
Friday, May 29, 2020

The Challenge: Total Madness | Season 35 Episode 9 - "Backstabber"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello everybody!
First of all, I'm sorry I'm posting this a day late (had to deal with some life things). Second, I'm really sad with this episode...
Well, needless to say that my prediction was completely wrong. From the preview, I thought Dee and Jenny were going to go against each other in elimination but no... Not only that but it was a double female elimination! But, as always, I'm getting a bit ahead of myself so let's talk about the beginning of the episode.
As I predicted, this week's challenge was pretty fun. They basically had to go down a sewer, swim, find some puzzle pieces and complete the puzzle. It was fun to watch and it looked like something fun to do, to be honest. And everything was going fine with Bananas' Team being one of the Teams to be in the lead. Unfortunately, his Team didn't win and, instead, Wes' Team (Wes, Bayleigh, Nany, Dee and Cory) was the winner and the Tribunal. After that, everything became really messy.
It was obvious that a lot of girls had to be nominated and, because three were already in the Tribunal, only one would be left out. I don't know what I thought would happen but I was kind of surprised that they left out Mattie (the Tribunal, I mean). As for the whole house, they nominated Kaycee and Aneesa, even though they basically nominated themselves. That left Jenna, Kailah, Jenny and Melissa to be the ones nominated by the Tribunal and, to be honest, against Aneesa and Kaycee, I couldn't really see anyone from the Tribunal nominating themselves to go against those two.
I'm going to go straight to the point and yeah, they nominated Kailah to go against Kaycee, which was fine, Kailah wanted to go in, but they nominated Jenna to go against Aneesa which left me so sad. I had hope in Jenna, and she almost beat Aneesa but, in the end, she didn't and both Kailah and Jenna went home. It's really bittersweet because Jenna already had a red skull and she deserved to be in the final and, to be honest, to win the whole thing, but at least she went home with her best friend. It's just a bummer that this whole thing happened because of Zach like.. F*ck him!
Anyway... That's the core of the episode but I need to add a few things.
First, Dee is such a snake and I freaking hate her. I get it like, Jenny is super good but, if she's your friend, it wouldn't matter if she can beat you like.. Ugh! These people don't know what real friendships are. Second, Rogan for once did the right thing and told Jenny about Dee wanting to put her in. And Third, Nany is starting to piss me off as well. Jenna only went in because of her. If Nany had stick up for her friend, like for real, she wouldn't have gone home. I mean, I get it, it's the best thing for your game but... Are you really that afraid that Jenna is going to beat you in the final?! I don't know, I guess I just value a friendship more than money...
Well, these are my thoughts on the latest episode. I guess now I'm mainly just rooting for Bananas and, from the look of it, I guess he's going in next week. I hope it is because he wants to but... I don't know. In the preview there's a conversation between him and Wes and how they were doing this season together and now Wes was betraying him... Something tells me Bananas' is going in not from his own will. Also, I have a feeling he's going against Kyle which, although I like both of them, I like Bananas' more and going against Kyle looks like an easy win to me so... Let's see. I just hope I don't loose another of my favorite players.
That's it for now. Let me know what you thought of this episode. Who were you rooting for? Aneesa or Jenna? Kaycee or Kailah? Tell me everything and I'll see you next week with a new rant!

Thursday, May 21, 2020

The Challenge: Total Madness | Season 35 Episode 8 - "Live and Let Die"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello everybody!
What another crazy The Challenge episode! We knew this one was going to be big because of the double elimination but... Oh, man! It was huge! And kind of heartbreaking, to be honest.
I shouldn't really start with this but... I was really sad about Jordan. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a big fan o Jordan and, just like Wes, I'm happy he's gone, but also just like Bananas, I felt really bad about him going against Fessy. First of, I never thought they would actually put in Fessy, but it makes sense. If there's anyone that is going to beat everyone in a final it's Fessy. But on the other hand, who can beat him in a elimination?! Certainly not Jordan... And out of everyone that is left and that were up for elimination, I don't think anyone could beat Fessy, not with that 'game'. And that is the other thing that makes me feel really about Jordan going into this particular elimination. Not only he's going against Fessy, who's intimidating by himself, but going against him in a physical game that relies a lot on hand/wrist strength which is an huge disadvantage for Jordan. I was still hopeful though, but ultimately I knew he was going to lose. In the end, it's sad to see him go like that... Also said to see go is Bear. Bear might be loud and obnoxious but he's also pretty funny and he's not a bad competitor. Actually, I thought he had a few chances against Nelson. Plus, Nelson has been really annoying and yeah, I was rooting for Bear. Unfortunately, he was sent home as well, just like Jordan, and now we have some pretty annoying people up for the final - Nelson and Dee. Next week is going to be a girls elimination and... I have some thoughts, but I'll leave those for the end of my rant. Now, let's rewind a bit and talk about the beginning of the episode as well as the actual challenge.
Well, I guess I should start by saying that it's nice to have the usual type of episode - challenge, nominations and elimination. I suspected that would happen but it's nice to see that they got back to the usual 'template'.
With that said, let's talk about this week's challenge. It was a pretty funny one. I loved to see all the different strategies. Needless to say, my favorite was Bananas'. Like, did no one noticed what he noticed? You can say all you want about Bananas' but he's smart and he doesn't need all the «political» game that Wes has. Although, this time them working together... *chef's kiss* It's so funny and kind of cringe at times seeing them working together! And their interviews together! OMG, I can't! They always crack me up and I'm loving their Team Up thing. (It's the sort of thing I never knew I needed). The icing on the cake was Wes being in the Tribunal (alongside with Mattie) and then picking Bananas to be with them. That was also pretty funny but I'm afraid that gave away their whole game. I mean, I don't know. It seems like people are noticing something is odd but they aren't realizing that they're actually working together... It looks hard to me that no one has figured it out but... Maybe there's way too much going on in that bunker.
Apart from that, the whole thing with Big T and her foot was also pretty funny. In the previews it looked like it would be a much bigger thing but it was just something silly. Hope she stays though...
And yeah, I guess that's pretty much it. I've already covered the elimination so there's no need to talk about that again. What we need to talk about though is that preview. So, we see some nice challenge, it looked pretty fun to me, but we also see Jenny mad at someone. My prediction is that it's going to be Jenny against Dee in that wall challenge. I say that because we saw in the other preview that Dee was going again and Jenny was mad at someone and it looked like the house picked her or something so... My bet is that next elimination is going to be Jenny against Dee. It would also make sense for them to not only take out someone else with a Red Skull but also get rid of Jenny, who's basically the female version of Fessy, or Dee, who is pissing off a lot of people. I don't know about you, but that's my guess.
Let me know what you think of my prediction and if you have a completely different prediction and I guess I'll talk to you next week!

Thursday, May 14, 2020

The Challenge: Total Madness | Season 35 Episode 7 - "Should I Stay Or Should I Go?"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello people!
Back with a new The Challenge rant and, after this episode, I guess we're back to the usual programming (challenge, nominations, elimination). Needless to say though, that this episode dragged a lot!
As we were expecting, this week episode focused only on the girls elimination (as well as the nominations). I figured it would be either that or we wouldn't get back to the 'normal' type of the episodes. In a way, I'm happy they chose to 'waste' this episode on getting things back to normal. Well, at least I hope they do get everything back to normal. But as for this episode, it was filled with necessary drama. However, it did have an unexpected ending which not only I was happy about, but made up for the overall boring episode. Don't get me wrong, there were a lot of heated moments in this episode, but personally I don't watch The Challenge (only) for the drama, I mainly watch it for the challenges so have a drama centered episode wasn't really my taste. I enjoyed it in the end though...
So, the Tribunal had actually a good plan. Have Tori be the house nomination and then pick 'easy' people to beat in case neither Jenna nor Nany wanted to go in. For this the Tribunal chose Kailah, because she's friends with Jenna and Nany and might want to give her a chance to win a red skull, Dee because she rubbed Jordan the wrong way and she already has a red skull, and Big T which was only by default, to be honest. All of them said they love Big T and, to be honest, I don't think they ever thought of send her in. Jenna and Nany still had the chance to go in and both of them looked 'easy' to Tori (I guess). Everyone kept betting on Jenna, because she kind of wants to leave the house and we even see another call to Zach where he basically gives her an ultimatum. Initially I don't think Jenna intended to go in but that call really triggered her and yes, she took the chance and volunteered to go against Tori. I must say - I was kind of scared. Tori is a good competitor and, although I know Jenna is good, she isn't as strong physically as Tori (I think) but, I had faith her (unlike most people in the house). Well, I guess that beat them in the ass, huh?! 
That's right, in the end Jenna beat Tori and I'm so happy for her! It's interesting because I watch The Challenge with my sister and Jenna is my girl and Tori is her girl so we were basically rooting for each one. (I just thought I would let you know that). Anyway, now I just need Bananas to get his red skull and I'll have my two favorites in the final (I mean, if they don't get put into elimination again). To be honest, I don't think they'll put Jenna in again. There's bigger threats (in their opinion) and, for the most part, she flies under the radar. As for Johnny... Well, if he does get a red skull, I'm pretty sure he will be targeted again.
Well, that was the 'game' part of the episode. But as I said, there was a lot of drama, the main one revolving around Nany. I just have to say that she was clearly drunk. She starts a fight with Aneesa and she even talks rude towards Jenna and... She was drunk. It's not really an excuse but someone should keep her from not drinking that much. I guess she's a bit like Tony - Nany and him just can't drink otherwise they'll start a fight and make stupid mistakes.
But yeah, that was pretty much it. There was also a thing with Nelson which was so stupid and he was not drunk so he doesn't really have an excuse. Anyway, it's just way too much drama.
As I said, I hope the next episode goes back to normal and... The preview doesn't give much away, besides a fight between Kyle and someone that I can't really remember (I'm sorry). Oh, there's a double elimination, so that's going to be fun! I'm pretty sure the Final is pretty close so let's see who makes it there.
In the meantime, let me know what you thought of the episode. Do you like this format or do you want to get back to challenge - nominations - elimination? Were you rooting for Jenna or Tori in the end? Would you forgive Nany like Aneesa did? Tell me everything and I'll see you next week with a new rant!

The Flash | Season 6 Episode 19 - "Success is Assured"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello people!
And, just like that, we arrived at the season finale of The Flash... It's really a bummer because we were supposed to have, at least, three more episodes this season, and I'm pretty sure those would've change the whole thing.
But anyway, after watching the episode for a second time, I realized that it wasn't that bad. It was actually pretty good if you keep in mind that this wasn't supposed to be the Season Finale. Initially I thought it was a lame ending and, although I still think some parts were lame, I think it worked as a finale. The downside is that we're stuck with Eva as a villain for, at least, the beginning of next season. I did understand Eva a bit better this episode but still, I don't think she works as a villain. Plus, her work is done - she killed Carver - so... What's her deal now? I guess we'll have to wait for next season (maybe next year) to find out.
I've talked enough without getting into the actual episode so let's get into those details.
Well, needless to say that this whole episode was about protecting Carver against Eva. It starts out small, with Barry and Ralph finding Carver's warehouse where he kept stuff about people that he could 'manipulate', including Sue Dearbon's parents.
That leads me to a little side-story - when Ralph contacts Sue's parents just to find out that she is already with her parents and, later on, Ralph finds out that she actually traded places with her parents and became part of the Black Hole - all in order to kill Carver.
But, rewinding a bit... Barry offers Carver protection, but he doesn't accept it, thinking that Ultraviolet, Doctor Light and Sunshine are enough to protect him. What he doesn't know is that Eva got to them and they're now working for her. Well, that only leaves one option - accept Barry's offer. And, just as they're leaving CCPD, Mirror-Singh appears to take Carver and that's when another 'side-story' (not really though) happens - when Mirror-Singh makes a proposition to Barry. Carver in exchange for Iris. This raises some questions inside Nash's mind (now full of all the other Wells') and he later on confronts Barry. I don't know if they're going somewhere with that 'suspicion' but it looked like it was the end of it.
Fast-forwarding a bit, they decide to hide in the reinforced McCulloch building just to then be attacked by the meta-human trio. There's a whole fight scene which, although I thought it was kinda cool, it was a bit too much for The Flash and, at times, the CGI wasn't the best (which is unusual for the show - I let it slide because of the virus). While Nash, Allegra, Ralph and Sue fight the trio, Barry tries to save Carver against Eva but... He fails. Eva kills Carver which, I can't blame her, and leaves Barry and Team Flash live, saying that her work is done. Although Barry promises to keep going after her.
After that, Eva reveals herself to the public, saying that she was held hostage by a crime syndicate and rescued by Carver, who was killed moments after they reunite. She gets her company back but that really isn't the end of it. Eva frames Sue for Carvers murder and so Team Flash now not only have to try and rescue Iris, Kamilla an Singh from the Mirrorverse but also clear Sue's name.
The episode ends with Team Flash agreeing on this plan, Joe returning from witness protection, Caitlin departing with her mother and, while in the Mirrorverse, Iris and Kamilla find Singh just to, right away, Iris inexplicably vanishing before Kamilla's eyes.
That last part sounds promising, although you know I don't care much for the Iris' story-line. It wasn't the best Season Finale but, considering everything (the virus and how this season was going) it wasn't the worst either. I just hope Eva doesn't stay for the whole Season 7.
Anyway... This are my thoughts on The Flash's Season 6 Finale. Let me know what you thought of the Finale and the Season overall and I'll talk to you tomorrow (if you watch The Challenge).

Thursday, May 7, 2020

The Challenge: Total Madness | Season 35 Episode 6 - "Love Will Tear Us Apart"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello everyone!
Back with another The Challenge rant and, I must say, I was so excited about this episode!
You know, last episode ended with an huge cliffhanger and I was just so eager to find out what happened. I had a feeling it wouldn't be what I wanted but, as usual, I had hope and I tried my hardest not to get spoiled for this episode. I was able to! However, the episode didn't go the way that I wanted. Neither in terms of events not as structure. I have so many thoughts so let's just get right into it.
The first thing that I need to tackle is the Jay and Rogan elimination - what I was most excited/afraid about. Well, it didn't go too well. Jay didn't break his arm like we were led to believe in the last episode but something happened to him. After getting tackled, he got up and, physically, he was able to continue, and he kept going for two more rounds, where he didn't get the ball inside the bucket. However, when it came to Rogan's turn to be on the offense, Jay got really confused about the rules and he looked really out of himself, as someone said in the episode, almost like he didn't even know where he was. And so, because of that, the medical people that were there said that he might have a concussion and he needs a CT scan. And so, just like that, he got out of the game. Also, nothing happened with the extra red skull that he had. I had hope about that but, unless they have a secret house that they'll reveal in the next episodes, we now know nothing happens if you have more than one red skull (apart from take away the chances of other people having a red skull).
That was the first thing that happened in the episode. And from there, everything went downhill.
Next thing I have to talk about is the drama that went on for too long this episode. Again, I had a feeling. Because of the cliffhanger last episode, this week's episode was all messed up. Way too much drama and no nominations nor another elimination. (I hope they get back to the usual structure soon)
As for this drama, it was mainly Jenna's drama and Kailah's drama - both about their boyfriends. We knew something was going to happen between Jenna and Zach and... as much as I love them together, I really think Zach needs to chill out a bit. Jenna is clearly a good person and messing with her head and doubting her like that is so unnecessary. What's also unnecessary is the time they spent in this drama. I checked and they spent half of the episode (30 minutes) in all this Jenna and Kailah drama. Really unnecessary. Because of that, and because this week's challenge took a bit longer than usual, we didn't get out usual programming.
With that said, the last thing that I need to talk about is the actual challenge. It looked pretty fun and, to be honest, not that difficult. However, only three teams where able to finish it - Jordan and Nany, Bear and Kaycee, Bananas and Melissa - unbelievably. In the end, Jordan and Nany were the winners and two out of the three in the Tribunal - the last person they picked was Jenna. I think people were surprised by this but I think it makes sense - this way not only Jordan can nominate Tori and maybe through her into elimination if the house picks someone she wants to go against but also people were saying that Nany wanted to go against Jenna. Well, this way, she can't. But that was it for this episode.
In the very end we saw a preview for the rest of the season and it looks like the final is pretty close. Also, we learned some things - Bananas, Cory, Kyle, Nelson and Tori go into elimination; Dee goes into elimination again - and a lot of people are left without a red skull because in the very end of the preview we see someone clearly upset that they didn't get a red skull.
Even though Jay went home and I was really rooting for him, I'm pretty stoked about the rest of this season. Some of my favorites are still in the game - Bananas, Jenna, Jenny, Kyle, Mattie - so I still have people to be rooting for and the actual challenges look better than in previous seasons so... I'm excited for the next episodes.
Let me know what you thought of this episode - were you rooting for Jay? Do you like the amount of drama that this episode had? - Tell me everything and I'll see you next week with more rants!

The Flash | Season 6 Episode 18 - "Pay the Piper"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello people!
I'm back for a new week of rants and I'm happy to report that we're starting on a good note.
That's right guys, this week's episode of The Flash was pretty good. Not as good as it used to be, but still better than some of the previous episodes. And you know why? Because for once they focused on Barry/The Flash and 'forgot' the Iris/Eva story-line. You already know how I feel about that (and I'm going to talk a bit more throughout the post) so I'm not going to focus on that (now). Instead, let's start with some good things. The episode still had it's downs, which I'll get into later, but there was a lot about it that I liked so let's talk about those first.
As we saw in the preview, this episode was going to be kind of about Godspeed, and that is already a good thing. I said this while I was live tweeting but I'll say it again - Godspeed would be such a better villain than Eva. I guess they're setting that up for an upcoming season, but I wish they had done that this season. But, apart from Godspeed we also had the comeback of Hartley Rathaway.
We learn that Crisis messed up the timeline even more and that Hartley is even madder at The Flash than he was before. Luckily, Team Flash comes up with an idea - saving Hartley's boyfriend that was injured the last time Barry and Hartley fought, in exchange for Hartley helping Barry defeat Godspeed. It doesn't work that well in the beginning but, as usual, they manage to do it. It's a long process but we all know that Hartley is a softie deep down and, personally, I love him. So, he does help Barry and they do kind of defeat Godspeed in the end (and help Hartley's boyfriend). I say kind of because, in the end, it is revealed that this wasn't the real Godspeed, yet again, and that there's someone 'controlling' these Godspeeds. Also, side note, am I the only one that didn't remember they had caught so many Godspeeds already?! I don't know but lately it seems like they're adding up stuff to the story that didn't happen in previous seasons. Maybe it's just that there has been too much going on. Let me know if you remember in which episodes this happened or if they just mentioned it in this episode.
The other story-line that I enjoyed, even though it was clearly filler and just a plot point to send Caitlin off, was Ralph and Frost. Caitlin's story-line in the previous episode was almost nothing and it really annoyed me. At least, in this episode, it was deeper and better explained. Also, yeah, maybe I'm a bit biased because it involves Ralph and I'm a sucker for anything with Ralph. I can't help it. He's such a great character! However, it was pretty clear that they were trying to cover up Danielle's pregnancy and that this was a way to not have her in the last episodes which, by the way, are not happening anymore (I'll get into that in a minute).
On a more technical level, I think this episode was pretty strong. Not only they brought back those chasing scenes with The Flash and another speedster, which I love, but also the editing in the Mirrorverse with Iris and Kamilla was so good! I wish they had done that throughout the whole season when it was scenes in the Mirrorverse. Well, but that was about it when it comes to good things in the Mirrorverse. I'm really so tired of the whole Iris and Eva thing, you have no idea... The whole concept looks dumb to me and there's way too many plot wholes. Just get done with it already! Well, I guess they are.
That's right guys, next week's episode will be the season finale. That really caught me off guard. I knew they didn't have time to film the last three episodes but I thought they were going to wait, just like Supernatural. Well, I guess not. I don't know what that's going to work and how everything is going to wrap up but, to be honest, I'm not expecting much. This season didn't look good already and with an unexpected ending... Everything points to a crappy season finale but... I might be wrong. I hope I'm wrong!
Anyway, Cisco did talk about going to Atlantis to get something so... Are we going to see Aquaman?! I doubt it, to be honest, but with Ezra Miller in the crossover... You never know.
And... That's it from me. An improvement but not enough to save this season...
Let me know your thoughts on this episode and what are your predictions for the season finale and I'll see you tomorrow for a brand new rant!