
Thursday, May 4, 2017

The Flash | Season 3 Episode 20 - "I Know Who You Are"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello! So, here we are with the most anticipated The Flash episode/rant. But, I must say, I have a really bitter opinion about this episode.
I'm probably going to be different from everyone else and I'm prepared for that, but I just think this episode was poor.
Maybe it's just me that was expecting a bigger reveal (because yeah, we finally find out who Savitar is in this episode) or maybe it was because I kind of saw some spoilers and that ruined it for me but... I just wasn't surprised or excited about the come out...
But, before we get more into that, let's talk about the events on this episode...
So, this episode is, mostly, about Tracy, the physicist that is going to help them trap Savitar.
That part of the episode was nice... I liked her character and, most of all, I liked her interaction with H.R., which makes more believable my theory that H.R. is the one to die in the end (because, if you haven't seen/heard it yet, there's some photos and videos going around about some shots where they all are in a funeral and basically the only one left there is H.R. or Harrison Wells, because only one of them is there) and to me, it makes sense to be H.R., even thought I was starting to like him...
Other part of the episode focused on Killer Frost.
Turns out she is also after Tracy, because Savitar said so, in order to kill Tracy and prevent her from being able to trap him in the speed force.
There are a bunch of head-to-head 'confronts' and, in the end, Cisco is able to 'attack' her, knock her out and finally get an hold on her.
Something that I was really surprised about in this episode was the amount of focus we had on Joe and in his relationship with Cecile.
Later I understood why all of that focus, because Killer Frost ended up kidnaping her, but yeah, it was a nice touch because we never saw much of them.
And, before I jump to the 'not so good' part, I want to point out the directing of this episode, which was great! Loved mostly the first shots where Killer Frost, Cisco and Barry are in the 'school', those were really good.
So, now that we got through all of the episode, let's talk about the ending.
Yes, in the end, Barry confronts Savitar and he shows himself to Barry... Turns out, it really was the future Barry... Literally! A Barry from the Future! That's why he knew everything about him and his life and how things were going to go down.
Here's why I didn't like this reveal... Not that it was expected, because it wasn't really (I just knew because of spoilers) but I didn't like because it's a bit like more of the same... Like Wells in Season 1 was in fact Eobard Thawn and he was also from the Future... I just think it's a bit repetitive. It didn't have much impact as if it was another character, like Eddie, which I thought it was Savitar.
Nonetheless, I'm curious to know his motivations... Why does Barry from the Future want to kill Iris? Why his he after Barry from the Present? I'm really curious about that, I just didn't really like the reveal.
I'm sorry if this wasn't the rant that you were expecting but, like I said previously, I'm here to tell you my honest opinions so... This is it.
Fell free to hit me up with your thoughts, even if they are different from mine... That's what's good about all of us having different opinions. Really, tell me your thoughts about this episode and I'll see you tomorrow with an Arrow rant!

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