
Saturday, January 30, 2016

The Vampire Diaries | Season 7 Episode 10 - "Hell Is Other People"

Spoiler Alert!

After a huge hiatus, my favourite series is back and with an hell of an episode, literally.
This episode was just basically about Damon's personal hell. 
We know that both brothers got stuck inside the Phoenix stone so this episode follows that, the Mystic Falls 'gang' trying to rescue them and we also see what is it like 'inside' the stone.
I have to say that this episode got me really confused, and if you followed my live tweeting you know that (and if you haven't, I'm going to be live tweeting from now on so, follow me on twitter @danixinhahhh if you wanna live tweet with me), because as soon as I thought Damon was out of the stone, we realize that he isn't and then everything starts again, and it gets to a point that you don't know what is real anymore, what is actually happening and what is part of Damon's hell.
After half of the episode, we then realize that Bonnie got Stefan out of the stone first and she's still trying to get Damon out. I mean, I think that is what is really happening, because after the end of the episode I got a little bit confused again.
Turns out that Damon gets out of the stone (I think) and he just 'kills' everyone, thinking that he is still inside the stone. I don't know what really happened and if that is really true or if he's still inside the stone because the others can's just die!
Seriously, I don't know what else to say about this episode, just that it was really nice even thought it got me really confused. Also, for the first time, I really enjoyed Damon, which I never do so, that's also a plus! This was for sure one of the best episodes of the season, because we got to know more about Damon and everything, but I still feel like they should get going with the storyline because all of this is starting to get boring. I just want to know what's going to happen that make all those changes that we see in the flash forwards.
Oh, and talking about falshforwards... We didn't get any in this episode, which made me a little bit sad, hopefully we will have more in the next episode.
So, this is my rant for this episode. Tell me your thoughts in the comments, did you enjoy this episode?

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Shadowhunters | Season 1 Episode 3 - "Dead Man's Party"

Spoiler Alert!

It's time for another Shadowhunters rant, this time, with a better opinion about the show!
After three episodes I think I already have an opinion formed about the show. The truth is, I'm going to keep watching the series, mostly because of Dominic, but also because I'm actually enjoying it, apart from one thing, Katherine McNamara.
Every character, and every actor, was great in this episode, but I just can't stand her. She's not a great actress and she's making me really hate her character!
Apart from that, everything was amazing in this episode!
This one was so much better than the previous one, probably because they 'talked' more about the creatures that I love the most, Vampires.
The beginning of the episode was a little bit 'shaky' but when the rescue for Simon began, it started to be amazing!
I can tell that Emeraude is an amazing actress and I think she is the show! I bet with anyone else that she is the reason why everyone is still watching the show. But, on the other hand, I just can't get enough of Alec. I know he his gay in the series and we could get a glimpse of that in this episode, which makes me a little bit sad because I would love to see him with someone (a girl) but that's ok. Just the fact that I can see his face is amazing, because he is truly handsome! 
I also really liked Simon in this episode and I can tell that the next ones are going to be amazing! I'm really curious to see if he is really becoming a vampire and all that is going to happen. I think in the books he doesn't become a vampire but, if I'm wrong, please tell me in the comments because, like I said in one of my previous posts, I didn't read the books so.
Well, after all, it is a good show and there's great actors which are worth watching the show for. It's just a shame that they picked an awful actress for the main role... But, at least, it's just her... It could have been worse.
So, this is my rant for this 3rd episode. I know it's a little different from what I post so, tell me in the comments your thoughts.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Shadowhunters | Season 1 Episode 2 - "The Descent Into Hell Isn't Easy"

Spoiler Alert!

So, here I am with another Shadowhunters rant.
I think I should start off with saying that I liked more the first episode than this second one, but still, there were some nice scenes in this episode.
The episode started right where the last one ended, which is always nice. 
After realizing that Valentine is alive, the shadowhunters decide to take action and the first thing that they decide to do is get Clary's memories back.
They decide to go after Dot, thinking that she was the one that wiped Clary's memories, but they didn't get to her in time and she's taken by Valentine's guys. 
It's in this episode that they decide to go to The City of Bones to face the Silent Brothers, so they can get Clary's memories.
We all know what she's going to find out... She's Valentine's daughter. And, that's basically were the episode ended.
In general, it was a pretty boring episode, but there were some nice scenes, for example, Simon gets into this Clary's new life and, of course, he meets the others shadowhunters, like Isabelle. The Scenes between those two were great! The series has barely started and I already ship them so hard! Can't wait to see more of those two.
I also ship Jace and Clary, but the fact that Katherine isn't a great actress makes me not like her that much and, because of that, not like the ship as much as I like Isabelle and Simon. 
Something that really annoyed me in this episode was that Clary kept talking about her mother. Anything that happened she just said that wanted to get her mother. That started to really annoy me.
But, overall, I'm liking the series. Still need to watch some more episodes and see how the plot goes, but I sure will be following this series.
Tell me your thoughts in the comments. Do you like Katherine or do you think she's not a great actress?

Shadowhunters | Season 1 Episode 1 - "The Mortal Cup"

Spoiler Alert!

Hey guys! So, after your requests, I decided to start making rants about Shadowhunters. That, and because there's a huge controversy about the series, so I decided I should 'join' the debate and start writting about it.
I'm going to start off with saying that I quite liked this first episode! Judge me as much as you want to but I guite enjoyed it and I can see that the series is going to be good. But, again, I also quite enjoyed the movie so... Opinions.
So, about the actual episode... It is basically what I already 'knew' from watching the movie. It's Clary's 18th birthday and her mother is kidnapped. She then finds out about the 'shadowhunters' world and well... Basically all she want's is get her mother back but, we all know that the series isn't going to me all about that.
I'm really excited to see what they are going to do with the series, what is going to be the plot, since the movie seemed pretty 'simple' to me. I know a movie is a movie, and they had to rush things a bit, so that's why I'm excited to see what's going to happened from now on until the events that happen in the end of the movie. I also really want to see what's going to happen after, because, as a person that never read the books, I don't know anything about what happens after the first book, the book that was portrayed in the movie.
Not much happen in this first episode. First episodes are always like an introdution to the series and, in this case, to this world, and for someone that already watched the movie, it was pretty predictable. So, I wanna comment a little bit on the actors.
I have to say that, the main reason why I'm watching the series is because of Dominic Sherwood, who I really like and I've been liking him since Vampire Academy. Most people know him because of Taylor Swift's musicvideo 'Style', but I started liking him before that. I think he is perfect as Jace. Ok, Jamie was also really good, but I think Dominic is a great choice too so, I'm happy with that. 
About Clary... I didn't read the books, as I said before, so I don't know if she looks like she was portrayed in the book, so I would apreciate if you tell me which one, Katherine or Lily, looks more like the Clary in the book. Apart from that, I can say that she's really pretty, even though I agree with some people that say that she isn't a great actress.
All the other actors seem perfect for their roles! Really like Matthew as Alec (he's a hottie, btw) and Emeraude is also perfect, in my opinion, as Isabelle. Oh, and Alberto is just like how I pictured Simon so, perfect!
And, well, I guess that's basically it.
From now on you're also going to see rants from Shadowhunters here on the blog so, I hope you like it! And remember, if you have any more suggestions of shows I should rant about just leave them in the comments and I might start ranting about them! I'm actually thinking about start ranting about Legend's of Tomorrow so, if you would like to see that, tell me in the comments.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

American Horror Story: Hotel | Season 5 Episode 12 - "Be Our Guest"

Spoiler Alert!

Sadly, this season had to come to an end but we still have time for one last rant.
This last episode started with Liz talking about the renovation of the hotel. With the death of The Countess, Liz and Iris got what they wanted and are taking over the hotel. They renewed the hotel and, I have to say, the 'new' hotel looked amazing! The rooms were so much better and everything was so sofisticated. But, there was still a problem with the Hotel, the ghosts. The ghosts were still in the hotel and still causing problems. Iris and Liz meet with the ghosts and tell them they have to stop killing the guests, but Sally and Will don't want to. Fortunately, James March is still in charge, so he demands them to stop. 
They still don't want to, but Liz and Iris have a plan. Liz decided to help will come back with his line with Liz as the 'face' of the line, while Iris tells Sally they she can be part of the world without been out of the hotel, so she buys her a phone and get her a twitter, instagram and facebook account.
In this episode, we get a special appearance of Billie Dean Howard. Iris invites her so Liz can talk with Tristan, but it doesn't work that well. Tristan doesn't want to talk to Liz but, instead of Tristan, Billie gets to talk with Donovan, who tells her that he is in an amazing place, that he remembers Iris pancakes, the ones she used to give him ever Saturday morning and that, in the place he is, it looks like Saturday morning everyday. In the end, he tells that he loves his mum, Iris.
I have to say that was such a beautiful moment for me. Even thought Matt Bomer didn't really appear, I could totally picture him saying those things and it's nice to know that his character had a good end (probably the best one).
Later, Liz discovers that she has cancer and so she decides to die, and for that she invites the ghosts of the hotel to kill her, so she can reborn. As they are about to kill her, The Countess appears and she helps with Liz's killing, so she slits her throat and so, Liz dies that way, inside the hotel. After she died, Tristan appears and that is also a really beautiful moment. I'm a hopeless romantic so all those moments are so cute to me.
After Billie Dean went to the hotel, she started going there to make her show and the hotel got a bit more noticed. Every October 30th Billie Dean goes to the hotel to talk to John but with no luck. In 2020, John finally appears there and agrees to 'talk' with Billie. Just then, we find out what happened to John and we find out that he died a few years ago, outside the hotel.
So, he just goes to the hotel in Devil's Night, and that is where he brings Billie. She meets the other killers and there they offer her the choice of never mentioning the Cortez again, or she will be tracked down and murdered.
In the end of the episode, Billie goes away, John goes back to his family, just for the rest of the night and, right before the episode ends, we see The Countess, still in the hotel and still after men that look just like Donovan and Will.
This was probably the best ending out of all AHS seasons. We got to see how it all ended for every character, which is pretty cool, and basicaly every character had a good end, which is also pretty nice.
So, I don't know when the next season is going to start, so there won't be post about AHS for quite a while and, for that reason, I was wondering if you wanted me to start doing rants about Shadowhunters. The series premiered 2 days ago and I'm going to see the first episode tonight so, if you want me to start making rants about this new series, tell me in the comments or tweet me @danixinhahhh.
Also, tell me your thoughts about this last episode in the comments,

Friday, January 8, 2016

American Horror Story: Hotel | Season 5 Episode 11 - "Battle Royale"

Spoiler Alert!

Happy New Year everybody!
After beeing away from the blog for almost a month, I'm back and with a rant of an amazing American Horror Story episode!
This episode began almost like the previous one ended. We got to see how Liz and Iris got to their plan to kill The Countess and we see them, again, entering the room and shooting The Countess and Donovan. From the preview of this episode, I could tell that someone was going to die, and I was almost sure that it wasn't going to be The Countess so, it only could be Donovan, and I was right, unfortunately. To be honest, I was expecting for them to do something about him so he wouldn't die because I love Matt Bomer and I still had a little bit of hope he would develop a better relationship with Iris, but that didn't happen. 
Luckly, Iris and Liz got Donovan out of the Hotel before he died so he didn't get trapped in the Hotel, which is good.
The Countess was also shot, but she disappeared. It turned out that Sally saved her so The Countess would get John back and kill him. 
While Sally was taking care of The Countess, we got to see more of Sally's backstory, even though I think it doesn't really matter for the story. I mean, we saw how she met that 'white demon' but, apart from that, none of it was important for the storyline.
With no other plan, Iris and Liz decide to free Ramona so she would kill The Countess. But, when she goes to kill her, The Countess seduce her and they agree to have another round of sex and then Ramona kills her. We didn't really see what happened, because the next scene was just The Countess preparing to leave the Hotel, when she goes to step in to the elevator and John sees her and... kills her! Seriously, I wasn't expecting that at all! I kept thinking about who John was going to kill for the last commandment and I couldn't think of anyone. I saw some theories saying that he was going to kill himself but it turns out those theories were wrong.
Of course, John killed The Countess in the hotel, so she is going to stay there forever, as a ghost, just like Mr, March wanted, which is not the ideal plan but... It's already good.
And, well, the last scene is Mr. March and The Countess dinner, where he tells her that he can finally forgive her for turning him to the police. She tells him that it wasn't her and in that moment Hazel tells that it was her, because she loved (and still loves) him and wanted them to be together forever. I still had some hope Mr. March would say something meaningful and sweet but he banished from his presence and she just leaves, but not without saying some mean words to the Countess.
That's how the episode ended.
To me, this episode felt almost like the last episode of the season, because The Countess got killed, John commited his last murder... But we still have one more episode to come so, let's see how they're going to end this.
Tell me in the comments your thoughts about this episode and I'll see you in my next post.