
Sunday, September 18, 2022

The Challenge: USA | Season 1 Episode 10 - "Pleadges of Allegiance"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello people!

I know I'm super late with this rant but I had such a busy week last week that it was completely impossible for me to watch the episode. But I'm here now so let's get to it.

This is the last episode before the final so it was a little bit surprising the fact that this was just a normal male elimination week. I really thought it would be either a male and female one or they would do a Purge - which they haven't done in this season yet. But I was wrong.

The daily challenge was an interesting one. It looked fairly easy but, somehow, only one person could finish it. It was sort of hard to strategize for this one, I'll give them that. But ultimately, the winners used the best approach (which was also my first thought when I tried to think what would I do myself) - just put the initial pins in the bottom, for the feet and then go from there. And so, the only one to finish was Angela and the guy that got the fardest was Ben - a nice pairing. I also gotta say that this solidified Angela as a great competitor, for me. Up until now I really thought she just got lucky in that first challenge and then people made a huge deal about her, but she has won a few daily challenges and this one was just amazing what she did so... I'm on board with her winning the game (for the girls).

Anyway, moving on to the nominations... The guy that got last place was David, so he went straight into elimination, and Ben and Angela's choice was pretty obvious - Enzo. He's the only one (apart from David) not in their group. However, Ben is good friends with Enzo so he didn't want to send him. Well, ultimately, it was the right choice, so Enzo it was. That didn't mean I wasn't rooting for him though... 

And as far as the elimination goes, it was kind of a hard one and it went for 5 rounds and it was visible that they were so gassed out. It was tied for a long time but Enzo got it in the last round and yeah, he won! That's not the best case scenario for Ben and Angela, but it was what I wanted so... I'm happy with everything that happened in this episode.

The next one, as I said, is the final but there's also a female elimination so... I don't know how that's going to work but I'm curious. I hope Sarah goes home and I hope Angela and Ben win the whole thing. I wouldn't mind Tyson either, but I think I prefer Ben.

I know the episode is out already so, no spoilers. Also, if you haven't seen it yet, let me know who you want to win and I'll talk to you pretty soon with that final episode!


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