
Friday, November 10, 2017

The Flash | Season 4 Episode 5 - "Girls Night Out"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello everyone!
Just like I promised, here is the first rant of the day! I'm starting out with The Flash, next is coming the Supernatural rant and the last one is going to be the Arrow one (leaving the best for last, kind of).
Actually, I gotta tell you that I've bee really impressed with this season of The Flash. I'm not really excited for new episodes, like I was in season 1 and 2, but I can see the appeal of this season and I'm actually enjoying it.
And well, like the previous ones this season, this episode was really really funny and, it has been kind of a theme lately, this episode was girl power centered and I have to say that I enjoyed this episode so much more then the AHS 'girl power' one (which was the Solanas episode, which I hated). Also, this episode was even better because Felicity is in it and she's my girl so, I loved it even more!
So, in the beginning of the episode there's a slight mention of DeVoe, which was nice to know that they're looking into it, but the remaining of the episode was all centered on both Iris' and Barry's bachelor parties. 
Both of them (Barry and Iris) were planning pretty chill bachelor parties, with Barry just watching a movie at home and with Iris having a fancy dinner with the girls. But, of course, stuff had to happen.
Beginning with Barry, Ralph ends up showing at Joe's house and then takes them  to a strip club, where they learn that Cecile's daughter, Joanie, is working. Joe goes to talk to her and she says that's she's doing a feminism research (girl power theme).
To make that even worst, Ralph basically starts a fight ending with them going to prison and Harry having to pay to get them out. Still, those scenes had something that I really enjoyed, which was drunk Barry. Drunk Barry is just so funny and I loved every minute of it, with all the 'I'm The Flash' and the loving chicken wings, it was hilarious!
Meanwhile, the girls had a lot more to deal with.
Basically the Killer Frost storyline comes to the surface and Amunet's enforcer, Norvock, goes to the lady's dinner and demands Caitlin's return, ending up attacking them when she refuses to.
Caitlin/Killer Frost then tells the ladies everything and then they Team up in order to kill Amunet. 
When Killer Frost is about to kill her, they find out that Amunet has a metahuman that has some type of tears that she is about to use as a drug and that's when Iris decides they have to rescue him because he was part of the metahumans that were in the bus.
Of course a lot of stuff happens (it wouldn't be a The Flash) episode withouth some set backs but, in the end, the girls manage it, working all together (Caitlin, Iris, Felicity and Cecile) and they get to free the metahuman. 
Unfortunately, they aren't able to 'really' get him, he ends up running away but, at least, Amunet doesn't have him anymore.
In the very end of the episode, basically no one tells what happened to each other (boys to the girls and vice versa) and Iris ends up asking Caitlin to be her bridesmaid, as well as Joe talks to Joanie so that she talks with Cecile about her 'research'.
The episode ends with DeVoe capturing the metahuman that the girls freed, the "Weeper".
It was a pretty interesting episode but, most of all, it was a funny one, just like the previous ones, which, once again, I'm loving.
Let me know your thoughts on all the events and I'll see you in a bit with a new Supernatural rant!

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