Spoiler Alert!
Hello everyone and here it is the fourth and final part of the biggest (and best) DCTV crossover!
Oh my god, this episode! This might have not been better that the previous part but it was for sure just as good.
I have to say that this episode was such a rollercoaster, full of emotions and, just like with the other parts, I have a lot to say so let's just get onto it.
Like it was expected, this is the episode where all the other Legends come in action. Ray appears and saves not only Kara but also Iris and Felicity while Nate releases everyone from the pipeline.
Meanwhile, on Earth-X, what I predicted was kind of what happened. Stein wasn't really dead and he is, indeed, able to activate the portal before succumbing to his injuries. That's when Jax approaches him and they 'merge' but, instead of like 'curing' Stein, it only made him live for a little longer.
They are able to go through the portal and get back to Earth-1. That's when a little bit of each team faces the Metallo while Felicity and Kara are caught by Dark Arrow while trying to get to the Waverider. Dark Arrow is about to kill Felicity but that's when Oliver appears with Dark Supergirl and also threats to kill her, that's when the Reverse Flash appears and 'rescues' both Dark Arrow and Dark Supergirl, taking them to their own Waverider (which I can't remember the name).
Leaving STAR Labs, all the members from each team gather on the Waverider, where they try to cure Stein, but with no luck, only his connectionto Jax keeping him alive, but barely, slowly killing them both.
After that, the saddest scene in this crossover (and probably the saddes on Legends) happens. In order to save Jax, Stein takes the serum that Cisco developed, cutting Jax and Stein's connection. And without the connection, Stein ends up dying.
Although we already knew that Victor Garber was going to leave the show, it was still sad, very sad, and when Jax delivered the news to Lily and Clarissa it was even more sad. But that, brough even more purpose to their 'fight' and that's what motivated them for what happened next.
They find out that Dark Supergirl not only is dying but, when she does, she will 'explode' and create some type of Supernova so, not only they have to stop the Nazis, but also make sure Dark Supergirl doesn't die in the planet. And that's when the big fight happen.
This was probably the biggest fight we ever had on the four shows and it was amazing! Most of it was done with Special Effects so props to the SFX Team because it was great! I can actually imagine all the work you had (I myself did some 3D projects and I know how much work it's put into that) so it was absolutelly amazing!
In this fight we basically see each character fight their doppelganger so Oliver against Dark Arrow, Supergirl against Dark Supergirl and Barry against Reverse Flash. Barry is the only one not killing his enemy but I can understand that. Not only it isn't part of Barry's character but it would probably also mess the timeline so, it was better this way.
Apart from that, they got to distroy the Waverider from Earth-X and Supergirl took Dark Supergirl to space and the latter died there. Oh and yeah, Oliver did kill his doppelganger.
In the end, Ray got back to Earth-X, while Snart chose to stay (I'm curious about that, though), they attend Martin's funeral, the legends get back to their work and Kara and Alex get back to their Earth.
And, the very end, my favourite part!
Remember me complaining about Diggle? Well, we did get Diggle in the end (I would be mad if we didn't) just marry Iris and Barry right in that moment and, as Diggle is about to say they were married... Felicity says she wants to marry Oliver as well! Heck, she even asks Oliver to marry her, which was so cute! And yes, they marry right there, along with Barry and Iris and, although I wanted like a big wedding, both of the couples kind of already have a wedding party and such so, it was beautiful nonetheless and it was just so sweet that both Barry and Oliver got married in the same day! I just loved it! And, once again, I would be mad if by the end of the crossover Felicity and Oliver didn't, at least, get engaged so, I was even happier when they got married!
It was an happy ending for such an amazing crossover!
So, my last thoughts on the whole crossover:
Loved the fact that we had Winn and Diggle (the ones that I was more afraid we wouldn't get) still, we didn't have Winn like I wanted to have him. We didn't have Mon-El, which I really wanted as well, I'm dying to have Chris Wood and Grant Gustin interact more. I wanted a little bit more of Black Canary in this, we barely saw Team Arrow, though. But I loved everything with Barry and Oliver together and, most of all, Olicity was strong in this crossover so, thank you writers for that!
Overall, I don't think they will ever be able to top off this year's crossover but I'll be waiting. As long as I have Barry and Oliver together, it's fine by me. I just love them together! Now, I just can't wait to see everyones reactions to Olicity being married as well and WestAllen (but mostly Olicity).
I'm sad it ended but next week we will have more, not togehter though, of each show so, I'm excited for that! It's the mid-season finales so, don't miss them!
Let me know all your thoughts on the episode, I would love to know everything and I'll see you Friday with a new Supernatural rant (actually, I'm going to live tweet tomorrow so @danixinhahhh if you want to live tweet with me).