
Sunday, May 21, 2017

The Originals | Season 4 Episode 9 - "Queen Death"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello guys!
Here it is brand new The Originals rant.
I got to be honest with you, this episode didn't really stuck in my head, which means I might not cover all the events that happened. I'm going to try to cover as much as I can /as I remember, but just keep that in mind.
Like I said, this episode didn't stuck, which means it wasn't one of my favourites. Don't get me wrong, I liked it anyway, we had a lot of Hope moments, which are my favourites and we finally have the 'real' Hollow, so it's going to be interesting for now on.
But, back to the beginning ot the episode it actually didn't start like the previous one ended, which I guess was just to keep us waiting to find out if Elijah was really dead.
Turns out he wasn't but he was about to, and that was the main concert throughout the whole episode.
So Klaus starts working with Marcel, and then Freya joins them, as well as Vincent and Hayley. You could say that it was an 'all-hand-on-deck' kind of situation because, not only they wanted to get Elijah back, but also they needed to stop The Hollow from getting to her real body.
They do everything they can but, in the end, The Hollow gets her hands on the last bone and she just does some type of magic and the very last shot that we see is her crawling out of a tree, really disgusting!
But, while all of this was happening, they were also trying, like I said, to find a way to save Elijah and, at first, Klaus volunteers himself to be the one to die, and then be stuck inside the necklace that Finn was last season, so Elijah doesn't have to die, but obviously something went wrong and their only option was really to try and put Elijah inside that necklace, which would be risky because he was too weak. 
Then, the Hollow does her magic, the necklace breaks and it just left us thinking that he was really dead and, to be honest, I kind of wish he was. I don't know about you guys, but Elijah isn't the same character that I used to love and now basically him and Klaus switched places and... I just think it would be, as much as it would be tragic, it would also be unexpeced and kind of a plot twist, but I don't think they would do that unless Daniel Gillies had other show to film or he wanted to leave the show, which none is happening so, of course, as you can imagine, he is not dead.
And then, we see in the preview that the only way to get him back is to get inside his head and search for him, so that's what Hayley does, and that's basically it.
Like I said, not much, but at the same time, a lot.
Next episode will only hair in June so we have a week without knowing what's going to happen.
Anyway, let me know your thoughts about the episode and I'll see you in my next rant.

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