
Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Supernatural | Season 14 Episode 19 - "Jack in the Box"

Spoiler Alert!

Hey peeps!
A bunch of rants in the same day, huh?!
I'm finally caught up on Supernatural and... I can I say I was underwhelmed?! I don't know if it was because I was extremely sleepy while watching this episode but it really didn't get my attention the way I thought it would (having in mind that this is the second to last episode of the season). I so disagree with everything that happened in this episode and ugh! I knew this wasn't going to end well (obviously!) and I'm with Jack on all this. It was extremely bad from Dean to try and trick Jack but I also have to criticize Sam because he went along with it. Sam should've said no because it obviously wouldn't work...
Anyway so, this whole episode, a bit like the last one, has a pretty simple premise - finding Jack.
While the brothers and Castiel keep looking for Jack, Duma finds him and starts using him to create more angels. Poor Jack is so thrilled about this because he thinks he's doing good and helping...
Luckily, Castiel finds out about what is happening in heaven and, in a really big twist, he kills Duma, which really shocked me.
And then, comes the really wrong part of the episode.
Dean comes up with the idea to lock Jack in the Ma'lak Box but at his own free will. The thing is, in order to have Jack agree into going inside box, they agree to basically lie to him and say that it's only temporary until they work out a spell (or whatever) to get is soul back.
Obviously things go south and Jack gets himself free of the box and the episode ends, but we can only imagine that he's pissed and he's probably going to be Lucifer 2.0 (which I don't know how I feel about that).
The only redeeming thing in this episode is the fact that Castiel completely disagrees with what the brothers did and he's basically the only one to remember that Jack is, in fact, only 2 years old. Poor Jack. Seriously, I felt really sorry for him and, usually, I agree with the brothers but in this... Nope, sorry! I'm with Jack!
Let me know where do you stand in this.
We know that in the next episode aka Season Finale, Chuck is going to make an appearance so, hopefully, it will be to restore Jack's soul.
Until then, I'll see you in my next rant!

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