
Friday, November 20, 2020

Supernatural | Season 15 Episode 20 - "Carry On"



Spoiler Alert!


Hello everybody!  

Here it is, the very final Supernatural rant. I would be lying if I said I was fine- I'm not. Not only it's so sad that I won't be reviewing this show anymore (my second favorite all time show) but also it's just sad that the show is ending. (I also really regret not watching this earlier because it has been like 4/5 years since I started watching it and I could and should have watched it sooner. But that's a conversation for another time). And well, not only I'm sad that I won't have any new episodes, I also wasn't exactly happy with how it all ended, which is the perfect transitions to move on to my actual review.

I said in my latest review that I had no idea where this was going (well, I had two options, which kind of both happened). I always had my predictions though, and I stand by them (I still believe my theory was better than what ended up happening) but they went on a completely different and not good direction.

The episode actually began with Sam and Dean adapting to their 'normal' life - like doing laundry and making the bed and all that stuff that we 'normal people' do - and they also show that Dean adopted the dog that we saw in the last episode. It was pretty cute and funny, with them even going to a Pie Festival, which was priceless. However, things that to turn dark, and they went very dark very quickly. They come across a strange murder and kidnapping that turned out to be vampires - a case that their father worked on in 1986 but was never able to solve. The Winchesters capture one of the vampires using the pattern that John had established and with that they also find their nest. One of the vampires is Jenny who the Winchesters had encountered on their first vampires case (which, to be completely honest with you, I really can't remember her). Well, needless to say that the brothers fight the vampires but that's when things take a dark tone. They do take out all of the vampires, but in the middles of the fight, Dean is impaled on a metal spike and there's no way back. He can't move and he's slowly dying. All that's left is saying everything he needs to say to Sam and... That's it. This is also when things start not making a lot of sense. One, Sam didn't even try to save Dean. I mean, he said he would get someone but as soon as Dean said that it was over for him, and asks Sam to not do any deals because that always ends badly, Sam just gives up and 'accepts' Dean's death. That just didn't make sense to me because in all the other 14 seasons this exact same thing happened and Sam (nor Dean) ever stopped trying to save his brother so... This was just odd (and messy writing).

The images that followed were some of the saddest ones ever! Sam, by himself (well, with the dog), mourning Dean and trying to get on with his life. And eventually he takes on a job by himself, which was so sad. 

Then, we move to Dean's point of view and we see him in Heaven, where he's reunited with Bobby who reveals that Jack reshaped Heave with Castiel's help. That was nice, not only because we knew there was some happiness for Dean but also this meant that Castiel is alive, not in The Empty, and is with Jack, which is also cute. Then... Cue the montage.

Dean drives off through Heaven in the Impala while we see the life that Sam had - having kids, having a family, growing old and dying of natural causes. And, the episode ends with Sam and Dean reunited in Heaven after Sam's death. 

As I said in the beginning, it was a really bittersweet ending. On one hand I understand why they went with this ending - it's what made sense for the characters. Dean always said that he wanted to go down fighting and hunting, and Sam always wanted a family, so this all made sense in that way. However, it bugged me that this happened this soon, that Dean died this soon and the way he died. Like, they were fighting God last episode and they defeated him, but a nest of vampires and a metal spike?! That was too much for Dean. I don't know, it just seems farfetched to me that the were able to defeat God and a day later be killed by something so random as a metal spike. I would go with another ending, to be honest, but if they really wanted to do it this way, they should've done two more episodes - this episode should have been episode 22, and episode 20 and 21 should've been about them going back to hunting and to their 'normal life' after defeating god. Then, after establishing that some time had passed, then could have killed one of them. Of course, I wished they would get old together and die of old age together, but in that case I would be 'better' with their deaths. I don't know... That's just my thought...

And I guess that's pretty much what I have to say about the finale. I kind of wish the previous episode was the last episode now, but okay... More than anything I'm more sad that the show is over and that I won't be watching a new episode every single week. Also, because of that, I'll have to choose another show to cover here so... I'll see which show I'm feeling and I'll ask you guys on twitter or Instagram which show should I cover here on the blog, so stay tuned to my social media. Also, if you want to see my 'live' video reaction of the episode, head over to my channel - - I had to cut a lot of the episode because of copyright issues but you can still see where my head's at while watching it. 

Anyway, that's it from me. Let me know what you thought of the finale and I'll see you guys in two weeks with a brand new The Challenge rant (THAT'S exciting!).



Saturday, November 14, 2020

Supernatural | Season 15 Episode 19 - "Inherit the Earth"

Spoiler Alert!


Wow! Wow! I don't know how this rant is going to turn out because this was a lot to take in.

Hello everybody! Here we are with Supernatural's second to last episode.

Once again, I'm sorry I'm one day late with this rant. I had a lot to do and, to be honest, I needed some time to process that episode that really felt like the last episode of the series! I know that we have another one (which I'm going to react to on my YouTube channel so stay tuned for that) but this one was just an ending. It really was and now I'm kind of confused.

Well, usually I start with how the episode started and all of that but, this time, I just need to get all of this things out of my chest. There was so much going on in this episode and I don't even know where to start. From the preview we knew they were going to meet with someone and, because of that 'previously' in the beginning, I figured it was Michael (also because I saw Jake Abel's name on the credits) so that's who they went to meet. Then later Lucifer appeared out of no where and that really was a shock to me. A lot of stuff went down between Lucifer 'helping' Sam and Dean, showing up with a reaper, killing it in order for this reaper to become Death and read God's book of his death. Actually, that was a great plan, if if wasn't for the fact that he killed this new Death before she read everything because this was all a plan from God to get his book. Luckily (or not), Michael kills Lucifer and there's that. The book was left open, however, and so they started working on a way to translate it which ended up in them doing a spell which revealed Michael's betrayal when God appeared. That betrayal was for nothing though because then God killed him. With that, God had enough of the Winchesters and decided to just end them, but not before getting his hands dirty and punching them over and over. That was when the brothers revealed that all of this was part of their plan. They noticed what was going on with Jack (the thing about him killing plants) which turns out he was not killing things, he was 'capturing' their energy and, because of that, he was getting more powerful by the minute. With Michael killing Lucifer, Jack absorbed Lucifer's energy and later on, after God kills Michael he also absorbed Michael's energy and, if that wasn't enough, he absorbed God's energy from all the punching. All of this just made him super powerful - more powerful than God - and that was 'the end'. Jack absorbed all of God's power, leaving God just a regular human and Jack... Well, basically God. To that, Sam and Dean decided to not kill God and just leave him being a 'nobody'. Jack brought everyone back (the world) but we don't know anything about the people from the other world and we also don't know if he brought Castiel back. (and like that I just said everything about the episode)

The episode really ended with Jack disappearing because he's not God and the brothers going back to the bunker, having a toast to the people that they lost along the way, them getting into the Impala and driving into the sunset while a montage of all the other seasons played. And that really looked like a Season Finale.

After that, I was basically in denial. I know there's one episode left but this really felt like the end and I was not prepared. The whole thing also didn't play out like I thought it would. I always said that Sam would become God - guess I was wrong about that. And in my last rant I said that Dean would be Amara and Jack would be Death. Well, I don't think that's going to happen either. However, I do believe my ending would've been better. Not that I didn't like this episode/ending. It was as close to an happy ending as we would ever get, and I'm so proud of Jack. He's character arc is beautiful - this basically tells that, even if you come from a 'bad place' (being Lucifer's child), you're in control of yourself and your decisions and you don't need to be a bad person, you can over come it and now look - he's God. That was beautiful! But, in a way, it was easy. A lot happened in this episode but God's actual defeat was a bit anti-climatic so I have mixed feelings.

Also, there's a final episode. What is going to happen?! It looks like everything is dealt with so... I have two predictions. 1) Either the next episode is how they life went on, like growing old and whatnot or 2) this whole episode 19 was 'fake' and there's a big plot twist in the end. Also, the preview showed something with them leaving a set which automatically made me think that the show would end saying that this was all a show and 'none of that ever happened' (like the character's aren't real) which would suck, to be honest. Either way, I'm really curious to see how everything is going to end, even though I will be so sad.

So, I've talked enough about this episode so let me know what you thought of this 'ending' and what do you think will be the next episode. Until then, just need to let you know that the next post will come later because, as I said, I'm filming a reaction. That's all!



Friday, November 6, 2020

Supernatural | Season 15 Episode 18 - "Despair"

Spoiler Alert!


Like, REALLY big spoilers ahead this time!

Hello everybody! I didn't know what I had ahead of me when I watched this episode and I had no idea that I would have to write something like this so soon!

That's right everybody. Three episodes away from the finale we loose our first Team Free Will member. I'm just going to rip the band-aid right away and say it - RIP Castiel. Yes, we lost Castiel this soon and, although we knew this would most likely happen, I was not prepared and I certainly didn't see this coming (at least, not in this episode). But, as per usual, I'm getting ahead of myself. There's a ton of stuff that happens in this episode so, let's start in the beginning.

So, you know how that last episode ended - with God leaving, Jack almost dying and the preview suggesting that Billie would be the new enemy to take out. Oh, how we were wrong! The episode starts right away with Billie appearing, taking take of Jack aka sending him to The Empty to explode there (the only place that could take that amount of energy and power). Then, Billie admits her plan and asks Sam for her book in exchange for bringing Jack back from The Empty. I was so not okay with this but Sam does indeed give her the book and yes, she brings Jack back. However, Jack is back to 'normal' and doesn't have his powers back. But even with that, Billie reads how God's death is going to be now that things changed and, for some reason, says that Jack can still help and tries to take him back with her, which, surprisingly, Dean says no and injures Death with her own scythe, forcing her to leave without Jack, the book or her scythe. Shortly after that, another problem rises - people from the Apocalypse World start disappearing.

Assuming that Death is the one behind this disappearances, Sam starts working with Charlie, Bobby, Donna and Jack to find a place and protect the people from that world while Dean and Castiel hunt Billie. When confronting Billie, Dean and Castiel are faced with something new - Billie tells them that she's not the one behind the vanishes but, instead, it is God. That's also when she reveals that when Dean injured her he didn't just do that - that wound is actually killing her and, as she's bound to die, the last thing she wants to do is kill Dean. So she chases Dean and Castiel and that's when Castiel realizes that Death is too strong and only The Empty can stop her. And that's when things get a bit bittersweet. 

Cas tells Dean about the deal that he made with The Empty and finally experiences a moment of true happiness when he reveals his feelings for Dean. That scene, for me, although it was so sentimental and really 'sad', it was also so corny and... Ugh, in the end, I didn't really like it because it was so obvious it was to please the Destiel shippers. I mean, don't get me wrong, I love their friendship but this was clearly to please the hardcore Destiel shippers and it's kind of bad how a show goes to those lengths just to please a group of people... I mean, I love when shows do something for the fans but this looks a bit too much. I don't know, it just felt off to me. 

Anyway, after that declaration, The Empty appears and absorbs both Billie and Castiel. That leaves Dean all alone mourning his friend. And, at the same time, all the people from the Apocalypse World, and not only them, disappear leaving Sam and Jack all alone. And with everyone gone, Sam, Dean and Jack are faced with the fact that they're all alone on this and only them can face God.

The ending, as well as the preview, are so stressful. I thought I had an idea where the show was going but I don't think I know anything anymore. I mean, I still stand by my prediction of Sam being God but I read another theory that complements my own which is, indeed, Sam will be God, but also Dean will be Amara aka the Darkness, Castiel the new Empty and Jack the new Death which, if we think about it, makes a lot of sense. One has already happened - Castiel 'died' and went to The Empty so that might come into play again, then we also see in this episode that Jack has some new power that makes things die so that really supports the idea of him becoming Death and then it's kind of obvious, and I've been saying this for awhile, Sam has always been the good one so he has to become God and then there can't be light without darkness and Dean has always been the 'darker' one so, I never thought about that but he can become the Darkness (Sam and Dean are also brothers, just like Chuck and Amara) and he can also stay on Earth and still fight monsters because, let's be honest, the show has to end with, at least, one of them still haunting. I don't know, I feel like that theory, which supports what I've been saying for a long time, is something that is nice and impactful at the same time and a great way to end the series.

Okay, I've said enough for one post so, let me know what you thought of this episode, how you feel about Castiel's death and what you thought about the whole 'declaration' and tell me your theories and if you agree with 'mine' and I'll see you in the second to last episode.



Sunday, November 1, 2020

Supernatural | Season 15 Episode 17 - "Unity"

Spoiler Alert!


Hello everybody!

I'm sorry I'm a bit late with this post but I didn't have time on Friday and you know, yesterday was Halloween so I was busy and celebrating the whole day. Also, I'm sorry if I forget some details of the episode. As I said, I watched it on Thursday and has been a few days. And so, with all the apologies said, let's get into the actual episode.

This week's episode was crazy! We knew this was going to be a big episode from the look of the preview but I was not expecting what it ended up being!

With God back on Earth, it's time for the last part of the plan - some type of trial that Jack has to do. In order to do that, he needs to meet with someone so it's road trip time. However, this time it's only Dean and Jack going while Sam stays behind looking for another way. Although that was right at the beginning of the episode, that was something so critical - Sam arguing with Dean that Jack can't die to which Dean responds saying that Jack isn't family. Not only that was so awful of Dean to say but also Jack heard that, which made me so sad and feel so sorry for him. And even with that, Jack went with Dean do this last task.

And because we're on that already, turns out that that last task leads them to Adam, the First Man, who is the true architect behind the plan to kill God. The test is none other than choose a rock that was touches by God which Jack passes and is rewarded by a rib from Adam, who explains that the power it contains will intertwine with Jack's soul and create a black hole that can suck anything divine, including Chuck and Amara.

At the same time, back in the bunker, Sam and Castiel are working on another plan in which they can save Jack. That's when they remember and find the key to Death's Library. Sam goes in there and, when he enters, he finds none other than the Empty, who reveals that Billie has actually been manipulating the whole situation in order for her to take over as God once Chuck and Amara are dead. Post that, Sam convinces the Empty that they are on the same side and to let him take Death's book on God's destruction. 

I forgot to say but there was another side story that was also happening - Chuck and Amara. With Earth being the last of God's worlds, Amara tries to show Chuck how good Earth is. However, she fails at that and so she traps him in the bunker so that the Winchesters can trap him for good. That's when Chuck reveals that this is another of his plans to get Sam and Dean to kill each other. With all of that, and being betrayed by the Winchesters, Amara allows Chuck to absorb her. At the same time, we see Sam and Dean argue again.

Dean is back with Jack and realizing that it's time, Jack absorbs Adam's rib, beginning the process of it intertwining with Jack's soul (and eventually killing Jack). They get into the bunker and that's when they're faced with Sam and Death's book and Sam saying that they can find another way but the process inside Jack has already began and that creates a whole 'fight' between the brothers where Dean even points out a gun at Sam. That was so shocking but, eventually, Sam is able to talk Dean down and that's when God appears to them.

The episode ends with Chuck fed up with the Winchesters, deciding that he no longer cares what happens and departs, leaving Jack in the middle of that whole process which ends up with him collapsing. 

That end was so unexpected! I mean, we knew the brothers wouldn't die, not in this episode at least but just 'giving up' in the whole defeating God story-line?! I was not expecting that and, from the looks of it, I'm assuming Billie (aka Death) will be the main villain for the remaining three episodes. Although that is surprising, I don't know if that's necessarily good. We have been so invested in this story to, suddenly, just give up on that and move to another one?! That kind of annoys me but... We'll see. Maybe that will be a good thing.

So, I guess that's pretty much it for this week's post. Let me know what you thought of this really surprising episode and how you feel about this sudden change. Oh, and please tell me that you're mad at Dean for saying that Jack isn't family because I am so mad at him. Anyway.. That's it. I'll see you next week with another one!

