
Thursday, November 28, 2019

The Challenge: War of the Worlds 2 | Season 34 Episode 14 - "Declaration of Independence"

Spoiler Alert!

Hi guys!
Here we are with the last episode before the final! Unfortunately, not only this episode didn't go as I wanted to, but I guess my prayers weren't answered. Yes, both Paulie and Cara are going to the final. All that I wanted really this season was to see them going home but, I guess that's not happening anymore so now I just hope they don't win. Seriously, I'm going to be so bitter if they do.
But, it's not all bad things and, for that we need to applaud the man in the banner - CT. Thank god he got some senses and decided to stick with his Team. And with that, let's get into the actual rant.
I'm going to jump right into the meat of the episode - the actual challenge.
For once the UK Team was in advantage. Having less players, and only having two girls, both girls had to do the medallions part of the challenge which meant Jordan did all the swimming part. Where, in the US Team, the swimming was only up to the girls and we all know that all those girls suck at swimming so, that was definitely and advantage. It was such a big one that yes, UK won for the second time, finally! However, everyone was afraid that they would be dumb, again, and throw one of their girls (aka Tori), and that's when CT comes into place.
The US voted for Nany (as expected) and everyone thought the UK would throw Tori, but nah. CT was the speaker and he decided to do what was best for the Team and chose Tori and Rogan for the Tribunal. Post that, they proceeded to vote and CT voted for Ninja while Tori voted for Ashley. The final vote was up to Rogan and so he chose Ashley. Either way it was fine for me. Now, I just wanted Nany to win. And that's where my luck ends.
Unfortunately, Nany lost against Ashley, on a super secret elimination, without anyone watching. It was really a bummer to see Nany sent home, but at least everyone from the UK Team (aka Tori and Jordan) are safe and right now I just hope they win the season.
Team US is so full of themselves because Paulie's plan worked and because they're more but I just hope that bites them in the ass and Team UK wins.
The Final, from the preview, looks interesting. All I know is that it has an eating challenge and I can't wait for that.
That's it for me guys. Let me know who are you rooting for, which Team and I'll see you next week with new rants!

Arrow | Season 8 Episode 6 - "Reset"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello guys!
I'm sorry if this is coming a little late - too many things to do. But I'm here now so let's talk about Arrow.
Unfortunately, I don't think this was as good as the rest of the season. There were nice elements to this episode but, overall, it was exactly what I thought it would be - a filler episode. This was just a way to bring back Quentin and, as much as I love him, this didn't add to the story and so, I'm bit bummed. Still, as I said, this had nice elements so let's talk about it.
This whole episode is a loop. Oliver wakes up in a 'parallel' universe, where Quentin is alive and is the Mayor. He goes on with his night but every single time they die after finding a bomb. Eventually, Oliver realizes that he has to stop the bomb and so he does so. Unfortunately, that does nothing and he keeps stuck in the loop.
Later he finds Laurel which also tells him about the loop and so both of them try to work things out. A few attempts later, they think that the key might be to prevent Quentin's death (since he died every time) but, surprise surprise, that does nothing either.
However, in of the latter attempts to save Quentin, Laurel tells him everything that she need to say when the real Quentin died and, after that, she got free from the loop.
That really confused Oliver who, then, is faces with Lyla who tells him that he needs to realize something. But Oliver, being the stubborn that he is, he keeps trying to save Quentin and, it's when Quentin gives up, that Oliver realizes that, what he needs to understand is that he can't prevent his death during the Crisis and he needs to make peace with it.
After that, Oliver is free from the loop. Both him and Laurel wake up and find themselves, along with Mia, William, Diggle and Connor, in Liam Yu, and that's the end of the episode.
As I said, more of the same. The only thing that makes this episode special was Quentin (and the lack of Mia, who you know I find so damn annoying). This episode was also directed by David Ramsey so, there's that. It was a good episode directing wise, I just wish they had done something else with the story. Also, Lyla was so damn irritating! I know they basically tell us that she's on Oliver's side but... I just can't shake how shady she was.
Anyway, this are my thoughts on this week's Arrow. Even if this wasn't the best episode, I'm pretty stoked for the next one. Everything that involved Lian Yu is pretty great so, my expectations are a bit high.
Let me know what you thought of the episode and how do you think it all is going to end? Because we only have 4 episodes left (I don't know how I feel about that. I'm going to be devastated). 
Well, I guess I see you guys tomorrow with a new The Challenge rant!

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

The Flash | Season 6 Episode 7 - "The Last Temptation of Barry Allen, Pt. 1"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello everyone!
I'm back for a new week of rants and, today, I'm starting with The Flash.
Actually, both episodes of The Flash and Arrow felt almost the same, this week. Both episodes focused a lot on our main heroes - Barry and Oliver - which was nice. However, both also felt like a bit of a filler episode. The Flash's episode was a little more interesting, in my opinion, and I feel like, in a way, it had a purpose, when Arrow's episode was just a straight up filler (but I'll get into that on Arrow's review).
So, this episode starts right where the last one ended, with the 'fight' between Rosso and Ralph. Of course Ralph didn't die but Rosso got him pretty good and was able to drain is blood, leaving my poor Ralph is a pretty rough state. Luckily, Frost gets to him in time and takes him back to STAR Labs, where Barry gives him a blood transfusion (through phasing, I might add). And that's when all the real problems start.
By doing the blood transfusion, somehow, a small trace of Rosso's blood enters Barry's bloodstream and that's what creates everything that we see in the episode. Barry passes out and starts seeing things (in his mind). That's when the Speed-force appears (also inside Barry's mind) and explains to him what is happening. She also tells Barry that Rosso is slowly taking control over Barry's body and that he needs to fight it. Using Barry's memories against him, Rosso tries to convince Barry to join him, promising him the power to prevent his death as well as save everyone else from the Crisis. This creates an huge conflict inside Barry's mind and both forces (the speed-force and Rosso) get into some type of battle. 
As we see that happening we cut to Cisco giving Barry Velocity X to try and get Barry to wake up and he does, saying that he 'beat it'. I don't know about you but it was pretty clear to me that something was wrong with Barry (plus, the name of the episode says Pt. 1 so, obviously, this wasn't over). Luckily, when Iris goes to check on him, she notices that something is wrong and she tells the others that he isn't Barry.
The episode ends with a fully infected Barry attacking his friends and reporting to Rosso, who's ready to start his plan as Bloodwork.
Well, I should mention that this episode also had a small side story where Iris, Allegra and Kamilla investigate the organization that turned Esperanza into a killer. There's not much to it, to be honest. This was just a plot to make Allegra tell Iris that she knows about Barry and the Crisis, that's it.
But before I finish the review I have to applaud Grant Gustin. I've always liked him (I mean, he's the reason why I started watching The Flash in the first place) and I knew he was a great actor but damn! The emotion he showed in this episode was amazing! Seriously! One of his best episodes!
Okay, I gave my shout out so, I guess that's it.
I'm really curious to see if they are going to be done with Rosso's story-line in the next episode, since the one after that is the Crisis but... What are they going to do after the Crisis?! This few episodes before the Crisis are pretty nerve wrecking and I just have no idea what to expect. With the Crisis the same! I'm super excited but I'm also super afraid so, let's see.
Let me know what you thought of the episode as well as your prediction for the future episodes (aka the Crisis) and I'll see you pretty soon with Arrow's review.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Supernatural | Season 15 Episode 6 - "Golden Time"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello everyone!
Yeah... Once again, I was completely wrong my this week's episode of Supernatural. It looks like all this episodes have been disguised as 'case of the week' but really, they are so much more. Actually, this episode does include a 'case of the week', but in a different way.
But before I start, I need to say that I've been so happy with this season! Just like in Arrow, they are taking all the series' best hits and just going down memory lane. Just a truly good and memorable final season (at least, so far). Okay, with that said, I can get into this week's episode.
It looks like every week we have a different old character coming back, and this week we had Eileen! Eileen was one of those characters that I loved and I was so sad when she died. Luckily, because of all the things that happened in hell, she came back as a ghost and, obviously, the brothers tried to help her.
Eileen got away from Hell once God opened the doors and now she's afraid to come back, so the brothers come up with something - using Rowena's journals to create a Soul Catcher to contain her. However, when Sam goes to Rowena's place, he finds a spell Rowena was creating that could potentially bring Eileen to life. But of course, things couldn't be that easy and right away two witches who also want that spell attack and kidnap Sam. As you can imagine, some fights go down but, in true Supernatural fashion, Dean shows up and both of them with Eileen's help (as a ghost) they take care of the witches (Sam using a spell that he learned from Rowena and just making my heart warm so proud of what he learned from her and just the reminder of their 'relationship').
At the same time, we get to see what Castiel is up to. Turns out he's kind of on vacation, that is until he hears of some murders in the area and starts investigating. This kind of made me sad that they didn't get a bit deeper into it because the monster in this case was a djinn and those are one of my favorite type of monsters. But still, it was a good part of the episode and, in the end, Castiel did manage to help a mother that was looking for her kid, saving the kid and killing the djinn. 
The episode then ends with not only a pretty touching scene between Sam and Dean but also Eileen's resurrection! Yes, the spell worked and Eileen is back, which I'm so happy about! Sam can be finally happy with someone (other than Dean, of course) (and yes, I'm one of those people that ships Sam and Eileen).
And yeah, that's pretty much it for this week's episode.
Unfortunately there won't be an episode next week, only December 5 so, until then, let me know your thoughts and predictions and I'll see you in one of my other rants!

The Challenge: War of the Worlds 2 | Season 34 Episode 13 - "Dee-Day"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello people!
I'm sorry I took a bit longer with this post but it has been some crazy days and just today I got to watch the episode. Post that, let's get into it.
This week, nothing changed. It was another stupid decisions filled episode. I swear, halfway through the season it just looks like they got dumb and decided to make the stupidest decisions.
The episode actually started on a good note - with a Purge challenge. We knew this was going to happen from the preview, but it was still super duper fun. This challenge was mainly based on swimming and, surprisingly, there's a lot of The Challenge players that either don't know how to swim or aren't really good at it (and to think that to be on The Challenge you had to be good at basically everything). And so, because of that, this was an interesting episode. The main focus was obviously Dee because of all the things that happened with Rogan and because she isn't a good swimmer. This challenge also required duos and the slowest swimming duo, from either Team, would go home right away and so, no one wanted to be paired with Dee (I felt really sorry for her). But you know what this does? Make her prove people wrong and that was exactly what she did! Rogan and her weren't even in the Top Two. However, who were in the Top Two were Leroy/Kam (which was expected because neither of them are that great at swimming) and, as a surprise to everyone (not me really, but to the contestants) Joss/Kayleigh. Yeah, who would've thought Joss would be in the Bottom Two. Actually, who would've thought that Joss was going home just like that? Yes, Him and Kayleigh here the ones sent home right away and, to be honest, it was Karma. I was pretty happy with this outcome! He decided to send Georgia into elimination which made her go home because he said Kayleigh was as good (or even better) than Georgia and now... Yeah, he regretted his decision. 
So, those two were sent home, which left Team UK with only 5 players. But that wasn't the end of it. They also lost this challenge which meant they had to nominated a guy to go into elimination. Personally I thought it would finally be Rogan but... I was wrong. Dee was naive again and she voted for Jordan, as did CT and Rogan and yeah, Jordan went into elimination again.
Then, the Tribunal (Ninja, Ashley and Zach) went with Josh - someone from their own Team. Of course Zach didn't vote for him but still, Ninja and Ashley voted the same way and so Josh went against Jordan.
It was a pretty epic elimination. Everything was in Josh's favor - it was a tug-a-war type of challenge we all know that Jordan has an disadvantaged but... Jordan is smart and he worked some genius plans and he eventually won, in a really big twist!
It was a pretty huge episode, mainly because of the elimination but, at this point, I'm losing faith that either Cara or Paulie are going to be sent home. Paulie really isn't because in the preview we see that all the guys are going to the final right away so... It's just the girls that are on the line next week.
This also means that the final is pretty close. At this point I hope either Zach, Tori or Jordan win (yeah, I never thought I would be saying I was rooting for Jordan) but they're the only ones against Paulie's alliance right now so... I just don't want anyone from Paulie's alliance to win.
Let me know who are you rooting for in the final and I'll talk to you soon, with another rant.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The Flash | Season 6 Episode 6 - "License to Elongate"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello people!
Yes, I was right, this episode was awesome!
As you might have guessed by the title, this episode is pretty much dedicated to Ralph (which, you know, I'm not mad about - at all). I've loved Ralph since the very beginning. Ever since everyone thought he was annoying and he didn't add much to the plot, I was here, supporting him, and it's so nice to see him being appreciated more, because this episode was pretty much just to get Barry to 'pass the torch' to Ralph and give him some recognition.
It does take some time to get to the point and so we follow Ralph, again, on his quest for Sue Dearbon (*wink*). Barry tags along with Ralph and I knew we were in for a ride. I love Ralph and Barry together and this was another great episode of them together. Although, this time, Barry wasn't is best. I get it, you needed to show that Ralph is also a good hero and a good detective but c'mon! Barry couldn't be that bad. I mean, he's naive and everything but not to that point. I guess this was also to show that Barry is too often The Flash and that he needs to be Barry Allen more.
I'm not going to get into details here (you've seen the episode, I'm sure) but, of course, they get caught, they are able to get themselves free and go after the 'bad guys' and that last fight scene might have been one of my favorite (if not my actual favorite) of the series. I just wasn't expecting the Muse soundtrack and it fit perfectly in the scene. It also helps that I'm a Muse fan and I love that song. But seriously, it was a really cool scene!
But because this episode couldn't be all about Ralph and Barry, meanwhile they're in their adventure, we see Nash asking Allegra for help, requiring her UV emitting ability to illuminate a wall filled with eternium in order to get to the Monitor. I guess I wasn't right with that. I thought that stone would help Barry live (it might still do that, who knows) but for now, Nash just wanted to get 'through' the wall (I guess. The whole thing is still a bit messy in my head). This not only is a way to make Allegra face her fears (of becoming her cousin) but also a way for her to know everything about Team Flash, since Nash ended up telling her all about doppelgangers, the multiverse and even Flash's real identity (aka Barry). 
The last story-line of the episode was Cecile's, who helps Runk to get his life back now that his powers have stabilized. It was a pretty useless story-line, in my opinion, and it really didn't add anything to the plot.
The episode ends with Ralph being attacked by Rosso.
I have no idea where this is going. I'm sure Ralph is fine but something else is going to happen because we see Barry crying in the preview for next week. Still, that preview looked really confusing to me so I have no further predictions. If you have any make sure to let me know and I guess I'll see you guys in my next rant!

Arrow | Season 8 Episode 5 - "Prochnost"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello people!
So, we're halfway through the season and I don't know to feel about that. On one hand I feel sad it's almost ending but, at the same time, it feels like they still have a long way to go to see everything come to an end and, although it has been a good 'memory lane' type of season, there's still so much about the Monitor and Crisis that we have to figure out that the time left doesn't seem enough.
In terms of this episode I have to say that I was on defense. I also was on the last episode and turned out I loved it and, after that episode, I was sure this one couldn't be better. And it wasn't, but it was still so much fun. Last episode focused a lot of Oliver and William's relationship, which I loved, and this one more on Oliver and Mia's, which I didn't really love, but there was so much more to this episode that I kind of forgot about that part.
The episode actually starts with Oliver teaching Mia stuff and it was really nice to see that Oliver is so much better than Mia. I just feel like so many people have been giving her too much credit and it was good to see who's the OG and who really gets it (Oliver). But pretty quickly our Team goes to Russia, which we saw in the preview.
For this mission Oliver takes William, Mia and Laurel, while Diggle goes looking for something else (and someone else, which I'll get in a minute). But before they leave we see Laurel meeting with Lyla, who's working with the Monitor. Lyla tells Laurel that she needs to get the plans that they're going to Russia for before Oliver does and steal them for the Monitor. Laurel agrees so but, as you can imagine, the entire episode, as for Laurel's arc, is dedicated to make her doubt that agreement and make her see that she has changed.
Arriving in Russia, of course, we had to get to Anatoly. It wouldn't be a Russia episode without Anatoly. And I loved it. I've always liked Anatoly, even when he wasn't his best. He kind of disappointed me a few times, but I'm so glad that he's back to being on Oliver's side and helping him, just like this time with those plans they have to steal.
They don't really get to steal the plans but Burov, the owner of the plans, offers a deal - a cage match for the drive, which Oliver agrees to. The fights in this episode were pretty cool, even though I'm not Mia's biggest fan and I don't really like when she's showing off, but it was fine. I mean, it wasn't really fine because they were caught and the Bratva kidnapped Oliver and Mia, and it had to be Laurel, Anatoly and William to rescue them. In the end, they are able to get the plans and everything ends well.
At the same time, Diggle goes to Roy for help. Yes, Roy is back! And after the two of them get what they were searching for (plutonium) Roy decides to stay with the Team and help them during this Crisis and against the Monitor. 
Later that night, Laurel turns down Lyla's offer to join her mission as Oliver and Diggle discover Lyla's betrayal, just to end up tranquilized.
The episode ends like that and we see in the preview that, the next episode, is going to be basically all 'imagination'. Just a filler episode, as I said on my twitter. It will have Quentin Lance back, which is nice, but I feel like this season we can't waste time on a filler episode so I just hope that the next episode leads somewhere.
But that's it guys. Not my favorite episode this season but still a solid one.
Let me know what you thought and I'll talk to you soon.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Supernatural | Season 15 Episode 5 - "Proverbs 17:3"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello guys!
Final rant of the week.
This week's Supernatural episode was disguised as a case of the week. I say disguised because there was so much more to this episode. I was shocked! Seriously, I thought I was in for something and then they just switched to something completely different and, you know what? I'm so glad they did! Don't get me wrong, I love the 'case of the week' type of episode, but this is the final season so they have to step it up a notch and they did exactly that with this episode.
Once again, the episode opens with another of Sam's nightmare, following by a case of five strange deaths in Colorado, which they pretty soon learn are from werewolves.
The werewolves, brothers Andy and Josh, kidnap the last survivor of their attacks after Dean unexpectedly falls sleep. This whole thing was really sketchy since the beginning. As Sam said in the episode, it was too easy. They discovered it was werewolves, they had a survivor who clearly saw the attackers, they found them right away... It was way too easy and since they got to the girl I knew something was up, I just didn't know what.
But anyway, after the kidnapping, luckily, Dean and Sam know who are the werewolves and pretty soon they get to their cabin. There's a fight, of course, and in the end, Andy, who hates what they are doing, kills his brother and then kills himself.
By this time it was only the middle of the episode so of course there had to be a twist.
Turns out the girl the Winchesters were protecting was Lilith, resurrected by God from the Empty and in search of the gun that Sam used to kill God. Of course the brothers don't want to give her the gun but, this time, she's not as nice and she's still pretty powerful so she paralyzes them and finds the gun which she immediately destroys. After that she reveals that God's intended endgame is for the Winchesters to kill each other and that's when Sam makes the connection. 
After arriving in the bunker, Sam tells Dean about the nightmares and says that they might be God's possible endings and that she's seeing them because of the link created when he shot God. 
The episode ends with the brothers lost because the thought they had been free from God and, after all, he's still writing their story.
To be completely honest, I have no idea how the boys are going to get out of this. All I know is that they're going to need as much help as they can get, and that might possible include Lucifer, who knows. Either way, this season is looking pretty good and, my only complain right now is the lack of Jack and Castiel. I just want those two back and I'm happy.
With that said, let me know what you thought of the episode. Did you think it was just another 'case of the week' episode? Were you surprised about Lilith? Tell me everything and I'll see you next week with brand new rants!

Thursday, November 14, 2019

American Horror Story: 1984 | Season 9 Episode 9 - "Final Girl"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello people!
Here we are with American Horror Story: 1984's season finale.
I have to say, it was a bit bittersweet to me. What I felt towards this episode was exactly what I felt about the first one of the season - way too cheesy for me and just not that good overall. I might have just been me that know about people's theories and so, because of that, most of the episode was so predictable to me.
The episode opens with a 2019 title card and with Finn Wittrock. We already knew that he's going to be in it so no surprise there. Also, I knew right away who he was playing - Bobby, Mr. Jingles son. That was a theory that was floating around and yeah, people were totally right.
We find out that he has been receiving money from someone during all this years and now that her uncle died, he came looking for answers, thinking his father was the one sending the checks.
Bobby meets Montana and pretty soon Trevor as well. Him and us find out what happened on the day of the festival. Turns out it was basically cancelled, after Trevor putting on a 'plan' of sorts and stopped everyone from going into the Camp and that's when Margaret almost kills him - outside Camp Redwood. Luckily, Brooke shows up and she helps Trevor into the Camp in order to die there and be with Montana forever (which ended up happening).
After that, the ghosts make a plan to kill the remaining killers in the Camp - Bruce, Ramirez and Margaret. They say that Bruce was easy - Trevor attacked him and threw him outside the perimeter so he doesn't die inside the Camp. As for Ramirez, it was a bit harder. Montana was able to lure him into a cabin and there happens one of the bloodiest scenes in this episode (and maybe even the whole season). All the ghosts kill Ramirez and they agree to keep an eye on him so, every time he wakes up, they kill him again - and that's what happens for thirty years. Unfortunately, with Bobby's appearance, they kind of get distracted and Ramirez wakes up (back in 2019) and he attacks Bobby. Luckily the ghosts get onto him again and Bobby is able to get out, with Montana telling him to go to the Asylum.
There he meets Donna, who further elaborates that in 1989, the ghosts brutally murdered Margaret, but not before she killed Brooke.
With this Bobby believes that Donna was the one to send him the money, but no. And so, both of them trace Bobby's money which leads them to Brooke, who didn't die after all. She tells them that Ray helped her stay alive and she really was the one to send Bobby the money.
Still not satisfied, Bobby gets back to Camp Redwood in order to find his father. That's when he meets another ghost - Margaret. Yes, turns out she did die inside the camp and well, she doesn't mean well and she tries to kill Bobby. That's when Richter appears and saves Bobby. That was a pretty touching moment but I just couldn't shake the irony of having Twisty and Dandy hugging. It's just really ironic.
But anyway, Margaret doesn't give up and she tries again, that's when Lavinia appears and she saves Bobby this time.
In the end, Bobby shares a tearful farewell with his family and departs. And then comes the ending titles.
Overall the season wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. That first episode really teared down my hopes and I really thought this was going to be awful. Luckily, it got better with time and can't say it was a bad season. It's not on my TOP 5, but it's still not as bad as Freak Show or Coven (I said what I said).
Let me know what you thought of the season finale as well as what you thought of the season overall and I'll talk to you tomorrow!

The Challenge: War of the Worlds 2 | Season 34 Episode 12 - "The Right Honorable Rogan"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello people!
Brand new week of rants and prepare yourselves - I have some strong opinions about this episode of The Challenge (as I always do, let's be honest).
This is a f*cking joke! For real. I was loving the beginning of the season. The big moves, sending home big players (even if one of those was Bananas) it was pretty exciting and something never seen on The Challenge. But now... It's just dumb! Ever since the UK won and still decided to send into elimination one of their own I knew this was doomed and there's no way Team UK is going to win this season. And that wasn't dumb enough, they were even dumber this episode.
The episode began with quite a lot of drama, to be honest. Right away we saw Rogan and Joss talking to Paulie saying that they wanted to throw in Dee (they said she was the weakest on their team *cough* Kayleigh *cough*) and this coming from Rogan, who looked like had feelings for her. That thing got a bit brushed over by Tori and Jordan's engagement. They threw a little party, with Zach even having a speech and it was pretty cute. Guess who didn't go to the party? Cara, yes. This just shows how awful she is as a human being. She just needs to sort her sh*t out. Only people who have miserable lives act like that so... Take some time off and work on yourself. You really need it.
Anyway, after that we get into the week's challenge and... It was awful. The challenge itself didn't look too difficult but what was the worst was that CT threw the challenge (aka making Team UK loose) because of all the things with Rogan, Joss and Paulie about throwing in Dee. For real, that was just the dumbest thing ever! And even more because, in the end of the day, Dee didn't even go into elimination. It was just really stupid!
But I'm getting ahead of myself. So, Team USA won and they chose Kam as the speaker and she chose to join the Tribunal Nany and Leroy. It was just a plan to keep an eye on Nany and... Ugh! This whole thing between the three just annoyed the hell out of me. I'm with Nany on this, to be honest. First, I never really liked Kam. Second, Kam just thinks she's the sh*t and she really isn't. And third, I'm really disappointed at Leroy for joining Paulie and not join the right alliance (who isn't even an alliance, they're just all friends). Basically everyone left this season is f*cking annoying and just can't deal with them. 
As for the nominations, there wasn't really a nomination. They all basically voted for Tori and that's it. I felt really sorry for her because not only she just went in, but also she just got engaged and... C'mon! Give her a break! As I said, it just messes with me on a whole another level.
Well, as I mentioned before, in the end, Tori went in but not against Dee - against Jenny. That was the worst scenario because not only I like both of them, but also they were the strongest of Team UK (one more proof that they're just dumb). And well, it looks like half of my prediction was right - Jenny did go into elimination but not against Dee, against Tori. But the biggest surprise of all was that Tori actually won against Jenny! Jenny looked like a beast and that no one could really beat her but I guess I was wrong. I'm still happy though because everyone keeps underestimate Tori and I believe she could take out all of the remaining girls.
Next episode looks like it's going to be a huge one. Not only it is called "Dee-Day", and after Rogan's betrayal she sure as hell is going to retaliate, but also because a guy and a girl are going to go home right away - the worst two of the challenge are going home... And it's a swimming challenge so finally Cara might be going home! I sure as hell hope so!
Post all that, let me know all your thoughts on this week's episode. Did you agree with what Team UK did? Or you agree that they were dumb? Tell me everything and I'll see you soon with new rants!

Friday, November 8, 2019

Supernatural | Season 15 Episode 4 - "Atomic Monsters"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello people!
After one week off, Supernatural is back with a pretty good episode! It was a 'case of the week' type of episode but with a few more things. After all, they can't just waste time with a 'simple' case of the week episode. With the series ending, there's so many things to wrap up that they can't waste an episode. Still, it pretty much felt like a 'case of the week' episode.
This is where the true predictions are going to start because, apart from Sam and Dean, there was also kind of a lot of God (aka Chuck) in the episode and he brought some pretty interesting stuff that might 'help' us come up with some theories. Personally I don't have any (for now) but we'll see.
The episode begins with Sam having a nightmare where he, under the influence of demon blood, appears to be leading several demons and kills a bunch of hunters, including Dean. Luckily it was only a nightmare and when he wakes up, Dean presents him a new case - a cheerleader, Suzie, who was apparently killed by vampires.
It's nothing new that our boys can work around things and so, obviously, they find out who's responsible for the murder - and everything leads to Billy's family (Suzie's boyfriend). Of course, they try to trick us but, at this point, we already are experts and we knew if couldn't be the parents - Billy was the vampire and he killed Suzie by accident when he lost control of his blood lust. This last moment with Billy was actually pretty sad, with him taking the blame for everything and agreeing to go with the Winchesters to, of course, be killed. 
At the same time this is happening with the brothers, God visits Becky Rosen, in search for a purpose. This gives us so many details on who Becky is right now and I had completely forgotten that she doesn't know Chuck is God. And, because she doesn't know, she tells Chuck that he should keep writing - and so he does. However, when Becky goes to read his ending for the Winchesters she's horrified and, for her, this is 'only' a story, but we know that he's God and so that means this story is most likely becoming true and now I'm afraid. I've always been afraid - I know how Vampire Diaries ended - and I'm sensing a similar ending which, I liked, but was extremely sad.
But anyway, this isn't really the end of the episode. 
The episode ends with Chuck making Becky and her family vanish and beginning to prepare his plan to bring the Winchesters to a dark end - which is the series finally, most likely.
My prediction for now is that one of the brothers is going to die, for sure! And TVD is any indication (not that it's made by the same producers or anything, it just has similar themes and has been on the CW for a long time), I'm pretty sure one of the brothers is going to sacrifice himself for the other. I don't know, but I have a feeling that's what's going to happen and mostly likely Dean is the one to die. They're setting up to look like Sam is the one to die, but I doubt that. Also, Dean is my favorite and on TVD my favorite died (not mentioning who because you might not know) so... I don't know.
I would like to know your theories tho, so leave them in the comments and I'll see you next week with knew rants!

Thursday, November 7, 2019

American Horror Story: 1984 | Season 9 Episode 8 - "Rest in Pieces"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello again people!
Second to last episode of American Horror Story: 1984. I have to say, I was expecting more.
I always thought this episode would be like 'the final battle' and then the last episode would be either a plot twist or a flash-forward to see where people ended up and, perhaps, also give us a plot twist, but I guess that's not happening anymore. This was another 'lead up' episode and next one is when the final battle is going to go down.
However, what this episode gave us was an entanglement of all our characters. This was interesting, but at the same time pretty confusing so... I'm still on defense with this episode.
The first characters that get mixed up are Bruce, Ramirez and Jingles. That's right, Bruce didn't die nor was found by the police. Instead, someone found him, a woman, and what did he do? Kill her, obviously. He steals her car and drives to Camp Redwood hunting Brooke and Donna. That's when he hits Mr. Jingles with the car as he's 'running away' from Ramirez. Bruce meets Ramirez and, as expected, he's totally a 'weird' fan girl and, in true AHS form, the both basically team up to hunt not only Jingles but also some other random people, since Bruce is looking for his body count to increase.
Meanwhile, Brooke and Donna are approached by a tabloid writer that knows who they are. In exchange for for the writer to keep her mouth shut, they agree to give her the true story about Camp Redwood and so they take her on a 'tour' through the places where things happened that night. Turns out, Brooke's real plan is to kill Stacy but luckily Donna prevents that and the writer runs away, just to be killed later by Ramirez, Bruce and Margaret. Yes, Margaret came into the mix as she enlists Bruce and Ramirez to kill the rest of the bands (except Billy Idol) at her festival.
Somewhere else in the Camp, we see Trevor and Montana who had just hooked up. They talk about how it is to be a ghost and how Montana is kind of bored and later Trevor declares his love to Montana and suggests that he should die in the Camp in order to stay with Montana forever. However, Montana pushes him away, feeling guilty about her relationship with Ramirez. 
And, if this entangled of characters wasn't enough, we see the dead counselors, enraged at Richter's past killing, tie him up and refusing to let him go to kill Ramirez. That's when they decide to stab Richter, put him on a boat in the lake, and let him bleed to death. And, in true slasher style, Bobby's ghost appears (Richter's brother not his son) and drags him into the lake - just like in Friday the 13th. I don't know about you but I've been waiting for that scene throughout the whole season so it was nice to see it the way they did it.
Anyway, in the end, Richter awakens next to Bobby and Lavinia, and the latter convinces him to stay with them.
As I said before, the episode was interesting, but I felt like there was too much going on and nothing at all at the same time, so I'm conflicted. But no matter what, I'm liking this season a lot more than I thought I would and I'm pretty excited about the season finale.
In the meantime, let me know what you thought of this episode and tell which are your expectations for the finale.

The Challenge: War of the Worlds 2 | Season 34 Episode 11 - "All Is Fair In Love And War"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello everybody!
Damn! This episode!
Unfortunately, I had already seen some spoilers so it wasn't all a surprise. The thing I saw though wasn't directly connected to the challenges so, I still had that as a surprise and I still had an overall good experience with this episode. Obviously, there's the usual issues, such as the b*tch in the banner (can't actually believe I have her as my banner).
This season of The Challenge is really going all in and, for that, I'm super excited! But, on the other hand, it made me hate people that I used to like, such as Cara. I was never a big fan of her but this season she is really messing with my nerves and her attitude in this episode in particular was so nasty that it just shows how awful as a person she is, not only in the game. But rewinding a bit...
There was a fair amount of drama in the episode, but nothing really major. The usual stuff of people talking about the numbers and such.
As for the week's challenge... I guess the UK winning last episode was a one time thing because they lost again, pretty badly. This week's challenge was wall climbing and the UK Team did awful! The US didn't do great either with 'good' competitors falling right away, such as Cara. Then, came the choosing of the Tribunal which, again, it's a lost cause and Paulie was the speaker choosing Cara and Zach to join him. 
In terms of nominations, again, it's a lost cause and the UK decided to throw in Theo. Like, they just don't learn! I know this is as much a numbers game as it is physical but Rogan hasn't been to elimination yet and it's about time! Also, I kind of agree with Theo when he said that CT has had a free ride and, after Rogan, CT definitely should go to elimination. But if Rogan doesn't go, I can't blame CT for not going either.
Anyway, Theo is the one to go into elimination and, at this point, the US is done with not throwing people from their Team (it only mattered when Paulie and Cara were on the line... It's a rigged game, for real) and so they decide to throw in Jordan. It wasn't that bad since Jordan wanted to go anyway and, after seeing what the elimination challenge was... He was thrilled!
Needless to say that Jordan did win and not only that but he proposed to Tori! I'm not a big fan of Jordan but, this time, not only I was rooting for him but I am also really happy for him and Tori and it was just a beautiful moment! Even Paulie was happy for him, which the same can't be said about Cara who just had a really nasty comment about the ring and the whole thing - and this is what shows that she's just too far gone and she needs to get away from The Challenge, do what Camilla did and just find out who she really is because Cara is either really lost in life or she just is a nasty person.
Post that, we see a preview for next week and it's girls elimination week with a physical challenge and, I played close attention to the shots so I'm pretty positive that the UK looses again and it's Jenny and Dee to go into elimination. I would love to see Jenny in this type of challenge and I would bet all my money on her, I just really hope that she wins. No matter what, it's going to be an intense elimination and I can't wait!
And that's it for this episode. Let me know what you thought. Do you agree that Cara should take a break? Tell me everything and I'll see you in my next rant!

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Arrow | Season 8 Episode 4 - "Present Tense"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello everyone!
OMG! What was that episode?!
I can't believe I'm actually saying this but this episode was good! Like, really good! I mean, it's no surprise that I love Arrow but loving this much an episode that includes a lot of elements from the flash-forwards?! That's new! But I'm really glad that I did because I would be extremely sad if Arrow ended on a bad note but, so far, it's impeccable!
So, we all know how last episode ended and we get right into where that left of. It was amazing to see everyone's reactions. William was my favorite, by far! He just hugged Oliver right away and... You're going to hear me say this a lot in this rant but William and Oliver together in this episode gave me life and I adored every single scene that they were together like.. Ugh! Loved it so damn much! Then, there's Mia who, obviously, never met Oliver and is really on defense. Disclaimer! She annoyed the heck out of me during this whole episode so... There's that. And then there's Connor who, at this point, in the present time, hasn't been adopter by Diggle yet so... That is weird.
Anyway so FTA decides to not tell their dads (and everyone else) about the events of the future which, thinking about it, it's the right thing to do. We all know how knowing the future can mess things up. But that is until Grant Wilson leads an army as the new Deathstrokes to destroy Star City. With this, comes a whole big mess. Mia and Connor think that Grant Wilson is JJ, and so they are compelled to come clean and tell Team Arrow about how JJ turns out to be the 'new Deathstroke' and how he kills Zoe. The good thing is that, by knowing that, they work on doing things differently and see if they can change anything in the future - starting with catching Grant, which they do by working all together.
That was a great scene, even though, again, Mia kept messing with my nerves and yeah... I just don't like her.
This episode also brought back one of my favorite characters - Curtis. He not only helped with catching Grant, but also helped Oliver on finding more about the Monitor and the 'weapon' that was used to destroy Earth-2 which, by the end of the episode, they learn that is in Russia. 
A bunch of other things take place in this episode such as Laurel and Dinah starting the Canaries 'thing', Rene begins is campaign in the Glades to become Mayor, and yeah, a lot of father/son moments between Oliver and William that I just loved and were, by far, my favorite thing about this episode.
The episode ends with the Monitor appearing, this time to Laurel, and making a deal with her that he'll bring Earth-2 back under the condition that she betrays Oliver. Laurel is very capable of that so, I won't be surprised if she goes through with that deal.
All in all, I loved this episode! Maybe my favorite this season! So much changed and yeah, really liked it - for a one time thing, which I don't think is happening, and that's what I'm afraid of.
From the preview for next episode (which is in two weeks) it looks like they were going to keep this 'mixed Team' and I don't know how I feel about that. Mainly because I don't like Mia and she's a big part of the FTA. Luckily there's a bunch of other characters that I love so, I hope it will be fine.
Anyway, I guess we'll see.
In the meantime, let me know what you thought of this episode, tell me if you liked it as much as I did and I'll see you tomorrow with new rants!

The Flash | Season 6 Episode 5 - "Kiss Kiss Breach Breach"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello everyone!
Welcome back to a brand new week of rants!
Unfortunately we're not starting with the greatest note. Don't get me wrong, I liked this episode of The Flash, but comparing it to last week, it was a bit lackluster. Actually, it was like The Flash and Arrow switched places - Arrow this week as freaking amazing (which I'll get into in my next post) and The Flash was... Meh!
The thing is, I know exactly why I felt this way - there was no Barry this episode. This really pains me to say but Barry is the glue that connects this show and, without it, you clearly feel like something is missing. This episode focused a lot on Cisco and, as much as I love him, there's a reason why Barry is the star of this series and that showed this episode.
There were a few surprises in this episode though, such as the comeback of Breacher who comes with not so great news - Cynthia's (aka Gypsy's) death. Yeah, that was a really surprising and sad thing. So, as you can imagine, this episode revolves around Cisco because of that, and because he decides to help and find out the guy who killed her - Echo, an hacker that she was previously hunting.
They decide to throw us some curve balls when they reveal that Cisco was the one who killed her but, with a show like The Flash that deals with time travel and different Earth's you know something is up. And that was exactly what happened. Cisco doesn't believe that he did it in his sleep and so he goes looking for answers and finds out that Echo is a doppelganger of himself that did it on purpose so Cisco would take the blame. But OG Cisco is smarter than Echo an so, in the end, Echo is captured and Breacher apologizes to Cisco for not believing him.
Well, in the meantime, while this was happening, they also gave us a few side story-lines such as Ramsey offering Caitlin to join him which she says no, and Joe following Nash to that place where we saw the Monitor and getting trapped underground, just to be saved by Ralph later. The episode actually ends with Nash telling them that he has found a way to save Barry from his impending death (can't wait to see if my eternium theory is right).
That's it guys. It was a really lackluster episode. But, even though the next one only comes in two weeks, it looks like it's going to be a good one - Ralph and Barry timing up (my boys) and it's the episode directed by Danielle Panabaker so, I'm excited!
Let me know what you thought of the episode and if you agree with my eternium theory. If not, let me know your theories, let's discuss!
I'll see you in a bit with my Arrow rant!

Friday, November 1, 2019

American Horror Story: 1984 | Season 9 Episode 7 - "The Lady in White"

Spoiler Alert!

As promised, here I am with the new AHS rant!
Unfortunately, this wasn't my favorite episode this season. It was interesting, it provided a few answers and it also had a special guest that it's really adored by AHS fans but... I don't know, I feel like something was missing.
The episode begins with a flashback to 1948 where we meet young Richter and learn about what happened to him in his childhood. Well, more like what happened to his brother Bobby, who was accidentally killed by a boat propeller. We also see that his mother Lavinia, played by none other than Lily Rabe, blames him for Bobby's death, since it was supposed for him to be looking out for his brother.
Back in 1989, Ritcher is back at Camp Redwood and bumps into all the ghosts that are trapped there. In the beginning, basically all of them want to kill Ritcher, but they then tell him about another unknown ghost that is tormenting them and that's when Richter let's them know what it's probably his mother because, before the massacre that they knew, there was another massacre, led by Richter's mother and who he killed back in 1948. Post that, Richter goes looking for his mother's ghost and that's when she lets him know that she manipulated Margaret into killing all those kids to make Richter suffer for Bobby's death. 
At the same time, we see what is going on with Brooke and Donna. It takes a bit for Brooke to trust Donna, but she does eventually and after a few days we see them in a skating ring, where then they meet a guy, Bruce, who helps them fix the car and they decide to give him a ride. Obviously this wasn't a good idea and turns out he's a murderer or something so they are able to get away from him when they're approached by the police. But, of course, it can't end there and Bruce (played by Dylan McDermott, by the way) kills the cop and goes after the girls.
Bruce tracks them down and threatens to kill them but, for once, this girls are smart and they are able to overpower him and just leave him on the road for dead. 
And well, the episode ends with everyone heading to Camp Redwood (to kill Margaret) and with Ramirez already in the camp and killing a bunch of musicians. Also, Richter ends up killing himself in the Camp in order to turn into a ghost and exact his revenge.
As I said, this had a few things that added to the story but I felt like this wasn't as strong as the previous episodes, which I was liking.
We have two more episodes to go so I hope this ends well. It looks like it's going to be an epic battle so... I'm excited.
Let me know what you thought of this episode and what do you think is going to happen in the last two episodes and I'll see you next week with new rants!

The Challenge: War of the Worlds 2 | Season 34 Episode 10 - "Infinity War"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello everybody!
I'm sorry I took a bit longer to post this. Also, excuse me if this is a bit all over the place or if this ends up being too short, but I'm pretty tired right now so I might not make much sense, but I'll do my best!
This was the dumbest episode in The Challenge history. Not that episode was dumb or that it was bad, it's just the decisions that they made were so freaking dumb! I couldn't believe what I was seeing.
The episode actually starts with the aftermath of how the last episode ended. The whole thing between Turbo and Jordan took some big proportions and that ended up with Turbo going home. They didn't hit each other or anything, but Turbo was being really violent towards basically everybody (cast and crew) and, apparently, there had been another fight with him and Jordan so this time, they took action and Turbo was home. That was good and bad. Good because Paulie's alliance didn't 'win' this 'fight' since this was all a thing to try and get Jordan out but, it didn't work. But it's also Bad because Turbo was a good competitor and so this is kind of a loss to USA's Team. Well, this was such a big loss that Yes, Team UK finally won a challenge! Can you believe this?! Now that I had lost my faith in them they finally pulled through and it was even better because it was a physical challenge so, I'm proud of them.
What I'm not proud of is what happened next.
Obviously there was a lot going on on Team USA (we already know how they are) and this was their first Tribunal on the other side so there was a lot of talk about numbers and everything and, unfortunately, Paulie's alliance is better right now, in terms of numbers, and so Tori was the one to be sent into elimination. It was kind of fine because she was kind of already expecting it and she's not afraid of anyone from her team so it was fine to go against any of the girls. And everything looked like it was going fine - the UK decided to put Ashley into elimination but Kayleigh (who's part of the Tribunal, and who's also working with Paulie) decides to go with Cara's plan and, in the proving ground, she decides to throw in Georgia. Jenny didn't say her name, she said Ashley, as agreed, but Joss was really conflicted and, in the end, he did something that I was not expecting and he voted for Georgia and so, in a week where they won, they decided to throw in one of their own. If this isn't dumb, I don't know what is.
In the end, Tori ends up winning the elimination and... She changes sides. That's right, she was the first turn coat and I'm pretty excited that finally someone did it and I'm just excited overall. I have no idea if this is going to change the game a lot but, we'll see.
And yeah, that's pretty much it. This took a turn that I was not expecting so I'm so surprised. Let me know what was your reaction to this episode and I'll see you pretty soon with the AHS rant.