
Friday, November 20, 2015

The Vampire Diaries | Season 7 Episode 7 - "Mommie Dearest"

Spoiler Alert!

Last night a new episode of The Vampire Diaries aired you don't even know how this episode made me feel. This episode got me so damn excited!
I seriously really want to talk about this because I feel like, from now on, the episodes are going to get better and better!
First, let's talk about those flashbacks with fetus Damon and Stefan. I always really like to see more of their childhood because I feel like, even thought the shows as been going on for 6 years, we don't know enought about their childhood, and mostly now with their mum back.
I felt really sorry about baby Damon in all those flashbacks. Their dad was really awful and I've never noticed that in previous episodes. Sure, I heard them talking about how bad he was and how the first thing Stefan did when he became a vampire was kill their dad but just now I realized how bad of a father he was and I totally understand why Stefan killed him.
We also found out more about Lily, which is always nice, since, as with Damon and Stefan, we don't know much about her past and mostly about how she was as a mother and before all of them became vampires. 
With this episode I started to like Lily back. And know, you wonder, 'With all she did to them when they were kids you started to like her?'. Well, we saw her fragile side and, in the end, we also saw why she did what she did so... Yeah, I started to like her back!
Another thing that I really enjoyed in this episode was the duel between Enzo and Julian and, of course, I was rooting for Enzo, even thought I don't really want to see him with Lily. Also, I'm glad that duel didn't go that well because now Enzo decided to stop chasing Lily and he is starting to get closer to Bonnie, which I'm really enjoying to see happening. I sure ship him with Caroline and I sure ship(ed) Bonnie with Kai but now, that I'm starting to see Benzo happening, I'm liking it more and more with each episode and I'm so excited to see them getting together.
I feel like I now talk about Benzo in each rant but, the truth is, I'm getting so excited to see this ship happen that I can not not mention it. Oh, and the fact that they have a scene together in every episode also helps.
The baby thing was also a huge part of this episode. Even thought they kept mentioning that Caroline wasn't pregnant I knew that she had to be. How otherwise would she be pregnant in the series? Or how would she 'hide' the fact that she's pregnant in real life? Because her belly is really big right now and, as far as I know of, they are still shooting so... She had to be pregnant in the series.
And well, the end of the episode got me so excited for the next one! Lily team up with her actual sons is going to be amazing! Can't wait to see more of that interatcion!
Tell me what did you think of the episode, if you also liked the fact that Lily and the Salvatore Brothers are teaming up.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Arrow | Season 4 Episode 7 - "Brotherhood"

Spoiler Alert!

Arrow is a series that never disappoints me and, this new episode, of course, didn't disappoint. 
Sometimes I feel like I don't talk as much as I would like to about Arrow, but I guess that happens because every episode leaves me speechless.
This episode, for me, was such a huge bridge from what's going to happen from now on.
First, I really liked to see Ray working with Team Arrow! I didn't really like Ray before, to be honest, but I guess that was because he and Felicity were together and I'm a hardcore Olicity shipper so, I guess that's the reason why I didn't like him. But now, that Oliver and Felicity are together I'm starting to like Ray more, so it was pretty nice to see all of them working together.
And, omg, the biggest moment of the episode was, for sure, discovering that Andy is alive! Once again, I predicted something. I said in a previous rant that something was up with Diggle's brother and so, I was right! I still think something is not right. You could see in his eyes (Andy's) when he was 'talking' to Diggle in the end of the episode. Something is still up so, mark my words, because I'm sure we are going to find out something else in some of the next episodes.
Also, another highlight of the episode was the encounter between Thea and Darhk. I wasn't expecting at all for what (not) happened. So, Thea can drain Darhk's powers and shoot them back to him?! That is like huge advantage for Team Arrow but, somehow, I think Thea isn't going to tell them about this... I just feel it.
And well, even thought I don't have much to say, I should end this saying that I did really enjoyed the episode and the fact that I didn't rant more about it doesn't mean that I didn't like the episode, because I really did.
So, tell me in the comments if you enjoyed the episode aswell and which are your thoughts on all the Andy drama.

American Horror Story: Hotel | Season 5 Episode 7 - "Flicker"

Spoiler Alert!

What was even this episode of American Horror Story?! 
I really like it though, but I felt like this was kind of a filler episode.
The thing I that I loved the most about the episode was the interection between the Countess and Mr. March. I'm really loving Evan Peters in this role and he hasn't been much on the series, so was nice to see more of him, even if it was mostly on flashbacks.
And, talking about flashbacks... It was, again, nice to see more of The Countess' story, and we finally found out how she became a vampire
Something quite interesting that I noticed in the episode was the re-introduction of Finn Wittrock. I guess they just loved him too much to just kill his character and never have him on the show again. So, they had to create another character for him to play. Unfortunately, I didn't really like this new idea of him playing another character, it just got a little too much confuing for me. It is nice to see the same actors play different character in each season, but it's confusing when the same actor plays different characters in the same season, just my opinion.
And, that ending! First, let's just take a moment to talk about the fact that I actually believed that John was going to mental institution because he really thought he needed it. I never thought it was because of something else, which is pretty clever of him, to be honest. And that girl, like... ?! I didn't remember that girl at all and I wasn't expecting her to die in the end. Sure, it was going to be a little bit too easy to just know the killer like that, so she had to die, but still... I thought she would so something else. I don't know, I just wasn't expecting her to kill herself.
So, yeah, this is basically it. Overall, it was a good episode, just not great. I feel like this season had better episodes and the only thing that 'saved' the episode was Evan Peters performance as James March, which I'm liking more and more with every episode.
Tell me your thoughts in the comments, if you agree with me that this episode wasn't as good as some previous ones.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

The Vampire Diaries | Season 7 Episode 6 - "Best Served Cold"

Spoiler Alert!

I'm sorry for being a little late with this rant but what matters is that it is already here and that I have a lot to talk to you about.
When I thought this series couldn't get better the producers hit me with this episode.
One of my ways to know if an episode is really good is if it makes me cry, and this episode sure made me cry, but we'll talk about that later in the post.
I think I should start with the flashforward. In this episode's flashforward we see a little bit more of that scene between Damon and Ric that they showed us in a previous episode and, OMG. I hope I didn't get this wrong but, Is Ric's Caroline fiancĂ©?! Because, that's what I understood from that scene. And, in a way, it kind of makes sense, from what we found out next in this weeks episode (which I will talk about later).
Next, we have the whole Julian thing. I think his storyline is interesting but... I don't know. It still doesn't bring much to the series. Sure, it is a big deal what he did to Valerie and I understand completely why Stefan is so mad with him, and I think this storyline between the Salvatore brothers and Julian is going to be a big part of this season's storyline but, to be honest, I think there's other storylines that are more interesting than this one, for example, what we (kind of) found out that is going on at the school.
First, let me just say this, I miss that school so damn much! For me, that I'm a fan of this show from the beggining, that school is huge and we haven't been seeing much from it, afterall, the characters are in college, which is understandable, but still... I missed it so much, so it was good to have a little scene in it. Now that I mentioned this, let's talk about what Matt and Bonnie found out at the school. I'm super curious about that storyline! I seriously don't understand why those kinds are in there and who did that to them. It's just a mess, but I'm stoked to find out more about it.
Even though I liked that they brought this new storyline, which seemed pretty interesting to me, I also feel like they are mixed too many storylines. We have the flashforwards, we have the heretics, Julian, the Phoenix stone, this new storyline... This seems like too many storylines for me. Not that I don't like them, but I would prefer they closed a storyline before starting a new one.
Oh, and talking about storylines, I really enjoyed that scene between Bonnie and Enzo. I shiped Kai and Bonnie so hard (and I still do) but I also ship Bonnie with Enzo now and I feel like, from now on, he are going to see a lot of scenes between both of them, which is cool for me. I'm really curious to know how are they going to end up together so, can't wait for more Benzo scenes.
And, now on to the last scene of the episode. Caroline has Ric's babies! I new it, I new it, I new it!
If you read my previous TVD rant you know that I had that theory, that was Caroline who was 'pregnant' with Ric's babies, because Candice is pregnant in real life so, for me, that was the only way they could put her pregnant in the storyline. I also said that they could make a twist and say that now vampires could have babies but... I was right about Caroline and Ric's babies! I sure should be a writer for that show. Just kidding, but the fact that I was right about that made me extrememly happy. This just shows how much I love this show and that I'm onto every single detail.
Now, let's just see how this story goes, because I'm super curious about it.
Tell me your thoughts in the comments, if you had the same theory as me and which are your thoughts on this new storyline about the kids in the school.

Friday, November 13, 2015

Arrow | Season 4 Episode 6 - "Lost Souls"

Spoiler Alert!

Finally got the time to watch Arrow's new episode so, here I am for another rant.
As usual, Arrow presented us with an amazing episode, with loads of ups and downs and a lot of twists.
I think I should start with Ray. Team Arrow finally got to rescue Ray! This gets me really excited for Legends of Tomorrow. And, I must admit, I'm more excited to see how they're going to come up with the team than with the actual series. I sure am excited to see the series but I'm super curious to know all the team members (even though I already know most of them).
On the other hand, we find out that it was Dahrk that was keeping Ray locked up and that he wants Ray's technology to build something. We got a glimpse of what it is in the end of the episode but, I don't know if it was just me but, I didn't really understand what it is.
Something that I really enjoyed in this episode was seeing Curtis working with Team Arrow. Even though he still doesn't know who Arrow is, he helped them and that was pretty cool. Just the first step into Team Arrow. I'm sure in a few episode Curtis will be part of Team Arrow and when that episode arrives it will be so dope. I really like Curtis' character so I can't wait to have more scenes where he is and, of course, for him to be part of Team Arrow.
Another big part of this episode, besides Ray, was Sarah... again. You know that I don't like her so I was happy to see her go. Even though the last couple of episodes about her had been pretty cool, I'm already tired of her so it was nice to see her leave, at least, for me.
In the flashbacks, we see more of Oliver in the island and I'm still super curious about the connection to the things that are happening in Present Day. This season's flashbacks have been amazing so I can't wait to find out more about them.
And, well, that's it for todays rant.
This episode was really cool and I really liked it but, somehow, I felt like I didn't have much to say about it.
Tell me your thoughts and I'll speak to you tomorrow about TVD.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

American Horror Story: Hotel | Season 5 Episode 6 - "Room 33"

Spoiler Alert!

The craziest episode of American Horror Story: Hotel aired yesterday so, as usual, today I'm here to talk with you about it.
For sure, it was one of the most exciting episodes of the season. It was crazy, gory, sexy, shocking, everything you want in an episode.
To start with something big, the beggining of the episode showed a flashback of Elizabeth (The Countess) in the Murder House. Yeah, you heard me, the Murder House! I've already heard about this flashback but I never knew if it was really true or if it was just a rumor, but in this episode we found out that it is true! In a previous interview, Ryan Murphy said that, although all the seasons had a different theme, they were all connected. And we can see part of that in this episode. We see that the Countess was pregnant and that she went to Dr. Charles Montgomery to get an abortion. It turns out that the baby is still alive when they get him out of her and well... You know, it's AHS so... Something creepy happens. The first thing that crossed my mind was that her baby is the creepy creature that there was in Season 1, but I think I'm missing something. We just see the face of the 'baby' in the end of the episode but it kind of looked like that thing... I don't know, if you guys got anything else that I didn't got, please tell me in the comments.
Anyways... In this episode we finally know something about Scarlett. Well, turns out her amazing mother left her in a friends house and she spent two days there because her mum never picked up the phone... She's now going to grandma's house because of John's breakout. I feel kind of sorry for him. Everyone is making him feel like he's loosing his mind when, in fact, he is the one that knows everything (or almost everything) from the start, he just didn't believe it.
We also see more of those two girl that checked in the hotel in the first episode. I thought they wouldn't bring them to the story anymore but, in fact, they were a pretty important thing in this episode. Not that their story matter, at least, not in my opinion, but it was nice to see a little bit more of them. We now really see that the people that die there, never leave the hotel.
And, the second major thing in this episode, Liz Taylor and Tristan together! I would never in a million years would think that they had or would have a thing, but it turns out that they love each other and have been 'together' for about three weeks. But, anything is that simple in this series. You know what happened to Ramona's great love right?! Well, this is a major spoiler so... Basically, Trsitan dies in this episode! I was kind of expecting it to happen, to be honest, when Liz went to talk to Elizabeth, but I still had a little bit of hope, but... Nope... The Countess is really a b*tch and 'she doesn't share'. I love Lady Gaga but her character is seriously starting to piss me off.
So, as you can see, this was a major episode for American Horror Story and I can't wait to find out more about the connecting with Season 1.
Tell me your thoughts and theories in the comments because I'm really curious to know what do you think about all of this.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

The Vampire Diaries | Season 7 Episode 5 - "Live Through This"

Spoiler Alert!

Finally the moment that we all ware waiting for arrived. Episode 5 of The Vampire Diaries aired on Thursday and this was, probably, the episode that I most excited to see, because the producers and the actors have been teasing us about Bonnie's love interest and that we would find out in this episode and what the hell?!
I seriously have to start with this because, besides being the beggining of the episode, I just couldn't stop thinking about this scene during the whole episode.
Just like the other episodes, this one started with a flashforward and this time it was about Bonnie. Michael Malarkey said that this week we would see a flashforward about him, so I was also really excited to see that flashforward. When I saw that it was about Bonnie, I got a little bit disappointed, but excited at the same time, because I really wanted to see what's going to happen to her in three years from now. 
So, the flashforward began with her, Bonnie, in a mental institution talking about something that happened to her in the past. And, from that scene, it moves to a scene where she is entering her room in the institution ans sees someone. That someone is Enzo. And, what happened next never would cross my mind. They kissed! She literally ran to his arms and they freaking kissed! Like, WTF?! So, does this means that Bonnie's love interest will be Enzo?! Not that I'm totally against it... I would prefer Carenzo but, Benzo would be cool too. I knew that Damon wouldn't be Bonnie's love interest, it wouldn't make sense. To be honest, I was expecting it to be Matt, but then it would be too predictable so... I guess Enzo was a good choice afterall... Now, I just wonder who's Caroline fiancĂ© because we saw in one of those flashforwards that it isn't Stefan so... I'm curious about that.
Now, onto the present day.
In this episode we found out more about the Phoenix stone. Apparently it is filled with Vampire's souls and it looks like the person inside Oscar and Jo isn't themselves. I don't know how it really works like, how do the vampire's souls keep traped in the stone? Because, in the end of the episode, we saw that the heretics got to bring Julian back so, how does the stone work? How was Julian's soul trapped in the stone and Oscar's wasn't? Unless I missed something, it doesn't really make sense... If I missed something, please tell me in the comments, because I'm kind of confused.
Something else that we saw in this episode was Stefan finally talking with Valerie and finally finding out about the baby. We could see that he was really hurt about the baby part. Not hurt with Valerie, but hurt with the fact that he could have had a child and now that isn't ever going to happen... Or, will it? 
We know that Candice is pregnant in real life and that they're still filming so... How are they going to make things work with her being pregnant but being a vampire in the series, which means she can't be pregnant. I know the producers and the writers can make a twist, because they've done it before with the whole vampires with magic thing, now known as the heretics. So, they might make some plot twist and allow vampires to be pregnant. I don't know how they are going to make it happen but... We'll see. 
A theory that just crossed my mind is that, we saw in a previous flashforward that Alaric has his twins back so, what if Jo (or the person inside Jo) dies and they somehow 'transfer' the babies to Caroline?! I know, it's a silly theory but, with The Vampire Diaries, we never know.
I also really liked the friendship between Bonnie and Damon in this episode. That last scene with them at the bar was just perfect! And, to be honest, I can't wait to see that plan of Damon's. I know it's going to be a huge part of the next episodes, the whole Julian thing, so I'm super curious to see Damon and Julian's interaction and how he's going to break his mums heart.
Overall, this episode was ok. Not the biggest one but for sure it surprised me a lot in the beggining. Can't wait to see more of that relationship and how it is going to grow.
Tell me your thoughts in the comments and if you were as shocked as I was with the whole Bonnie and Enzo thing.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Arrow | Season 4 Episode 5 - "Haunted"

Spoiler Alert!

What an amazing episode of Arrow we had this week!
I feel like this show keeps getting better and better and it gets me super excited with every single episode.
The main storyline in this episode was Sara and, although hating her character, I found this episode really entertaining. I guess it was because of John Costantine. I never watched Constantine but this episode got me really interested in the show so I might start watching, even though I heard that they cancelled the series.
Anyways, this episode was super dope and I'm sure it was because of Constantine. 
Something that I really enjoyed in this episode that I don't usually do is the flashbacks. They seem to me pretty boring but, this time, I found myself waiting for the flashbacks! Once again, I think it was because we were discovering how Oliver met Constatine.
I guess I take back what I said, I think the main storyline in this episode was Constantine, for sure!
We also finally found out why HIVE killed Diggle's brother, which is pretty shocking! I wasn't expecting that at all but, at the same time, I also doubt that was really the truth. Let's see what happens in the next episodes.
And, of course, the ending of the episode! We found out that Ray is still alive (which I alread kinda knew) and also that he is in trouble. Can't wait to see how they're going to save him and, of course, how they are going to put all this heroes/villains together and make Legends of Tomorrow because we have already seen basically all of the members of the Legends so, looking forward to that.
Ok, that's it for today's rant. Tell me your thoughts in the comments and, if you're a TVD fan, see you tomorrow with a TVD rant.

American Horror Story: Hotel | Season 5 Episode 5 - "Room Service"

Spoiler Alert!

This weeks episode of American Horror Story was a more 'down to earth' kind of episode. At least, in my opinion. It doesn't mean that I didn't like it, I actually really enjoyed it. I feel like with American Horror Story we are always getting loads of information and the episodes are always really intense, so this episode was a little bit more chill which is good once in a while.
The episode began with Alex in the hospital, trying to figure out how to live and struggling with her new life, now that she's a vampire.
You guys remember that kid who was sick and that Alex was treating? So, she freaking gave her blood to that kid! Which means, she turned him. As everyone would figure out, it woudln't work out well, but I wasn't expecting at all what happened next. I figured out he would kill his parents but, turning his whole class?! That scene was just really unexpected. Which made it a freaking cool scene. That was one of the highlights of the episode, in my opinion.
Something else that I quite enjoyed was to have Matt Bomer back, even just for a few seconds. I hope that we can see more of his relationship with his mother in the next episodes, because that is one of the things that I like the most in this season. On the other hand, we didn't have Evan Peters at all in this episode. Well, it seems like we won't have Matt Bomer and Evan Peters in the same episode, which sucks, because I love them both so much.
Anyways, the Iris storyline was really good too. I really enjoyed seeing her with Liz Taylor and, of course, knowing Liz's story was really good too, I really really enjoyed it, afterall, that was basically the only character that we didn't know anything about his past, so it was cool to finally find out.
Oh, and let's not forget about Darren Criss special appearance! When they announced he was going to be on AHS I thought he was going to have a bigger role but it was nice to see him in the series anyway, even though he already died. Oh, and also, the other girl from awkward (which I can't remember the name, sorry). 
John wasn't much in this episode and, even though this isn't really a nice thing to say, I quite liked the fact that he wasn't much on the episode. In the past episodes, he was such a big part of the storyline, so it was nice to see more of the other characters and not just him and his problems. We sure saw some things about his life, but not as much as in the other episodes. I'm sure in the next episode we will see more of him so, that's fine.
And finally, the episode ended with Alex and Holden sleeping together. I seriously don't know what to think about this mother and son relationship. Alex just looks really weird and I don't really like her character. I don't suppose we should like her so, that's fine. And also, something that really bothers me is that she just cares about Holden and what about Scarlett?! What's up with her?! We never saw more of her and now both her parents are living in the Hotel Cortez... I wonder where she is and why doesn't Alex also cares about her! I know all the love thing that she has with Hodel but c'mon, Scarlett's also her daughter.
Anyways, I hope we find out what's up with her.
And yeah, that's it for today's rant. Tell me your thoughts in the comments and hope for an Arrow rant soon.