
Wednesday, November 22, 2017

The Challenge: Dirty 30 | XXX Episode 19 - "Finale Part 2"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello everyone and finally here's the last The Challenge: Dirty 30 rant!
I just gotta start with this... I was freaking right! I was right all this time and, in a way, I also won!
I'm sorry to start right away with the winners but... Yes, Jordan and Camila won! This is so silly but it makes me really happy that I was right all this time! I've been saying that they were going to win since Episode 10 and I just can't believe I was right! And what makes me even more proud of myself is the fact that, they just found out about a month ago so, correct me if I'm wrong, I've been saying this before they even knew it so, this is amazing!
Anyway, now that I got this out of my chest, let's talk about the stuff that they talked about in the second part of the reunion.
Just like the first part, they addressed some issues and some 'dirty moves' and stuff that happened, starting out with the Jenna and Kailah alliance and the fact that everyone, but mainly Jemmye, wanted to break that alliance. Not much went down in that talk, to be honest, but the next thing they discussed had so much yelling and stuff.
Next on, they moved to Cara Maria and all the people she had issues with, such as Kailah and Tony. Of course with Kailah there was a lot of yelling and, in the end, not much mattered, to be honest, and then with Tony, it was actually funny and kind of cute because Tony apologized and even gave Cara a donut, which was pretty cute and, in the end, it's exactly like what Cara said - Tony really is a nice guy (I didn't like him at first but I started liking him more this season) but he just has some issues with drinking and that's when everything goes wrong with him so, just don't drink.
And, since we're in the Tony topic, next they talked about what happened with Camila. Of course Camila wasn't there to talk or deffend herself but Tony said basically everything that we wanted to know and, ultimately, he was the one that was doing something wrong, because he has a girlfriend and yes has because they are still together, which is kind of cute and I'm glad they can work things out because, once again, Tony doesn't seem like a bad guy, he just does bad things when he's drunk...
The next issues they discussed was the racist things that Camila said. Of course, once again, Camila wasn't there to say anything but, to be honest, I'm actually gald she wasn't because I think she would make even worst, althought she's better now but yeah... Instead, it was just Leroy and some of the other cast members talking.
Something else they talked about (and I believe the last thing) was the thing between Veronica and Aneesa which, turns out, nothing happen. I don't know how much of that was true but ok...
And yeah, the ending we already know because I had to spill it out for you. And, I can't rave enough about the fact that I was right! Ok, I'm done now...
Anyway, let me know if you were right and, if not, who you thought was going to win and I'll see you in a few minutes with a new The Challenge rant, the new season Champs vs Stars. Oh, and just a side note, there's actually going to air a Backstage thing next week still about the Dirty 30 but I'm not going to rant about so just 'warning' you.
Ok, that's it, I'll see you in a bit!

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