
Thursday, November 30, 2017

Legends of Tomorrow | Season 3 Episode 8 - "Crisis on Earth-X, Part 4"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello everyone and here it is the fourth and final part of the biggest (and best) DCTV crossover!
Oh my god, this episode! This might have not been better that the previous part but it was for sure just as good.
I have to say that this episode was such a rollercoaster, full of emotions and, just like with the other parts, I have a lot to say so let's just get onto it.
Like it was expected, this is the episode where all the other Legends come in action. Ray appears and saves not only Kara but also Iris and Felicity while Nate releases everyone from the pipeline.
Meanwhile, on Earth-X, what I predicted was kind of what happened. Stein wasn't really dead and he is, indeed, able to activate the portal before succumbing to his injuries. That's when Jax approaches him and they 'merge' but, instead of like 'curing' Stein, it only made him live for a little longer. 
They are able to go through the portal and get back to Earth-1. That's when a little bit of each team faces the Metallo while Felicity and Kara are caught by Dark Arrow while trying to get to the Waverider. Dark Arrow is about to kill Felicity but that's when Oliver appears with Dark Supergirl and also threats to kill her, that's when the Reverse Flash appears and 'rescues' both Dark Arrow and Dark Supergirl, taking them to their own Waverider (which I can't remember the name).
Leaving STAR Labs, all the members from each team gather on the Waverider, where they try to cure Stein, but with no luck, only his connectionto Jax keeping him alive, but barely, slowly killing them both. 
After that, the saddest scene in this crossover (and probably the saddes on Legends) happens. In order to save Jax, Stein takes the serum that Cisco developed, cutting Jax and Stein's connection. And without the connection, Stein ends up dying.
Although we already knew that Victor Garber was going to leave the show, it was still sad, very sad, and when Jax delivered the news to Lily and Clarissa it was even more sad. But that, brough even more purpose to their 'fight' and that's what motivated them for what happened next.
They find out that Dark Supergirl not only is dying but, when she does, she will 'explode' and create some type of Supernova so, not only they have to stop the Nazis, but also make sure Dark Supergirl doesn't die in the planet. And that's when the big fight happen.
This was probably the biggest fight we ever had on the four shows and it was amazing! Most of it was done with Special Effects so props to the SFX Team because it was great! I can actually imagine all the work you had (I myself did some 3D projects and I know how much work it's put into that) so it was absolutelly amazing!
In this fight we basically see each character fight their doppelganger so Oliver against Dark Arrow, Supergirl against Dark Supergirl and Barry against Reverse Flash. Barry is the only one not killing his enemy but I can understand that. Not only it isn't part of Barry's character but it would probably also mess the timeline so, it was better this way.
Apart from that, they got to distroy the Waverider from Earth-X and Supergirl took Dark Supergirl to space and the latter died there. Oh and yeah, Oliver did kill his doppelganger.
In the end, Ray got back to Earth-X, while Snart chose to stay (I'm curious about that, though), they attend Martin's funeral, the legends get back to their work and Kara and Alex get back to their Earth.
And, the very end, my favourite part!
Remember me complaining about Diggle? Well, we did get Diggle in the end (I would be mad if we didn't) just marry Iris and Barry right in that moment and, as Diggle is about to say they were married... Felicity says she wants to marry Oliver as well! Heck, she even asks Oliver to marry her, which was so cute! And yes, they marry right there, along with Barry and Iris and, although I wanted like a big wedding, both of the couples kind of already have a wedding party and such so, it was beautiful nonetheless and it was just so sweet that both Barry and Oliver got married in the same day! I just loved it! And, once again, I would be mad if by the end of the crossover Felicity and Oliver didn't, at least, get engaged so, I was even happier when they got married!
It was an happy ending for such an amazing crossover!
So, my last thoughts on the whole crossover:
Loved the fact that we had Winn and Diggle (the ones that I was more afraid we wouldn't get) still, we didn't have Winn like I wanted to have him. We didn't have Mon-El, which I really wanted as well, I'm dying to have Chris Wood and Grant Gustin interact more. I wanted a little bit more of Black Canary in this, we barely saw Team Arrow, though. But I loved everything with Barry and Oliver together and, most of all, Olicity was strong in this crossover so, thank you writers for that! 
Overall, I don't think they will ever be able to top off this year's crossover but I'll be waiting. As long as I have Barry and Oliver together, it's fine by me. I just love them together! Now, I just can't wait to see everyones reactions to Olicity being married as well and WestAllen (but mostly Olicity).
I'm sad it ended but next week we will have more, not togehter though, of each show so, I'm excited for that! It's the mid-season finales so, don't miss them!
Let me know all your thoughts on the episode, I would love to know everything and I'll see you Friday with a new Supernatural rant (actually, I'm going to live tweet tomorrow so @danixinhahhh if you want to live tweet with me).

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

The Flash | Season 4 Episode 8 - "Crisis on Earth-X, Part 3"

Spoiler Alert!

Wow! Wow! Wow!
Hello guys and here's the third part of the DCTV crossover rant!
I have to start by saying that this was, by far, the best episode until now (I know there's only one more but you never know, it can top this one, even though I doubt it). This episode got me on the edge of my sit during the 45min and I just found myself saying 'Wow' like out loud and really getting surprisd by everything that was happening. Plus, I take back what I said about the Supergirl characters (aka Winn) because he was in this one, alongside with a bunch of other characters. Still, it wasn't Winn Winn (it was the Winn from Earth-X) but it was still nice.
Well, with how the previous part ended I really had no idea how Barry, Oliver and the others were going to get away from the Nazi concentration camp so how everything happened was really a surprise to me. Props to the writers and producers because they had such great ideas for this!
They basically were saved by none other then Snart! Ok, not really Snart, but Snart from Earth-X (Citizen Cold), right when they were about to get killed.
So, with this reveal, the episode was already great, but Snart wasn't the only character that basically had a 'new character' on Earth-X. Before they were saved, we also see that  the leader of the concentration camp was Quentin Lance's doppelganger from Earth-X and, after they get rescued, we also see, like I mentioned before, Winn - who is the general of the resistance fighters.
We are also introduced to a brand new character (well, I think it is a new character because I don't really remember him) - Ray Terrill - who is not only a meta from Earth-1 but is also Snart's boyfriend, which is kind of cute.
While in the resistance bunker, they find out that the only way back to Earth-1 is through a breach in a Nazi facility which Winn plans to blow up.
After talking to Winn, who doesn't want to give our heroes a chance, he agrees to let them try to 'get away' and basically gives them one hour to infiltrate de facility and just try to get out before blowing it up.
They start thinking about a plan but, of course, there's a bunch of obstacles. In the end, Oliver disguises himself as his Earth-X doppelganger but is discovered by Quentin, who is suspicious and then asks Oliver to kill Felicity's Earth-X doppelganger. Of course Oliver doesn't kill her which ends in a fight. Obviously Oliver manages to kill everyone that was in the room and disables whatever they had to in order for metas to get into the facility.
By that time, Winn doesn't want to wait anymore and so sends the robot that is going to blow up the facility, called Red Tornado. So then, they have split up. Barry and Ray go deal with the Red Tornado while the rest gets into the facility and tries to make the breach work (I'm sorry if I don't get everything right but there's a lot of science things involved and I'm just not good at that).
Meanwhile all this is happening in Earth-X, in Earth-1 Iris and Felicity have to come up with something in order to save everyone that is locked up as well as Kara who is basically about to die.
I really liked this part because it showed like a lot of Girl Power. Although this is a superheroes show, it is till important to show that you don't need superpowers to make a difference and help, and that was exactly what Iris and Felicity did in this episode.
A lot of things did go well, actually. They get to the vault but weren't able to open it, so they decided to send an alert (or something) to the Legends (which will get there in the next episode) and then move on and try to save Kara. They almost get to, by shutting down the electricity, but they are caught and Felicity is forced to put it back up.
And yeah, in the very end, another shocking thing happen - Stein is shot!
Remember on my last rant when I said I was curious about the repercussions? Well, this never crossed my mind and I really don't know what they are going to do about this. My first thought was that if Jax and Stein touched hands they will get into their meta form and would 'cure' Stein but I don't know. I mean, he can really die since they were looking for a way for him to get out of Legends but what about Jax? I don't know so I just can't wait to watch the next and last episode.
So, this is it!
I really wanna get to the next episode because this one was so good. Although, I'm kind of sad this is already ending.
Anyway, let me know your thoughts and keep an eye on the blog because there's going to be a new rant in a few minutes (maybe an hour).

The Challenge: Champs vs Stars | Season 2 Episode 2 - "Parkour All Obstacles"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello everyone!
So, taking a break from the DCTV crossover, here's a new The Challenge rant - and a pretty juicy one.
I just can't believe the difference between last week's episode and this week's! The difference is huge!
So much went on this episode that's actually unbelievable!
The episode started out pretty normal, to be honest. Just seeing the contestants getting along and just talking about who they are more friends with. Actually, during this 'scenes' that's when we get a glimpse of what is going to happen later... We already knew that TO wasn't a big fan of the Champs when he through that ball at Cory last week but, this week, he said that it was just to 'help him' and that Cory was rude with him and, because of that TO doesn't want to have anything to do with the Champs.
Moving on to the actual challenge, it was like a parkour one, like it's said in the title of the episode. To be honest, I think it was a pretty 'easy' one, with not much going on, but I guess they are going like challenges more related to the Champs and others more related to the Stars, which was this one (the Stars one).
After introducing the challenge, things started happening. Right away, TO was rude to CT but, like CT said, he already knows better so he didn't say anything.
The Challenge started and the Champs were doing pretty good. And they were down two players so, that's remarkable. Then, a little bit out of nowhere, Jenna falls while she's going after Shawn and she injures her ankle. The Champs keep on playing and, in the end, they actually win, choosing Emily as their MVP (which, in my opinion, should've been Bananas... Just Saying).
Getting back to the house, Jenna is not doing that well and, since we've already seen that in the Reunion of last season she was still injured, we basically already knew that she wouldn't be able to keep on competing, which then was said to us (and to then) when it was time for nominations.
Still, a little earlier, something also happened to Ashley's dad and she was pretty sad but not much more than that happened. Still, there wasa chance she could go home (which in fact happens because it is shown on the preview for next week).
So, taking everything in consideration, it really looks like the Champs team are cursed or something because everything have been happening to them. Still, they have been winning so, I'm really happy and proud about them.
But that's not all! Then, at nominations, that's when things really escalate!
The Mizz tells them about Jenna's condition and that she won't be able to compete anymore but that she show must go on and the Stars have to choose a LVP. To that, CT gets a little mad. I mean, not actually mad, he just doesn't understand, like us (the audience). He then asks about what's going to happen to the Champs Team because they are down three players already and who is the LVP from the Stars Team competing against because the only have two girls left.
To that, TO starts mocking and of course CT gets mad and then a fight/argument started and things don't seem to go well because of the way it ended in this episode. Things are really going to end in the next episode so, let's see.
From this, I can already tell that this season is way different from the Champs vs Pros one, in a good way though. This is way better and I can't actually wait to see more.
That's it for today's The Challenge rant.
Next is coming the last two parts of the DCTV crossover so, stay tuned!

Arrow | Season 6 Episode 8 - "Crisis on Earth-X, Part 2"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello everyone and here the second part of the DCTV crossover!
Just like I was expecting, this had pretty much a feeling of an Arrow type of episode, although still not enough screen time of the Arrow characters.
I feel like because the initial 'theme' of the crossover was Barry's wedding, a lot of screen time is going to be on The Flash's episodes, apart from the main three characters, of course.
Nonetheless, it was another great episode and I'm seriously loving this crossover! I might even watch everything in a row when the next two episode air (which is basically right now). Still, this episode had some issues.
Actually, this episode had my biggest nightmare - one that I didn't even know I had - Oliver and Kara together! Ugh! Just like Kara said "So gross!". That's exactly what I felt when I saw Dark Arrow and Dark Supergirl kissing! That was seriously so disgusting and I just can't, I just can't with that. I already don't like Kara and with this character... No! Plus, I don't think Melissa Benoist makes a good villain so... But let's focus on the storyline of the episode.
So, like I thought, Prometheus from Earth-X wasn't Adrian and was, indeed, Tommy. I was already expecting this so it wasn't a surprise. Still, I really wanted it to be Adrian so I was a tiny bit disappointed. And, althought it was a good throwback (even though Tommy wasn't my favourite character) it didn't last long because he killed himself.
Talking about 'predictions', I guess I went a little too overboard with my Felicity theory because, turns out, she's just afraid of marrying. She's afraid that what happened last time would happen again and that's basically the reason why she doesn't want to get married.
She only tells this to Iris but then Oliver talks with Barry and Iris about how much he loves Felicity and how he thinks she doesn't love him as much as he does and she hears it so I think Felicity will tell Oliver everything and it would just be great to have them marry in the end of the crossover instead of Barry and Iris! I would love that! I don't it will happen, not that way, but this makes me thing that it might be Oliver/Felicity and Barry/Iris the two weddings that happen because there were some rumors about that so, I really hope so. Plus, they have been focusing too much on Felicity and Oliver's issues in the crossover so, I do really think they're going to marry.
Getting back to the whole Nazi thing... The 'Dark Team' steal a power source called 'Prism' and our Team of heroes believe that Team Dark seeks to build a neutron bomb with it.
They discover where the Nazis are and the 'main team' goes after them, leaving Felicity, Iris, Caitlin and Rory in STAR Labs.
Then some cool fight scenes happen, like it is usual on Arrow episodes and there were some pretty cool parts! I always love a good fight. Unfortunatelly, in the end, Dark Team (apart from Dark Arrow) win.
Meanwhile, in the STAR Labs, that's where Dark Arrow is. He fights both Killer Frost and Rory but no luck, that's when half of the Team Arrow appears (Dinah, Curtis and Rene) but with no luck either and, in the end, we see the Nazis take them and lock them up.
Dark Arrow gets back to the Dark Team and that's when we learn that Dark Supergirl is actually dying and that they want to replace her hear with OG Supergirl's heart. After that, our team gets unconscious and later wake up on Earth-X; all of them appart from Kara.
And, in the every end we see Nazis taking over STAR Labs and Felicity and Iris there, by themselves, which means we're going to have some girl power, which I can't wait!
This episode was mainly focused on the 'real talk', we had like a lot of important conversations between characters, which reminded me a lot of Arrow so, overall, I'm happy with it.
I still wanted more character from Supergirl though, although that's my least favourite DCTV show... But I really wanted Winn, Cisco and Felicity interacting but there's still next year, right?!
I also hope we get to see a lot more of Team Arrow in the next two episodes and, of course, I know we are going to see more of the Legends of, I also can't wait for that.
We know that they are going to win but I'm really curious on how it's going to end and if there's going to be some repercussions.
I'll see you tomorrow with the last two rants of the crossover!

Supergirl | Season 3 Episode 8 - "Crisis on Earth-X, Part 1"

Spoiler Alert!

Ok guys, prepare yourself, because I have a lot to talk about!
Hey everyone and welcome to the first part of the big DCTV crossover!
You have no idea how I excited I've been about this crossover! I mean, I'm always excited for this big crossovers so expect like tons of talking, starting out with a little critique.
This episode is supposed to be a Supergirl one, right? I know that, specially this crossover, isn't meant to have a proper series but there's still people that don't watch all four series so, to them, this is a Supergirl episode and, in my opinion, for a Supergirl episode, this had like basically no Supergirl characters, only Kara and Alex. Ok, we had James in the very beginning of the episode, but only that. I was expecting to see a lot more of Winn, Mon-El and J'onn. We still got to see them, that's right, but I wanted them to be part of the fighting and all and, mostly, I wanted to see two things - all the geek team (Felicity, Cisco and Winn) because Winn wasn't in the last big crossover, and I wanted to see Grant Gustin and Chris Wood act together. I know they did the Duet episode, but they barely interacted there, so I wanted more action. I think at least J'onn is still going to be part of the team but, I don't know.
Anyway so, I didn't see any previews before this so I had no idea what they were going to be up against. I supposed it was going to be something about something happen in Earth-X, since it is the name of the episode, and that's it. In that, I was right and, we find out that basically in Earth-X, a Nazi regime rule the planet where a Dark Arrow hunts the Americans loyalists.
They made like a 'big reveal' in the end of the episode about who was under the mask, both the Dark Arrow and the 'Dark Supergirl' but it was pretty obvious, right away, that it was Oliver and Kara. The only thing that I wasn't expecting, and I'm stepping a little ahead, was Harry being the Reverse Flash, that was surprising.
We also already knew that the episode was going to be about Barry and Iris' wedding and that was also what happened.
Actually, most of the episode was just getting ready for the wedding and all that stuff and it had quite some moments! I can't go deep in every one of them, but I have to mention some. First, Barry and Oliver's 'moment' while trying the suits was quite something! I always love to see them interact and, to be honest, they're the main reason why I watch/love this crossovers - I just love Oliver and Barry 'together'. I guess that's because they have such different personalities and that works so well! Seriously, I love it!
Then, I have to talk about the Sara and Alex thing. I just knew that was going to happen! I don't know... I just could see them getting along and since they're both lesbians (I mean, Sara is bi but yeah) I just had a feeling something was going to happen between them. And it was so funny!
And lastly, I have to talk about the 'not so good' Oliver proposal to Felicity. That made me sad! You know I'm an huge Olicity shipper and I even said in my last Arrow rant that I just wanted them to marry in this episode too so I really wanted Felicity to say yes. And, because of that, I feel like she's hidding something. I don't know what... Maybe she's married to someone else?! Is she married to Ray?! I mean, that's the only thing I can think about... Something tells me that we are going to find out soon so, let's see!
Oh, and just one last little thing - loved that Kara sang Barry's song! I mean, I would so much prefer Barry/Grant to sing it but still, I love that song and it was such a nice touch.
Of course then something had to happen and the Dark Arrow and Dark Supergirl invade Barry's wedding and they end up not marrying (which I kind of liked it, to be honest).
The Dark Arrow and 'his Team' have then to retreat after Supergirl injured Dark Supergirl and our team capturing Prometheus, which got me so excited! I really wanted this Prometheus to be Adrian/Josh Segarra but I kind of saw a spoiler earlier and I think it's Tommy so... That is kind of sad. Still, that was my theory last season so, does this count like I'm right?! 
And well, I guess that was it for this episode. This has barelly started to I expect really cool things in the next episodes!
The next one is going to be the Arrow one so I hope I get to see a few more Arrow characters like Diggle, Black Canary and Curtis. I mean, I've seen in the promo pictures that Dinah, Curtis and Rene are there so, I just want Diggle to be there too (although I don't think so).
So, expect a new rant really soon!

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Supernatural | Season 13 Episode 7 - "War of the Worlds"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello everyone and here is the new Supernatural rant!
Wow! This episode! I told you that this episode, directed by Richard Speight, Jr., was going to be insane and it really was!
Right at the beginning it left me speechless with all the Lucifer stuff at the alternative universe and then all the stuff that hapenned after that! Wow! Seriously, Supernatural is stepping up it's game. Although, there was something in this episode that I didn't like one bit and I guess you already know what (or who) it is but, let's start with the beginning.
Like I said, the episode starts (not exactly, but still) with Lucifer in the alternative universe, with Michael basically torturing him. It was something that left me really surprised because you think of Lucifer like being the second most powerful being (after God) and then he's tortured by Michael (from the alternative universe)? That's kind of messed up. And then, something else that blew my mind was Kevin being back! I mean, he's not really really back but he was back in this episode (and I believe we will be in the future). Well, and basically Michael is using them in order to open u a breach to go to the 'real world' which, after taking most of Lucifer's grace, he is actually able to, which was another really incredible thing that I wasn't expecting at all! 
After doing that, Lucifer is actually able to escape and go through the breach and get back to the real world. The only thing that went through my mind in that moment was Mary like, now she's in the alternative world alone and, although being with Lucifer wasn't that great, it was better then her being alone... Besides, I was (and I kinda still am) shipping them so...
This episode then keeps surprising me. So, Lucifer is, indeed, back at our wold but he barely has powers, which is something really odd. I always see Lucifer like being really powefull (like I said previously) and now he's so weak. It's quite something!
Meanwhile all this is happening, because Castiel went to talk to some angel and they don't have any other lead about Jack, Sam and Dean decide to work a case - one in which a bunch of witches have been killed.
That's when they run into a survivor (fun fact: she was called Daniela, just like me) and that's when they find out that the killer looks like Ketch and has been asking about Rowena. They set up a trap and are able to capture him, who then tells them he's actually Arthur's twin brother, Alexander, and that he turned his back on the British Men of Letters. The boys check the papers and Sam finds that what he's saying it's true, but Dean still doubts it.
While Dean and Sam are dealing with that, Castiel meets with the angel, Dumah, who tells him that they don't have Jack and that, if they did, they would be using him to create more angels, since the angels' population is very low. Castiel doesn't like that and that's when the angels try to capture him but Lucifer appears and, even without powers, he scares the other angels and, in a way, he kind of saves Castiel (which was kinda cute).
At first, I didn't understand why Lucifer went to Castiel but he then let us know. Lucifer tells everything about the other Michael to Castiel and says that they need to combine both their powers (Lucifer and Castiel's) with Jack's power in order to defeat this Michael, who is planning on 'rulling' the real world.
Of course Castiel doesn't know what to do about that, but he decides not to tell the Winchesters anything, not yet, which wasn't that smart, to be honest.
Then, Asmodeus appears and I kind of have forgotten that Lucifer and Asmodeus don't get along. I would assume that they would be great friends but then I remember the whole thing about the Shedim and yeah, I get that now. And well, with Lucifer not having his full powers and Castiel now being powerfull enough, Asmodeus is able to capture both of them.
Tracking Castiel, the brothers get to the place were Lucifer and Castiel were but are met with only demons who attack them. That's when Alexander appears and help them but that's also when Dean really realises something is wrong and Alexander admits that he's in fact Arthur Ketch. He tells them that he made a deal with Rowena, years back when she was captured by the British Men of Letters. She would give him a spell to cheat death and in exchage he would allow her to escape, which was what happened. But then, he says that the spell needs 'recharge' so that's why he must find her, insinuating she's still alive (which I believe). And then, Dean attacks him but Ketch is able to escape.
This whole thing with Ketch just made me really angry! I didn't like last season's storyline, the BMOL one and I though we were free of them right now and having him back now?! Ugh, this leaves me really angry and I just hope they get kill him soon! 
And then, to make everything even better, not only Asmodeus locks up Lucifer and Castiel, and tricks the Winchesters into believing that everything is fine, but we also see that Ketch have been working with Asmodeus all along so... Ugh! Seriously, so tired of him! Can't he just die?!
So, as you can see, an episode full of emotions! 
This episode also made me re-think my prediction that we would be dealing with the Shedim. Right now, I think the end goal of this season is defeating Michael from the other universe and probably deal with the Shedim next season. I don't know, I just think the Shedim seem like a cool storyline but I don't think they're going to use it this season. I think what we saw was only to let us know and understand the whole story between Asmodeus and Lucifer so, yeah.
Let me know what you think about my prediction, which other predictions do you have and what you thought about this episode overall! For me, it was such a roller coaster!
That's it! I'll see you next week with a lot of new rants!

Arrow | Season 6 Episode 7 - "Thanksgiving"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello everyone!
First of all I wanna say I'm sorry for not being able to post this (and the Supernatural) rant yesterday. I got caught up with the Black Friday shopping and I arrived home pretty late so I just couldn't.
Anyway, today I stayed at home and took some time to watch the episode and Oh My! This was a really different episode in my opinion. When the producers said that this episode was going to be something else they weren't kidding, it really was! 
This episode got me feeling all the feels, starting right in the beginning of the episode with the FBI Agent arresting Oliver in front of William. Not only the last part make me really mad but just everything about here! She his really messing with my nerves and I just can't wait for her to die or something. Seriously, she left me feeling so pissed of this episode! Plus, she doesn't have any proof that Oliver is the Green Arrow (although she says she does) so can she just piss off?! I mean, from the end of the episode, it looks like she is going away for a while, or just during the crossover... Maybe after the crossover she will be back but, at least, she won't be boring us next week, which is nice!
So, back to the episode... Not only they had to deal with this but, at the same time, James and Black Siren started messing around again this time stealing some stuff able to make some type of bomb.
Diggle then, trying to stop James and Black Siren, gets injured and that's when Felicity, and then Oliver, find out about his injurie and Oliver and Diggle exchange some pretty harsh words, which left me pretty sad. Luckily, things ended fine with them, making me happy again. Unfortunately, things didn't end well when it comes to Diggle's injury because if he keeps doing what he's doing, he might get paralysed. That's when Oliver steps out as the Green Arrow (finally!) and go after Cayden and the bomb that he has in the stadium. They then discover that the bomb is fake and that the cops guarding the stadium aren't cops. They also find out that Cayden James only wanted to talk with the Green Arrow/Oliver to basically 'warn him' that when the city burns, that it's because Oliver did something to Cayden's son. That left a lot of question marks on our heads as well as in Team Arrow's heads so, I'm curious about that.
And, in the very end of the episode Thea wakes up from the coma, which was nice but, to be completely honest with you, it didn't really matter to me. Actually, I didn't even miss her in this last episodes. This might sound harsh but she could've just died in Lian Yu. Well, she should've died there. I mean, the only person that really died was William's mum. That made the ending of last season a little pointless. Ok, a lot of stuff happened to most of the characters but it made us think that a lot of them would be dead when, out of 10 (more or less) only 2/3 died, which isn't that exciting.
Anyway, apart from that, something else that I noticed about this episode was that we didn't have any flashbacks! I mean, the thing with the ending last season was that the flashbacks were going to end, but only the Lian Yu flashbacks, which meant there was still going to be some flashbacks and, until now, there was always some type of flashbacks - from the explosion last season, from Diggle, from Slade - but this episode there wasn't any flashbacks and, surprisingly, I was ok with that! When I first noticed it, it felt weird but I got used to it and I can deal with some episodes with no flashbacks. Of course Arrow won't be the same thing without flashbacks so I still want some from now and then but I'm ok with some episodes without flashbacks.
Well, that's pretty much it.
I really liked this episode overall, what did you guys think? Let me know everything and stay tuned because I'm still going to post the Supernatural rant today.

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

The Flash | Season 4 Episode 7 - "Therefore I Am"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello everyone! Here I am with The Flash rant like I promised!
Wow, this episode was really intense! Probably the best this season so far! It had so much mistery and it got me really frustrated sometimes but I guess that's good from now and then, right? Of course it didn't have that much humor like the previous ones, but it's good to change things up. The only thing that I kind of missed was Dibney. It kind of pains me to say that I actually missed him this episode. I seriously don't know why... I guess I was getting used to his presence.
Anyway, this episode had so much yet, so little.
I feel like we moved forward a lot but, to be honest, not much happened in this episode. The whole episode was based on Barry really believing that DeVoe is the 'villain' and just chasing him. Of course we, the audience, knew that he was in fact the villain, and that was what got me frustrated. I just wanted to scream at Iris and Cisco and everyone saying that Barry was right. Luckily, I got to calm my nerves in the end of the episode because yes, Barry finds out that DeVoe really is the master mind behind everything. Actually, DeVoe himself admits everything. In fact, he even knew that this was going to happen. In that way, this kind of reminded me of Savitar - because he was Barry from the future, he knew what was going to happen - but with 'The Thinker' (which he also knew Cisco was going to name him that) is just that he has already thought of all the possible events that can happen that nothing really is a surprise to him.
Something else that was pretty interesting about this episode was that, like in Arrow, we got some flashbacks throughout the whole episode - flashbacks from DeVoe.
We get to see him and his wife building a thinking cap to improve his brain capacity, powering it through the particle accelertor explosion. We see that his new 'powers' accelerate his amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, forcing his wife to build a chair so he could live (at least, a little longer).
And well, in the very end of the episode Wally comes back from Blue Valley and that's pretty much it. We also see The Thinker saying to his wife that he's going to let Barry and Iris marry so, let's see what happens. I mean, there's been rumors going around that there's going to be a double wedding on the crossover (which is going to happen next week so so expect a lot of rants then) so I assume one of them is going to be Barry and Iris but the other one I don't know. The first thought was Maggie and Alex (from Supergirl) but they broke up (and I'm two episodes behind so I don't know if they got back together) so I hope it's Oliver and Felicity because I really want them to finally marry!
I'm also pretty curious about what they are going to do with the rest of the season because it's the first time that Barry discovers who the main villain is so early. Usually they only find out like in the last three episodes of the season and now we aren't even in the middle of the season so, I'm really curious about that. Oh, and something else that really intrigues me is what's The Thinker's motives? I just can't think of anything, really...
So, let me know all your thoughts and theories about the Thinker or anything really and I'll see you Friday with new Arrow and Supernatural rants!

The Challenge: Champs vs Stars | Season 2 Episode 1 - "Tow Big, or Tow Home"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello and welcome to a brand new The Challenge season - Champs vs Stars!
The Challenge have been on fire and didn't give us any time without a new season. Right when the last one ended, this one started and who knows if they're already filming a new one (no but seriously, if you do know, tell me because I wanna know).
Anyway, this is like a spin-off of the 'usual' The Challenge seasons, a special edition I would say, just like the one that happened in the Summer - Champs vs Pros - but this time not all the 'celebrities' are athletes which, in my opinion, is a good thing. Actually, I have a bunch of good things to say about this season!
First of all, I think this one is way better than the previous one mainly because, in the elimination, it's actually a Champ vs a Star, when in the previous 'special' season, it was team mates against each other, like a champ against other champ, which I just think doesn't make any sense so, this time, that doesn't happen and that makes this season already way better! Then, the host, which this time is The Mizz which I think is so much better at his job compared to the other one (which I can't even remember his name) and, lastly, I think the Teams are well matched like, the Champs aren't Pros, and neither are some of the Stars so I think they are well matched and it's going to be a fair competition.
Now, when it comes to the actually episode, I loved the fact that they cut a little bit the crap and went straight to the point - the main challenge - which this time was to pull a truck and in which the Champs Team won, which is always good! Because they one, they had to choose and MVP (Most Valuable Player) which, this time, was Zach and, because he was chosen as the MVP, he had to choose the LVP (Least Valuable Player) which was going to elimination. As for the Stars Team, they all, together, had to choose one LVP.
Zach ended up choosing Cory and then the Stars Team was actually going to choose Riff Raff, who basically volunteered himself but then Matt also volunteered and, in the end, Matt got the most votes so it was Cory against Matt.
The elimination was actually a prett funny one where they had to stand in a spinning big fidget spinner and throw some balls at a target and, in the end, Matt actually won. To be honest, I was kind of rooting for him... I don't know why I just was... And yeah, that was basically it.
Oh, just something before I end the rant... There was an issue with Camila. Turns out all the rumors were true and she did punch someone from the Production Team and yeah she was sent home. But, like I said in my previous The Challenge rant, she is doing so much better and I hope she keeps going with this progress because she really needed some type of help and, to be honest, as much as I love to see her compete, she should step back from the Challenge for a couple of seasons, maybe 3 and then, if she thinks so, come back because I do really think she needs some time off.
Anyway, that was basically it. Overall, a great season and I just can't wait for more! Bananas is back so you know who I'm rooting for! Hopefully stop the 'Sarah Curse' or whatever that Jemmye mentioned in the last season.
And yeah, I'll see you (hopefully) in a bit with a new The Flash rant (I actually can't wait because I dreamed about it tonight so... yeah).

The Challenge: Dirty 30 | XXX Episode 19 - "Finale Part 2"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello everyone and finally here's the last The Challenge: Dirty 30 rant!
I just gotta start with this... I was freaking right! I was right all this time and, in a way, I also won!
I'm sorry to start right away with the winners but... Yes, Jordan and Camila won! This is so silly but it makes me really happy that I was right all this time! I've been saying that they were going to win since Episode 10 and I just can't believe I was right! And what makes me even more proud of myself is the fact that, they just found out about a month ago so, correct me if I'm wrong, I've been saying this before they even knew it so, this is amazing!
Anyway, now that I got this out of my chest, let's talk about the stuff that they talked about in the second part of the reunion.
Just like the first part, they addressed some issues and some 'dirty moves' and stuff that happened, starting out with the Jenna and Kailah alliance and the fact that everyone, but mainly Jemmye, wanted to break that alliance. Not much went down in that talk, to be honest, but the next thing they discussed had so much yelling and stuff.
Next on, they moved to Cara Maria and all the people she had issues with, such as Kailah and Tony. Of course with Kailah there was a lot of yelling and, in the end, not much mattered, to be honest, and then with Tony, it was actually funny and kind of cute because Tony apologized and even gave Cara a donut, which was pretty cute and, in the end, it's exactly like what Cara said - Tony really is a nice guy (I didn't like him at first but I started liking him more this season) but he just has some issues with drinking and that's when everything goes wrong with him so, just don't drink.
And, since we're in the Tony topic, next they talked about what happened with Camila. Of course Camila wasn't there to talk or deffend herself but Tony said basically everything that we wanted to know and, ultimately, he was the one that was doing something wrong, because he has a girlfriend and yes has because they are still together, which is kind of cute and I'm glad they can work things out because, once again, Tony doesn't seem like a bad guy, he just does bad things when he's drunk...
The next issues they discussed was the racist things that Camila said. Of course, once again, Camila wasn't there to say anything but, to be honest, I'm actually gald she wasn't because I think she would make even worst, althought she's better now but yeah... Instead, it was just Leroy and some of the other cast members talking.
Something else they talked about (and I believe the last thing) was the thing between Veronica and Aneesa which, turns out, nothing happen. I don't know how much of that was true but ok...
And yeah, the ending we already know because I had to spill it out for you. And, I can't rave enough about the fact that I was right! Ok, I'm done now...
Anyway, let me know if you were right and, if not, who you thought was going to win and I'll see you in a few minutes with a new The Challenge rant, the new season Champs vs Stars. Oh, and just a side note, there's actually going to air a Backstage thing next week still about the Dirty 30 but I'm not going to rant about so just 'warning' you.
Ok, that's it, I'll see you in a bit!

Friday, November 17, 2017

Supernatural | Season 13 Episode 6 - "Tombstone"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello everyone and here's a brand Supernatural rant!
As usual, another great episode!
I feel like last week's episode wasn't my favourite but, this week, this episode was so damn good! Seriously, it had basically everything and it was a mainly Dean centered episode so not only it was so good, but it was also so funny, and I love when Supernatural does things like that.
In this week's episode the guys go after a new case but, this time, this case was found by Jack.
After meeting with Cass, and having that Destiel hug that I was really hoping for, the boys go back to the bunker, where Jack meets Castiel face-to-face and when he let them know about the case that he found. It was actually really cute and with each episode I fall more and more in love with Jack, I just love his character, such a good adiction to the cast!
So, this case is in Kansas which means all Western everything, which is like heaven to Dean and that's what makes the episode really funny! 
While they are there, an officer, who was actually looking for the person that was 'robbing' graves (the case that the boys are investigating) is killed. 
After talking to the local undertaker, Athena, they realize that what they are dealing with is a ghoul, who later Dean recognizes as wearing the face of the famous outlaw Dave Mather.
Finding about that, the boys go to Athena, who Jack remembers having a photo with Dave in her 'office' (or whatever) and that's when she tells them that he went to the bank. Going there, they find him robbing the bank and then get into a shootout with him. Jack then steps in and blasts him with is power but he also blasts the officer that was there, killing him. Jack obviously gets really upset with that (which just made me want to hug him, I really felt for him) so the boys (Sam and Castiel) decide to take him back to the bunker while Dean stayed to go after the ghoul.
Going to the graveyard, Dean finds Ron, the officer who was also relater to the dead one in the beginning of the episode, and both of them go after Dave. Dave ends up 'kidnapping' Ron through underground tunels so Dean goes through them to find him and that's when he finds out that the tunnels led to Athena's workplace where he also finds her captured by Dave.
In the end, with the help of Ron, they are able to kill Dave and just pretend that Dean was never there nor that Jack killed the other officer at the bank.
Back at the bunker, another really upseting scene happens when Jack keeps on saying that he's a monster and that he's going to hurt others so, in order to not do that, not hurt his 'family' (that was such an emotional scene) he just 'runs away' and teleportes himself out of the bunker. And that's that.
Now that I was really enjoying his character he had to leave... I don't think he's going to be away for long though. The next few episodes are probably going to be, not only cases of the week, but also the boys trying to find Jack and I bet we are still going to have some scenes with Jack, just to see what he has been up to.
This is also a great opportunity for Asmodeus to get an hold of Jack. I seriously hope that doesn't happen but I have a feeling something not so good will happen to Jack.
Anyway, let me now your thoughts and predictions for the next few episodes. The next one will be directed by Richard Speight, Jr. so you know it's going to be a good one!
Until then...

Arrow | Season 6 Episode 6 - "Promises Kept"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello everyone! Here we are with a brand new Arrow rant!
As you must already know by now, Arrow as been one of my favourite series this fall so I'm always excited for new episodes. This time, I was but (I feel like I said this in my previous Arrow rant) I wasn't as much, because I knew we would be back to the Slade storyline. Don't get me wrong, I like this storyline but, not like the majority, I'm not a big fan of Slade so I like to see him now and then, which  think is was going to happen now - with this episode I don't feel like he's coming back soon... Maybe only after the Winter Break.
Also, I really like when they get out of their usual set up like, leave the bunker and such but, two episodes in a row... I didn't feel it. Maybe it was because of the storyline and because I'm not the biggest Slade fan but, I don't know, I just didn't like this one as much as I liked the previous one.
Anyway so, as you can see, this episode followed a lot of Slade and Oliver still in Kasnia and worrying about Joe, Slade's son.
We see that Joe changed a lot and, like we found out in the end of the previous episode, he's actually 'the bad guy' and he basically wants Slade to join him. But Slade isn't that man anymore and when Joe finds Oliver, who's working with Slade, he thinks his father is going to get revenge but, instead, Slade actually 'saves' Oliver and that's when everything turns upside down.
In the end, Slade and his son fight until Oliver steps in and Joe ends up escaping. Slade says that he's going to keep on trying to find his son (that's why I think there's going to be some time before we see him again) and advises Oliver to get back to his son, which he does.
Meanwhile, Team Arrow has to deal with a new villain (which I read somewhere that is going to be the main villain this season but, to be honest, I hope not) and that's finally when we get back to the John issue. 
We find out that the guy who's giving John the drugs to control his tremors is the guy that Team Arrow is going after this time so Diggle have to make a big decision on giving up the drugs and just come clean to the Team.
First, he tells Lyla, which obviously is a little disappointed but, in the end, after 'almost' catching the guy (they only got the drugs to explode and all the 'gang' to die, thanks to the leader - Ricardo Diaz aka Dragon) Diggle basically has to give up on the drugs and tells everything to the Team, apart from Felicity who, at the time, was at Oliver's place, with William and with Oliver who just arrived from Kasnia, that's why she decided not to go. I don't know how this is going to play out, to be honest because, as soon as Felicity finds out, she obviously is going to tell Oliver and because of that Oliver won't let Diggle be the Green Arrow and I assume Oliver will have to be the Green Arrow. That's probably the reason why they decided to do this now because we're already in episode 6 and we can't have Diggle as the Green Arrow for a full season so, I think they're trying to get to a point were Oliver will get back to being the Green Arrow. I still think it's going to take some time but I just hope we have Oliver as the Green Arrow from the Big Crossover!
Well, that was pretty much it, actually... Not a really big episode but still kept the story going and I just can't wait to see Oliver as the Green Arrow again. I love Diggle but Oliver is the Green Arrow.
Anyway, let me know your thoughts on the episode, what you think about Diggle being the Green Arrow, what do you think is going to happen now, and I'll see you later with a new Supernatural rant!

Thursday, November 16, 2017

The Flash | Season 4 Episode 6 - "When Harry Met Harry..."

Spoiler Alert!

Hello everyone and welcome to a new The Flash rant.
I can't say this enough - this season have been so light, so funny and still so good with storylines, and this episode wasn't exception.
Actually, this episode was a pretty interesting one, because we had two different storylines - one that followed the usual bad guy of the week and the other that kept was going forward on finding out who DeVoe is, which I found fantastic!
We have Ralph back and I bet he's going to stick around for quite a while.
I don't have anything against him, I quite enjoy him, I just prefered Julian and I would much rather have Julian back but I understand why they 'chose Ralph over Julian', he fits way better in the new 'theme' of the show.
So, Ralph is actually pretty important because he's basically the one who gets us closer to a new metahuman that was in the bus. This time, it's a woman named Mina who basically can bring statues and stuff like that into life and that's something that's going to be a little bit difficult for them to handle. 
Throught this episode, there's also some good messages actually, like the ones that Barry keeps trying to 'teach' Ralph - to care about the people and people's safety first and not only care about catching the bad guy.
Overall, this was a big Ralph episode and we could see a pretty good character development, which is always nice.
Needless to say that, in the end, they are able to 'catch' her and she ends up going to Iron Heights, away from statues and other things like that.
Meanwhile, Cisco and Harry are trying to find out who that DeVoe guy is so, in order to find that out, Harry thinks about gathering all his friends to help. Turns out, all his friends are different versions of Wells from other Earths, really particular ones, I might add. Here we have another 'meaningful message' coming from Cisco, one that I quite liked - that you need to love yourself first in order for others to love you and to love others - and that is connected with the fact that Harry just gets annoyed with the other Wells.
In the end, they are able to all work together and yes, they find out who DeVoe is!
After finding that out, Barry wastes no time and goes to his residence, alongside with Joe, and that's when they find out that Clifford DeVoe is an eldery man in a wheelchair.
That was a pretty big plot twist because I wasn't expecting it at all! I have no idea what's their plan (DeVoe's) nor what Barry and Team Flash are going to do because this basically changes everything. I bet they are 'kind of' giving up and just go after the remaining metas, although we can't forget that DeVoe has that meta that cried some type of drug or something so... I bet that's going to play a big part on everything.
Anyway, let me know your thoughts and predictions and I'll see you tomorrow with new Arrow and Supernatural rants!

American Horror Story: Cult | Season 7 Episode 11 - "Great Again"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello everyone!
Unlike The Challenge, this is the last episode of AHS:Cult and, because it is a season finale, I have tons to talk about. Actually, I don't have that much but there's some stuff I need to discuss. I haven't seen any reviews or anything pior this rant so this are all my opinions and thoughts on the finale.
First of all I need to mention that this was very much an AHS ending. I don't really know how to explain it but there's a feel that, if you've seen some of the previews seasons you'll know what I'm talking about, mostly the first few seasons (until season 4, maybe). That was actually something that a lot of people mention and that I felt too - that this season was a lot more like the first ones, which I loved, and it was even clearer in this finale. Apart from that, I don't know if I have so nice things to say. Don't get me wrong, I liked the ending, it just didn't have that much impact like I thought it would, plus it basically ended with the things that I hated the most about this season - the SCUM thing - so, it was pretty obvious that I wouldn't be that happy about the ending.
Also, I need to mention that, with this ending, I realised that the topic of this season (apart from the cult, obviously) wasn't really the politics, like they made us thing, it was more the girl power and the feminism, which was nice but, once again, not what I liked the most about the season.
The episode basically starts with a flashforward where we see Kai in prison. That's when they get back to present time (eleven months earlier) that we see what happened after last episode. We see Kai getting on with his plan and getting really worried about the feds spying on him and everything, and that's when Ally tells him that Speedwagon was the actual rat, instead of Winter, and that she basically killed him. After that, we see Ally getting out of the house and getting onto a FBI truck, with a SWAT team storming the Anderson basement and taking both Kai and Beverly (since all the other either got killed or killed themselves).
Months later, Beverly goes visit Ally at the Butchery and that's when the later tells Beverly that the FBI approached her while she was in the psychiatric hospital in order for her to become an informant.
While we see Ally getting on with her life, we also see Kai forming a new 'army' while in prison and later paying Ally a call threatening her, that's the moment Ally decides to run for Kai's old place in the Council, having Beverly as and advisor to her campaign.
Later, we see that Kai is able to escape from the maximum security prison with the help of a guard named Gloria and then infiltrate in a political debate between Ally and her opponent.
Kai makes himself known, basically says a load of sh*t about woman and stuff and points a gun to Ally's head. He pulls the trigger but nothing happens, and that's when we find out that Gloria is actually working with Ally after they spoken with eachother earlier and agreed to sabotage Kai. And then, Beverly basically shoots Kai in the end and that's literally the end of Kai which, in my opinion, was a little bit underwhelmed. I mean, it was deserved and it was fine as and ending to his character but still, I think it would be a lot more exciting and different if he stayed alive... I don't know, I'm just saying, I like different and unexpected endings.
Anyway, in the end, Ally becomes a senator, and in a night, we see her tuck Oz into bed, putting on an emerald SCUM cloak, and saying that she's going to meet some 'empowered women who want to change the system', basically Valerie Solanas all over again, which was the part that I didn't like.
Overall, the series was fine, Evan Peters was amazing and, once again, I wasn't a fan of Sarah Paulson's character. Still, I think she's an amazing actress and I don't want her to leave AHS. Oh, and just a side note, there was a mention of Lana Winters in this episode so, that was interesting.
I've said basically everything in the end of this post so I'll leave it to you know letting me know your thoughts on American Horror Story: Cult season finale. I'll be waiting for your comments (or tweets @danixinhahhh).

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

The Challenge: Dirty 30 | XXX Episode 18 - "Finale Part 1"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello everyone!
Welcome to the not so final episode of this season of The Challenge.
I guess the Dirty 30 season played another trick on me and well this wasn't, again, the last episode, like I thought it would. Instead, they decided to split the Finale into two Parts and we are only finding out who the winners are next week, which sucks really. It was nice the first time, it was even kind of funny, but now it was too much, mostly because next week also begins the nex season of the challenge, the Champs vs Stars (another special season) and now there's going to be two episodes to watch and to rant about, and I barely have time on Wednesday's... I'll manage, though, but it still sucks for me.
So, I really don't know what to tell you about this episode, apart from the third places, but I think I'll get into that in the end of the rant, but don't expect a long rant lik they use to be, because I seriously don't know what to say. The Reunion are never my favourite episodes and I almost never watch them because I just think they're a bit boring. This time I had to watch it because I need to find out who wins this.
Anyway, I guess we'll touch on the topics they talked about.
Obviously they had to talk a little bit about some of the drama that happened, still not much though. 
They talked to Derrick, Aneesa, Jenna and other about their strategy and what not and, after just a little of 'small talk' they got into like the big subjects, starting with what happened in the Redemption House between Simone and Shane. To be honest, I barely remembered that. It was so long ago and it didn't really matter in my opinion and, this talk, didn't add much to the subject really... We just learned that Shane is a little bit of a racist and that they don't really talk anymore and aren't planning on being friends so, no surprises.
Moving on, they talked with Tori and Derrick (her ex-boyfriend) and that might have been the most surprising thing in this Reunion/Finale Part 1. Right away I said that they weren't together anymore and guess what, I was right. Turns out that, after the finale, Tori ended up hooking up with Jordan and yeah... Derrick found out and they broke up. It was a little bit obvious the attraction between Jordan and Tori, but I never thought they would get involved...
And then, the last thing they touched on was the triangle between Kailah, Cory and Aneesa. That was actually some fun talk but, like I saw somewhere, because Cory hooked up with like a ton of girls, he was celebrated and Tori, because she cheated, she wasn't 'wifey material' like one of her 'exes' that were there said so... Yeah, our humanity nowadays...
Well, the episode then ended with the third places - CT and Tori. It wasn't really a surprise, mostly because, to be honest, I just really wanna know who wins because, like you must already know by now, it's been 8 episodes since I first said that Jordan was going to win and I kept on with that feeling and saying that and I'm really close to be right so, I just wanna find that out.
Anyway, let me know your thoughts on everything that happened and last chance to tell me who you think is going to win. Oh, and just a side note, Camila wasn't there and a lot of people asked about that - she wasn't there because a family member of hers died so, there's that.
I guess I'll see you in my next rant!

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Arrow | Season 6 Episode 5 - "Deathstroke Returns"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello everyone!
So, as you can probably tell, I wasn't able to post the rant yesterday. I just got caught with some other projects that it wasn't possible for me to post. Still, this morning the first things that I did was watch the episode and come here right away to rant it for you.
I have to say that I was really excited about this episode but it turned out to be a little disappointing. Don't get me wrong, I still loved the episode, it had some pretty rad fight scenes and it got the storyline going, which I loved, but I was super stoked about the whole Vigilante thing and it turned out to be not what I was expecting.
I'm going to start with that right away so I can get all my feelings out. So, we finally find out the real identity of Vigilante in this episode and I still had hope it would be another version of Josh Segarra like, an Adrian twin or something, and after what Josh Segarra posted on instagram I really thought it was him but... I was wrong... That really left me disappointed because I really love Josh Segarra and I just want him back on the show. Maybe the producers will find other way to bring him back but, right now, we know that he's not the Vigilante. Instead, the Vigilante is the former partner of Dinah, who she thought was dead. This only left me happy because it gave more purpose to Dinah's character and I just love her! Juliana Harvaky is fantastic as Dinah, and just as a person in general and I just can't get enough of her on the show! Seriously, my second favourite female character on the show (Felicity is still first).
And well, at the same time they were dealing with the Vigiliante storyline, we have the storyline that gave name to the episode - Slade.
We already knew what was going to happen - Slade came back to ask Oliver for help to find his son, who we find out in this episode is in prison.
Slade as a plan that only involves Oliver Queen and not the Green Arrow, and that's the main reason why Oliver decides to help him.
Everything is going fine until Oliver goes to pick up Slade's son and he finds out that he's dead.
Wanting to say goodbye to his son, Oliver and Slade go back to the prison and ask to see the body. That's when they find out he's not really dead but that the organization that he was investigation got there and picked him to torture him and find out information.
Obviously Slade decides to go there and get his son, druging Oliver so that he wouldn't go with him.
That's when one of the best fight scenes happen, with Deathstroke fighting all those men, it was really amazing! And then, he kind of get caught, at the same time, we see Oliver waking up and basically going after Slade and that's when we find out that Slade's son is, in fact, the head of the organization!
That was seriously an huge plot twist! I wasn't expecting it at all and then the episode just ended like that!
And yeah, I guess that was pretty much it.
I'm sorry if this rant was a little bit rushed but I'm in a bit or a hurry so, if there's something that I didn't talk about and you wanted me to just let me know and I'll edit this post!
Until then...

Friday, November 10, 2017

Supernatural | Season 13 Episode 5 - "Advanced Thanatology"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello one more time.
So, here we are with the second rant of the day - the Supernatural one.
Right away I need to say that this episode got me really pumped with the 'Previously' part of it. Because of it, we always get a little taste/hint of what this episode is really going to be about, and this 'Previously' had scenes from Death's death (when Dean killed her/him) and from Billie's death, so right away, this was going to be interesting! We knew that Death being dead, as well as Billie's death, would have consequences and we have been waiting to find out what were those consequences, and we find that out in this episode. This is one of the things that I like the most about this show - they just don't leave storylines in the air. Of course with 13 seasons they have plenty of time to fill out all the storylines, but sometimes shows just throw something at us and then completely forget it and Supernatural doesn't do that and I really appreaciate it.
On the down side, there was no Jack in this episode, which then I got ok with it because, like Sam said, we needed some family time with only the brothers on a hunt, which we didn't have for awhile so it was fine. We didn't have much Castiel either (just the tiny bit at the end) but it was also ok, I believe the remaining of the episode made up for everything.
Ok, let's get into the actual events of the episode.
Another 'case of the week' (kind of) starting with two kids going to an abandoned asylum which, of course, ends badly, with one of them presumedly dead and with the other, Shawn, left unable to speak from trauma and taking home a plague mask with him.
Of course the brothers take on the case and a lot stuff happens between them, with Sam trying to do things we wouldn't normaly do but that Dean would, just so Dean would be fine. We ends up saying he's finae but he isn't in fact.
They go and try to talk to Shawn but with no luck. After that, Sam goes to talk with other of their friends (Shawn and Evan, the one killed) and that's when he find out about the asylum. Also in that night Shawn disappears.
The next day the brothers find out about Shawn's disappearance and that's when they decide to go to the Asylum, ending up killing, in fact, the doctor that was causing everything, by burning his plague masks, but then they discover that the house is still haunted by the people that were killed there.
With no time to look for all the bodies, Dean decides to kill himself in order to talk to the ghosts and find out about the place where the bodies are. 
Dean is able to talk to Shawn, who we find out is also dead, and who tells him not only what really happened to him, but also what Dean needed to know - the bodies location. 
While doing this, a Reaper reports that Dean is in The Veil and that's when the new Death comes to see him - Billie.
We then find out that, the rules said that the first Reaper to die after Death's death would become the new Death, which in this case was Billie, killed by Castiel last season.
She then says that she wants to talk to Dean about the 'parallel universe' and Dean tells her everything in exchange for the souls at the house to be free.
Billie is kind of surprised that Dean didn't ask to get back to life, but she 'gives it to him' anyway because she sees the Winchesters as important  to the universe with work to do.
In the very end of the episode we finally have the Destiel reunion!
I have to be honest and say that I was expecting like a hug or something but maybe that happens in the next episode?! Who knows... I just know that I'm loving this season and I just can't wait for more!
Let me know all your thoughts and predictions for next episodes and I'll see you later with the last rant of the day - Arrow.