
Saturday, May 5, 2018

Supernatural | Season 13 Episode 21 - "Beat the Devil"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello people!
Wow! We are really coming to an ending, aren't we?
This episode was such a ride! It was everything that I wanted! Hell, it was what I've been wishing for weeks and it was so freaking good! We finally had Sam, Dean, Cas, Gabriel, Jack, Lucifer and Rowena all in the same episode and it was fantastic! Seriously, I can't rave enough about this episode!
It had so many good moments, from funny ones to really emotional ones. I knew this was going to be an important episode for Sam but damn I wasn't expecting what happened!
So, this episode was all about getting back to the alternative universe and finally get Mary and Jack back. The first thing was try the spell again. With Gabriel on board, they tried it but his grace wasn't enough so they had to come up with plan B - go after Lucifer. 
Well, this wasn't like a major plot in this episode but I just have to mention it. Gabriel and Rowena! I mean, it was good but cringy... I don't know, I have mixed feelings but I guess deep down I liked it. It was something that never crossed my mind but, somehow, I'm cool with it. You know that I have a thing for Gabriel (just as much as I have for Jack... maybe even more, I would admit) so this was a nice touch to his character I think.
Anyway, back to the important stuff... With the help of Gabriel and Rowena they catch Lucifer and decide to use him and his grace as a continuous power source to keep the rift open.
They are able to open the rift again and the brothers, Castiel and Gabriel travel to the Apocalypse World. 
Of course things had to go a little wrong and, after learning that his son is in the Apocalypse World, Lucifer breaks free and travels through the rift, leaving Rowena to scramble to find a way to keep it open without Lucifer to power it.
In the AU things don't go that well either. Heck, they turn out to be even worse!
Our boys eventually find a couple that is being attacked by some different type of vampires and, of course, being the heroes, they go to their rescue. After that, they learn that they only way to Mary and Jack is through a tunnel full of those creatures. Sam is really eager to just do it and that's exactly what they do. Obviously they end up attacked and that's when Sam dies. Sam actually dies! I mean, for a moment I actually thought that he was dead for sure. I knew that he couldn't. Jared didn't say anything about leaving the show and it was even renewed for a Season 14 so... It wouldn't make sense but... You never know.
What was the worst about all this was Dean. Dean's reacting to Sam's death was so heartbreaking! He actually cried and if you know Dean you know what it takes to make him cry so, as you can imagine, I was almost crying as well. It was that heartbreaking.
They end up finding Mary and Jack and, once again, seeing Jack just in denial about Sam's death was really sad. Also, I need to mentions this... Was it just me or should've been a different scene with Gabriel meeting Jack? I mean, Gabriel is his uncle so I would've liked to see like an introduction scene or something like Jack asking 'You're my uncle?' or something like that... I don't know, I just thought they would do something else but I guess it wouldn't fit the tone of the episode in that moment.
Oh, also need to mention this real quick... Castiel does tell Gabriel about the angels and I guess Gabriel kept thinking about it. I don't know but I see a real chance of Gabriel staying for some time and I'm so okay with that!
Anyway, back to the storyline...
Of course Sam wasn't dead for sure and then we see that it was actually Lucifer who brought him back to life in a way for Sam to show him where Jack is.
And yes, the end of the episode is Lucifer meeting Jack for the first time and, truth be told, I have no idea who this is gonna go. I couldn't read Jack's face at all and that got me even more curious. I just couldn't believe that the episode was ending like that so, as you can imagine, I'm so excited about the next one.
Well, it looks like we aren't done with Lucifer for this season. He's probably going to still be one of the problems or the next season but I don't think he's going to be the big bad.
I don't know, let me know your thoughts and predictions.
This is what I thought of the episode.
I'll see you guys in my next rant!

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