
Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Supergirl | Season 2 Episode 8 - "Medusa"

Spoiler Alert!

So, it starts!
That's right guys, our biggest crossover ever started last night with Supergirl's episode and, just like I said I would, I'm doing a rant of every episode in this crossover, starting with Supergirl.
To be honest, I don't really know why I'm doing this rant, because the only part crossover related in this episode was the very last 5 minutes or something... Ok, we had some clues during th episode but basically, just like I have read, this was just the set up for the crossover that is going to happen in the next episodes of The Flash, Arrow and Legends of Tomorrow.
Anyway, I'm doing a full rant of the episode because I need to talk about my baby Chris Wood.
If you don't follow Supergirl you might not understand some things in this rant so, I'm sorry about that.
So, the episode starts with Cyborg Superman unleashing a virus in the alien bar that kills all the aliens that were there, except for Mon-El (Chris Wood's character).
And, since we are already on the topic of Chris Wood, and since I haven't talked yet about this character of his... Let me tell you that, this character is so different from what I'm used to from him. I mean, Mon-El has basically the same sense of humor as Kai did and he doesn't have a beard here so, it kind of reminds me Kai but, at the same time, it's so different. I don't know, I just know that I love seeing him on my TV and that I will watch anything that he is in.
Ok, now back to the story.
Mon-El doesn't die but he is kept in quarantine (throwback to Containment). And basically the rest of the episode is about Kara and the rest of the DEO trying to find a cure so they can save Mon-El, as well as trying to stop Cadmus from unleashing the virus in a 'global' scale.
Meanwhile all this, Alex also comes out to Eliza, about her being gay, as well as Mon-El, in a 'dying state', kisses Kara. (Un)Fortunately, when they find the cure, he lies to Kara saying that he doesn't remember anything and, since, until now, Kara doesn't really have feelings for him, she doesn't tell him anything either.
And, because I always have to give my opinion on the ships... I seriously don't know what to think about them. I'm not a big fan, to be honest, but I can 'tolerate' them together, if they eventually really end up together, which I do think will happen because we also find out in this episode that some aliens are looking for Mon-El, in order to kill him (I think).
Now, the connection to the crossover.
While all this was happening, every now and then a breach opened, but no one came out of it. Just in the very last scene of the episode, we see Barry and Cisco coming out of it while Kara arrives at her house. Barry tells her that they have a problem in their Earth an that they need her help. And, like this, the crossover is set up.
As you can see,  not much in this episode was crossover related, but I decided to do the rant anyway, because I thought it would make more sense.
So, tomorrow a new The Flash rant will be up! Unfortunatelly, I won't be able to watch it live tonight but I'm going to watch the Arrow episode live so, excited for that!
Anyway, let me know in the comments your thoughts about this episode, and tell me if you already watched Supergirl before the crossover or if you just watched this episode because of it.
Until tomorrow!

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

The Flash | Season 3 Episode 7 - "Killer Frost"

Spoiler Alert!

I Called it! I called it guys, Julian is the Alchemy!
I knew it! Since episode three I have been saying that Julian was Alchemy and I was right!
I'm sorry to start the rant right away with this big spoiler, but I just had to. The thing that have been the most intriguing for me since the beginning of the season was Who's Dr. Alchemy? and now we got the answer! 
We now know that Dr. Alchemy isn't really the big villain this season, which I should've already expected, after Arrow with it not being Church and being Prometheus and with The Vampire Diaries with it not being Sybil but Cade but, I don't know, it just never crossed my mind until last week's episode.
Anyway, I guess I should really start with the rant.
So, as you've seen by the title of the episode (and from what I have been saying for about three weeks) this episode was a lot about Caitlin becoming Killer Frost. To be honest, I thought this would be so much more about Caitlin than what it really was.
Basically the episode starts where the last one left off, with Savitar almost killing Barry, but then he decided to just race Barry across the city. Cisco, Caitlin, Iris and HR were 'seeing' everything at the Star Labs, that's when Iris says that both Cisco and Caitlin need to help Barry, so Cisco opens a breach to where Barry is and Caitlin uses her powers to save Barry against Savitar. Obviously, Savitar doesn't die, but we'll get to that later.
So, it turns out that it was the last drop about Catilin's powers, and she soon starts to becoming Killer Frost.
She goes to the police and lies to Joe just so she can interrogate one of Alchemy's 'followers' ending up in also abducting Julian in order for him to find other Alchemy's followers so they can tell her where Alchemy is so he can take her powers out of her.
They end up catching her (Barry and Cisco), but Julian ends up in the hospital and Caitlin tells all the truth about Cisco's brother, Dante, being alive and just dying because of Barry creating the Flashpoint.
Also, in that moment, Joe can't take anymore about Wally being imprisoned in the cacoon he ended up in last episode, and he decides to break it, ending up in it 'exploding' and Wally running away, confused, now with speed powers.
They realize that they need Caitlin's help in order to make Wally feel 'fine' again so Barry says that she can get out if she kills him, which she doesn't do, obviously, making her old self come back again.
And that was the end of the Caitlin/Killer Frost storyline. It seems like a lot, writting everything down, but in the episode it seemed a little, mostly because of the ending and everything. It sure won't be the end of Killer Frost because Caitlin still has her powers so we will see more about her and the powers and maybe even find a way to get them out of her but, until then, I think we will focus on Savitar.
Anyway, so Joe and Barry find Wally and give him the serum so he feels fine and he gets back to the Star Labs and starts doing some tests about his speed, making this the 'beginning' of Kid Flash on our real timeline.
And now, the last part of the episode, which was the most exciting for me.
So, obviously, Julian saw Caitlin and he was going to turn her to the police so, in order for that not to happen, Barry goes to the hospital to talk to him. Julian agrees in lying to the police but only if Barry resigns from the CCPD. I swear to god, that moment made me really mad! I know Barry haven't been on the lab much this season but still, it's his job and I just didn't want to see him without it. Also, in that moment I realized that something was really off with Julian and it was then that I was sure he was Alchemy. I didn't thought they were going to tell us that in that episode so, when that last scene happened, you know, that every last scene that is always really exciting happened I was so happy that I was right! I was also a bit surprised because first we only see someone calling out Julian's name, so I thought 'Ok, so he's not Alchemy but he was a meta in Flashpoint', but then, we see Savitar talking to him and I was like 'No, he's definitely Alchemy' and then we see Julian opening a drawer with Alchemy's costume in it! And in that moment I just screamed and I was seriously really happy to find out that I was right! 
Anyway, and that was how the episode ended. Surely, one of my favourite episodes, althought I thought it would have a lot more Killer Frost in it but still, it was so good to finally find out that I was right about Dr. Alchemy.
Let me know guys if you were also right about Dr. Alchemy and, unfortunately, there won't be more rants this week but, tune in next week because from Tuesday to Saturday there's going to be a new rant everyday because of the crossover! I'm really excited for that! 
So, yeah, I'll see you next week with a week full of rants!

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

The Vampire Diaries | Season 8 Episode 5 - "Coming Home Was a Mistake"

Spoiler Alert!

Like promised, here I am with the new TVD rant and, as always, with pretty good things to say!
This season hasn't disappointed me one bit and this episode wasn't exception.
It had some pretty intense and dramatic scene as well as romantic scenes, my favourite being, obviously the Bonenzo scene, but I'll get to that later.
So, this episode is mostly about Tyler's funeral and, before I get really into the story, I just want to let you know that this isn't the end of Tyler! A lot of people have been like 'stressed out' and upset and mad at Julie for killing him but he will come back. He's going to be the character that ties everything together, which, in my opinion means that our gang is, at some point, going to hell and rescue him as well as, hopefully, Katherine (and I wish Kai as well). Besides that, Julie also said that Tyler is going to be in the season finale so, don't worry.
Ok, now that we got through that, lets get back into the storyline.
Matt informs everyone about Tyler's death so they prepare a kind of funeral for him, but that's when they are met by Damon.
Not much happen to be honest, but everyone is really upset with Damon so what does he do? Goes to Sybil so she can free himself from the mind control. Let's just say that she doesn't really like the fact that he still has some attachements. So, in order for him to be completely hers, she tells him to meet Stefan (and do something that I really don't remember).
Meanwhile, because it's Tyler's funeral, Seline babysitts the twins in her day off, which isn't really a good idea. She takes them to the Carnival which, apparently, isn't anything to worry about but that's when she 'compels' someone to give the twins a goldfish, which is dead. Because of that, Seline tells the twins that she's going to teach them the process of burial, telling them about Cade and making them do magic.
We also find out in this episode something pretty interesting. So, turns out that Tyler left some sort of box with stuff for Matt and, guess what's in that box? Things about Seline! He tells Matt in a letter than he has been looking for a siren named Seline and has pictures of her in that box. He also tells Matt that he wants him to keep going with the search.
To be honest, I really liked the fact that it was Matt the 'first' one to find out about Seline, afterall, his family is tied in some way with the sirens so, that was cool.
Anyway, back to Stefan and Damon.
So, Damon meets with Stefan. Stefan already had a plan, to lock Damon in a coffin until they are done with the Sirens problems but, lets say, his plan don't work out that well because Damon attacks him. Luckily, Caroline appears and knocks Damon out, locking him afterwards.
It seems like most of our problems are solved, kind of. At least, they aren't a 'problem' right now but... That's when everything goes down.
Georgie's body is found and the police calls Alaric's other intern, leaving the armory alone. That way, Sybil got to escape, taking the tuning fork with her and freeing Damon, who fully submits to her.
And now, let's talk about my favourite part of the episode.
Besides the Damon/Stefan/Sybil storyline and the Matt/Tyler storyline, there was also the Bonnie storyline.
Because she was keeping Enzo imprisoned she couldn't go to Tyler's funeral so, she kept trying to get Enzo's humanity back on.
She talks with Caroline and she remembers something. So, what she does is light the cabin where they are in, on fire, while a magical candle is light up keeping Enzo from getting out of there.
The purpose of this isn't Enzo 'being afraid of the fire' but being afraid to be alone, because Bonnie might end up dying, and she kind of does.
Luckily, Enzo gets his humanity back on when e realizes Bonnie is laying on the floor (almost) dead. She manages to get her out of the cabin but, since the candle is still lit, and the only person that can 'un-light' the candle is the person that lit it (Bonnie), Enzo can't get out.
Bonnie wakes up. She sees Enzo and, obviously, she can't let him die in there so she runs inside the cabin, lights down the candle with her hand and Enzo gets them both out of there with his super speed.
They then have a super sweet talk and Bonnie tells him that she won't ever leave him and, of course, they kiss.
Seriously, that scene was just so beautiful! I love Bonenzo! They're the cutest thing right now and I seriously hope they end up together in the end of the series.
Anyway, in the end, almost everything ends up fine. All our characters (apart from Damon) meet at the Carnival for Tyler's funeral which was also a pretty cute scene. Until... Matt goes to Caroline asking her about how are the twins since he hasn't seen them in a while. Caroline starts talking about how big they are and she shows him some pictures of them, and... Seline is in one of the pictures!
As soon as he sees it, Matt warns her and Caroline and Alaric go right away to Alaric's house where Seline was with the twins just to find out no one there and a drawing with them (the twins), Seline and Cade! And that's how the episode ends.
I seriously don't know what's going to happen next but it sure is going to be a lot of trouble. Just now, that is seemed like everything was going fine, everything is wrong again.
Anyway, let me know your predictions for next weeks episodes and, unfortunately, there won't be a new episode this week so, I'll see you in December!

Monday, November 21, 2016

Arrow | Season 5 Episode 7 - "Vigilante"

Spoiler Alert!

So, as promised, here I am with the Arrow rant.
To be honest, I don't have much to tell you about this episode. Of course, I'll resume it and I'll talk about the more iconic parts and such but, overall, this wasn't a big episode. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't bad, at all, I just think it was a pretty 'normal' episode.
Still, it had some pretty big plot twists, mostly the very last scene of the episode, but I'll talk more about that later.
Unlike the previous episodes, this wasn't about Prometheus (although we had a glimpse of him in the end), but instead, it was about a new 'criminal', if we can call him that - the Vigilante.
Basically this Vigilante is what Oliver was in Season 1, kills bad people in cold blood so, of course, because Oliver isn't like that anymore, he and the rest of the Team want to stop him.
The other part of the episode was about Quentin, who finally tells Thea that he has been drinking this whole time and tenders his resignation as Deputy Mayor.
He also tells Thea about the throwing Stars and that he doesn't think he is doing this but, instead, that he's being set up. 
Not much more happen with the Quentin storyline, besides Thea talking to him and him going to rehab.
Ok, back to Vigilante.
The Team intercepts him during a bank robery but he, the 'robber' and his crew get away, so what they do next is trying to find the robber's next target.
They eventually find him but only the head of the Team, Eric Dunn and Vigilante get away.
With the help of the D.A. Chase (which I think is hidding something bigger than this episode) they get Eric Dunn's location and the Team gets to save him from the Vigilante.
After this, they still have to find a way to stop the Vigilante. They eventually know how to lure him, which was a pretty cool scene with the Team robbing a bank.
They get Vigilante in their 'trap' but, as Oliver is about to unmask him... Something explodes and the Vigilante gets away.
So, we will have to deal with Vigilante later.
But the episode still has one more scene, one big scene! This is when we find out that Evelyn have been working for Prometheus! Like what?! I never liked her, and I was so right to not like her! Seriously, really mad at her, althought this gives me a bigger reason to not like her.
Anyway, there's still one thing left to talk about, the flashbacks.
Last week I didn't talk about the flashbacks because I didn't find them that interesting but this week they were really good. 
We get a connection to last season's flashbacks (which is cool, because I didn't like last season's flashbacks at all) and that' when we meet Galina, Taiana's mother who is working for Kovar. And, we also find out that Bratva was only using Oliver for their own ends, including making a deal with Kovar. 
And, that was pretty much it.
Overall, like I said before, it wasn't a big episode, but it had some moments.
Anyway, this week there won't be a new episode, because it's Thanksgiving in the US... But, there's still going to be a The Flash episode so, expect that rant on Wednesday and new TVD rant will be up tomorrow, so don't miss it. Oh, and besides, next week is going to be full of rants because it's the biggest crossover ever! So, there's going to be a Supergirl rant on Tuesday, a The Flash rant on Wednesday, an Arrow rant on Thursday and a Legends of Tomorrow rant on Friday (besides the usual Supernatural rant, obviously) so, week full of rants!
And yeah, so I'll see you tomorrow with a brand new TVD rant.

Friday, November 18, 2016

Supernatural | Season 12 Episode 6 - "Celebrating the Life of Asa Fox"

Spoiler Alert!

Guys, this might have been my favourite episode so far this season! 
Seriously, everything about is was amazing! It didn't have like major plot twists or anything but it was just beautiful and nostalgic because it reminded me a lot of Season 1 and 2, so I loved it!
And, let's be real, after last week's episode, everything is better. Ok, I'm not saying that last week's episode was really shitty but, you know, I'm not a big fan of the Nazi episodes so, this week's episode was huge!
So, like the name of the episode says, this week was everything about Asa Fox. And now you ask, who is Asa Fox? Well, that's what we find out right in the beginning of the episode.
We see a flashback of a boy (Asa) being attacked by a werewolf and being saved by none other than Mary Winchester! That's right guys, Mary Winchester! All of this happened in 1980 and that's how we find out that Mary was still a hunter while she was with John and even after Dean was born. We later also find out that Asa was one of the last that she saved, because she tells him, in the episode, that she's thinking about 'quiting' being a hunter, to what Asa says 'Who's going to save people like me then?'.
After this flashback, we see a lot of other flashbacks of Asa growing up and becoming a hunter. And, that's when we see him in 2016 being killed.
That's when our brothers come to 'action'.
After an hunting, Sam and Dean visit Jody and that's when, after Jody getting a phone call, they find out about Asa being dead. (We later also find out that Jody and Asa and a relationship back in the day, that's why they called her about his death).
So, of course, Jody goes to Asa's wake, to which Sam and Dean tag along.
There, they meet a lot of other Hunters. Hunters which seem to be big fans of Sam and Dean, and when I say fans, I say like really big fangirls (mostly boys, in this case). 
While they are there, Mary appears, that's when the boys find about what we have previously seen in the flashbacks. Mary says that, while she was trying to figure out her life, she remembered that, out of all the people she knew, the only one that could still be alive was Asa, so she decided to visit him. Just to find out that he have recently died.
Anyway, while they are there, of course, something freaky had to happen, and that's when they find one of the hunters dead.
Soon, they find out that they are deal with, none other than a Crossroad Demon, named Jael, who holded a grudge against Asa since he exorcised him in 1997.
Jael locks everyone inside the house, apart from Dean. Then, in order to get in, Dean asks Billie the Reaper for help in exchange for owing her one.
Dean gets in but another hunter is killed, and then Jael jumps to Jody's body, and that's when things get difficult, because our boys, obviously, don't want to kill Jody. Luckily, with an house full of hunters, all of them know the 'poem' to exorcise him, so they get him out of Jody quick.
Something that I didn't quite understand in this episode was, with an house full of hunters, they were really unprepared like, none of them had salt, or holy water or really anything. And, besides, they completely forgot about the fact that, if they said Cristo, they could easily find out in which body the Demon was but... Anyway...
Before Jael is exorcised, we find out something. We find out that Asa wasn't killed 'on the job' but that he was killed by one of the hunters that were there, one of his friends. He tells everybody that, while hunting Jael, they got into a fight and that he accidentaly killed Asa. He blamed Jael in order to protect himself. 
After this, the hunters say that they are going to spread the word about him, Bucky, disgracing him.
And well, the next morning we see the hunters burning the bodies of the hunters who died the past night and that's when Billie appears to try and collect Mary's soul.
I got to be honest with you, for a moment I really thought Mary was going to 'give her' her soul, I really thought she prefered to be dead but luckily, she 'refused'.
Mary still decided not to go to the Bunker with Sam and Dean but agreed to go out for breakfast with them, which was pretty cute.
And, yeah guys, as you can see, a pretty cute and, at the same time, creepy, episode, just like what I love.
We had some pretty cute moments with Mary and Dean (mostly in the end) and I really liked when Mary and Jody met, it was so cute and I really want them to be BFFs. It would be seriously really cool.
Anyway guys, next week there won't be an episode, sadly, but the other week there is and it's going to be a good one because it's going to a Lucifer related episode and Castiel and Crowley are back! Super excited!
So, like I said in my previous rant, Arrow and TVD's episode will only be up on Monday/Tuesday and new Supernatural rant only the other week.
Until then...

American Horror Story: Roanoke | Season 6 Episode 10 - "Chapter 10"

Spoiler Alert!

So, here it is, the final episode of American Horror Story: Roanoke and, of course, I'm here to rant about it.
I think I should start by saying that this episode was a little disappointing for me.
You know, I was really excited for this episode, I though it was going to have an huge plot twist and... lets say... it didn't have.
Anyway, basically the episode follows the 'last' survivor of Roanoke, which we thought was Lee (I'll get more into why isn't her in the end). So, the episode follows Lee through three other series, Crack'd, which was about her going to trial for the murders that happened, The Lana Winters Special, where Lana interviews Lee to know more about how she feels and everything about her and her daughter and then Spirit Chasers, which are the last 'series' that we see, and in which some 'ghostbusters' go to the Roanoke House to try to find if everything that happened was really real, and where Lee later appears.
And, that's where most of the things happen.
Lee goes there to try and find Flora, because she was missing.
The 'ghostbusters' end up being killed (because it was a blood moon) and Lee finally finds Flora.
That's when we find out that Flora wanted to be there, she wanted to be at the house, forever, with Priscilla, and she wanted Priscilla to kill her in order to be with her and protect her from the Butcher.
Obviously, Lee doesn't let her do that and but Flora really wants Pricilla to be safe and protected from the Butcher so Lee decides to sacrifice herself in order for Flora to have a chance at life.
And, basically the episode ends with Flora walking out of the house and then saying goodbye while watching her mother (already dead) hand-in-hand with Priscilla.
So, the real survivor is Flora, and not Lee.
That's why I didn't find the ending that exciting. Like I said, I was expecting an huge plot twist and, although I wasn't expecting Lee to die and Flora to be so important in the storyline, I didn't find this such a big plot twist so... It was a bit of a let down.
Anyway, now we'll have to wait until next year for a new AHS Season. Luckily, they will give us the theme in February so, that's good!
And, that's basically it guys. Just a side note, The Vampire Diaries rant will only be up next week around Monday or Tuesday and Arrow's rant will also only be up on Monday. I'm really sorry for the delays but I've been really busy with Uni work and I didn't have time to catch up with some series.
But, a new Supernatural rant is coming in a few hours so, be on the look for that.
Until then.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

The Flash | Season 3 Episode 6 - "Shade"

Spoiler Alert!

Finally back with a new The Flash episode!
After two weeks with no episodes The Flash is back and with an episode filled with mixed feelings, at least, for me.
Basically this episode started out in a 'slow' way, leaving me thinking that it wasn't a really great episode. All the Wally stuff and Caitlin stuff (which is always exciting but this time was getting a little too annoying) were a bit boring but then, the end, oh my god, that ending was just amazing! I wasn't expecting it at all but... yeah, I'll talk more in depth about that later. Let's start with the beginning.
So, just like I said, the episode mostly talks about Wally and the fact that he had powers in the "Flashpoint" universe, so that's how the episode starts, with Wally talking with Joe about the dreams that he has been having, about being Kid Flash and all. Because of that, Barry later tells them that Wally was, in fact, a speedster in "Flashpoint" and that's why he's having those dreams, it must be Alchemy calling for him.
Besides having to deal with that, another metahuman shows up in central city and, obviously, it's our team who has to deal with it. Luckily, that part of the storyline ends up fast. Seriously, it must have been the faster metahumas that they catch.
And, the last storyline of this episode - Caitlin.
Caitlin finally decides to tell someone about her powers (someone other than her mother), and that someone is Cisco. She then asks him to vibe her to see if she really becomes Killer Frost, and Cisco sees the worst, her, as Killer Frost, fighting with Cisco. Of course, because there is no secrets in this show (sense the irony) Cisco doesn't tell her the truth and tells that she won't become Killer Frost.
Of course, later in the day, Caitlin notices Cisco's behavious towards her and she knows he's keeping something from her, that's when he tells what he really saw.
Later in the episode, Cisco tells everybody about Caitlin, because he just can't keep that secret from all of them. Again, that's when Barry tells Caitlin that she has powers because of the "Flashpoint", and that's basically it for the Caitlin/Killer Frost storyline (which is going to be the main storyline in the next episode).
Back to the Wally 'thingy'...
Alchemy starts messing with Wally's head and that's when the Team decides to use Wally basically as bait for Alchemy.
The plan actually works and they kind of catch Alchemy. That's when they are about to 'arrest' alchemy that he says that they shouldn't have done that and, something really weird appears!
At first, it was just a strike of lighting, which then lead me to think it's another speedster, another villain speedster. In that moment, I just thought how boring it would be again to have another villain speedster but then that's when they show he's true face and... It's a monster! I mean, it's not human, it's really ugly and, right at the end, he says that he's called Savitar and he's the god of speed. Like, what?!
I know some of you out there must know who he is, but since I've never read the comics, I don't know who the hell is this Savitar so, if you'd like to lighten me up, feel free to do it, just don't spoil me too much because I still want to be surprised.
And yes, that's basically it about this episode.
Like I said, at first, looked a lot just like a boring episode but that plot twist at the end, wow!
Oh, and obviously I have to mention Tom Felton's participation in this episode because, although it was little, it was still good and, they even mention that, while they were going to 'meet' Alchemy that Julian was no where to be found so... Is that a hint or just something to mess with our mind? I don't know, but I still have a feeling that, if he's not Alchemy (because we still don't know who he is) he has something to do with the metahuman world, I'm sure of it. And I'm not talking about him being an CSI or something...
Anyway guys, hope you liked the rant and let me know your thoughts about the episode. Do you think that Savitar is now the big bad this season, or do you still think it's Alchemy? Let me know in the comments,
I'll see you tomorrow with the last AHS rant this season! I'm excited for that!

Monday, November 14, 2016

Supernatural | Season 12 Episode 5 - "The One You've Been Waiting For"

Spoiler Alert!

I gotta be completely honest with you guys, this wasn't my favourite episode.
I've felt this in the past when a previous episode with the same themed aired and, I don't really like the Nazis themed episodes. It seems cool but, in the end, I don't really like them. I found it funny that they aired this episode right after Trump being elected president but that was basically it.
So, as you can see, this isn't going to be a good review but I'll review it anyway and I'll try to see and talk about the things that I did like.
The episode starts with a woman trying to by an antique artifact just to end up being killed by it, alongside with the owner of the shop. Just by this I thouhgt it was going to be an episode about cursed objects and stuff but later we find out that this shop belonged to the Thule Society, an organization of Nazi necromancers.
A new character (just for this episode) then is introduced to us, Ellie Grant, who we later find out is related to Adolf Hitler. We also later find out that in that antique artifact showed in the beginning of the episode is the soul of Adolf Hitler and that the necromances intentions are to bring him back by using Ellie's blood.
So, you would think that the brothers got to stop all of this and everything ended up fine. Well, you are wrong.
The necromancers end up kidnaping Ellie and they get to bring back Adolf Hitler. That's when the son of one of the necromacers turns his back to his 'family' and tells Sam and Dean where they are and where they are keeping Ellie.
Well, that's when things end up fine, with them killing the Thule High Command and Dean killing Hitler! 
That must have been one of my favourite things about the episode, Dean bragging about killing Hitler! Loved it!
And yeah, basically the episode ends with Ellie finally stoping running from everything and Christopher, who was the son of one of the necromances and who helped Sam and Dean, having to run from what was left from the Thule Society.
Actually, the episode ends up fine, which I thought it wouldn't but, my prediction that I thought was going to happen in the episode still stands, I still think that Mr. Catch (who killed Magda in the last episode) is going to come after Christopher (and maybe even Ellie) to kill him/them, since he was part of the Thule Society and neither Sam or Dean killed him and maybe Ellie because, after all, she's related to Hitler, and she might still be used to bring him back, who knows so, that's my predictions for future episodes.
About this one, I don't have anything else to say.
Let me know your thoughts about it and also let me know your thoughts about my theory.

Saturday, November 12, 2016

The Vampire Diaries | Season 8 Episode 4 - "An Eternity of Misery"

Spoiler Alert!

Wow, this episode!
I gotta tell you, this was probably the best episode of this season and probably one of the bests ever! I'm not going to say it is the best because I love my Kai episodes and every episode where Kai is, is better than this one but this was for sure one of the best!
This episode was full of twists and, when I thought I was right, I was wrong and then when I thought I had figured it out, I haven't so, it was pretty interesting but confusing at the same time.
So, basically this episode we found out about Sybil's back story.
Stefan and Alaric are trying to find out more about what Sybil is doing to Damon, and where Damon might be but Sybil, being sneaky, doesn't tell them anything and starts 'playing' with them. She starts telling a story about a village girl who was exiled in an island for having psychic powers. Right away I noticed she was talking about herself but it seems like a lot of people thought she wasn't, because then she starts saying that there she met another girl who also had psychic powers and that started doing really bad things, so everyone thought Sybil was the other girl.
That's when we find out that Sybil have a 'sister'. Not a blood sister but a sister with the same powers as her.
Soon something happens and Alaric has to go home because Seline called him saying Georgie broke into his house, leaving Stefan alone with Sybil.
That's when things starts getting confusing.
When I started watching the episode I was almost 100% sure that Sybil's sister was Seline, but then Georgie brokes into Alaric's house and then locks him in the vault, leaving me thinking that it was Georgie. But then, we see more of Sybil's story and I think it is Seline. But then, Georgie attacks Stefan and I think 'Ok, it is Georgie' leaving me a little upset.
But that's when things turn again. Sybil takes advantage of Stefan being knocked out, gets in his head and tells him basically everything, and that's when we see that it is Seline who's Sybil's sister.
Throught all of this Sybil keeps asking Stefan which of the girls he is, but he never answers. When he gets back to his senses she asks him again and he finally answers saying that he's both. Sybil says that he's worthy and tells him the full story, and that's when we learn about Kade, which, apparently, is the Devil. We also learn that Seline made a deal with him and that's why her and Sybil have to kill 'bad' people. They have to kill them for Kade.
After that, we jump to a scene were we see Seline killing Georgie and send her to hell. The cool thing is that, the way she went to hell, was the same way Katherine died, like getting pulled to somewhere and just vanishing, so this means that we are for sure getting Katherine back. I just wish we get Kai back as well because, if someone is in hell, that someone is, for sure, Kai.
Anyway, while all of this is happening in the Armory, we see Damon looking for someone in order to find something that Sybil wants. That's when we meet Peter Maxwell who, right away, I said was Matt's father and, guess who was right? Me!
So, this meant, we got Matt back as well!
This was a really cool twist as well, even though I guessed it was Matt's father.
But it was pretty cool to see him not knowing anything about vampires and all and later seeing Matt explaining everything to him. 
Well, but turns out, Peter really had what Sybil wants and Damon ends up finding it. It looks just like a ball but we don't really know yet what it does so, I'm excited to find out.
That's basically it guys!
Just like I said, a pretty cool episode! I'm really excited about finding out more about that 'ball' and Seline seems like a pretty bad villain, although I know the main villain is going to be Kade.
Also, I forgot to mention, in the end of the episode, we see Matt finding Tyler dead. We know that he won't be dead for long and my prediction is that, since he was a werewolf, he went to hell and that's who they will have to rescue, that's when they find Katherine and, hopefully, Kai. I'm saying this because Julie Plec said that Tyler is going to be major in this storyline and that he's the one connection every character in an emotional way so, let's see where this leads us.
Anyway, let me know your thoughts about the episode and what do you think is going to happen from now on.
Until Monday!

Friday, November 11, 2016

Arrow | Season 5 Episode 6 - "So It Begins"

Spoiler Alert!

Just like the name of the episode, So It Begins!
This episode is basically the start of the real villain of this season - Prometheus! And, before I get into the actual rant, I just want to say that my theory that Prometheus is Malcolm Merlyn is kind of vanishing. I still think that it might be him but, right now, I think it's someone from Oliver's past, so that's the connection to the flashbacks. But, at the same time, we got some leads from who he might be in the end of the episode (and it looks like it's neither Malcolm nor someone from Oliver's past), but I'll talk about it later.
So, this episode was an huge throwback to Season 1, because the main thing was Oliver's killing list!
But let's start with the beginning.
The first scenes that we see in the episode are from Oliver, Diggle and Felicity (Felicity only in the 'background') chasing Prometheus, who starts killing, supposely, random people.
Oliver decides to not tell anything to the recruits but Prometheus' killings start appearing on TV, which causes an huge tension in the city. They find out that Oliver kept that from them and they get pretty mad, mostly Evelyn.
I gotta tell you guys, Evelyn really annoys me! I'm fine with every other member of the 'new team', but Evelyn... She's really really annoying! I'm not really keen on Rene either but.. I can 'take' him, but Evelyn.. Not. Don't. Like. Her.
Anyway, this isn't really about my feelings about Evelyn, but about the events in this episode,
So, like I said, although they are a little mad at Oliver, they decide to help anyway.
But then, that's when Felicity finds out that, the people that Prometheus is killing, are acronyms of people that Oliver had in his list and that's when the recruits find out about the lists and get even more mad.
Felicity finds out, from the pattern, more supposely victims, and although mad, again, the recruits help Oliver. This time, they have to split up and each of them 'protect' one 'victim'.
Of course, the one that Prometheus had to attack is the one that Evelyn is 'protecting'. They sense something is wrong and so Oliver goes to Evelyn and helps her fight with Prometheus, who ends up with a cut in his arm (which is going to be important for later).
Meanwhile, Thea discovers that Quentin have been drinking all this time and have never stoped.
Also, Felicity finally tells Billy that she works with Green Arrow and, in that moment, I really liked Billy, although I don't want him and Felicity together. But.... He was so understanding with Felicity and kind of a fangirl about Green Arrow, to be honest, wich was really cute.
In the very end of the episode we see Felicity telling Oliver new leads about Prometheus. That his weapons are made from Oliver's old arrows, arrows which were apprehended by the SCPD which means, Prometheus is someone from the SCPD. After this revelation, we see Quentin, with a cut in his arm!
And, in the flashbacks we see Oliver in a Bratva operation, which goes wrong, ending up in Oliver being abducted by Kovar.
Well guys, that's it.
Right now, all I can think about is 'who's Prometheus?'. This episode made us think that it's Quentin but  don't really think it's him. My options are either still Malcolm Merlyn, who is trying to incriminate Quentin, someone from Oliver's past, who I doubt right now, or Billy, which would be an huge plot twist! Let's see if I'm right with any of this options.
Anyway, let me know your thoughts about the episode and which are your theories about who's Prometheus!
And, just a side note, Supernatural's rant will only be up on Monday. I'm sorry but I've been really busy lately and I only have time on Monday. TVD's rant will probably only be up on Monday also but I'm going to try and upload tomorrow.
Ok, that's it guys.
If not tomorrow, until Monday!

Thursday, November 10, 2016

American Horror Story: Roanoke | Season 6 Episode 9 - "Chapter 9"

Spoiler Alert!

And I called it!
Yes, we finally found out in this episode who the lone survivor was and, guess who was right all along? Me!
Since episode 7 I told you guys that I thought that the only one that was going to survive was Lee and, she was the only survivor! Although, not like I was thinking she would be but still, she was the one!
But, this episode wasn't all about Lee. This episode had some great things in it and right in the beginning of the episode.
As you might have seen already in the banner of this post yes, Taissa Farmiga was finally in this episode and, just I saw a lot of people guessing, like an 'outsider/explorer'.
Basically we see in the beginning of the episode her character, Sophie, and two other guys, Milo and Todd, going into the woods around the House. They are some fans of the first season of the show and run a website so they thought it would be cool to check out the place where everything actually happened. Wrong decision!
As they are taking photos where some of the things happened, they see a girl (which is the girl from the crew that run off before the show started even shooting and that had a car accident walking around really bloody. Obviously, they follow her in order to help her but that's when they find her car and, guess what? She was in it (s obviously, what they have seen before was a ghost).
They go to the police to report everything and that's when the police tells them that they went there and didn't find any body inside the car and that they have to stop making things up and that they can't go to the house again or they will be arrested for trespassing.
As you can imagine, they don't follow orders and go there anyway, and that's when things start going really bad.
But, while all of this was happening, we see Audry and Lee explaining everything to Dylan, who had just arrived there and didn't know anything of what was happening.
At first, he doesn't believe in anything but then he sees the bodies. They decide that it's time to get the hell out of there but Lee insists that they have to get back to the Polks family to get the tape (the tape that she confesses that she killed Mason, but obviously she didn't tell this to them) and besides, Monet was still out there so they had to rescue her too.
So, they go to the Polks House but things don't go that well.
Dylan ends up being killed by Ishmael and Audrey and Monet almost get killed as well. Luckily, Audrey had found a gun so she killed Ishmael and get out of there with the tape and with Monet. Unfortunatelly, Audrey and Monet get separated from Lee in the woods and only the first to get back into the house.
Aftet this, that's when we find out how is Lee becoming the last survivor.
Turns out Scathach appears and, basically, Lee makes a deal with her.
After that, Lee kills one of the fans that were out in the woods, Todd and the other two are killed by the Butcher and her crew later in the night.
Lee then gets back to the house and also kills Monet and it seems like she also kills Audrey but, when the sun comes up the next day we find out that Audrey is still alive.
The next morning the police arrives and sees everyone dead, exept for Lee, and later, Audrey.
That's when Audrey sees Lee and tries to kill her, ending up herself being shot by the police and that's basically how the episode ended.
Until this very last moment I was 'afraid' that it might be Audrey to survive but it wouldn't make sense, so I'm glad Lee is the onl survivor.
Anyway guys, tell what you thought about the episode and which are your predictions for the season finale! We see that Lana is interviewing Lee and we also see Lee in the court so... What do you think it's going to happen? I just hope one thing, that Matt Bomer is in this episode because they said he was going to be in this season and I haven't seen him yet so, hoping for Matt to be in this last one.
So, yeah, that's it guys!
I'll see you later with a new rant!

Monday, November 7, 2016

The Vampire Diaries | Season 8 Episode 3 - "You Decided That I Was Worth Saving"

Spoiler Alert!

Another great episode of The Vampire Diaries aired last Friday and this one was where the plot thickens.
I wonder how haven't the producers come up with this season earlier but, once again, just like I mentioned in my last rant, Kevin Williamson is back for this last season so, this great season must have come from him.
Anyway, this episode came with a lot more info about Sybil and this episode also made me have my final decision about my feelings about her - although she's a pretty cool vilain, I hate her!
So, basically in this episode Sybil realizes that both Damon and Enzo care about Bonnie and that's she (Bonnie) is in the cause of any unwillingness they have to submit to her.
That's when Damon goes after Bonnie (after Sybil asks him, of course) and interrupts Caroline dress shopping (because, if you still remember, Caroline is now engaged....).
Something that I quite enjoyed about this episode was the 'girl power' that we saw. Either if it was from Sybil or Caroline and Bonnie, I loved it!
Anyway... Since Sybil's plan doesn't go too well, she decides to go for plan B, which is making Enzo and Damon fight to death. Another option is Bonnie choosing who she wants to live, Damon or Enzo.
Obviously, Bonnie doesn't want to decide, but she doesn't want them to fight either so she tries for another plan.
Meanwhile, Damon goes to Stefan for help, and that's when I get really surprised.
So, my first thought was that asked for Stefan's help in order to make that fight not happening but I was so wrong because, what Damon really wanted was for Stefan to fight Enzo alongside with him, so it would be really Damon who ended up alive.
The things don't go that well and Damon ends up overpowering Enzo and that's the moment Sybil arrives and Bonnie ends up choosing Enzo, so he would stay alive.
Of course, Sybil is not trustworthy and she switches things up saying that Enzo is too stubborn and that she wantes Damon alive anyway so, in order to Enzo not dying, she says that he has to shut his humanity off, threatening Bonnie's life.
That's when the cutest moment happen! You guessed it, a Bonenzo moment!
Enzo realizes that he has to give in and shut his humanity, so he tells Bonnie that, if there's anyone that can bring him back it's her and they kiss! I just love their moments together and I really hope they end up together in the end!
Anyway, Enzo turns off his humanity and, again, Sybil is not trustworthy and she tells Damon to kill Bonnie.
Luckily, Alaric arrives that moment with the 'fork' that he discovered and manages to overpower Sybil, which is pretty fantastic!
With that, the Gang captures Sybil. Unfortunately, Damon and Enzo get way, so not everything is fine, mostly, because right in the end of the episode we find out that Sybil has a sister (which now I think it's going to be the big big bad from this season) and we also see that Sybil, even locked up, can 'manipulate' Damon's mind.
Before the episode ends we see a loved character come back, Tyler, and we also see Damon attacking him.
We know that he isn't going to die because Julie Plec already said that Tyler is going to be in the last episode of the season so... It's not all bad.
And yeah, that's pretty much it guys!
I'm really excited about this season and I'm also really curious to know when is Matt going to come back because, if you haven't noticed yet, he was away from this past three episodes so... Curious about that, also because I've heard that Matt is gonna have something to do with the sirens so, excited!
Anyway, let me know your thoughts about the episode and I'll see you Thursday with a new AHS rant!

Friday, November 4, 2016

Supernatural | Season 12 Episode 4 - "American Nightmare"

Spoiler Alert!

Finally a Supernatural episode that I'm happy with!
Not that the previous ones were bad but this one was way better than the others. Maybe because this episode reminded (and was related to) Season 2 but it was, overall, better than the last ones. Still, didn't get the 'surprise' momenta that I'm expecting but, I know that moment is coming.
Anyway, like I said, this episode was kind of related to Season 2, which we got a glimpse right at the beginning with some flashbacks of previous seasons (including Season 2). That's the good thing about Supernatural, you can have an idea where the episode is going just for the "Then" part.
So, we are still going with 'cases episodes', just like I suspected, and this case is basically about a women who gets inside a church bleeding and being whipped by something unseen, ending up dead.
Of course, our boys start digging, starting with Beth, a coworker of the women that died. Beth is a Wiccan so Dean jumps right into the idea that she's a witch that it was her that killed the women, Olivia.
The next day, another guy dies the same way. They discover that both people that died were connected to a super religious family who live off grid and which the daughter, Magda, died of pneumonia.
Obviously, Sam and Dean go there to check out and right away we see that those people are weird, mostly the mother.
To this, Sam starts believing that it's Magda's ghost who's doing all of this while Dean still believes it's Beth, so they split up, Dean goes to kill Beth while Sam stays at the family's house.
That's when everything unravels!
We (and Sam) then discover that Magda is still alive and that is considered the Devil by her family (mostly the mother) and is forced to whip herself.
Of course, some of them have to ended being screwed so Sam is discovered and is captured by the family.
He then learns that Magda is just like him (or like he was). She has some type of 'powers' and that she can move stuff and other things, that's how she did those things to Olive and the other boy. We also learn that she didn't want to kill them, she just wanted help.
With their secret exposed, the mother tries to kill all her family by poisoning the food, ended up really killing the father.
As she is forcing the brother and Magda to eat, Magda storms out trying to stop her, making her mother accidentally kill her brother.
Magda tries to kill her mother but Sam talks her out of it.
The mother ends up in prison and Magda is sent to live with an aunt in California.
And you ask, where is Dean in all of this?
Well, as you can imagine, he realizes that Beth isn't the one that killed Olivia and the other guy (even before Sam is captured) and so calls Sam. That's when Sam is captured and, obviously, Dean gets back to the family's house, but only arriving there when everything is already over.
And that's basically it guys.
Besides all this storyline, we also see Dean strugle with his mom being gone, but to which he ends up accepting by the end of the episode.
We also get a little glimpse of the Men of Letters storyline, when a man, which we don't know, goes after Magda and kills her, leaving me speechless in that moment!
Unfortunatelly, we didn't get any Castiel/Crowley storyline, so I hope we get some in the next episode.
The preview for next episode left me really confused so, I don't know what to expect. Might have to rewatch it.
Anyway guys, let me know what did you think about this episode and I'll see you in my next rant, which is going to be TVD (by the way, unfortunately, I won't be able to post the rant tomorrow so it will only be up on Monday).
Until then...

The Flash | Season 3 Episode 5 - "Monster"

Spoiler Alert!

I swear to god, this superheroes series are getting better and better!
First, it was Arrow's episode which was amazing and now, this phenomenal The Flash episode!
I'm so glad that in this episode Julian was back and, I would even say that he was a big part of it, which I loved!
So, in this episode we had two major 'storylines', the one with the monster (in which Julian was major) and the Caitlin storyline, which was the one which the episode started with.
We see for the first time Caitlin's mum, when she goes to her medial center to get examined because of her new found powers. It was nice to see Susan Walters in one more series, always playing the mother. Although, this time, she was way more 'rigid' and cold
But yeah, she didn't get very far when examining Caitlin, so Caitlin just goes back to the STAR Labs.
Although she didn't do much there, in the medical center, she spent a lot of time there, so when she got back with the Team, a lot have also happened in Central City.
That's when we get into the second storyline, the monster.
This monster made us know a lot more about some characters that we didn't know much yet, such as the new Harrison Wells (now HR) and Julian.
Starting with HR, Cisco is suspicious about him, first, because of the way he talks and then because he noticed that he never really helped them. Barry starts noticing that as well so they decide to vibe HR, but since they couldn't find him, Cisco started searching in HR's stuff and found somethings recorded. That's when HR appears and tells them that he's both a scientist and a novelist and that he's in this Earth to research for his upcoming book.
Still, Cisco doesn't really buy it and, by the end of the episode, after they catch the monster (which I'll talk more later), he finally tells them that he isn't really a scientist and that in his earth, he worked alongside with someone else and that someone else was the real scientist, he was just 'the face'.
The Team decides to give him another chance but, in my opinion, HR is hidding something else. I don't really buy all his story. It might be true, but there's something else. That's just my opinion.
Back to the monster...
The Team discovers that the monster is just an hologram operated by a 15-year-old boy that felt like an outsider.
So, as you can see, the monster story wasn't really big, it was just big for us to find out more about HR and Julian.
And, talking about Julian...
Let's just say that through out the whole episode, we see Barry and Julian arguing, but, when they are about to catch 'the monster', Julian tries to kill the kid and that's when The Flash/Barry appears and stops him from shooting the kid.
Later, we see Barry and Julian talk and Julian finally opens up about his story.
We learn that he was part of a rich family in England but he was kind of an outsider (just like the kid he was about to shoot). He wanted to be a scientist instead of learning which fork to use for what, so that's why he decided to go to America, to be a great scientist. But, as soon as he gets what he wanted, things change and metahumans are now a thing, a thing that he doesn't really understand.
In that moment, I felt really bad for him and I even shed a tear.
This reminded me of how much I love Tom Felton and it made me love him and his character even more, and I'm so glad that he's in this show!
In the end, Barry asks him to have a drink, to what he agrees.
I got really happy with all of this but, that's when I reminded that I had a theory that Julian was Alchemy, and right now, I didn't really want that to happen. I'm linking this Julian storyline and I woud love to see him and Barry being good friends. But, the same time, him being Alchemy would be such a plot twist so, I don't know, I'm really torn.
Anyway, that was basically how the episode ended. After that, we had the little clip that we always have and this time it was another Caitlin clip that wasn't really exciting for me. We already know that Killer Frost's storyline is coming so... Wasn't really an exciting ending. Apart from the Julian thing, obviously.
So, let me know in the comments your thoughts about the episode and tell me if you think that Julian can be the Alchemy.
I'll see you.

Arrow | Season 5 Episode 5 - "Human Target"

Spoiler Alert!

Wow, what a great episode!
I feel like Arrow is getting better and better this season, each episode is better than the previous one and, after last season, where everyone lost hope in the series, this is amazing!
So, just like I said, this episode was amazing! Starting with the production, which I really noticed a difference between this episode and the previous episodes, in terms of camera positions and stuff (You know, me being a multimeadi student, I start noticing this stuff) and going through the storyline and basically everything is this episode. For me, this was one of Arrow's best episodes, really!
There's a lot that I liked in the episode so let's just get into the storyline and I'll walk you through my favourite parts.
So, basically in the start of the episode Oliver gets to rescue Rene and that's when the episode 'really' starts. Rene says that, under torture, he gave Church Oliver's real identity (that he is Oliver Queen) and the rest of the episode is the Team trying to figure out how to both, stay away from Church's radar and finding what he's up to.
In this episode we also get introduced to a pretty interesting character, the "Human Target", who's Oliver's new 'bodyguard', since Church is now going after the Mayor and not the Green Arrow.
I got to say that the "Human Target" is a pretty interesting character and we also see in the end of the episode where he's related to Oliver from the flashbacks, which is also pretty cool. I don't know if he's going to be in more episodes but I would like that so, let's hope.
Anyway, so Church tries to kill Oliver and everyone thinks he's dead but, in real life, it was the "Human Target" who were impersonation Oliver, so neither of them really died. But, Church didn't know that so he kept going with his plan, which was what Oliver and the Team, wanted. 
Later, they find out what Church was really planning and that's when one of my favourite parts of the episode happens, Diggle 'back' at the Team! I don't know it this is to stay but it was really nice to see almost all of the Team together again, joined with the new Team! We still need Thea to come back so... I'll be waiting for that.
Like expected, the Team catches Church and later Oliver gives a speech saying that he faked his death in order to catch Church.
As we get to the end of the episode, we see Church being taken to Iron Hights, and that's when Prometheus appears. He kills every cop and, because Church didn't give up on killing Oliver/Green Arrow, he kills Church as well (although Church tried to negociate with him tellin Prometheus Green Arrow's real name - Oliver). 
In my opinion, Prometheus already new Green Arrow's real name because I still stand my position, I think Promtheus is, in fact, Malcolm Merlyn. He has been really away from this first five episodes and we know that John Barrowman have been filming so... Until someone proves me wrong, I'll keep thinking that Prometheys is Malcolm.
Anyway, also just like I 'wanted' the real bad guy this season is Prometheus. 
I said in my previous rant that I didn't really like Church as a villain and that I prefered Prometheus as the big bad guy this season so, that's when they gave me, so I'm really happy about that!
And, just like always, I have to mention the flashbacks, which I'm still really enjoying this season. Also, we get to see even deeper how everything connects to the present day, which is awesome.
That was basically it guys!
I loved pretty much everything in this episode, apart from that Felicity scene with her new 'boyfriend'. But, apart from that, we even got a little Olicity scene, which was so cute and got my hopes up that Oliver and Felicity will get back together soon.
Ok, that's it, I'll see you later with a new The Flash rant (which I'm owing you).

Thursday, November 3, 2016

American Horror Story: Roanoke | Season 6 Episode 8 - "Chapter 8"

Spoiler Alert!

And the quest continues to find who the last survivor is!
That's right, a new episode of American Horror Story aired last night and, as it has happen, it was another great one.
I always start watching the episode thinking 'What more can happen in this episode? It seems like the season is almost ending!" and I always finish it thinking "Wow. Afterall, there's more to it.". So, this episode wasn't an exception.
The episode started right where the last one ended. We saw, again, Agnes being murdered and then Dominic and Shelby trying to escape.
They decide to escape through the hidden passage but they are foiled by the ghosts of the Chan family, so they get back inside the house. In there, they meet a lot more ghosts, including the Piggy man. So, they run upstairs and lock themselves in the bathroom.
That's when the surprising moments (for me) begin, starting with Shelby killing herself. 
She basically said that she had killed the love of her life and she wasn't 'here' doing anything so she just slits her throat. 
Meanwhile all this is happening in the house, a lot more things are happening at the Polks house. Most of the things we see are between Lee and one of the Polks guys, Jether. We learn a lot more about his family and about him, how of an outcast he is and he is always the left out of his family.
I got to be honest with you, I kind of felt bad for him. And I felt even worse when Lee killed him.
Yes, that's right, Lee gained his trust and got him to free her and she ended up killing him.
At that moment, when she killed him and got out, I though she was just going to run away, but I was wrong. She searched for Monet and Audrey and managed to find them and save them, or at least, Audrey because, while those things were happening to Lee, a lot of things were happening to Audrey and Monet as well.
The Polks guys needed more teeth and so they tried to get some from Monet, but she was strong and while they were trying to get them from her she basically broke the chair and got herself free. After that, she tried to free Audrey but the other Polks were coming so she just got away, leaving Audrey alone.
After that, Mama Polk got one tooth out of Audrey and, was she was about to take the second one, Lee apears and frees Audrey. And, Audrey ends up killing Mama Polk, which was one of my favourite moments in this episode.
They then back to the house, but only Lee and Audrey, because Monet ended up being chased by the two of the Polks sons in the woods.
When back at the house, Lee and Audrey see Matts body and, obviously, Lee gets really upset, but Audrey makes her keep going. They go into the bedroom and then get into the bathroom and see Shelby's dead body. That's when Dominic talks (in that moment I got really surprised as well because I thought he was already dead) and says that she killed herself. He tells the two (Audrey and Lee) that it was Shelby who killed Matt but they don't believe it because Shelby loved Matt and so they assume it was Dominic who killed both Shelby and Matt, afterall, he was the one with the knife. 
After this, they force Dominic out of the bedroom and, that's when Piggy Man appears again and... Yes, you guessed it, Dominic ends up dead.
Surprisingly, the two women make it through the night. In the morning, they decide that they should leave. Also, they decide that it's safe to leave through the front door so they do that but... As they are about to leave.. The Piggy Man appears but not the real Piggy Man. Turns out it is Dylan, the actor that reenacted Ambrose in the 'series' and... That's how the episode ended.
I was really surprised by that ending because I never thought about that and, to be honest, I was really thinking that they were going to get out and leave that house but, at the same time, there are still 2 episodes left so, more stuff have to happen, afterall, only one person survives this. And, about that, I still think it's Lee who's going to survive this so... Let me know your thoughts about my theory and, if you still don't know my theory, check out my previous AHS rant.
Anyway, this are my thoughts about this episode.
I'll see you in my next rant.