
Wednesday, May 9, 2018

The Challenge: Champs vs Stars | Season 3 Episode 4 - "Face Off, Gloves On"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello people!
Yeah, I know, I know... There's no new Shadowhunters rant yet. I know I owe that to you and that's why those are the rants that are coming next. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to post all of them today (since there's already three episodes out) but I'm going to try. Same thing for The Flash, although I might be able to post that one today since there others I watch with my sister and The Flash I don't so I can stay up late and watch that one by myself. Anyway, that's not why you're here so let's talk about The Challenge.
Surprisingly, this was a pretty 'heavy' episode. From previews that I've see and the beginning of it I thought this was going to be a boring one, and when I saw the challenge... I thought it was so dumb that it was going to be just one of those challenges that are too heavy. Guess I was wrong.
Like I said, the episode started out with some context. Just Ashley talking to Drake about his meat, Brooke talking to her dad through FaceTime and CT showing up, all that. I should've know that this was foreshadowing the future events but, somehow, I always forget about that.
Then, it came the week's challenge - another challenge with big balls in a field. The only difference is that this was a pretty physical and somewhat dangerous challenge. I quite enjoyed it though, but a lot happened during that challenge.
The main thing in the challenge was the fact that Brooke quit without even trying, just afraid to get hurt. That originated a whole thing with CT that said that he hated quitters and she got pretty upset. In the end, they make amends and they are fine... I guess. 
The other thing was that the only person that scored was Casper so the blue team won.
As we've stablished in the last rant, I'm rooting for the red team so I didn't like that they won. But, at the same time that they won, Aneesa also got badly injured and, in the end, she had to leave the show.
That also originated a whole other story. I guess this is the first time that something like that happens because, since she had to leave anyways, there was no LVP so no elimination and the money for the 'loser' went straight up to Aneesa's charity.
But, because there was no LVP doesn't mean there was no MVP, because there was. The blue team, as expected, didn't come to a conclusion so they had to vote. Since this was supposed to be a female elimination, Tori voted for herself, Louise voted for herself as well, Tony voted for Tori and, trying to mess the 'stars' plan, Wes voted for Casper (without knowing that his plan was to vote for Louise all along). Then, both Drake, Booby and Casper voted for Louise so yeah, Louise was the MVP. Because of that she had the Power Play which, this time was Trade - she could trade any player from the blue team for one from the read team, any player - guy/guy, girl/guy, girl/girl. She chose to trade Tori, who was so stoked to be part of the Red Team for Ashley who, unlike Tori, was pissed. Like, really pissed! And, just like Kailah said, they have no idea what they've done because Ashley is mad and, like she said herself (Ashley) she's going to do everything so the Blue Team looses, which I just can't wait to see happen.
Overall, this was a pretty big episode and I just can't wait to see what happens next. They're doing a great job with this season so Congrats!
Let me know all your thoughts and predictions and I'll see you guys in my next rant!

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