
Friday, December 14, 2018

Supernatural | Season 14 Episode 9 - "The Spear"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello everyone and welcome to the last rant for a while.
As you probably know, this was Supernatural's mid-season finale and, just like Supernatural, it was the mid-season finale of a bunch of other series including all the series that I review on the blog so, this is going to be the last rant for a while.
In terms of Supernatural... Wow! They couldn't have had a better mid-season finale! They left it on such an huge note and just the whole episode was just a roller coaster. This really felt like a finale (in this case, mid-season), with loads of action and all our favorite characters together and, to be honest, I almost really believed that they were going to pull this off and kill Michael in this episode and have a new villain for the rest of the episode, but it was too good to be true and just left us aching.
Besides all the action, this episode also had some special appearances, once of them being Ketch, who locates the hyperbolic pulse generator and mails it to the Winchesters.
At the same time, we see another special appearance, Garth, who goes undercover among Michael's monsters and discover that Michael is planning to turn the entire population of Kansas City, Missouri into his monster army. Not only this was such an important plot point, and one that I wasn't expecting, I also loved having Garth back. They kind of teased that in one of the previous episodes when they called him to be aware of Michael and such but really having him in the episode was super nice.
After finding out about Michael's plan, Garth passes the information to Sam and tries to be cautious towards Michael's actions but he is forced to accept Michael's enhancements.
While Sam and Jack go after the hyperbolic pulse generator (that Ketch sent by mail but which they need right now so they have to go after it), Dean and Castiel go after Kaia who provides them with her spear in exchange for a way to get back to the Bad Place after Michael is defeated.
Sam and Jack do get an hold of 'the egg', with a pretty cute scene of Jack picking a lock in the middle of it, but then Michael appears and destroys the hyperbolic pulse generator and, after fighting with Sam and leaving him unconscious, abducts Jack.
After waking up, Sam is able to contact Dean and Cas and tell them what happened. They decide to, obviously, go after Jack, meeting in the building where Michael is and then getting in there together. Well, as you can imagine, they don't really follow the agreement and Sam, who gets there first, is able to rescue Jack, but then Garth falls under Michael's influence and attacks, forcing Sam to subdue him.
Reunited, Sam, Dean, Jack and Castiel launch an attack on Michael with Kaia's spear, in one of the most iconic scenes ever! I mean, they do that 'power walk' a bunch of times but this had the oddest music ever and I just thought it was hilarious but super cool at the same time.
Dean appears about to kill Michael when the archangel suddenly repossesses him and destroys the weapon.
In the end, Michael reveals that Dean had been fighting him so much that he allowed Dean to go in order to break Dean's spirit and then repossess him through the crack that he left open (that mist thing that we saw a couple of episodes ago). Michael triumphantly announces that Dean is gone and gives his army signal to attack, with such a Thanos type of thing (snapping his fingers). And then, the episode went black.
That was such a powerful way to end the episode! I mean, it was kind of cheesy with the finger snap but then transitioning to black and just leaving us hanging... Wow!
Unfortunately, we are going to have to wait about a month to watch a new episode and that is such a bummer. I can see that this is going to get more and more exciting so... I can't wait!
Let me know what you thought of this mid-season finale and, just out of curiosity, tell me if you're a Marvel fan, I would love to know that.
And, I guess I'll see you guys in a month! Happy Holidays!

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Supergirl | Season 4 Episode 9 - "Elseworlds, Part 3"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello everyone and welcome to the last rant of Elseworlds!
This was such an huge roller coaster but I did get to a conclusion in regards of comparing this crossover to the last ones.
All in all, this crossover fell a bit short for me... I did really love the whole body swap thing, I loved seeing Barry and Oliver together, and that already makes for a great crossover for me, but the last one was epic with loads of characters and just epic action while this one was a lot more simple and just really focused on the main three heroes which, about Barry and Oliver I liked but, when it comes to Supergirl... I don't care that much. I think I've never really said this but I gave up on Supergirl. I kind of liked the first two seasons and by the third season I really lost interest and, actually, the last Supergirl episode that I watched was the last crossover! I'm still going to finish Season 3 just because of Chris Wood but he isn't on the show anymore so, I'm not going to bother with Season 4. And so, as you can see, this was bit of a 'difficult' episode for me because, just like the last ones had a lot more stuff to do with their own shows (like the first was had more The Flash characters and the second one was a bit more dark, just like Arrow is) this also happened in this episode, with a lot more scenes focused on Supergirl. I mean, I get it, but I'm just not really into her anymore so... In the end, I can't really complain because, to be honest, the only main thing Supergirl wise was the relationship between Kara and Alex, besides that, it was pretty much focused on Oliver and Barry, and I liked that.
So, the episode begins with Barry and Oliver waking up in a reality where they are wanted criminals, hunted by Deegan as Black Superman while Kara is kept at a prison at STAR Labs, run by Deegan Superman, Killer Frost, Diggle and Alex, who think she's crazy.
In a way to try and get things back to their rightful place, Barry and Oliver locate Cisco who's a mob boss in this new reality. I just need to point out that I loved the Gary cameo because they said that Legends weren't going to be part of the crossover but Gary is in Legends so... I liked that little cameo.
Anyway so, with Cisco's help, they go to Earth-38 to bring the real Superman to Earth-1 and fight Deegan Superman.
While Superman is busy with Deegan Superman, Supergirl convinces Alex to release her, and together with Barry they are able to retrieve the Book of Destiny. Kara tries to get reality back to it's original form but she isn't strong enough so Superman does it and he's able to return Barry and Oliver to their original forms but then Deegan gets an hold with the book and escapes with it.
Barry proposes he and Kara travel in opposite directions to slow the Earth in order to retrieve the book, even though Clark says it will kill them. With this threat, Oliver goes to the Monitor and negotiates with him saying that both Barry and Kara are the best of them.
Kara and Barry successfully slow the Earth, allowing Clark to retrieve the book and defeat Deegan with the help of Oliver, J'onn, Brainy and Lois.
With everything as it should be, everyone that isn't from this Earth gets back to Earth-38 and that's when Clark reveals that Lois is pregnant, and that they are going to be moving to Argo City for a short period. In the end, Clark proposes to Lois and she accepts.
Back in Earth-1, Barry and Oliver celebrate in a bar and that's when it gets back to the beginning of this season with the 'bantering' between Oliver and Barry, when Barry wants to hug Oliver but Oliver says no. I loved that!
The episode then ends with Oliver getting a call from Batwoman, revealing that Deegan in in Arkham and has made friends with Psycho-Pirate, leaving this crossover with the announcement of next years crossover - Crisis on Infinite Earths.
I have to say that this wasn't really a surprise for me because I've seen so many people talking about it but it did get me excited because it means that next year we're going to have so many characters in the crossover and that is going to be epic! I can expect next year's crossover to be better than the Crisis on Earth-X but, unfortunately, Elseworlds wasn't as epic, in my opinion. I still love it but comparing the two, I still prefer last year's crossover.
And yeah, I guess that's pretty much it guys. Like I said, this didn't really live up to all my expectations but that very first part was amazing and I'm going to re-watch it a bunch of times.
Let me know what you thought of this years crossover. Did you like it as much as last years? Do you prefer Elseworlds? Tell me everything and I'll talk to you Friday with a new Supernatural rant.

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Arrow | Season 7 Episode 9 - "Elseworlds, Part 2"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello guys!
Here I am with part two of this years big crossover - Elseworlds. And no, I didn't get it wrong, this is the Arrow rant, with a Reverse Flash banner.
So, as I suspected, this second episode wasn't as strong as the first one. For some odd reason, in the crossovers, I never enjoy the Arrow episode that much, even though Arrow is my favorite series out of the DCTV Universe. However, it did have some major points that I really appreciated and, just like I predicted yesterday, this episode did have Felicity and more of the Arrow characters, even though I did miss Dinah, Rene and those characters in the episode. Hopefully they'll be in the last part. Someone that I also missed in this episode, and that I predicted that he wasn't going to be in it is Ralph. Because this is the Arrow episode, it was expected to have more Arrow characters and less The Flash characters, the reverse of the first episode, and that was exactly what happened. I'm not mad though, I already expected it. In the end, I'm just happy that Ralph was in the crossover and maybe they will all be in the last one (fingers crossed).
Right away I need to start with the very beginning of the episode - you know, that 'previously' part. I loved what they did with this episode because they basically replaced Stephen Amell for Grant Gustin (just like the story of the crossover demands) and Grant even narrated the events as Oliver and I loved that! It was something that I really wasn't expecting and that really got me going for the rest of the episode.
Then, we see Diggle and Curtis dealing with some bad guy (I can't remember his name) and that's when Oliver, Barry and Kara show up in Star City. The three of them help Diggle and Curtis deal with the situation and then I loved Diggle's line where he said that, every time the three of them show up, it means something is very wrong with the world! Loved that!
Post that, they go to ARGUS in order to get some help from Curtis and Felicity about the whole thing that his happening (the red skies and lightning) and that's when we learn that Felicity doesn't know anything about Barry and Oliver switching 'bodies', and so that's why she wasn't really in the previous episode. After having her help, Kara, Barry and Oliver set off to Gotham and I just have to mention that Oliver doesn't really believe in Batman and I just loved that he said that he was the first vigilante and blah blah blah... I loved jealous Oliver!
In Gotham City, they are approached by some thefts and end up in jail, which was funny.
Back in Star City, Felicity realizes that what is happening isn't really something that they're used to dealing with so she calls Cisco and Caitlin for help and that's when Cisco just tells what is going on - Cisco being Cisco. Felicity gets really sad that Iris was able to realize that something was wrong and she didn't and that's when we have a really heartfelt conversation between Caitlin and Felicity. Not only that talk was so sweet but it was in that moment that I realized we never really had many moments between Caitlin and Felicity, and I really enjoyed it. Also, this conversation really make this feel like an Arrow episode - Arrow and it's meaningful conversations.
After that, the thing that probably most people were excited about finally happened - the appearance of Batwoman (or should I say Kate Kane). We don't really get a lot into her character but we learn that she's basically in charge of the building that was Bruce's, we also learn that she's Bruce's cousin and, actually, I really liked the Easter Egg there, when Kara and Kate are talking and Kara says that her cousin (Superman) is kind of friends with Kate's cousin (Batman) and the she says 'more like 'frenemies' which was a pretty clear reference to the Batman vs Superman movie which, despite what everyone says, I really liked.
Kate helps them find the guy that has the book as well as, at the same time, The Flash from another Earth is able to breach for a few seconds to our Earth is tells something to Felicity, Cisco, Caitlin and Diggle. Post that, Cisco, Caitlin and Diggle breach to Gotham, where the rest of the Team is and they work on a plan to get inside Arkham Asylum, where this doctor works.
Of course things don't go that well and they get in an huge fight ending with a guy spilling some chemicals and both Barry and Oliver hallucinating. What was interesting about this hallucinations is that Oliver hallucinated (and started fighting) with Reverse Flash, and Barry hallucinated (and also fought) with Malcolm Merlyn (which was a pretty big cameo).
Well, and because this isn't the last episode, of course things couldn't end up well and they don't really get the book. Instead, the Monitor (the mysterious guy from the other Earth) makes the Doctor change reality again, but not before some of the most heartfelt conversations of the episode.
First, Barry and Oliver have a really deep conversation where Oliver admits that Barry have been through a lot and he always thought he had it easy, as well as Barry says that he could never get through what Oliver did and I just loved the whole thing! In the end of that conversation, Barry persuades Oliver to go talk to Felicity and work things out and that's the second beautiful conversation. Some real Olicity moments right there! Loved it!
And yeah, like I said, the Doctor changes reality again and, this time, Oliver and Barry are some thief twins who get arrested by none others then Merlyn and Diaz in the end of the episode. That was such an huge twist right there!
I have no idea where this is going and Stephen Amell said that we have no idea what's coming so... Let's see if this tops off the crossover from last year.
In the meantime (I know you don't have that many time but) let me know your thoughts and I'll see you in an hour if you live tweet with me (@danixinhahhh) if not, I'll see you tomorrow with the last rant of the crossover!

Monday, December 10, 2018

The Flash | Season 5 Episode 9 - "Elseworlds, Part 1"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello guys!
Yes, this is an odd day to be posting a new The Flash rant but it's the first episode of the crossover - Elseworlds!
I feel like I always say this on a new crossover but this is already an amazing crossover! I would even say it is their best but... It's really difficult to compare. Actually, yesterday, after this episode, I went to my previous rants and read them just to refresh my memory and compare with this episode and I said that it was going to be difficult to top of last years crossover but... They might have got! Like I was saying, it's really difficult to compare because last years crossover had so many characters and I don't think they'll be able to make a a crossover as epic as that one, but this years is, for sure, so good! Also, something else that I read in my previous rants were that the only thing that I really need in a crossover is Barry and Oliver interacting because I just love them together and... I think this years crossover is the climax of that relationship, with Barry being Oliver and Oliver being Barry.
Just from the previews I could see that this was going to be such a fun crossover but it was even better than what I thought it would be! That initial scene with Oliver and Iris... Priceless! I've watched it a bunch of times and it still gets me laughing out loud. Truth is, this whole episode left me laughing out loud! So many good lines and good acting and... I just really enjoyed it! But, I have to keep in mind, this is the The Flash episode so it is supposed to be the more lighthearted one.
The episode actually begins with a scene that we've seen a bunch of times with The Flash (not Barry) crawling towards a book and then a mysterious stranger saying that he failed. Then, we see that same mysterious man giving that book to Dr. John Deegan, a psychiatrist in Arkham Asylum, and saying that he can rewrite reality as he sees fit.
After that, that's when we see the scene of Oliver waking up and the scene of Barry fighting with Diggle, which were both super fun scenes! Right away we can see how both character take this change - Oliver is super pissed and I found it quite funny that he blamed Barry right away, while Barry is super stoked that he's the Green Arrow and has all this 'new abilities'. It is just so fit to their character's personalities.
In order to get help, Oliver not only goes take Barry from Star City but both go to Team Flash. Unfortunately, none of the Team believes them and that's when they lock Barry and Oliver in the pipeline. That scene in the pipeline must be my favorite in this episode (but I'm not sure because there's so many great scenes in this episode). Just seeing Barry freak out when Oliver tells him that he has to disjoint his thumb in order to get out of the handcuffs... It was so funny! As well as see Oliver deal with The Flash's powers. It's just something I never thought I need but now that I have it, I'm so glad they made it!
Out of the pipeline, Barry and Oliver go to Kara's Earth in order to get her help and see if she still recognizes them as who they really are, which she does. That scene when they move to Earth-38 was quite something! I'm not even a fan of Smallville an it hit me hard with that opening music! It was so cool! Then, seeing Barry's reaction to Superman and Lois Lane... It was all great! Another of my favorite scenes thought was when Barry and Oliver were training and Barry just shots at Oliver. I thought it was so funny and just like pay back. It was such a nice nod to their first crossover (when it was just Arrow and The Flash).
Back on Earth-1, the heroes team together to stop A.M.A.Z.O., an android that can copy their abilities. Once again, I feel like I'm repeating myself a lot, but those scenes were also really nice because both Barry and Oliver realized that, in order to reach their potential, they really had to 'be each other' (in terms of personality) and we saw such a different type of person from each of them. And that last line that Barry delivered, it gave me chills!
In the very end, after defeating the android, they see a vision from that mysterious stranger from Cisco and that's when they realize that they have to travel to Gotham City.
The episode ends with Batwoman standing on top of a tower, looking out over Gotham.
Now that I really think about it, it makes sense that the next episode, which is Arrow's, is where they go to Gotham, because Gotham is really similar to Star City/Arrow - both have more of a dark feel to it.
Before I end I just want to point out some other things that I really enjoyed about this episode. First, I was really happy that Ralph was in the episode - I was really afraid he wouldn't be in it because... You never know... But he was and I'm happy. He probably won't be in the next one but I'm fine with that. Second, not really something that I liked but I needed to point out, I missed Felicity in this episode. I know that she's going to be in the next one (or the one after the next) but I feel like she should've been in this episode too - I mean, Diggle was. I did like Iris' mention to Oliver (who she thought was Barry) about Felicity calling her and just telling him all the truth, it was a nice touch.
I did not like though all the bashing from Iris' towards Oliver, like she's that bad of a person! She kept bashing him, almost saying that he's the worse and I really disliked that! I already don't really like Iris, and after that... Ugh...
And well, I guess that's pretty much it. Overall it was an amazing episode and I'm so excited to see more of Barry and Oliver as each other (that is my main focus in this crossover, to be honest).
Let me know what you thought of this first part, what did you like, what you didn't like and I'll see you tomorrow for Part 2.

Friday, December 7, 2018

Supernatural | Season 14 Episode 8 - "Byzantium"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello guys and welcome to the last rant of the week!
This episode of Supernatural was such a roller coaster!
It started out pretty strong (sad, but strong) with the whole Jack dying which, to be completely honest, really surprised me because I didn't think they would go there, as well as with the scene in the banner, which I really enjoyed, and then it ended in a high note as well, not wanting to ruin it for everyone, but with Jack alive again and as close to a happy ending as we'll ever get. But that was basically it. The whole middle part of the episode was a lot, in my opinion, and kind of a mess. I feel like they tried to pack so much stuff and I feel like most of what happened didn't even make sense but then, there was no time to breath so I couldn't think properly about it (and maybe that was their intention). I feel like, if you wanted to kill Jack, spend a little more time with him dead. But anyway, let's break down the whole thing piece by piece.
Like I said, the episode begins with Jack dying and the brothers (with Castiel) mourning his death. The morning after that's when they start to really deal with the situation and that's when Sam contacts angel expert Lily Sunder, now an old woman, who tells them that there might be a way to bring Jack back using her magic and a bit of Jack's soul to sustain him. Now, all of this looks a bit much to me, mainly the whole thing with her being old. I mean, it kind of makes sense but, at the same time, it just looks like they didn't have the other actress available so they had to go with an older one. And then, as I've mentioned before, it looks like they are realizing that they have too many characters on the show so they are trying to get rid of them. I don't know, that's just what I get from all of this.
Anyway, besides that, there's the whole thing where the only thing she asks in return is a way to get to Heaven because she's sure that she's going to Hell and she just wants to be reunited with her daughter in Heaven. And so, in order to make that happen, they summon Anubis who basically says that she's not going to Heaven and that it's not up to him to change her faith, it's the choices that you make while you're leaving that determine where you go.
Once again, I get all of this, in the end, it made sense but... I just feel like it was a lot.
So, even though she didn't get what she wanted, Dean convinces her to help them and so they get prepared to bring Jack back from Heaven.
In order to do so, Castiel goes back to Heaven and that's when we see that a lot have been happening there. We see Jack leaving his 'personal Heaven' and going to his mom's Heaven, spending some time with her, while there's a dark force that is chasing Jack in Heaven and just creating chaos.
In the beginning, I thought it was Lucifer, because of what happened in the last episode, but it turns out it is 'The Empty' which, from what happened next, they are either setting this up for an upcoming season or Michael won't be the Big Bad this season and the Empty is going to take Michael's place as the villain this season.
What happens next is that Castiel finds Jack and that's also when they come face to face with the Empty. We learn that the Empty wants Jack because he's part angel, and so he should go there and that's when Castiel makes a deal with the entity to trade himself for Jack, a deal that the entity chooses not to collect right away, only in a few years, when Castiel has forgotten about this deal and his leaving a happy life (which, from the look of the show, might never happen, to be honest).
Castiel decides not to tell the Winchesters about this deal, which made me really upset, and asks Jack to do the same, which he agrees. Also, as a thank you for saving the angels in Heaven from the Empty, Naomi gives Castiel the location of Michael, which is a pretty big success.
Also a success is Jack's resurrection, even though the effort causes Lily to suffer a fatal heart attack. And, well, as you can expect, she is judged again by Anubis and, this time, she is accepted in Heaven and is reunited with her daughter.
As I told you, this is as close to an happy ending as we'll ever get, which is nice, but there's still so many things going on. We do now know the whereabouts of Michael, but just like they mentioned in the episode, they still have to find Kaya and the Spear in order to kill Michael and then there's this whole thing with the Empty and this spell 'consuming' Jack's soul which I'm sure is going to be a problem in the future. 
This makes me happy thought, because it means there's so much content for upcoming seasons but it was just a lot for only one episode.
I don't know... Let me know your thoughts on this episode and I'll see you next week with new rants!

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

The Flash | Season 5 Episode 8 - "What's Past Is Prologue"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello everyone!
Here I am, once again, with the brand new The Flash rant, and what an incredible episode!
This episode was important and amazing in so many ways! Not only this was The Flash's 100th episode, it was also directed by Tom Cavanagh but it was also a trip to memory lane! I think they did this perfectly! They had to make this episode kind of special, because of it being the 100th episode of the show, which they did by 'bringing back' a lot of old characters, but in a way that didn't feel forced. It looked like this was the right episode to air right now and not only something special for the 100th episode so I loved that! Besides that, this brought so much tension and mystery and... I just think it did a really good job at keeping me glued to the screen, which is always a good thing.
So, like I said, in this episode Barry and Nora travel back in time and take a trip down memory lane where they cross paths with some of the previous season's villains in order to gather anything they need to stop Cicada.
Obviously I loved the fact that we got to see Zoom again (he was my favorite villain) but the main thing in this episode really was having Tom as Reverse Flash again and all the change that it made not only in this episode but in the rest of this season.
In all the craziness of moving from time period to time period, Barry and Nora end up on the day that Hartley Rathaway attacked, and having to ask Eobard Thawne Wells to help them fix the tech that ended up being broken. Of course he doesn't want to at first, but Barry reminds him that, if he doesn't help them, he won't get back to his time period so Thawne does help them.
Post this, Barry and Nora make their final jump to the night of the Particle Accelerator explosion, avoiding security and getting into the Time Vault, where Barry asks Gideon to reroute part of the Dark Matter to the technology that they got.
That's when a beautiful moment between Barry and Nora happens, when Nora asks Barry why does he hate Eobard so much and Barry finally reveals that he was the one who killed his mother.
The accelerator explodes, affecting Ronnie Raymond, Martin Stein, Clifford DeVoe, the Mardon brothers and Barry himself.
Nora and Barry get what they wanted and quickly run to the hospital where they know Cicada has been going (in the present) every day to visit his nice, hide the tech in the brickwork, and return to to the present day.
Back in present day they decide that it's time to put a stop to Cicada but, as you can expect, things do go accordingly to planned. The device does work, which I wasn't expecting it would, but then we see the mark that Cicada has in his chest being way powerful than what we thought and that 'scar' is able to get back his 'lightning' which is the thing that strip the metas out of their powers. It looks like everything's lost but that's when Killer Frost comes to action and Cicada just leaves. So, does this mean that Killer Frost is the key to stop Cicada?! I wouldn't mind that, though.
And then, to make everything even messier, we finally have a deeper look into what Nora have been hiding.
So she decides to return to 2049, there she goes to Iron Heights to confront Eobard Thawne, who she has been sending 'letters' this whole time! Like, what?! So, is she the one to free him or something and so she goes back in time and kills Barry's mom and so on?! I really don't know what to think about this but I'm so curious to see more because I have a feeling there's way more to this story!
Let me know all your thoughts and predictions and I'll talk to you on Friday!

The Challenge: Final Reckoning | Season 32 Episode 22 - "Final Reckoning Reunion, Part 2"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello everyone!
So, turns out I was able to post the rants today!
We are starting with the The Challenge rant, which is actually the last episode of the season (and maybe the last one for a while. I'll get into more detail later). It being the last episode of the season doesn't add much to it, to be honest because, just like the first part of the reunion, they made it look way bigger than what it really was, but I'm here to talk to you all about it.
The episode actually started with the last thing from the previous episode, which was the drama between Bananas and Devin. I'm so over this, to be honest! Like, I'm not being bias but Devin is so overrating (just like everybody else) and Bananas didn't really do anything wrong! Okay, maybe he shouldn't have touched on the subject of Devin's dad but, if we're being objective, he didn't really say anything bad about him or his death. Plus, can you blame him?! After Devin being after him for hours through the whole house... People have a breaking point! And just like Bananas said, maybe it wasn't the nicest thing to say, but he apologized and even Shane defended Bananas so... Devin really wasn't the right one in this. Oh, and of course, they had to make this even bigger by just showing all the people that left the 'stage' because they were against Bananas - those people being Ashley, Amanda, Cory... You see where this goes?! Anyway, this people are just really over dramatic and Bananas didn't do anything wrong. End of subject.
Moving one to some other things that they talked in this episode. They had to wrap up a lot of things, to be honest. They mentioned the thing between Brad and Britini and we saw, once again, how crazy Britini is, there was this whole issue with some drama between Angela and Kam and we also saw some stuff about Paulie and Cara Maria and them being on that show where they choose tattoos for each other (I don't know if you know it but it's the American version of Tattoo of Us, or something like that).
Nice things in this episode... They kind of praised Kam for the brilliant plan that she orchestrated which, being fair, is quite something so I also applaud her for that (even though I'm not her biggest fan) and they also gave an award to Sylvia for her 'performance' in Kam's master plan so... Those were the nice things. Oh, I almost forgot, there was a special 'announcement' about a special The Challenge that is going to air in the next two weeks which is about CT's wedding. It was super cute to see that he married but, as we saw in the preview, there was some drama surrounding this wedding so... Let's see how everything happened. And if you guys want me to review those two special episodes just let me know in the comments or through twitter (@danixinhahhh). I'm not planning on doing it but if you guys want to I'll be more than happy to do so.
Anyway, back to the episode.
There were two extra things that were kind of major in the episode, one of them being the whole thing between Zach and Amanda. Of course they had to show what they did and of course Zach and Amanda aren't friends and I totally get it. As I've said many times, I hate Amanda and I totally agree with Zach - she's just evil and annoying and seriously so immature! She acts like she's the queen of everything but... She just talks sh*t and all she does is bash other people. I truly dislike her. 
And so, supposedly, Amanda was making a big announcement or dropping a 'bomb' but... she regret it and she didn't. I mean, I can't really blame her. At least, she came to her senses and, if it wasn't the right thing to do, you just shouldn't do it but... C'mon! They have been teasing this for too long and then... Nothing. That's why I think this reunion was so boring.
At least, we ended in a happy note with Tony proposing to his girlfriend and her saying yes. We all knew this (at least, I did) but it was still beautiful and it was nice to end the episode like that. Also, it was pretty funny to see Bananas with his Bananas Cam in their faces, it was hilarious.
So, let me know what you thought of the episode, who do you still stan, who do you ended up disliking and I would also appreciate if you tell me if you want that review from the special about CT's wedding.
I'll see you guys in a minute with the new The Flash rant!

Arrow | Season 7 Episode 8 - "Unmasked"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello everyone!
As per usual, I'm posting this a tiny bit late, but it's the day after the episode aired so I think that's fine.
Anyway, I don't know how I feel about this episode. For once, as you can see by the banner, this was finally the episode where Katherine McNamara's character was introduced and... You know how I feel about her. She's a sweetheart and I really like her (I actually met her last year on my birthday) but... she's just a bad actress. I can't really talk from this week's episode of Arrow, but from Shadowhunters. And it's not like Shadowhunters was her first role, because it wasn't so... There's really no excuse besides her just not being great, but let's see if she improves on Arrow. Besides that, there was a lot more introduced in this episode which was nice, but there was some stuff that I didn't really like so... This episode is leaving me torn. But let's talk about the main points of this episode.
It actually started with a big reveal which wasn't that surprising, to be honest, which was the identity of the new Green Arrow. They tried to keep it a bit mysterious through out the episode, but they kind of failed because we knew all along, even before this episode, that it was Emiko Queen.
Next, we dive into the flash forwards, and that's when we are introduced to Kat's character - Black Star. In a way, I'm happy that she's part of the future and not a new character in the present, but still... I think she's going to ruin the show as well as the flash forwards for me. Anyway, we find out about her and she's a fighter and all and we learn that she did some stuff for Felicity but, of course, she's hiding something, which we don't really find out what. There wasn't a lot in this week's flash forwards, to be honest.
Then, there were two main things in this episode that took place in present day. One of those is something that I'm pretty sad about, but I kind of get it. 
So, Oliver gets out of prison and all and, right in the beginning of the episode, we some some sweet Olicity moments, which is great, but then... Everything goes to sh*t. Later in the episode they are attacked in their home and... Felicity just takes out a gun and shoots this guy! Which is so surprising to Oliver and that's when they have a talk and Felicity tells him that she's changed and everything and... It doesn't look good for Olicity. Again. But, like I said, I kind of get it. They had to do something with Felicity's character and, in a way, justify what happens in the future and, truth be told, it's a completely normal thing for her to change while Oliver was in prison and afraid of getting attacked by Diaz (which ended up happening). Anyway, I'm not really happy with this new Felicity, but I kind of get it.
The next thing was a much happier one which was Oliver joining the SCPD as the Green Arrow in a way to help catch 'the bad guys'. This was quite something because it means that we are still going to see Oliver as Green Arrow, but we won't need to worry about him getting caught by the police and etc, which is nice. Also, that moment when he told Diggle that he didn't need the mask anymore! Wow! That was pretty deep, and I loved it!
And, before I finish this I just want to say that I'm kind of bored with Diggle's story-line. Not only it seems like they didn't know what to do with his character but also now we are getting back to Diaz and... I just don't like it! I seriously hope they are done with Diaz' story-line and just make Stanley the bad guy for the rest of the season!
Anyway, that's it guys! Let me know all your thoughts and predictions and I might see you tomorrow (I'm still not sure because I'm going to be pretty busy tomorrow).

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Supernatural | Season 14 Episode 7 - "Unhuman Nature"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello guys!
So... It seems like I've been saying this a lot but, once again, I'm sorry I took way too long with this rant. The truth is, I wasn't able to post on Friday and then I just didn't feel like in the weekend so... I just got around to it now. I hope you forgive.
This episode had quite a lot but still not enough to make me love it (and for sure not after that amazing Arrow episode) but it had some big twists! As we were expecting, the main focus on this episode was Jack and his well-being, but that wasn't all. There was another equally important story-line in this episode - Nick. That's right, Nick is back and we see that he's not doing so great, just like Jack.
The episode actually begins with the brothers taking Jack to the hospital, which was funny. We never see the boys do such mundane things, even less go to hospitals, so it was pretty funny see the medical system that we have, the boys dealing with it and then trying to fill a file about Jack. That was so funny! But, as you can expect, the trip to the hospital led to nowhere so they had to recur to someone else, and that's when Sam asks for Rowena's help.
Rowena determines that Jack's condition is a result of his human and angel sides attacking each other without his grace maintaining the balance. With Rowena not able to do anything else, Sam decides to contact a shaman for help, while Jack decides to live his life to the fullest while he can, and that's when Dean joins in. Also, we have to note that, through out all this, Dean have been displaying some mysterious dizziness so... There's more to this than meets the eye.
Sergei, the shaman, provides Castiel with some of Gabriel's grace (my baby Gabriel) and a spell to fix Jack's condition, of course, in exchange for a favor from the Winchesters when the time appears. Rowena performs the spell, but Jack ends up getting worse, and that's when Sergei tells Castiel that it was an experiment. At last, Rowena proclaims that there is nothing more they can do for Jack but be there for him as he dies.
And as if this whole thing with Jack wasn't enough, there's a lot more happening with Nick.
Turns out that, based on the information that he learned from his former neighbor Arty, Nick is able to track down a cop, who he tortures for information about his family's murders. At last, the cop reveals that he was the one who killed Nick's family after encountering a man named Abraxas, who Nick realizes was a demon that ended up possessing the cop. 
So, you'd think that, now that he's got what he was looking for he was going to stop. Well, you're dead wrong. Nick ends up killing the cop anyway and that's when the most unexpected thing happened! Nick realizes that he enjoyed killing and enjoyed being Lucifer's vessel and so he prays to him (Lucifer). That's when we see some skeletal figure with red eyes rising from the Empty!
Like, what was that plot twist?! I sure wasn't expecting it.
Well, in a way, I wish they weren't doing this. I mean, I love Mark Pellegrino and I loved him as Lucifer but... How many times have we been through this?! Lucifer have been killed like 5 times and brought back to life right after. I'm getting a bit tired of that. He should've died in season 5 like, almost 10 seasons ago. I know I'm sounding really angry but it just tires me. They did the exact same thing with Laurel on Arrow and I hated it. Yes, I like Lucifer and Mark Pellegrino as him, which helps but... I don't know. Let me know what you think about all this.
Now, I just hope Jack doesn't die! That's all I care for right now.
Anyway... Like I said, let me know all your thoughts about all the events in this episode and I'll talk to you tomorrow!

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

The Flash | Season 5 Episode 7 - "O Come, All Ye Thankful"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello guys!
So, here I am with the new The Flash rant.
This episode wasn't my favorite, I have to be honest. There was some cool moments in it and I liked the way they are approaching the Cicada story-line, but there wasn't anything that special that could make me love this episode so... This was just a good episode.
The episode actually began with the team going to the hospital where Cicada's niece is, trying to discover his identity. Actually, this is something that we get more into in the flashbacks but, for some reason, I didn't realize she was his nice. I always thought she was his daughter so this was a big revelation for me. Oh, and since we are already in that topic, yes, this episode had a lot of flashbacks of Cicada's past and how he got responsible for his niece.
This was actually something that, in a way, I kind of enjoyed because flashbacks isn't really a thing that The Flash does, and even less flashbacks about the main villain so... In that way, I liked it, but the actual story... It fell a little short for me. But let's roll with it.
After that moment in the hospital, the team actually have to deal with a new 'villain of the week', to which Barry and Nora run to stop a lightning disaster, ending with Barry getting struck and almost dying. Luckily, Nora is able to restart his heart, which as an huge relief, because I really got scared in that moment. I mean, I knew they wouldn't kill off Barry, not without saying something about Grant leaving the show (which wouldn't be The Flash anymore, to be honest) but you never know what the writers are thinking so... Anything can happen.
Then, after that incident in which Barry almost dies, Nora gets back to being the little brat that she is, telling Barry that one way to ensure he never disappears in the future is to quit being Flash now.
Moving on... The team ends up finding the person behind all the weather madness - Joss Mardon - the daughter of Mark Mardon, the Weather Wizard. Turns out Joss also has a similar staff that she used to control the weather, a staff with a piece with dark matter, just like the phone from the other episode.
As you can expect, the team goes to fight her, with Iris using a hologram to simulate Mardon (her father) being there, but Joss tries to kill him for being neglectful and that's when the plan goes to sh*t.
Post this, mad that they didn't bring her her father, Joss tries to attack an airport and creates a lightning tornado. Nora brings Barry Mardon's wand which Barry uses to absorb Joss' lightning and subdue her. And that's how the main events of the episode end.
My favorite part of the episode, though, was when Caitlin, Cisco and Sherloque choose not to join the West Allens for Thanksgiving and, suddenly, Killer Frost appears and gives them a piece of truth, which was pretty funny, in my opinion. (Also, Danielle Panabaker RTed my tweet but then she UN-RTed it, which was a bummer...)
Oh, and in the very end of the episode, the Team finally discovers Cicada's identity through the security cameras from the hospital! Seriously, this season have been a surprise with this new villain! Not only he's not a speedster (almost not even a meta) but they discovered his really identity pretty early in the season, which is something totally different so I'm really curious to see where this goes.
Post this, let me know all your thoughts and predictions for the next episode. Also, we are getting pretty close to the crossover! So excited!
Until then, I'll see you Friday with a new Supernatural rant!

The Challenge: Final Reckoning | Season 32 Episode 21 - "Final Reckoning Reunion, Part 1"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello everyone!
So, here we are to spill all the beans about the latest season of The Challenge (or not).
I have to say that I was quite excited about this reunion. I don't normally care much for the reunion episodes, I just think they are a bit boring and don't really offer much, but this time there was so much drama and things going on between all the contestants that I was really curious how things were between all of them. Well, in reality, this was more of the same. Truth is this reunion (at least, this first part) just replayed some of the most dramatic events and didn't offer much more, but let's see what can we talk about.
The first thing mentioned in this episode was Ashley and Hunter winning and Ashley keeping the money to herself. This was expected because, although this wasn't something new, nor it wasn't expected, it's something that doesn't happen that often so, we needed to talk about this.
We learned that Hunter has already 'forgiven' Ashley and that Bananas' can't really blame her for taking the money. Apart from that, everyone seems to be pretty 'pissed' with her and I don't know if many of them are still friends with her (Amanda sure is, from what we've seen).
Then, we saw some minor dramas such as the Lavender Ladies thing, the thing between Shane and Da'Vonne, Natalie and Kayleigh's fight... More of the same.
Next topic was also more of the same - Kyle and his hook ups - but with this subject it looks like we reached an ending, with Cara Maria already over him, Kyle being 'okay' and clearly over all the girls that he slept with as well as the other girls being over him.
They also talked about the issue between Cory and Tony, which sent Cory and Devin home. It looks like this issue is also settled down though. The issue that isn't is the one between Devin and Bananas, and that's how the episode ends. We see Devin going at Bananas (as he usually does) and we can clearly see here the age difference and the maturity, because Devin keeps going at him and Bananas' just let's him talk and just answers him when Devin's rant is over. Anyway, in the very end of the episode Devin really goes to Bananas' to fight him or something and that's how the episode ends.
As you can see, this episode didn't add much to the whole 'story'. However, I do recommend you guys check out AfterBuzzTV's After Show of episode 20 where they had Marie as a guest and who spilled out a lot more stuff than they did in this reunion so, check it out!
Anyway, let me know all your thoughts and I'll see you later with the The Flash rant!

Arrow | Season 7 Episode 7 - "The Slabside Redemption"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello everyone!
(Just a little side note, I'm sorry I'm posting this a bit late. I went to the Robin Hood movie anticipated showing and then I was watching The Flash live so... Yeah. Apologies made, let's get to the actual rant.)
Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow! This was an hell of an episode! Seriously, this must have been the best episode of the season so far! I might get a little ahead of myself but I loved it and I'm just going to say why I loved it! For starters, there was no bullsh*t story-lines. The went straight to the point, focusing on what really mattered at this point, which was Oliver and Diaz (basically), it also had amazing camera work, amazing fight scenes (probably the best ones of the whole series) and it gave us an amazing set up for the new villain of the season because, yes, we finally got rid of Diaz! I was getting so tired of him and the fact the we are finally done with him just makes me really happy, which is also one of the reasons why I loved this episode. Now that I said everything that I loved, let's get into what really happened in the episode.
So, as I said, this episode was all about Oliver and, because of that, it was all set in the prison, which was something that I liked, surprisingly. We begin the episode with Oliver revealing that he knows that Stanley manipulated him into framing Turner for Dunbar's murder, which makes then Oliver go to Turner and apologize. 
We then see the second main guy of this episode, Diaz, arriving to the prison but, as you can guess, having some guards in his palm and just getting free. But instead of just leaving, he decides to (kind of) man up and just face Oliver. So he visits Oliver and threatens to kill him and his family which drives Oliver mad forcing the guards to take him back to his cell. 
Knowing that Diaz is still loose inside the prison, Oliver breaks out of his cell and confronts security guards and escapes level one to go after Diaz.
Meanwhile, Diaz kills some guards, sets free some inmates and, as you can imagine, a lot goes to sh*t. 
Oliver's search for Diaz is then interrupted by Sampson and Brick who confront Oliver but that's when Turner appears and basically saves Oliver. Both of them, Oliver and Turner, start working on a plan to get help but, when Oliver tries to contact someone, Diaz taunts him saying that there's no way to contact anyone. This makes Oliver even more pissed off and that's when sh*t really goes down.
Diaz sets up some type of bomb that creates a fire, frees all the inmates and a riot just starts inside the prison.
In between all of this, while Oliver is trying to execute a plan to finally take down Diaz, Stanley kidnaps Oliver and that's when we really see Stanley's true colors and how crazy he is (like, seriously crazy). But, as you can expect, Oliver gets free and returns to Turner to keep going with the plan. And that's when the final showdown between Oliver and Diaz finally happens!
It's long waited but it was really worth it! Amazing camera work and just amazing stunts! So good! And yes, in the very end, Oliver stabs Diaz, while inside his cell, and just locks him up. I didn't really see if he died or if he's just gonna rot in there but, either way, I'm glad he's over! He was really getting on my nerves and, to be honest, Stanley looks like a more interesting villain so... Let's see.
Oh, and talking about Stanley... While this is happening, elsewhere in the prison, Stanley kills Brick and escapes. So, it's going to be interesting.
In the very end of the episode, Oliver is finally set free and we have the Olicity reunion that we've been waiting for (with Diggle in the mix, as well).
As I said before, this was an amazing episode! I can't really see anything wrong with it. And, I was kind of right. I said since the beginning that Oliver was going to be out by episode 6... It was in episode 7 but, I was close.
Anyway, I can't wait to see what the rest of the season brings and I truly hope they make Stanley the new villain because I'm really interested in knowing more about him. He looks just like really insane and not one of those bad guys that just want to rule the world so... Let's see.
Let me know all your thoughts and predictions and I'll see you tomorrow with new The Challenge and The Flash rants!

Saturday, November 24, 2018

The Challenge: Final Reckoning | Season 32 Episode 20 - "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello people!
As promised here I am with the 'final' The Challenge rant (not really the final because there's still two Reunion episodes, but yeah...).
Was it just me or this episode was a really 'let down'?! I don't know, but I felt like this was really rushed and created basically no suspense. Right from the beginning you knew who weren't going to make it and then... There was not really a surprise in the end so... I don't know, I felt like this was a really poor finale and the final challenge was also pretty lame, in my opinion, one of the easiest. To me, it felt like they were getting tired of this season so they just wanted it to be over so they  came up with something last minute and this was what they manged.
So, right away, the first part of the final challenge was so lame. They just had to go down a ladder, from an helicopter and... that was it. That was the challenge. Of course there's some type of 'difficulty' in this but.. C'mon! It's the challenge! You should've came up with something better... Anyway, the next part might be harder...
Well... Yes and no. They had to run quite a bit, which is usual on The Challenge, and I like those type of endurance challenges but... It was only 3 miles and that's not that hard. My dad runs way more than that on a daily basis so... It's not that hard. At least, not for the challenge. Oh, but I forgot to tell you, there's also Grenades in this challenge, and the teams can use them at any point, but they can only use them once in only one team. So far, no team used them.
Next part of the challenge - standing on a thing. Once again, a The Challenge specialty that I quite enjoyed but, right away, Cara Maria and Marie fell from that thing and it was over for them. It was in that moment that I knew they weren't going to win. Because they were the first ones to fall, they got a 20 minute penalty so... Yeah, there was no way they were going to win. After them, a long time passed and it was because of a deal with Paulie and Natalie that Joss and Sylvia fell, followed right away by Ashley and Hunter, making Paulie and Natalie the ones without any time penalty (Ashley/Hunter got 2.5 and Joss/Sylvia 10, if I'm not mistaken).
After that, it was time for an eating challenge - probably the hardest. I can't remember that well this challenge, I just know that Ashley and Hunter decided to use their grenade on Sylvia and Joss, which left Sylvia really pissed because of all the Lavender Ladies thing, and in the end Hunter and Ashley won that round. 
And so, there was only two last challenges. Running to a cave (which, once again, wasn't that big of a run) and then walk on hot stones. In the first challenge, Joss and Sylvia decided to use the grenade on Ashley and Hunter and then, in the last challenge, Paulie and Natalie used the grenade on Joss and Sylvia, even though they made a deal with them, and Cara Maria and Marie didn't use their at all because they couldn't come to an agreement on the team to use it on. And that was it.
Right away we found out who was fourth place which wasn't that hard to guess - Cara Maria and Marie. It was already really good that they got this far but, unlike other Seasons, in this one only they first place gets money so... Getting to the final isn't that much this time. Then, 3rd place went to Paulie and Natalie. I don't really know what to say about them. Maybe just that Karma is a b*tch and they kind of got what they deserved. And so, it was between Joss and Sylvia, and Ashley and Hunter and, to be honest, even though I wanted Cara Maria and Marie to win, the truth is, Joss and Sylvia really deserved it, mainly Joss. He's a really put together guy and, if you think about it, he never created drama and he always did well on challenges so. I kind of wish they would've won but... No, Ashley and Hunter won... 
I got really pissed with that because they weren't even in the game from the beginning! They shouldn't even be there so it really pisses me off. But this wasn't the end. We still had to know who got the better time out of those two and if that person decides to share the money or not. And so, we find out that Ashley got the better time and right away I knew she wasn't going to split the money. And she didn't. I can't say I was surprised because I wasn't. Not only Ashley is really selfish, but she and Hunter hate each other so there was no way they were going to split the money. At least, not if the decision was on Ashley's hands, which it was. 
And yes... In the end Ashley got million dollars all for herself, Hunter got really pissed with her, as he should, Sylvia and Joss got really sad they, if it wasn't for that last grenade, they might have actually won and Cara Maria and Marie got back to being vendettas and hating each other.
I'm really curious to see what goes down in the Reunion because I really feel like there's so much tea to spill about this season!
So, let me know all your thoughts on this finale. Were you happy that Ashley and Hunter won? Did you agree with Ashley's decision? Tell me everything!
I'll see you guys in my next rant!

The Flash | Season 5 Episode 6 - "The Icicle Cometh"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello guys!
First of all, I'm sorry I took way too long with this update. I was just kind of sick this past two days and I just couldn't post. But now I'm feeling better so let's talk about this really exciting The Flash episode!
Although I was starting to get sick, I managed to watch this episode live and, like I said, I really enjoyed it! This had everything that I like on The Flash and, most of all, this brought character development to so many characters, which I appreciate!
So, this episode was basically all about Caitlin and her father. We start with Barry, Cisco and Caitlin going to Caitlin's father location and finding him, and then bringing him to Star Labs.
Meanwhile, we have two teams searching for Cicada - Ralph and Cecile, and Iris, Nora and Sherloque. The first team was my favorite, to be honest, but I'm a bit bias because I just love Ralph, even though, Cecile was really the one who stole the show with all her 'powers' and stuff. I really liked the story-line between those two in this episode.
Anyway, back in Star Labs, Caitlin decides to run some tests on her father, Thomas, but then decides that it's best to go for a walk and just try to reconnect. That's in that walk that Thomas faints and his arm starts turning into ice. Caitlin takes her father back to Star Labs where he reveals the origin of Caitlin's powers. After that, Cisco senses something fishy in all this so he teleports back to Thomas' base and finds out that Thomas isn't really Caitlin's father. As you can imagine, Caitlin doesn't believe it. That's until Thomas' alter ego "Icicle" takes over him , and that's when Caitlin finds out the truth.
Obviously, after that, Team Flash have to do something about him but it turns out harder then they thought. That's when Killer Frost returns and defeats Icicle. After that, it is also reveled that DeVoe used Brainstorm's powers and that they were the cause of Killer Frost's disappearance.
And well, in the very end, we see a bit of Cicada and we discover that he's injured and sick.
That was the episode.
It looks like really simple but sometimes simple is good. The truth is, there was actually four different things happening in this episode, but the main 'event' was Caitlin, her father and the return of Killer Frost, and that kept the story going. Also, we found out more about Cicada and Ralph and Cecile's hunt really turned into something and they already have a name so, they are pretty close to finding him, which is new, they never do it this soon so... I'm excited to see where this is going.
Until then, let me know all your thoughts and predictions and I'll see you in a minute with a new The Challenge rant (which I also owe you).

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Arrow | Season 7 Episode 6 - "Due Process"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello everyone!
Here I am, one more week, with a brand new Arrow rant - and what an episode!
This must have been the episode where I felt more compelled to the story and probably my favorite so far! I feel like everything in this episode was important, made sense to the story and, more important, kept it going, which is what I appreciate the most. I hate when episode are just basically 'fillers' and they don't add that much to the story, and this didn't have anything like that and for that I'm grateful! Oh, something else that I'm really grateful for, and I'm going to say this right away, We finally got Ricardo Diaz! It was about time! (I know that in the preview we see him breaking into the prison which kind of means that he didn't go there but anyway, what means is that we got him and I'm so happy for that).
Okay, now that I let out all of my excitement, let's talk, in depth, about all the stuff that I really enjoyed about this episode (which was everything, just so you know).
We saw in the very end of the last episode Diaz approaching Anatoly, and that's exactly how this episode begins. We see Anatoly being confronted and tortured by Diaz and we also learn that Diaz had killed all of the Bratva.
From that, we see Felicity and Black Siren finding where Diaz is and they waste no time going after him and later having Rene joining them. When they get to the place where Diaz was, they don't find him but instead, they find Anatoly, right before ARGUS comes in and finds all of them. That's when all of them get together (Felicity, Rene, Dinah, Diggle and Curtis) to investigate Bratva's slaughter.
The team discovers Diaz and the Longbow Hunters are planning to level the city with pipe bombs and so, as we can expect, they go and try to stop them, and that's when, with the help of the new Green Arrow (which now you can clearly see it's a woman) they manage to capture Diaz, but the Longbow Hunters get away.
While this is happening, Black Siren visits Oliver at Slabside who insists on helping Oliver in becoming a free man, even with Oliver rejecting her help. She later tries to get his sentence appealed in court but the judge denies it. That's when she decides to take measure into her own hands and tries to kill the judge. Luckily, Dinah appears and, having heard Black Siren's testimony and now believe she has changed, is able to persuade her not to kill the judge.
But these were not the only two things happening in this episode. Also while everyone handled their own problems, Oliver was also handling some in prison.
Turns out his new best friend, Stanley, gets sent to the hallway for being framed for murder, which Oliver starts investigating. Oliver finds out Turner was the suspect and is sent away and in return, Stanley is set free, only to leave Oliver wandering about Stanley's true intentions after Stanley inadvertently revealing that he knew it was Turner's knife that was used in the murder.
Then, after basically everything is over, Felicity visits Diaz at the SCPD and plans to shoot him, but that's when Black Siren appears and tells her that she made a trade with the FBI to free Oliver in exchange for Oliver's cooperation in Diaz' prosecution.
And, because what was left to make this episode even better where some flash-forward, which we got!
This time we see William, Roy, Dinah and Zoe pass several checkpoints set by Felicity (or so we think) while William and Roy learn that Felicity became a criminal, taking on her father's mantel as the Calculator. We also see that Felicity had hidden some plans for Star City to be leveled, just like what Diaz' was trying to do in present day.
The flash-forward got really confusing to me in this episode. I did enjoy them but I'm still waiting for a lot of answers. Apart from that, I loved everything in this episode. I loved to see the team all together again, I loved that there were no bullsh*t side story-line which, sometimes, is annoying, and, most of all, I liked that they finally got Diaz! Oh, and Stanley... I can see there's way more to him and I can wait for it all to be reveled.
But that's it for now! Great episode!
Let me know what you thought of the episode and what do think is going to happen? What is up with all the stuff in the flash-forwards? If you have any idea, let me know! Oh, and just a side note, it wasn't this time that Oliver got out of jail so... Maybe next episode? Let's see.
Until then...

Friday, November 16, 2018

Supernatural | Season 14 Episode 6 - "Optimism"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello people!
Here I am with a brand new Supernatural rant!
I had quite a lot of fun watching this episode. I really liked it! There were some parts that were kind odd, such as the whole thing with Sam and 'Charlie', but I think the Dean and Jack part of the episode made up for it and I'm really happy with how it turned out. Well, you couldn't expect otherwise because Richard Speight Jr. was, once again, the director of the episode and, once again, he made a masterpiece. I really enjoyed the music choices! The only thing though, and this is not Richard's fault, but there was no Cas, again, and I kind of miss him. But anyway, let's get deep into the episode.
The episode starts with some happy tunes but not so happy events, with a guy from McCook, Nebraska, being killed. Finding about this, Jack convinces Dean to work this case with him and so the fun begins!
Dean and Jack discover that the local librarian, Harper Sayles, has a bad history with men and suspect her to be cursed. In order to find more about this whole thing, Dean sets up Jack to kind of flirt with her and see what happens. That's when Dean gets attacked, not by Harper, but Vance, Harper's old boyfriend who is a zombie resurrected by Harper herself, a necromancer. She explains that this is kind of a 'game' that she does with a boyfriend and since he needs to eat human skin (or whatever) in the end, she basically 'gives' this boys for Vance to eat.
Well, in the end, Dean and Jack manage to kill Vance, but Harper escapes and develops an obsession with Jack (I kind of hope she comes back at some point in this season because I was kind of shipping her with Jack #sorrynotsorry).
At the same time, Sam is working a case with Charlie Bradbury in Memphis, Tennessee. The two determinate that they are dealing with some type of insect monster called Musca and kill it very easily. I don't really know what to say about this story-line apart from that the Musca was really gross and creepy. Kind of liked that.
Before I finish, I just need to mention that very end of the episode which set up a pretty big cliffhanger.
So, during the episode, Jack's strange cough persists and then, at the very end of the episode, Jack coughs up blood in front of Dean before suddenly collapsing, bleeding from his nose and mouth.
I seriously hope they don't kill off Jack because I love him! I know there are too many characters in the show right now, mainly because they just decided to bring a lot of the dead ones back, but if I had to choose, I would rather still have Jack and get rid of Mary and Bobby. I'm sorry, but they don't really add anything new to the story and, to be honest, when Mary got back, it looked like she was going to change a lot of things but... She just got really annoying and yeah... Don't kill Jack, please!
Anyway... Let me know all your thoughts and predictions and, this time, we are going to have to wait a little bit longer for a new Supernatural episode. In the mean time, I'll see you with new The Flash and Arrow rants!

American Horror Story: Apocalypse | Season 8 Episode 10 - "Apocalypse Then"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello everyone!
Here we are with the final rant of American Horror Story: Apocalypse and, as you can expect, I have a whole lot of things to talk about.
Truth be told, I feel very weird about this episode. Not only I watched it in two parts (I had to leave for some time and then watch the rest) but I also feel like my thoughts are divided into three different sections - the first half of the episode I quite enjoyed (I mean, there was still parts from the past, but okay...), the middle part I didn't like, and the final part I thought it was nice. So, in summary, I just wish the middle part could have met the rest of the episode even though, if they did change it, at least, in the way I would like, the end would be totally different but yeah... Anyway...
The episode starts right away with more flashbacks and that made my hopes get instantly down. I was so sick of the flashbacks and was really hoping this would be all present day and seeing that right in the beginning... It didn't look good to me. I then made piece with it because we find out a lot of things such as how the witches got Mallory and Coco into Outpost 3 as well as made them forget about who they were and create new identities, so Mallory's powers could grow. The only issue I had with this was that Cordelia wasn't thinking about stopping the apocalypse, she just wanted to kill Michael. But okay...
Then we see then finding about Dinah's involvement in all of this and right after we also see Cordelia, Myrtle and Madison bury themselves in the swamp mud to survive the nuclear bombings.
And that's when we get back to Present day (finally!).
We see the Coven facing Michael Langdon and then that's when the nice things start to happen!
Dinah pledges allegiance to the Antichrist, but right away a newly regenerated Marie Laveau kills Dinah for her betrayal. I love Angela Basset so I was so stoked to see her back (even though I knew she was going to be in this episode).
Cordelia then destroys Mead while Madison shoots Langdon to buy time for Mallory to enact the time travel spell. Then, a big chain of events happen! Michael gets back to life while Madison is distracted and my favorite part of the whole episode was Michael blowing up with Madison's head! That was priceless! Not only I don't like Madison, but it was also pretty surprising, so loved it!
After killing Madison, Marie Laveau tries to do something but Michael rips out her heart, eats it and, when Coco tries to do something as well, he also kills her! And, while all of this is happening, Brock comes out of no where (I didn't even remember that he was still in the Outpost) and stabs Mallory, leaving her really weak and not able to do the time travel spell. That's what the most expected thing happens - Cordelia kills herself so Mallory can have her full power and do the spell.
And, the worst part of the episode happens.
Mallory performs the spell and returns to 2015, where she runs over a younger Langdon multiple times, killing him. 
Like, how could something like that happen?! I get that he was younger and so not as strong as in present day but... C'mon! He got shot like 20 times in the present day and he survived. How could he be run over and not to?! I got really pissed off with that because, besides loving Michael to death and wanting him to win, this was just quick and, in my opinion, poorly written.
Anyway... Mallory then, eventually, returns to the Coven house and, in a way, saves Queenie, Misty and Nan from their previous fates. 
This also messed me up a little because I thought she had to go back to 'present day' but no, she was still in 2015... I don't know.. It kind of makes sense but it kinda doesn't... All I know is that, the only thing that I enjoyed about this part was that she knew where Madison was but she chose to let her stay in her own hell. At least, for a little longer.
And, in the very end, we see what then happens in 2020 and we see Timothy and Emily (remember them?!) meet, marry and a son together, who later kills his nanny. Then, LaVey, Crowe and Mead visit them, saying that they are there to help them. And that's the end.
I kind of liked that ending because it was a good homage to the Murder House ending and it basically told us that, no matter what you do, a new Antichrist is going to be born - it's the prophecy, and I liked that as well.
My only issue was that it looked like they thought 'Oh, remember Timothy and Emily? We haven't done anything with them. Let's put them here.'. That's kind of what it looked like to me but remember, Michael chose them to be in the Outpost saying that they had special DNA so... Maybe be knew all along that they would create a new Antichrist... Who knows?!
I just know that, as expected, they really rushed the events in this episode and the deaths that happened, didn't really happen and that made them way less impactful. At least, in my opinion. I think it would be a much better ending if Michael won (maybe not killing all the witches) and they they stretched this story to the next season (which was what a lot of people wanted). That would be way better but, what can you do?!
Let me know how you feel about this ending. Where you rooting for Michael like I was or am I just that twisted? Tell me everything in the comments and I'll talk to you tomorrow!

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

The Flash | Season 5 Episode 5 - "All Doll'd Up"

Spoiler Alert!

So, here I am, with the The Flash rant, just like I promised.
As you know, I watched this episode live and what a nice episode! I really enjoyed this one! It had some creepy stuff that I love, it had nice story-lines (even thought they didn't really touch on the Cicada problem) and it had nice character development not only for Nora, Iris and Barry, but mainly for characters that aren't that major! All things that I loved. Yes, there were some 'too cheesy' West-Allen moments, that I didn't like, but I know that's just me because I don't like West-Allen and basically everyone does. Anyway, let's get into all the details that made me love this episode!
The story in this episode is set two weeks later (almost just like in real life) and we see that there's still issues between Nora and Iris, with Nora not showing up for practice and then, when Nora and Barry have to stop two criminals, she just cuts the coms between herself and Iris.
As you can expect, Iris gets really frustrated and that's when Nora reveals that in the future, Iris is always giving her a hard time and never wants her to ask questions, mostly about Iris' past. And, as the spoiled brat the she is, Nora goes back to Joe and Cecile's house and that's when Cecile and her have some 'bonding' moments, with Cecile telling Nora stuff about Iris' life. (Oh, and I just wanted to point out that Nora acts like really childish for her age! I mean, she's supposed to be like 24/25 and she does some stuff that... It annoys me! At first it didn't, because I kind of could understand, since she have never met her father and such but now... even with Cecile.. damn! Anyway...).
After that, that's when we get introduced to this week's meta - Rag Doll.
Rag Doll must be the creepiest meta that The Flash ever had and, truth be told, I loved it!
First, we saw him stealing a necklace from a couple and then, the second time that he attacks, he targets an architect downtown and destroys his office, although Barry ends up saving him.
Post this, Iris and Barry start investigating this meta and that's not only when the cheesy West-Allen moments happen, but that's also when Barry gets captured by Rag Doll and held hostage on a rooftop with power dampening cuffs. Then, the most amazing moment in Flash's history happens! Ralph and Iris go to save Barry and then, when Rag Doll pushes Barry off the rooftop, Iris jumps off the building to remove Barry's cuffs so he can save them both. And then, in the end, Ralph swallows Rag Doll, which was something pretty funny, before becoming an airbag to land safely.
Meanwhile, Cisco and Caitlin investigate the latter's father and track him to a University office. This was a side story that I quite enjoyed not only because of all the mysteries that involve Caitlin's father and the Killer Frost identity, but also because in this episode we got to see more of Cisco and Caitlin's friendship, mainly through that part where Cisco got hurt while vibing and everything, and that was pretty cute.
Well, in the very end, Cisco commandeers DeVoe's satellites to try and find Caitlin's father's hideout, which he ends up finding.
I'm pretty stoked for next episode because it's going to be mainly about Caitlin and I'm loving that story-line. We are finally going to see her father and something tells me there's a lot to it so... I'm curious!
Let me know all your thoughts and predictions and I'll see you in my next rant!