
Thursday, May 4, 2017

Arrow | Season 5 Episode 20 - "Underneath"

Spoiler Alert!

Oh my god, this episode was everything that I could ask for! Except for the final... Yes, we did have my baby Adrian Chase back in the end of the episode but... It didn't end quite well... But I'll get into that in a minute.
So, as anticipated, this was an Olicity focused episode, and you know I'm a sucker for Olicity so, everything that includes them, in a romantic way, (and even in a not romantic way) is fine by me.
Also, as they said in the interview for this episode, this was kind of a bottle episode, but it was so good! Even with the 'not so good' ending, it was fantastic and I wish more shows could pull this off! Seriously, this season of Arrow have been amazing, probably one of my favourites, if not my favourite!
Anyway so, the episode started off right where the previous one ended, with the EMP 'exploding' (or whatever, I don't really understand much about that), deactivating all the equipment in the bunker as well as trapping Oliver and Felicity there and making Felicity paralysed again.
Meanwhile, outside the bunker, Curtis figures something is wrong and informs Rene and Dinah. Of course they tell Diggle as well, who's still having issues with Lyla, but they decide to put them aside in order to help Oliver and Felicity.
As you can imagine, a lot starts happening inside the bunker.
Not only they keep trying to find a way out of there, but also they start talking about their issues with themselves and with eachother and those were the parts that I really enjoyed! 
Overall, this episode was really slow, but all the interactions between Felicity and Oliver were so beautiful and so genuine that I just melted, really! 
And, on top of that, they kept showing us some flashbacks of Oliver and Felicity before the new team. I never liked the flashbacks this much!
They showed us one day that they're still 'mad' at each other but they end up having sex in the bunker and... God! It was so sweet! Really, I can't get over Olicity! They're such an OTP!
Anyway, back to the storyline...
A lot of problems happen, one of them being the methane gas that will start leaking when the backup generator comes back on after a period of time, so that have to sort that out or Oliver and Felicity will die. And, on top of that, Oliver is already injured for trying other ways to get out of there so... It doesn't look good for them. (Obviously we know that they aren't going to die because we already know Stephen Amell is going to be in the next episodes but yeah, it was scary anyway).
In the end, Diggle manages to get them pull them up with a little help from Rene and Dinah. Also, earlier, Oliver and Felicity have alreay apologized to each other for their actions so, looks like everything's good!
In the very end, Felicity goes to talk to Oliver after he had surgery, and tells me really stweet things about understanding why he kept he's son William a secret and all (and I should've realised what was coming in the very very end of the episode because they kept mentioning William throughout this whole episode but no... Didn't realise one bit. As usual.) but... They didn't get back together! That was the only bad thing about this episode! I really thought we were going to have Olicity back in this episode but no... 
I seriously hope they get back together by the end of the season because I need them together!
Anyway, moving to the last scene of the episode... Yes, you guessed it... Adrian found William and... We didn't really see what happened but I suppose he will kidnap him or something... For sure... Adrian has a plan!
And that was a good thing.. I mean, Adrian is finally back and you know I love him almost as much as I love Olicity so I'm always glad to see him. Even if that means bad things for Oliver... I just can't get over Adrian...
Well, that's it guys! Overall, it was a great episode and althought it didn't have the ending that I wanted, it was still good and it made up for the Olicity that we didn't have this season! Hopefully that will change next season.
Let me know your thoughts about the episode and I'll see you in my next rant!

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