conversation, Oliver tells Thea that he likes to be the Green Arrow and he doesn't want to give up on that, and that's going to cause trouble with Diggle because Diggle really wantes to be the Green Arrow as well so... Yeah...
So, they open the box and discover a blank map. Luckily, after a fight with Athena and her group, they find how to reveal the ink in the map and discover that it is the way to find another Lazarus pit, to which Nyssa is pretty set to go after it and destroy it.
In the end, Thea, Roy and Nyssa depart to destroy the Lazarus Pits and Oliver says goodbye to them.
It was a pretty good ending though, with Roy and Thea still together and this leaves room for them to return if they ever want to. As well as for another storyline. Heck, even to create a spin-off, even thought I don't think they'll do that.
As you can see, this was all just to say goobye to Thea aka Willa because she wanted to leave the show. I liked it, but once again, a bit pointless. Unfortunatelly, I feel like the next episode is going to be a bit of a filler as well with all that fight between Diggle and Oliver but, let's see.
In the meantime, let me know what you thought of this episode and I'll see you next week with new rants!

Supernatural | Season 13 Episode 16 - "Scoobynatural"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello everyone!
Here we are with the most anticipated Supernatural episode (and rant) - the Scooby-Doo crossover!
I'm starting off by saying that you are going to hear me (read) saying basically the same thing for this episode as for Arrow's (which the rant is coming up next) so I appologize in advance.
Overall, this episode was really great but I just can't agree with most people that were saying that this was their favourite episode ever from Supernatural.
Yes, it was super funny and something never seen! There's no other TV Show that did a crossover with an animated show and that's quite something by it's own. Also, this had everything a normal episode of supernatural has but, truth be told, this was basically a filler episode. You can clearly see that this episode was made just for the crossover, which I apreciate, don't get me wrong, but there wasn't any storyline development and that's what I look forward in the episodes.
Anyway, I can't say that I hated the episode because I didn't, I loved it, I just wish there was a little bit more of storyline development. Well, in the end, this episode was just for laughs really. It started off with a pretty 'dumb' thing, with the boys fighting a plushie. After helping a guy, he gives the boys a free TV and that's how they get stuck in the scooby-doo world as cartoons.
This was something that we found out pretty soon, just by the previews, but I still need to point out that it was a really clever way to turns the boys into cartoons.
So, that's what happened and, while looking for the boys, soon Castiel is stuck in the scooby world as well.
I've never seen Scooby-Doo, so I don't know but, from what I've read online, this was a pretty dark version of scooby-do. The 'Supernatural' in the episode, and both the Scooby Gang and the Winchesters + Cas had to fight a real ghost.
Working together, the Winchesters and the Scooby Gang trap the ghost who reveals himself to be a young boy who a guy in the real world is using to scare away some people. 
In the end, the ghost helps the boys to fool the Scooby Gang to thing that this was some real person because, like Dean said, the Scooby Gang is too pure and there's no real 'supernatural' in their world so they had to make everything right again.
They then get back to the real world and the boys help free the young boy's ghost and just catch the bad guy in the end.
Well, I need to point out that through out this whole episode Dean was hitting on Daphne, not having much luck in the end, unlike Sam, who got a kiss from Velma, which was pretty funny in my opinion. Also, really enjoyed the Cas, Shaggy and Scooby trio. It was pretty funny to see Cas find out that Scooby is a talking dog.
Oh, also, before getting sucked into Scooby-Doo, Castiel is shown to have gotten the fruit from the Tree of Life, so that was a tiny bit of storyline development.
So, I guess that's pretty much it.
Like I said before, overall this was a great episode but still a bit of a filler.
Let me know what you thought about it and I'll see you next with a new Arrow rant!

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Shadowhunters | Season 3 Episode 2 - "The Powers That Be"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello guys and here it is the second rant of the day!
This time I have some good things for you.
That's right, this week's episode of Shadowhunters was way better than the previous one! Seriously, so much better! This episode focused a lot more on just a few storylines, which I pointed out that there were too many in the first episode, so this time the few stories made it better and overall the feel of this episode was pretty different than all the other seasons. I feel like this episode was a lot more light and funny. Shadowhunters should do this more often!
The episode focused mainly on Magnus and Alec, which I appreciated. Also, with that, I could see a lot of improvement from Matthew Daddario! Not that he was a bad actor, but in this episode he was really great and he deserves a round of applause for everything that he did in the episode. Magnus aka Harry was also amazing, but he always is so I thought I didn't need to point that out.
While there was this happening between Magnus and Alec, like all the things with Lorenzo, we also moved a little forward with the Lilith storyline. Not a lot, but this was nice, just a tiny bit, to keep us guessing. It's true that I wish we knew just a little bit more about her and her plans but that's fine, I'm ok with it.
We also saw some more of Clace, when they went out on a date that didn't go that well after they meet with Simon and Maia at the restaurant. This also brought up the fact that Jace and Maia slept with each other in the previous season, which was something that us fans have been wondering about for quite some time.
Truth be told, I don't know what else to say about this episode. I just know I really enjoyed it! That ending was quite something and it just made me love Malec even more! I hope we get to see them more often. Oh, and I was almost forgetting, Magnus also mention Asmodeus and the fact that he's his father, which was also something that I've seen some fans talk about.
Well, I guess that's pretty much it. I don't know what else to say so I'll leave it up to you.
Let me know all your thoughts on the episode and if there's more things you want me to talk about in the next rant just let me know.
I'll see you Friday with new Supernatural and Arrow rants!

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

The Challenge: Vendettas | Season 31 Episode 13 - "Czechmate"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello guys!
Here we are with a brand new week of rants. Per usual, we're starting with The Challenge.
This week, we had my type of episode! Not only it had a beginning, middle and ending, but it was also pretty exciting, with really good challenges and just the right amount of drama. Seriously, loved this episode!
It started right away with finding who was straight home, not going to the Czech Republic. First, they let us know that Tony and Nicole were the ones to win so they earn some money and, the last two were Jemmye, which was predictable, to be honest, and, for the guys, it was pretty close, less them 5 seconds, and it was between Devin and Kyle. You know who I was rooting for right?! Luckily, I got my wish granted and Kyle stayed and Devin was the one to go home. Karma is a bitch, right?!
They didn't stay much on that and moved pretty quickly to them going to the Czech Republic and right away (in the next day, to be precise) to a new challenge, a pretty exciting one! Challenges that involves trucks are always pretty exciting. And this one was even more because some people had to do it twice because, not only they had to come up with a last place, but also with a first place because, the first guy and girl were already in the final (which is next week/episode).
In the end, Tony and Kailah were the ones to win and to go straight to the final. And, because there had to be a Troika, Tony and Kailah were part of it alongside with the third place, Cara Maria, who was then also going to the final. And, because this was a guys elimination, all the girls then were also going to the final. But, because not everything is good, there was a last place - Nelson - who went straight home. Then, out of the remaining boys - Kyle, Leeroy, Brad and Zach - the Troika had to choose three to go to the Inquisition, and they had to choose it right away. They decided pretty quickly that they wanted to save Zach and that was what they did.Then, that's when the drama started.
In the Inquisition the three guys had to make the Troika 'save them' and they all had good arguments to be honest but Tony thought Leeroy was being a little too agressive, which I disagree, and that's when things got a little heated. Not too much thought but then, in the elimination time, that's when things went really downhill.
This time the Troika didn't have to nominate someone. Instead, they had to save someone, because the other two guys were going against each other. Cara Maria was the one to say it first and it was kind of obvious she was going to save Kyle but Leeroy was really hoping she would save him, which she didn't. She did indeed save Kyle and, right away, Leeroy felt really betrayed. I can't blame him, thought, I would feel too. Leeroy is the nicest guy in the challenge and I don't know how someone could betray him like that. Then, for once, Kailah did the right thing and saved Leeroy, and she actually did say that it was just because she liked him. Then, it all came to Tony, and he's the biggest back stabber of all of them. Well, he didn't save Leeroy. He chose Kyle instead and he said that it was because he didn't like the way Leeroy talked in the Inquisition even thought we all know that wasn't the reason. He just chose Kyle because he's the easiest to beat and Leeroy knew it and he just got mad because he wasn't honest and not because he didn't save him.
Anyway, in the end, Leeroy went against Brad and, because of all the anger he had, he pulled it through and he won which I was really happy about. I just really hope he wins everything because he deserves it! I was really mad at Tony and, the 'liking' that I was starting to feel, just vanished and I really don't want him to win.
The episode ended right there but the thing that got me the most excited was the 'Next On' because Bananas is back! That's right! There's going to be another Mercenaries thing and Bananas is one of them! I really can't wait for that! And I hope he goes against Tony and send him home, I really do! I'm so excited about this, you have no idea!
Let me know what you thought of that preview and what you thought about the whole Leeroy thing.
I'll see you next with a new Shadowhunter rant!

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Shadowhunters | Season 3 Episode 1 - "On Infernal Ground"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello everyone!
Shadowhunters is finally back and, as always, I'm here to talk about it.
I'm always pretty critical when it comes to Shadowhunters so expect something a bit harsh because yes, this wasn't my favourite episode and I'm going to tell you why.
First of all, the episode started right away badly. Not only it started with Clary's 'lie' but also it started with that dreadful background. I don't know what it is about Shadowhunters but their background, when it's done with green screen, it's always bad. I'm sorry but it's true. You can clearly see that it's done with a green screen and that's never a good thing and, because I'm an audiovisual student, I always notice things like that so... Yeah, one thing that I didn't like.
I also didn't like the fact that they showed too many 'storylines'. I mean, I get it. They wanted to show every main character in this first episode but there was some storylines that weren't that relevant and that they didn't really show much and they could've used that time to show a bit more of the main storylines. Like for example, they showed a tiny bit of that Raphael storyline, that I didn't really understand and they could've use that time to show us a little bit more of Lilith and her intentions. I know the people that read the books know everything but me, being one of those that didn't, would like to know a little bit more about her. I also know that it's all part of the suspense and everything so, in a way, I get it. I'm just saying that they couldv'e cut out some of the others storylines.
But, because it wasn't all bad, I need to mention my favourite parts of the episode.
You all are probably expecting me to say that it was Will Tudor aka Sebastian and, althought I did like to see him back, because I thought we were only going to see him again in the second part of this season, it wasn't my favourite part (it was my second favourite). My favourite part was the whole Jace storyline. I loved his bad dreams and all that and I actually really liked Dominic's acting, which is something I think I've never mentioned before. Obviously I also like the Lilith storyline and, surprisingly, I also liked the whole thing with Clary and her weapons and everything. I also think that Kat McNamara improved her acting so, that's good!
And, just to finish of this rant, I'd like to mention that I just think they should've ended the Ollie storyline. I think that's another problem that they (the characters) don't need and, overall, it's just a bit boring. Unless she's hiding something else (maybe she's the reason why Jordan, Maia's ex.boyfriend, comes back) I don't see why she's still around. Luke should've just let the demon kill her.
Anyway, this are my thoughts on the first episode of season 3. Let me know yours and I'll see you, probably just next week, with a new rant!

The Challenge: Vendettas | Season 31 Episode 12 - "Help Me, Rhonda"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello guys! Here we are with a brand new week of rants!
As per usual, we're starting of with The Challenge but, unfortunatelly, with a pretty underwhelming episode.
This one was basically split in two and, as you can imagine, it ended with the most exicting part. The first half of the episode I feel like it was really rushed and they didn't pay much attention into anything. The good part is that we had like the 'beginning, middle and end' that I liked, the bad part is that it wasn't that exciting and the second half, with a new challenge, ended with no conclusion so... Yeah, it was a good cliffhanger but... I don't know, I feel like this episode let me down a little bit. Still, let's talk about it.
It all started with that scene that they've already shown, with Natalie and Nelson talking about her betraying him and, I don't really know how I didn't really how it all was going to end because they focused a lot on Natalie in this episode so... Yeah, you can already tell how this ended but yeah...
They moved on pretty quickly to the week's challenge and I was pretty excited about this one because it was a swimming challenge and those are the hardest ones, I think. That challenge was also really underwhelming in the end because, first, the grenades that Brad and Kam 'threw' were pretty bad and, once again, Kam shot herlsef in the foot and, while throwing the Time grenade at Cara, the Troika messed everything and put Kam in the same Team as Cara Maria so, she f*cked again. Then, Brad did a better job, but still... He used the Tied Up grenade on Kyle and it was really bad for his Team because his Team was the worst and he couldn't even participate on the challenge.
Anyway, in the end, Brad, Tony, Devin, Zach, Natalie, Nicole and Jemmye's Team won. Because of that, as usual, they had to choose the Troika and, already knowing that this was a girls elimination, they chose Brad, Zach and Tony to be in the Troika. I got really mad about that! If it was me, they wouldn't have done that! At least one girl should be in the troika, if not all girls! Seriously, until now, they still don't know that they are all competing with each other so, why mess up with the girls?! I mean, the girls would be safe and they weren't going in anyway so...
Moving forward (because if I get more into that I'll be really really mad) the losing team also had to choose a girl to into elimination... This was the first time that there was a tie between Cara Maria and Kailah and, because they didn't come to a decision, the troike chose, out of all the girls, so Cara Maria, Kailah and Kam, and yeah, the troika chose Kam. I would too, to be honest.
Oh, after that, something else that really got my blood boiling was that they won like a royalty treatment with massages and stuff like that, but only the troika! I mean, seriously?! The whole team won! Why didn't the whole team got that treatment and all the good stuff?! Seriously, this whole episode was so unfair! I would be mad, really!
At least, they didn't focus much on that and got on with the nominations and inquisition. Hell, they didn't even spend that much time with the nominations or inquistion. They chose Kailah, Cara Maria and Natalie and, in the end, they chose Natalie to go against Kam, which was just messed up really, I hate when they betray their own team players!
Well, needless to say that Natalie lost and yeah, they got going with the episode after that, actually pretty quickly and moved to the exciting part of the episode. That part where they have a challenge and two people are going home right away based on that.
This is those types of challenge that are really similar to the finals and, actually, they find out that, won doesn't go home, is going to Czech Republic which means, they are pretty close to the final!
And, once again, as you can imagine, we don't see how this whole thing ends. I mean, we see everyone complete the challenge but we will just find out who's going home in the next episode. And the worst part is that I have no clue who it is! I mean, Kyle was the only one that seemed to stuggle with the challenge a little bit but we don't know, he might have done better than the others so... Seriously, I have no idea.
I know that the ones that I would like to see go home are Devin and Kailah. Devin because I just don't like him and Kailah because she's a bigger threat to Cara Maria than Kam (because I don't like either of them). But, to be honest, I just hope Leroy and Cara Maria stay in the game because I don't like any of the other players so... If they stay, I'm happy.
So, let me know who would you like to see go home and I'll see you soon with the first rant of Shadowhunters Season 3!

Thursday, March 15, 2018

The Flash | Season 4 Episode 16 - "Run, Iris, Run"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello everyone!
Here I am, like I said, with the brand new The Flash rant.
So, this episode was one that a lot of people were excited about because of the whole Iris being a speedster but, I gotta say - it disappointed me a bit...
Don't get me wrong, there were a lot of things that I liked about this episode but, the main focus of it, which was Iris, I think was pretty disappointing and, to be quite honest, it made me dislike her character even more. I'm sorry but that's my true opinion... Anyway, let's get into specifics and I'll talk through it.
The episode actually begins with them trying to find a way to stop DeVoe but soon it moves to the 'bad guy of the episode'. It all started with a metahuman with fire powers that was trying to rob Central City bank. That's when another metahuman (that we don't really know he's a meta but, because we knew what this episode was all about, we suspected) named Matthew Kim tries to stop the fire meta, touches him and he basically takes his powers and transfers them to someone else.
Obviously Team Flash go after Matthew to ask him a few questions and that's when Barry and Iris come into contact with him which results in Barry loosing his powers and Iris getting superspeed.
Right away there was something that bothered me - the way Barry looked. I mean, in the end (and I know I'm jumping a little ahead) Barry says that he wouldn't ever ask Iris to give up her powers but you just could see in his face that he was sad about it, and that just broke my heart. I know that's not exactly something bad about the episode but I just hate seeing Barry sad and I needed to point that out.
Anyway... In the meantime, Harry is planning to build is own thinking cap, just like DeVoe's, in order to outwit DeVoe. This also creates a lot of drama, mostly between Harry and Cisco, because the later doesn't like this plan. But, the truth is, the thinking cap is actually a pretty good idea and I really liked to see Harry come up with it. Harry have never been one of my favourite characters but I liked this and I can't wait to see where this goes.
Back to Barry and Iris... So, with their roles reversed, Iris becomes Central City's hero speedster, while Barry becomes the 'team leader', the one behing the computers. Well, this was another thing that bothered me... Since when Iris is the leader?! I mean, I know she became the leader when Barry went to the Speed Force but he's back now so... He should be the leader?! I don't know about you but I've never seen Iris as the leader to be honest... The show it's called 'The Flash' for a reason. Not hating on Iris or anything, I'm just saying, Barry is the leader because he's the Flash, and it's the Team Flash so... I don't know. I would like to know your opinions on that. Also, not something that I didn't like, more like something that we finally learn was that Iris is no longer a reporter. This was something that a lot of fans have been asking about and it was nice to have an answer. But this also raised some questions in my mind... So, Iris doesn't have a job, Barry doesn't have a job either so... Where do they get money from to pay their bills and stuff?! Just a thought...
Back to the storyline.
The new meta with the fire powers shows up demanding the same thing as the other guy - money. Once again, it had to be Iris to the rescue but she can't do a lot of things so, using Harry's thinking cap, they come up with an idea - create a tidal wave. And so, Iris manages to defeat the meta.
Back at STAR Labs, Matthew touches Iris and Barry again, restoring Flash's speed. They also let him know about DeVoe and his plans and kind of ask him for help, which he agrees to and, actually, seems happy about it. Let's just hope this is not some of DeVoe's plan.
I also wanted to point out another part of the episode that I quite enjoyed. Yes, Ralph. Ok, he was a little bit mean in the beginning, but in the end he basically appologized and he was cute. Besides, I don't know if it was just me or he looked pretty fine in this episode?! I don't know, I just think he looked better than in the previous episodes (not that he looked bad in the other ones, there was just something about him in this one). Once again, hope he doesn't turn on Team Flash because if he did, I would be devastaded! I love his character!
And yeah, to finish it of, back at home, Iris admits that while she did enjoy having superspeed, Central City needs the light Barry is, which was super cute! Then, in the very end, we see Harry using the thinking cap and finding the last two bus metas' names - Janet Petty and Edwin Gauss.
Unfortunately we will have to wait about a month for the new episode, which sucks...
In the mean time, let me know your predictions and don't forget to let me know your thoughts on Iris being the leader. I would love to know what you think.
Well, I'll see you proabably next week because there's no new Arrow or Supernatural episodes this week so... See ya!

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

The Challenge: Vendettas | Season 31 Episode 11 - "It's Britni, B..."

Spoiler Alert!

Hello guys!
Just a warning before I start - This will probably be a really short post because I'm in a bit of a hurry because I have something to do but I still wanted to post this today so, just letting you know. Also, as you might have guessed, there won't be a new The Flash rant today because of the same reason why this one is going to be short. Hope you don't mind. It will be up tomorrow, I promise. So, now, into The Challenge.
As you might already know, the show from now one is getting a bit boring. Yes, exactly for the reason you're thinking of - Bananas' gone. It would be nice if I had some people that I actually liked in this season but the only people that I kinda do, I'm not a big big fan of...I mean, I like Zach and Leroy and Cara Maria, just not as much as I like Bananas so, it's not the same thing. Although, this episode did have something that I really enjoy - a beginning, middle and end - aka the challenge, nominations and elimination and you know, it's been a while since this happened so, that left me happy and, actually, it was pretty much the only thing that made me happy in this episode. I mean, Devin's team loosing was pretty good too but that was it because the ending was pretty underwhelming.
So yeah, as I've told you, Devin's Team lost the challenge and, what's worst about that is that Devin was the one to pick the Teams (because of the Grenade he chose) and still he lost. Well, Karma is a b*tch! Then, I got pretty happy about the fact that Zach won, even though Tony was in his Team and Tony screwed up Bananas which I'm still bitter about that. But still, it was nice.
After that, TJ let them know that this was going to be a double elimination, so the Troika had to choose three guys and three girls and the loosing Team (Devin's Team) had to choose a girl and a guy - which were Brad and Kam. It sucks for Kam to always go against the Mercenaries. (Sorry not Sorry). And, as for the Troika, they chose between them to be Zach, Tony (because Zach owe him one) and Natalie (basically because she will do anything they tell her, which is really true).
The 'nomination' itself was pretty quickly as well - they chose Cara Maria, Jemmye and Britni for the girls (basically back stabbing Britini who was from their team and they promised they wouldn't put her in) and for the boys they chose Nelson, Kyle and Leroy. I still don't know why they didn't choose Devin though, I guess they are still playing Bananas' game and letting Devin stay just to be a lay up...
Anyway, there wasn't any Inquisition this time and they moved on to the elimination quite quickly which, you know, I enjoy.
Once again, they all back stabbed Britni and sent her in and, for the boys, I guess a back stab too, they sent in Nelson - this proves that Natalie really does anything they told her to.
Then, this is the moment where the Mercenaries show up. This time Laurel, Ashley M, Darrell and Frank. It's been a while since Frank was on the show, which was nice to see him play again although it was a bit disappointing since he lost. (He went against Brad, by the way) And, when it came to Nelson vs Darrell, it was the most exciting one, but still it ended in a really bitter way - with a Draw - with Nelson staying but just not having a grenade. The girls weren't that exciting either. Kam won against Ashley, which I didn't like and Laurel was the only one to win against Britni, which was kind of a easy win, to be honest. No one thought Laurel was going to loose so... Yeah, I don't know what else to say. This time there's two grenades so, that's going to be interesting. Apart from that, I don't know what to say.
I guess that's pretty much it.
I'm sorry for the small post. Feel free to hit me up and I'll chat a bit more about the episode with you, if you want.
I'll see you tomorrow with that The Flash rant.

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Supernatural | Season 13 Episode 15 - "A Most Holy Man"

Spoiler Alert!

So, like I promised, here I am with the latest Supernatural rant.
Unfortunately, this time, I don't have that many good things to say. Of course the episodes are always good but, this time, I don't know... I feel like it was a little boring. Overall, I didn't like the style of the episode and, to be honest, maybe I had my hopes real high and that was what made me not like the episode that much. You know I told you last week that I thought the quest for the ingredients was going to be nice but... This one disappointed me.
Right in the beginning we learn that Castiel is looking for one of the ingredients, which meant no Cass, then the other ingredient they needed Lucifer and they still didn't know where he is so, also no Lucifer and I don't know if they mentioned the third ingredient but, the last one, which was the blood of a most holy man was the only one that they got a lead on. They realized that it was the blood of a saint so they started digging.
Through a black market dealer named Margaret Astor, the Winchesters are directed to a man named Richard Greenstreet who says has a saint's blood. The thing is, he only gives him the blood if they get something for him - the skull of Saint Peter, which has recently been stolen from a monastery in Malta by a man working for Seattle's mob boss Santino Scarpatti. You see where this is going, right?
I have to say that this episode was really all 'Dean Style' but I didn't really enjoy it, unfortunatelly. 
Anyway, they go after that skull and that's when Santino Scarpatti gets to them, saying that, because his man was killed and someone stole the skull, that he would give them good money to buy the blood in exchange for them to find and give him the skull.
After that, things get way out of hand when the brothers meet Father Lucca Camilleri, a priest from Malta who was also looking for the skull but for altruistic reasons.
Sam being the good guy that he his, he decides to help Lucca and that's when the Winchesters find that Margares Astor had murdered the thief to auction the skull off to everyone interested. Sam joins the auction but things go wrong, again, and a massive shooting starts, killing Margaret, Scarpatti and their henchmen.
During the fight, Lucca saves Dean's life and the Winchesters learn that Greenstreet lied about having the saint's blood. 
After that, Greenstreet is arrested and Lucca goes home with the skull. But, just before he leaves, Sam learns that he's an apostolic protonotary supernumery, which then Lucca basicaly says that he was declared "a most holy man". It wa pretty clear, halfway the episode that they just needed the man's blood and, in the end, that's exactly what they do - ask the man for a bit of his blood, which he gives to them.
And well, I guess that's pretty much it.
Overall, like I said, not my favourite episode but I assure you, I'm really stoked for the next one! Because it's the Scooby-Doo episode so I really can't wait! Unfortunatelly, the show is going on hiatus again and just gets back in two weeks so... We're gonna have wait.
Until then, let me know your thoughts and predictions!

Arrow | Season 6 Episode 15 - "Doppleganger"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello guys!
Prepare yourself - this is going to be a long post - because I just had so many mixed feelings about the episode.
As you can see by the banner, Roy was back for this episode, which was so damn exciting! They have been talking about having Colton Haynes back for so long that it finally happened and it was actually a pretty clever way to bring in back. However, I feel like this episode wasn't the best. Don't get me wrong, we had major things in the episode but, at the same time, we also had some really predictable ones and, I don't know if it was just me, but the beggining of the episode was really boring... I don't know so let's just get into it.
The episode actually begins with the last scene from last episode - Black Siren appearing and claiming to be Laurel, who had been kidnapped and kept locked up for two years. Of course this is all a cover up because she is, in fact, Black Siren.
I actually saw a theory on an arrow group saying that she had amnesia and that she really believed she was Laurel, which would be way more interesting, in my opinion, but no, they went with the cover up story - boring, but effective.
After that, Oliver learns that, because Cayden James is dead, they can't use Rene anymore as a witness so Oliver's lawyer believe they will drop all charges and they won't have a case. Turns out, they have another witness - Roy Harper.
While looking for him, Felicity comes across some information and they find out that Ricardo Diaz is the one behind everything, also finding about all the SCPD officers that are corrupted and are working for Diaz. Because of that, Oliver puts Quentin and Dinah working together to find who is turst worthy and who's not.
Meanwhile, they do find where they are keeping Roy and so they go rescue him, with this also bringing back Thea as Speedy, which was also nice. They actually can't rescue him the first time, and the second time they are 'played'. The third time they find out through Laurel aka Black Siren where Ricardo Diaz is keeping Roy and obviously this was part of Diaz plan but they take the chance anyway and actually, in that moment, Dinah offers to help Oliver but he refuses, saying if she doesn't trust him, he doesn't trust her either, which I don't know, I might be seeing things but I think this lets her a bit 'shook' and this might be the step that they needed to bring both teams back together again. I don't know, but let's see.
Oliver and John eventually take on Ricardo and his minions, who escape, but they do manage to rescue Roy.
I should also mention that, because of all of this, Oliver actually suggests to Thea that, after they get Roy back, that she should go with him. This isn't much of a surprise really, since everyone have been saying that Thea will leave and to be honest, everyone saw this coming. With Roy back, this would be the perfect oportunity to have her go away so... Yeah, not much of a surprise really.
Anyway, in the end, Roy and Thea spend an evening together, where they are observed by a woman from the League of Assassin's so... I don't know. This was a surprise but, if I'm being completely honest with you, I don't think we will see more of this storyline in this season. I mean, this could be the way she leaves but, it just looks like they are mixing a lot of things so that's why I doubt it. But, to be honest, I kind of got it wrong in my last post when I said they would only touch on Diaz storyline on episode 18 or something so, we could see more of this League storyline.
Oh, just one last thing before I end, we also found out in this episode that Anatoly isn't in the Bratva anymore, which was actually surprising. I know, not that important but I thought I should mention.
So, let me know your thoughts on this episode and I'll see you later with a new Supernatural rant!

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

The Flash | Season 4 Episode 15 - "Enter Flashtime"

Spoiler Alert!

Just as promised, here I am with the brand new The Flash rant!
This time, my thoughts might be not that great. I mean, don't get me wrong, I liked this episode I just think... I don't know, I think it was werid. The whole concept of the episode was that it was 'set' in Flashtime. Basically the whole episode happened while Barry was running and, I don't know about you but I just think it's odd. It's interesting though, but it doesn't seem real, believable. I know there's a bunch of things about speed and all that jazz that we don't really understand but this seemed a bit fake in my opinion. Nonetheless, I think it was good and I thought Barry looked pretty cute in this episode (don't at me ok?). Plus, we had Jesse and Jay Garrick back for the episode, which is always a plus. Yet, yes, I'm going to complain about the fact that we didn't have Ralph... Please, weren't you expecting it already? I just love his character but I get it... Since this whole episode happened in like seconds, it's believable the fact that he wasn't around for those seconds. Anyway, let's get into specifics.
So, like I said before, Jesse comes to Earth-1 so she can have a talk with her dad. In the meantime, Team Flash faces another 'villain', so Jesse decides to help. This villain is Veronica Dale, an eco-terrorist that sets off a nucler bomb, which Barry tries to stop, entering that form of superspeef which they call 'Flashtime' in which everything is frozen. The thing is, the bomb has already detonated, and Barry and Jesse can't save everyone with their superspeed.
They try to bring in Jay to help, but they are still unable to stop it. 
While trying to come up with something to stop it, Barry bring everyone to the Flashtime, one at a time, starting with Cisco. They try to send the bomb to another Earth but Cisco can't open a breach because he's in superspeed and he doesn't have enough time to open it. After that attempt, Cisco tells Barry to go to Harry because he might have a plan. Harry tells Barry to send it to the SpeedForce, to which Jay Garrick says no because it would destroy the SpeedForce and every speedster would loose it's powers, no matter which time or place the speedster is from.
Moving on, Jay Garrick comes up with a plan to cool it down, so Barry brings Killer Frost to the Flashtime but she is also unable to stop it. They try something else, to use their speed to each (Jesse, Barry and Jay) throw a lighting at the bomb, but Jay Garrick is too weak and he can't, for being too tired ending with him getting out of the Flashtime. 
Facing all of this, Barry tells Jesse to get back to her Earth so she won't be affected by the bom but she stops to say goodbye to Harry and then 'gives up' and also gets out of the Flashtime.
Barry all alone, then goes to Iris, who gives him a good plan - to retrieve the Quark Sphere from the Speed Force to send a blast lighting through the bomb. 
Barry does that and he's able to save Central City.
Well, in the end, both Jesse and Jay get back to their Earths (Jay saying that he's going to give up on being a superhero and he's going to train a new speedster from his Earth, a girl, by the way). 
Oh, and in the very end, we see Caitlin and Harry going for a coffee and meeting the mysterious girl who everyone thinks it's Iris and Barry's daugther. Well, I thought that too but after what she said in the end... I don't know... I though she was good but in the end she looked really shady so, I don't know... Let me know what you guys think.
Also, who thinks that speedster that Jay Garrick is going to train is Iris from his Earth? Speedster Iris is going to make an appearance next episode so... I think that's her but tell me your thoughts on that too.
Well, I think that is it for this episode.
Like I said, tell me your thoughts and predictions and I'll see you Friday with new Arrow and Supernatural rants!

The Challenge: Vendettas | Season 31 Episode 10 - "Rumor Has It"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello guys and welcome to a brand new week full of rants!
As usual, we're starting with The Challenge, and what a big episode we have to talk about!
This episode was a really antecipated one because of the whole Devin/Bananas thing and oh my not only that was bomb but also the other drama with Kayleigh, which I'll get into that in a minute.
The episode started with the end of last episode, with Bananas and Devin talking and then Devin going to Kailah and Tony for them to send Bananas in. We didn't see much more and then we moved on to the Troika 'nominations'. This time, it was pretty quick and they chose, obviously, Bananas, Nelson and, surprisingly, Leroy. I mean, I get the whole thing about breaking Bananas and Leroy alliance but... Who dares to send Leroy?! Like, he's the sweetest person in the house, really so... I don't know how can people dislike Leroy, to be honest.
Anyway, after that, Devin decided to start up a rumor - that Bananas and Kayleigh had hooked up, which just started a big big mess between everyone in the house, really. But, what's really dumb about that 'move' is that what does it do to Bananas?! I mean, the only was that Natalie basically stopped 'working' with him and trusting him but then, there was Kayleigh to replace her so... What's the deal really?! What it did do was create a whole mess between the girls, more exactly Kailah, Jemmye and Britini against Kayleigh. All because the three girls were on 'Natalie's side' and since all of them, including Kayleigh, were on the same room and Natalie felt uncomfortable having Kayleigh there. And then, this ended up like really, really badly because the three girls decided to through Kayleigh's stuff through to balcony, from the first floor to the ground floor - both her bed and her suitcase with all ther stuff in there. I got pretty mad about the whole thing! Kayleigh did too, but they managed to calm her down and she didn't really do anything to do, which I don't think it would happen to me really. I'm a pretty peaceful person and I don't like to get into fights or anything but in that moment, oh man I wouldn't even mind if I was sent home, I would just punch them! What they did was so bad, really mean and, I've always heard that, 'who is wrong, changes' (I don't know if that's just a Portuguese thing but...). If Natalie doesn't feel comfortable in there, she should be the one to leave, not Kayleigh, mostly because she didn't even do anything, it was all a rumor. Anyway, in the end, even TJ called them out and said that it was really bullying (which it was) and if it ever happened again, they would be sent home so... When TJ calls you out, you know it is really bad! And, if I didn't like them before, I dislike them even more!
Anyway, this whole thing dragged basically throughout the whole episode and it almost made us forget about the elimination but no, it did happen and it was such a surprise!
When it came to choosing someone to go against Devin, it went as expected... In some ways... Zach chose Nelson, Kailah chose Bananas and then, the (not so) big twist... Tony chose Bananas! I can't really say I was surprised because they were making a big deal out of this whole thing so, I knew this could happen. Obviously I was hopefull that he would choose Nelson and, to be honest, I would choose Nelson as well like, just like Bananas said in the Inquisition, Bananas never said Tony's name and he has always protected him. Besides, if you're on Bananas side, even if he wins, you can always get third place and win some money anyways. I know it's not first place but, it's better than to go home empty handed, right?! Anyway, Bananas went against Devin and... You can say I'm bitter at how it ended but, I just think they did on purpose like, to choose that type of challenge for the elimination. It was really a case of luck and any of them could win really. If it was something physical, I'm 100% that Bananas would win. And yeah, Devin did win against Bananas, which just got me really mad and, I don't know... I just don't like anyone left really... I mean, I think I'm going to be rooting for Leroy and Cara Maria now because, apart from those, I don't like any of them. I despise Kailah, Britni, Jemmye, Kam and Brad. I hate Devin and I don't really like Nelson either so. Oh, and I totally forgot to mention, in the end, Kayleigh decided to leave as well because of everything that happened. I don't blame her really, I think I would do the same, but really, I just hope she would punch those girls because that's what they deserved. Also, forgot to mention but I think you all know that Devin won a grenade so, let's see what he chooses. 
I don't know what's going to be like the Challenge from now on because it seems like the main 'dramas' are over so... But Leroy said in an Podcast that something would happen with him that would change the way he plays the game. He even said it was wrost that what happened with Camila so, I can't wait for that really.
So, I guess that's it for now. It's going to be boring from now on but let's see, they can surprise me. Let me know what you thought about all the events that took place in this episode and I'll see you guys in a bit with a new The Flash rant!

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Supernatural | Season 13 Episode 14 - "Good Intentions"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello everyone and here it is the new Supernatural rant!
Oh My God! I swear to God, this season has been so good! If they don't screw up everything in the end, I'm sure this is going to be in my TOP 5 Supernatural's Seasons!
Well, after the last episode, I got really pumped! It sucked that we had to wait two weeks for a new episode but I feel like it was worth it! Of course it didn't have everything that I wanted to really make it perfect, but I feel like that's coming so, I'll wait! Plus, I can't really complain because we finally had Jack back!
Like I've sad before, Jack has become one of my favourite characters in the series so I just couldn't wait to have him back! Also, Mary was back too and we had a special appearance from Bobby Singer from the alternative universe, which was nice! I might say that the only thing that I hoped we would get more into in this episode was the whole Gabriel storyline. You know, I was so excited last episode because, just like Jack, Gabriel has always been one of my favourite characters and having him back... Wow! So I was really hoping we would get a bit more of him but, from the looks of it, I think this season is going to focus a lot more on taking down Michael and probably, he's a prediction, next season will be more about Asmodeus and Lucifer. Because, let's not forget, Lucifer is now the king of heaven so, there's going to be a lot more happening involving him but I can totally see it being like everything about Michael until like episode 20 or something and, in the last two three episodes, be about Lucifer and then ending with a cliffhanger about Asmodeus. Also, I still think those Shedim creatures would make really good 'villains' for future seasons so, I hope they use it in the future. Maybe not like the 'main villains' of the season, but be part of the storyline.
Anyway, I've talked enough about my thoughts on the whole episode so let's get into specifics.
The episode actually starts with some interestin visuals that set up really well the whole state of mind of Donatello, which we find in the middle of the episode, was afected by the demon tablet due to his soulless state.
As a result, he gives the Winchesters and Castiel what he claims are the ingredients to open the rift to the other world. But, in fact, the ingredients are all wrong being just a set up to just kill them.
Dean and Castiel go after the last ingredients while Sam stays in the bunker with Donatello and set up the remaining ingredients, ending with Donatello attacking Sam but Sam being able to, in the end, subdue him.
Meanwhile, in Dean and Castiel's quest, they do find Gog and Magog, which was what Donatello wanted in order for those two to kill Dean and Castiel. Of course it doesn't go his way and Dean and Castiel are able to kill the other two, finding about the set up.
With Donatello refusing to help, Castiel forcefully strips the information from his mind, leaving Donatello brain dead.
After that, Castiel finds which are the true ingredients and let the brothers know that they need the grace of an archangel, a fruit from the Tree of Life, the seal of Solomon and the blood of a most holy man so, you know what this means right? Another quest, which brings back a lot of Season 8 vibes with the trials and everything. Personally, I love this types of storylines so I can't really wait to see more of that. I also think that they might not get to the end of it because I'm almost 100% sure Jack is going to be able to open the rift, get back to the 'real world' and then go back to the alternative universe with Sam, Dean and Castiel in order to stop Michael, but that's just my opinion.
Talking about the Alternative universe...
We had a lot of development about that in this episode, starting with Zacariah trying but failing to trick Jack into helping the angels.
After that, Jack is put in Mary's cell and, working together, they are able to escape Michael's fortress and that's when they are met with Bobby Singer from the alternative universe, who takes them to one of the few human colonies left.
Bobby reveals to Mary the history of the Apocalypse World and the war of extermination the angels are waging, realizing that her alternative world self created all that is happening.
Jack's true self is discovered so Bobby demands him to leave in the next morning, but right when Mary tells him that, Zacariah leads an attack on the colony before he can leave.
Mary tells Jack to just get somewhere safe but, Jack being the cutie and the hero that he is, he gets back and basically saves everyone, killing Zacariah and helping repel the attack, earning him acceptence.
Having grown to care for the humans of Apocalypse World, Jack decides to kill Michael in order to end the war. And, well, this might be the only thing that will keep him from getting back to Sam and Dean and if he, in fact, doesn't get back, the brothers are forced to search for all the ingredients and do the spell to get to the alternative universe. I don't know, as much as I love all this searching for the ingredients thing, I really think they won't do it fully but, you never know!
Anyway, this are my thoughts on this episode. Like I said in the end, I loved the episode, loved having Jack back and I'm liking where this is going. Of course I missed Lucifer, and Sister Jo and obviously the whole storyline with Gabriel but you can't have everything right?! I still think we'll get everyone in the same episode but will probably just happen in the last few episodes of the season so, I'll have to wait.
In the meantime, let me know what you thought on the episode and which are your predictions!

Friday, March 2, 2018

Arrow | Season 6 Episode 14 - "Collision Course"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello guys!
Here I am, like promised, with a brand new Arrow rant!
Just like The Flash (and Supernatural, which the rant will come next), Arrow got back from hiatus this week and with a pretty intense episode!
I've already kind of guessed that this would be a pretty big episode but it was even better than what I thought it would be! Ok, there were a lot of times where I was just pissed off at the NTA, specially Rene and Dinah (I'm sorry Juliana, I love you but Dinah has been really pissing me off this last couple of episodes. I guess you're doing your job right though.) and, at the same time, I actually felt bad for Curtis but, after that last bit of the episode... Damn! Curtis really let me down! But anyway, let's get into the whole plot of the episode.
Like we've seen in the preview that The CW put up on their Youtube Channel a few days ago, Dinah, Curtis and Rene are able to get some clues from the place where Laurel was last seen, finding out that she was dragged by someone who, possibly, took her.
Of course we already know who that someone is - Quentin - which we later find out that he took her to a cabin in the woods to allow her to heal.
With everything going on in the city, it's lack of money to keep things going, Oliver, finds that someone took the cash from Corto Maltese so he starts searching for who 'stole' the money and later find out that it was Laurel aka Black Siren.
In a way to try and get Laurel to 'contact' with Quentin, he comes up with some story just to get back to the cabin and to her. Thea finds the whole thing pretty strange and odd and she follows Quentin, finding out about him keeping Laurel in that Cabin and then telling Oliver and Team Arrow where she is.
Oliver demands the return of the money, which Laurel promises, if they get her out of the country before Dinah finds her.
After that, that's when things start getting really messy!
Actually, before that, Oliver messed up with Rene and the others which was actually just part of Rene's plan to get a bug on Oliver as a way to find out where Laurel was, which they do after Thea tells Oliver where she is. 
On the way to the cabin, they realize that they're being followed and that's when Felicity finds the bug.
Out of options, Curtis crosses the real line and deactivates the chip preventing John's tremors, allowing them to find Oliver, Felicity and John and hence finding Laurel.
After that, the real fight happens and Dinah even injuries Quentin after him refusing to let her kill Laurel. Also ending injured is Rene, who then has to go to the hospital. And, to top everything, while all this is happening, Oliver also throws a device that prohibits Dinah's scream, allowing Laurel to incapacitate them with her own scream and then escape.
The fight basically ends there and, actually being the good people that they are, Felicty and John go to the hospital to see how's Rene. They are met with Curtis and Dinah who turn them away (that's when Curtis is really harsh with them which, in a way, is really good, since his character in the comics is way more powerful than in the series but, at the same time, just made me really sad and angry at him, mostly because of how he made Felicity feel. It was clear that she was hurt and that hurt me too.) saying they want nothing to do with them anymore.
Then, in te very end of the episode, Laurel asks a van driver for help impersonating the 'real' Laurel saying thar she was kidnapped and kept locked up for two years.
Well, this last thing changes everything and I feel like they are going to focus on the Laurel storyline for a bit. Maybe not many episodes but I predict about 3 or 4 before they get really into the whole Diaz storyline. Of course they will touch on that throughout this next episodes, just like they did in this one but I guess they will only really get into it in episode 18 or 19.
Well, I guess that's pretty much it for this episode.
Let me know all your thoughts on it! Are you OTA or NTA? What do you think will happen to Laurel in the end? Tell me everything!
I'll see you in a few minutes with a new Supernatural rant!