
Saturday, April 27, 2019

Supernatural | Season 14 Episode 20 - "Moriah"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello guys!
So here I am, as promised, with the Supernatural Season 14 Finale rant, and what a finale!
I have to say, after the last couple of episodes, I went in with pretty low expectations and then, after the first few minutes, I really didn't think this would go out with a bang but... Oh boy! How I was wrong! I would even dare to say that this was the most epic season finale Supernatural has ever had and, after 14 seasons, they sure have some pretty big season finales! But this one! They sure are setting up the last season to be one of the best and that makes me so excited!
As we saw in the end of last episode, Dean's plan didn't really work that well and Jack was able to get out of the box. Luckily, he didn't do much damage to them because I really thought Jack would be really pissed and just kill them or something. He was pissed, sure, and he did attack them, but he fled pretty quickly and didn't waist any time in wrecking havoc (not on purpose though). I can't really blame Jack, to be honest, about what he did because I myself I'm a firm believer that you should never lie (and I can't even lie about anything, I feel so damn guilty) so I get why Jack made everyone say the truth all the time but then, he found himself in a situation where he had lied before, when he visited his grandparents and they tell him that they know he lied. 
At the same time Jack is doing all that, the Winchesters try to track him, and that's when God appears! I really wasn't expecting him so early in the episode and I was so excited about him being back! That was, until the last part of the episode, where he really pissed me off (but I'll get into that).
God does kind of help them and undoes what Jack did but when it comes to actually do something with Jack, he just can't. He warns them about Jack being a grave threat and that they must deal with him. For that, God gives them a weapon that can kill Jack, but it will also kill the person that handles the gun and so, it starts that thing between Sam and Dean where Dean wants to be the one to kill Jack and Sam just disagrees with the whole thing and even starts getting suspicious of God's motives.
Castiel also disagrees with the whole thing about killing Jack and even goes looking for him and that's one of the best moments happen, with such a cute talk between Castiel and Jack, just like a father and son talk, so damn sweet!
Unfortunately, Dean interrupts that moment and shows up in the cemetery where Castiel and Jack are, ready to kill Jack but, as he's about to kill him, he just can't bring himself to actually do it and just 'gives up'.
That's when God reveals that he has been manipulating the situation like a story that he writes and is angered about Dean not being able to kill Jack. Post that, God does it himself - he kills Jack, which was such an wow moment for me, followed by an even bigger moment where Sam tries to kill God with the gun and also shooting himself in the process. It then cut to commercial but, when the episode comes back, we see that Sam just hit him in the shoulder and both of them where okay. But, as you can imagine, God wasn't happy with what Sam did and so, he decides to end the world, turning the world into darkness and unleashing every soul from Hell, all the monsters that Sam and Dean sent there, all of them back - we even get to see the lady in the road (such a throwback from season 1).
But, that's not really the end. Before the episode actually ends, we see Jack in The Empty, first seeing the Shadow and then being approached by Billie who tells him that they need to talk about the current situation, which leads me to believe that we will see more of Jack in the future.
I actually saw a pretty good predictions where Jack will defeat God and become the new God and create more angels and everything and that's how the series will end. I'm fine with that, to be honest, but it's still too early to make assumptions so... Let's see what the last season brings!
I don't know about you but I'm extremely happy with this Season Finale and so excited for the next and final season. I'm probably going to react in video for the series finale but there's still a long way till then so... Let's not worry things.
Don't forget to let me know what you thought of this season finale and I'll see you probably tomorrow with a few more rants!

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