
Saturday, May 13, 2017

The Originals | Season 4 Episode 7 - "High Water and a Devil's Daughter"

Spoiler Alert!

I'm finally back with the The Originals rants!
First of all, I want to say I'm sorry for being really late with this rant. And, after watching this episode, I really regret not watching it live because it was so good! But I couldn't really watch it live and this week was crazy in terms of University work that I didn't have time until now (which means, I didn't watch last night's episode live either).
With that said, let's get into the proper rant!
Like I said, this episode was great! I don't know if that had an impact on this episode, but this one was directed by Charles Michael Davis, aka Marcel, and actually I really liked Marcel in this episode!
Maybe he did it on purpose, maybe not, I just know that I quite liked him in this one and I loved his interactions with Hope. Hope was certainly my favourite, but she always his so... 
Anyway... This scenes happen actually because Freya put a protection spell on the compound, which meant neither Hope, Klaus, Hayley or Marcel could leave the House. Right in the beginning we see Hope playing with some of Marcel's old toys and a few scenes after Hope goes to where Marcel is trapped and starts talking to him. Like I said, those were my favourite scenes and then, when Freaya's plan go a little downhill, and Dominic gets to enter their house, Hope actually frees Marcel and he actually protects her, which I quite liked and all those scenes where great. From her talking to him until Klaus finding her and Marcel on the street and Hope telling Klaus that Marcel's her friend. Those were great scenes!
Meanwhile, Elijah's character just gets more and more awful to me. Seriously, I used to like Elijah so much and right now I totally agree with Vincent when he said that Elijah is doing so bad for the town and everything, that he has no soul. I totally agree with that. But anyway, before they have that conversation, some other stuff happen. Elijah takes matter in his own hands and starts the sacrifice himself by killing four young witches. Vincent didn't want to do it but because of that, he had no other way then doing it because he wouldn't just let those four girls die. Unfortunatelly, things don't go that well and the ancestors are still mad, so they won't help with the sacrifice. With that, Vincent has to come up with something else and he ends up like 'calling' Davina and, since she's basically with the ancestors, she helps him and basically she's the ancestor in charge of New Orleans and their new ally... Or is she?!
And this (besides those scenes with Marcel) is where things start becoming interesting. Not only I was really happy that we were going to have some Davina back but, very close to the end of the episode, we see some type of shadow going to Sophya, taking the Papa Tunde's blade from her and saying that it would take her body now. And, the voice was Davina's! And she also said that the ancestors were trying to take her to the dark place (or whatever) and then, when she got inside Sophya's body, her eyes glowed blue... Like the Hollow! So, this leads me to think that, The Hollow, is actually Davina! I don't know, maybe this is what they are trying to do but... I don't know... I just know that this is very interesting and I can't wait to see more of it!
Then, the other exciting part! Freya ends up finding out about Apisis which, by the end of the episode, she finds out it's an werewolf line, Tyler Lockwood's line! You know what this means?! Alaric is probably back next episode! (Which I'm going to see right after I end this rant.) So, I'm very excited about all of this!
Next episode looks like it's going to be as good as this one so, I can't wait!
Also, before I end this rant, just wanted to say that we finally got confirmation from The CW that The Originals was renewed for Season 5 and you know what this means?! Klaroline is probably going to happen! Seriously, I really hope this happens because I just wanted to have a Season 5 because of that! Well, not only because of that, but that was the main reason, to be honest!
Anyway, that's it guys!
I'm now going to watch the next episode and I'll see you in a few hours!

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