
Wednesday, April 24, 2019

The Challenge: War of the Worlds | Season 33 Episode 11 - "A Simple Plan"

Spoiler Alert!

Yes, I know, I didn't post all the rants that I said I was going to but, in my defense, I didn't promise you (because I knew it would be hard to actually post). Also, I'm not feeling my best so... That might also affect how this rant is going to turn out because I didn't pay 100% attention to everything.
Post the disclaimers, let's get into the actual episode.
When we all thought they were done with the 'cliffhangers'... They gave us this episode, with everything going fine until the very end, where we didn't see the elimination (not even the second person that was chosen to go against the one that was voted in). This either means that it's pretty huge or, and it's what I think actually is, they just wanted to get us hyped up for 'nothing', with a pretty boring outcome. I hope I'm wrong because I had kind of high expectations for this episode so, let's see... (We won't have to wait long because the new episode airs tomorrow).
So, we already knew that this was going to be a girls elimination so the first part of the episode focused a lot on the girls and the 'teams' that have been forming. Then, we moved to the actual challenge which looked really cool but was kind of easy, because it was only a puzzle on a moving car. To be honest, I don't think I would be able to finish that puzzle (not in 3 minutes, at least, I'm not the best at puzzles) but it looked easy anyway. In the end, a lot of people didn't get to finish and were a few that actually finished it. From the ones that ended the challenge, the ones to be in the Tribunal really pleased me - Dee, Wes and Mattie. I know, I'm the biggest fan of Wes but, in this case, I was happy he was the one in the Tribunal, because I knew he would play the game that I wanted him to play (even thought it all changed in the end).
The nominations were really predictable and I kind of liked them - Mattie nominated Cara Maria, Dee nominated Da'Vonne and Wes nominated Georgia. What didn't work here was what happened next, where Wes started working on a plan to save his ass in the future and have Cara Maria and Paulie on his side (kind of) which bummed me because I really wanted to see Cara Maria go home. It can still happen though because, in the actual elimination, they voted in Georgia and that's how the episode ended - with Georgia saying she doesn't have anything to loose and she can beat all the girls so that leads me to believe that she's going to pick Cara to go against her, but you never know. Like I said, they make it look really cool and, when you see the next episode, it is 'boring' but let's hope not and hope that Cara Maria goes home because she has been extremely annoying this season.
Once again, I'm going to try and post a bunch of rants today but again, I'm not going to promise because I have so much to catch up on so, bare with me.
Well, because the next episode only airs tomorrow, let me know your thoughts on who Georgia is going to pick and I'll see you in my next rant!

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