
Thursday, December 17, 2015

American Horror Story: Hotel | Season 5 Episode 10 - "She Gets Revenge"

Spoiler Alert!

So, I as I said before, here I am to rant about another American Horror Story episode.
I take back what I said before, this was probably the best episode of the whole season! It was creepy, it was lovely and it even was funny! 
The episode starts right away with one of the most beautiful scenes of the episode, Liz and Iris following an old couple that kill each other, so they die together. It might sound a little bit morbid but, for me, it was a beautiful scene, and Liz and Iris thought the same.
In that moment, both of them (Liz and Iris) decide that the best thing to do is also die, so they agree to die together, just like that old couple, but first, Liz has to reach back her son so he doesn't have unfinshed business and wouldn't be traped in the hotel.
So, along with Miss Ever, they get her son to go to the hotel in exchange for a bottle of bleach. That was one of the funny scenes in that episode, one of many.
The next scene is one of the best! In the previous episode, Donovan found out about Valentino so, as expected, he went after him and, guess what? He killed him! He freaking killed him! I was hoping he would do that, but I never thought it would actually happen! In that moment, I was so happy, because he finally got revenge!
At the same time as this happens, The Countess is with Natasha at the hotel and, let's say, Natasha tries to kill her but that doesn't goes as planned. The Countess ends up killing her.
In this episode, we also see more of John as the Ten Commandment Killer, as he is almost finishing with the Commandments. 
We also see John confronting Alex about everything and well... This was another scene that I quite enjoyed. I never really liked Alex but to see both of them getting together was really nice. Also, seeing them, almost in the end of the episode, leaving with Holden was so cute! I know The Countess is going to be pissed but, let' be real, that is going to be so much fun to see!
Oh, also, they go after all those kids that were turned and locked them next to Ramona which, as expected, got killed (at least, that's what they made us think).
Will Drake storyline was also mentioned in this episode. That's right that he got killed but, remember, he got killed inside the hotel, which means, he stayed trapped in there, which The Countess had forget about.
Back to Liz Taylor's storyline. She ended up really meeting her son and that was such a beautiful scene! He's such a nice guy and he said that he accepted her and that was so beautiful and nice too see, one fo the best parts of the episode, for sure!
And, as expected, Liz decides not to kill herself, which makes Iris a little upset, but Liz tell her that they should take over the hotel and that's what happens!
While all of this happens, The Countess and Donovan have dinner, and Donovan suggests that Valentino is no longer alive, so The Countess go to the hotel he was staying in and finds him dead. From this, we see Donovan 'rockin' to Hotline Bling by Drake, and that was my favourite scene of the whole episode! Seriously, I couldn't stop laughing! Then, The Countess comes back and Donovan tells her that he wants to die because his death is the only way that she would let him love her. She ends up not killing him but... That is when Liz and Iris appear and start shooting (along Hotline Bling again) and... The Episode just ends like that.
We sure know that the target is The Countess but I don't think she will end up died, even though in the preview for the next episode Liz and Iris are 'carring' a body and they are talking about how they actually did it!
I think that is Donovan who ends up dying, which I hope I'm wrong. Tell me in the comments who do you think died and which are you theorys.
And, that's it for today's post. Next post will be just on January because of the hiatus so, there won't be post on the blog for about 2 weeks. If, meanwhile, you want me to rant about other series, tell me also in the comments.

American Horror Story: Hotel | Season 5 Episode 9 - "She Wants Revenge"

Spoiler Alert!

First of all, I want to say that I'm really sorry for updating really late but, to make up for it, today I'm going to post the rant of both Episode 9 and 10!
I'm going to start with Episode 9 (obviously) and I have to say that I really really liked this episode!
My sister saw it earlier and she said it wasn't that good but omg, I really liked and I can't wait to see the next one!
This episode is basically all about The Countess. We learn a little bit more of her backstory and also see what's going to happen now that Valentino and Natasha are out. Obviously, she goes after them because, afterall, they are her true loves. 
She decides that she wants to get back together with them (mostly Rudy) so her 'evil' plan starts.
In this episode she finally marries Will and, let's say, it doesn't really go well. I mean, her plan works out just fine, it just doesn't work out well for Will.
Apart from that, in this episode they finally talked about all those kids that were turned at the school.
It has been about 3 episodes and they haven't touched in hat subject, so I thought they forget about it, but I'm glad they didn't because I feel like that is going to be a huge part of the next episodes.
We don't see much of them, but we see that Alex find them and tries to take them to the Hotel Cortez. That doesn't really work out.
And, the last main thing happening in this episode was the revenge plan that Donovan and Ramona were working out. I really missed Matt Bomer so it was so nice to have more scenes with him in this episode but, I have to be honest, he kind of pissed me off. He ruined the plan to take down The Countess and in that moment I just wanted to slap him, gladly, Iris that that for me. Anyway, in the end of the episode he comes to his senses and realizes that The Countess doesn't really love him so I hope in the next episode he helps Ramona and goes one with their plan.
Mr. March was also in this episode, which was good, because he is one of my favourite characters if not my favourite! He introduced Will to Bartholomeu before The Countess lock him along with Ramona. Well, in the end, Ramona kills him so she doesn't die. 
And, well, that's basically it for this episode. 
To be honest, I quite enjoyed and now, I'm going to carry on watching the next one and I'll be back with a new post in about an hour.

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Arrow | Season 4 Episode 9 - "Dark Waters"

Spoiler Alert!

So, it seems like every Mid-season episode ended the worst, but yet, the best, way possible, and Arrow couldn't be an expetion.
I say the best and worst because it ends in a bad way but leaves me waiting to know more, so it's kind of a good way to end... I don't know, I hope you get it.
Anyways, this episode started with a pretty nice scene, Star City cleaning up the Star City bay. But, of course, something had to happen. Darhk sends a drone that started shooting everyone that was there. Luckily, no one died. But still, Team Arrow had to do something about it. So, Oliver decides to share with the media and telling everyone that who's causing all of this terrorism is Damien Darhk, which turns out to be a bad idea.
Oliver decided to host an Holiday party, and that's when Darhk strikes back. He crashes the party and kidnaps Diggle, Thea and Felicity. 
Oliver tries everything to get information to where Darhk is but it seems like no one knows where he really is so, with the help of Malcolm, he contacts Darhk to exchange himself for his friends.
Of course, you couldn't just think that Darhk would agree, afterall, he is the bad guy. So, Darhk tricks Oliver and, in the end, he tries to kill Diggle, Thea and Felicity. 
That was one of the 'harddest' scenes to see. Oliver in despair for Felicity, it was heartbreaking.
Luckily, Laurel and Malcolm team up, along with Lance, and they save them. Malcolm dresses up as Arrow, so Damien doesn't know that Oliver is the Green Arrow. They end up fighting and that scene just showed us that Damien Darhk really doesn't know that Oliver is the Green Arrow, which is good!
With this episode, I also developed another theory. I think that the person that was dead in the beggining of the season is Laurel. Laurel and Lance had a scene together where they talk about what Lance would do if Laurel died and they focused a little too much in that scene so I think it is either Lance or Laurel who dies, even thought I think it is more likely it to be Laurel. It wouldn't really 'matter' afterall because I feel like most of the people don't like Laurel so... I don't know, but I don't think it is Felicity anymore, but it is Laurel or Lance.
Anyway, moving on. In the end of the episode, at the Campaing Holiday Party Oliver finally proposes to Felicity and that is such a beautiful moment! As an Olicity shipper I've been waiting for this moment for a long long time, so it was a really beautiful moment. But, I knew that this couldn't end like this, it was such a nice way to end the episode so, something bad at to happen.
So, as they (Oliver and Felicity) leave in a limo, Damien Darhk's men go after them and shoot them while they're in the limo. Luckily, they get way but... When Oliver takes Felicity out of the limo he sees that she's not well at all and, well... The episode ends like that.
I think they did that to makes us think that Felicity is the one who's dead in the beggining of the season, but I don't think it's her anymore. I thought it was her, mostly because Barry was there with Oliver but, right now, as I said before, I think it's Laurel. But, let's see.
And well, about the flashbacks... They weren't a big part of this episode so, I don't have much to say about them. Oliver just went to a ship to get more maps of the island and he ends up being discovered by Conklin so, let's see what happens in the next episode, in January.
So, as I said in my TVD rant, there won't be more updates of Arrow until January, when the series come back so, if you want me to do rants about another series, tell me in the comments.
Until then, just two more American Horror Story rants and then, just on January.

Friday, December 11, 2015

The Vampire Diaries | Season 7 Episode 9 - "Cold As Ice"

Spoiler Alert!

With the Holidays coming, this week most of the series decided to make a 'christmassy' episode and, of course, The Vampire Diaries was one of those, and what an episode!
In this episode, Stefan and Damon continued with their chase after Julian to kill him. With the death of their mother they now want, more than ever, go after Julian and kill him (Stefan more than Damon, but still) so that's what they do. They make Bonnie do a locator spell on him (Julian) and they go to a town they never heard of and they find out later that's all basically a trap. Not that Jullian planned it, I think, but it was still a trap. Fortunately, Bonnie have their backs and inform them that it's a trap. Even though it was a little bit late, they still managed to run from Julian, but Stefan doesn't give up and teams up with Valerie and well, their plan doesn't really work out.
But, before that, some other stuff happen. Something really surprising in this episode was a 'friendship' between Bonnie and Nora. Seriously, I wasn't expecting that at all and, to be honest, I kind of enjoyed it. It was different, and it was nice too see. Bonnie even made Nora end her relationship with Mary Louise for good. Well, not really for good, that's when the things went wrong. That was the moment when Stefan and Valeries plan didn't work out. 
The thing is, they kind of kidnapped Mary Louise to make Julian 'meet' them, but they forgot about Nora and, well... Julian told Nora and you can imagine. They relationship wasn't really over, they still loved each other so, of course, Nora went after Mary Louise and that's when everything went down.
But, before I go into the end of the episode (and the best/worst part of it) we have to talk about Caroline. 
So, in this episode, Caroline deals with her pregnancy and everything and things aren't that great with her too. It seems like the pregnancy is messing with her and she's been kind of crazy. I think that's a good storyline because it would be kind of weird if she was just pregnant and everything was ok. 
And ok, I'm not going to make you wait any longer. Let's talk about the end of the episode.
So, everything went down and Julian did meet them, Well, he met Damon but, the thing was, Damon didn't know about Stefan and Valerie's plan so he didn't know anything that Julian was talking about. He soon realized so he went along. You know how Damon is, right?! Meanwhile, Nora distracted Valerie, who was keeping Mary Louise, and got her girlfriend out of there with a cloacking spell.
In the Salvatore house, Stefan finally got there to 'help' Damon and they tried to take Julian down but, as you can probably think, it didn't go well, at all! 
Julian got that sword with the Phoenix stone and staked it on Damon. You know what that sword does, right?! (In case you don't, it 'traps' a vampire inside the stone and punishes him while in there) So, it was a shock for me when that happened! I kind of saw it comming but... I was hoping it wouldn't happen. What I sure wasn't expecting was what happened next!
After Julian leaving, Caroline comes and sees Stefan knealed on Damon's side and tells him that he's gonna make it, they're going to get him out of there. Of course they are, they have Bonnie but... Then, out of nowhere (well, out of a cloacking spell), Nora appears and stakes Stefan aswell and... The episode ends!
Like, WTF?!
A Christmas episode ending like this! And now, I have to until until 29th of January to see whats going to happen next! It's going to be torture!
Oh, and I forgot to tell you about the flashfoward. I didn't like it! I didn't like it at all! Valerie and Stefan are together... Even thought I don't ship Steroline, I don't like Stefan with Valerie either so... I didn't like it... I don't want it to happen! This episode just proved me that basically all heretics are awful and they can't change! The only one that I liked was Oscar! That's it!
Anyways, I just want it to be January already because I need a new episode! 
Well, this concludes this weeks rant and there won't be more TVD rants until the end of January, when the episodes come back.
Tell me your thoughts in the comments and tell me if you want me to start doing rants for another series, since the ones that I rant about are going to be on hiatus for a few weeks.

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Arrow | Season 4 Episode 8 - "Legends of Yesterday"

Spoiler Alert!

What an amazing crossover this was! I have to say, it was way better than the previous one and, I would even say, this were the best episodes from each series, seriously!
I loved every second of this (and The Flash) episode so I'm really excited to rant about it!
I'm not going to talk about what happened on The Flash, which was, kind of, the beggining of this episode, because I did a special rant on The Flash's episode, so if you don't watch The Flash and you don't know the beggining of the story (also, if you watch and you wanna know my opinions) I would recomend you go and read my previous post so you'll get a better understanding of the storyline.
So, this episode started were The Flash's episode ended. Oliver, Barry and both Team Arrow and Team Flash went to Central City to hide Kendra and Carter from Savage.
They start building a plan when Malcolm calls Oliver saying that he got a meeting with Savage. Of course this meeting isn't to hang out, and of course Savages demands Oliver and Barry to hand over Kendra and Carter or he will destroy Central City and Star City.
Again, of course they're not going to hand over them so both Teams start working on a plan to destroy Savage. 
Long story short, the plan fails and basically everyone dies.
But, this is not the end, it couldn't be!
Turns out, all of this happened while Barry traveled in time, so the episode re-started in the negotiation with Savage.
I thought this was such a great idea! Seriously, for a moment, I really believed that everything was happening for real, but then I remember, in the beggining of the episode, Barry running and seeing a ghost of himself, the sign that he is time travelling! For real, I was so happy with this storyline!
So, after the 'negotiation', even though Barry is not supposed to tell anyone that he time travelled and that everything that is happening already happened, he told Oliver (thank god) so they could come up with a different plan, one that would actually work.
So, they try a different strategy and, instead of leaving everyone behind, like in the 'original plan', Oliver agrees to let everyone go and so all Team Arrow (apart from Felecity, of course) goes to 'hand over' Kendra and Carter (again) and, this time, the plan works, and Barry gets to steal the staff from Savage and kill him.
Well, it supposedly ends that way but, of course, the bad guy never really dies that easily, and besides, they had to build a storyline from Legends of Tomorrow, so he doesn't really stay dead. We don't really see him alive again, but Malcolm goes to collect his ashes and, well, Malcolm had to be on Savage's side, it was too good to be true.
After the fight, Kendra and Carter decide to go to another city (the storyline for Legends of Tomorrow) and Kendra had to say goodbye to Cisco. That moment was so sad for me. I actually really shipped them together and, for once, Cisco had a real love interest and that was so damn cute! I was really sad for him...
And, well, they had to keep on with the Oliver's son storyline so, of course, Oliver finds out about his son and he hides it from Felicity! Seriously Oliver?! And also, Seriously Barry?! Well, I do agree that Oliver should be in his son's life but I don't agree at all with him hiding it from Felicity, huh-huh!
I can see this not ending that well but, let's hope I'm wrong.
Well, as you can see, this was and hell of an episode! Full of different emotions and I loved it!
Tell me in the comments if you loved it aswell and if you also watch The Flash, because I would really like to know!

The Flash | Season 2 Episode 8 - "Legends of Today"

Spoiler Alert!

Today, I bring you a special post.
As you may already know, this weeks episode of Arrow was a crossover with The Flash, so I thought I should bring you a rant of The Flash's episode as well as the Arrow's episode. First, because you wouldn't understand Arrow's rant without The Flash's one, and Second, because I also watch The Flash, so I thought it would be interesting to have a special/different rant this week, so, let's get into it!
Right when the episode started I got really excited! I love to see both shows/both characters from each show interact, so I was really looking forward to this episodes! Also, I knew that this crossover was going to intruduce us to Legends of Tomorrow, so I was really excited about that aswell, and that was where the episode began.
It started with an imortal 'bad guy' (which we find out about the imortal part later in the episode) killing a bunch of people, which was kind of expected. What I didn't expect was that he was after Kendra, who turns out to be more than the Hawkgirl (which I also already knew about). She's like a 'mythical' creature. I don't really know how to explain to you but I think, if you watch the show, you'll get it.
And, that's when the Team Arrow comes to help. Well, actually, it's Barry who reaches out to Oliver for his help but... well, you get the idea.
It was so interesting to see them working together again and see some of the chracters interact for the first time, like, for example, Thea and Barry, because she wasn't a part of Team Arrow last time that Oliver and Barry were helping each other, so she didn't know that they knew each other, which was one of my favourite parts of the episode.
Malcolm also kind of helps Team Arrow and Team Flash, which was also interesting, because we haven't really seen The Flash interact with him and with the League of Assassins.
To help to all this party a guy, who turned out to be Hawkman (or something) came to get Kendra aswell, and again, Oliver and Barry had to fight him, not knowing that he was trying to actually help. That fight scene was just amazing! I really like the fight scenes in both shows but the scenes in this episode were just amazing!
This guys actually helps us (viewrs) and both Teams to understand all the story behing Kendra, the 'bad guys' Savage and him, which make them (the teams) trust him a little bit more, even thought, not fully.
In the meantime, that guy Savage goes back to Central City to get a powerfull weapon and, of course, Barry and Oliver go after the same weapon trying to get it before Savage, while Thea and Diggle stay in Star City, along with Felicity and Cisco, to protect Kendra.
Is save to say that, like expected, Savage gets the weapon first and another fight scene happens, which was really great too!
By the end of the episode, Kendra finally comes to her senses and kind of 'reborn' and finds out who she really his, so both Teams get back to Central City to try and take down Savage for good. And, the best part of the episode, which is also the end of it, happens.
While Barry and Oliver are in the café that Team Flash usually go to, a kid passes by them and drops a Flash toy (which is also one of my favourite parts of the episode) and Oliver gets it for him. And then, that's when he realizes who the kids mum is, her long time girlfriend who was pregnant and who his mum paid to go away and tell Oliver that she lost the baby (remember that from season 01 of Arrow?) That was a HUGE moment in the episode and that was when it ended, leaving me so excited to see Arrow's episode!
Now, I seriously have to watch Arrow's episode and, when I do, I'll post a rant right away!
So, this is it guys, a special rant about The Flash. Hope you guys liked it and if you want me to start doing The Flash rants, tell me in the comments, because I also watch The Flash and I wouldn't mind, at all, to start rating about it too.

Friday, December 4, 2015

The Vampire Diaries | Season 7 Episode 8 - "Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me"

Spoiler Alert!

After an agonizing week without an episode, The Vampire Diaries came back with an amazing and exciting episode.
I have to say that this episode had all kinds of emotions! It got me exicted, surprised, astonished, scared and even sad.
First of all, that beggining scene just got me like WTF?! Those flashforward scenes always get me really excited and surprised but this one was just wow! But then, when the ending scene (which this time was also a flashforward scene) 'happened' I got back to my senses and realized that it was all a 'lie'. 
Turns out that first, they made us think that it was Lily who was after Stefan and Damon, but turns out it is someone else, that we still don't know about, who is after them. I was kind of happy it wasn't her, to be honest, because I was expecting to be someone more... exciting.
Anyways, when the 'proper' episode started, it started where the last one ended, the Salvatore Brothers plan to kill Julian. 
The last episode's end got me really excited for this one so I was really looking forward to it. What I wasn't expecting was that they would try to kill Julian right in this one. I thought the rest of the season, or at least, part of it, would be them trying to kill him, but turns out, it basically ended in this episode.
Something that I thought was really cute in the episode was, once again, Mary-Louise and Nora. I started the season not liking them, at all, but after that Halloween episode, I started to like them more, mostly as a couple and, right now, and with this episode, I'm really liking them. I still think they are kind of bitchy but... They're getting better.
The Caroline/Stefan/Valerie/Alaric storyline also was 'touched' in this episode, but not mainly. I think that storyline will be more important in the next few episodes because, the truth is, there wasn't really 'room' for the storyline in this episode. A lot of stuff happened so it's understandable why they haven't talked much about Alaric's twins.
Well, basically, the whole episode was their plan to kill Julian, which wasn't that 'exciting' but the big moment came almost in the end of the episode. It was really a schocking and sad moment. You know that Lily and Julian where linked and they were trying to break the link... Well, it's TVD so, something went wrong and Julian got to Damon and Valerie and he made Lily choose between the both of them. Thinking that she was still linked to Julian, she decided to not choose either of them and... kill herself. So, yeah, turns out she wasn't linked to Julian anymore and... Yeah, you can guess... She killed herself and not Julian. 
This was a really sad moment. I had a lump in my throat, trying not to cry. I felt so sad for all of them, even for Julian. You could see in his eyes that he actually loved her and that made me feel really sorry for him. Even for Nora, Mary-Louise and all of the heretics. I also felt really sad because I actually really liked Annie Wersching and I don't want her out of the series. And, the moment that really schocked me was the reacting of Damon to her mum dying. He was so damn rude! I couldn't really believed it! 
Another storyline that was really important in this episode was Enzo's. Something really weird happened between him and Matt and... It really got me confused. I don't really know what to say about it because I'm that confused. I think that storyline will also be amazing and I can't wait to see more of it!
And, just to end the episode, I would like to state that I kind of missed Bonnie in all of this episode and I found myself always waiting for her to pop out of somewhere.
Well, that's it for today's post/episode.
Tell me your thoughts in the coments. What do you think about all this Caroline storyline, what do you think now about Julian and which are your thoughts about this new Enzo/Matt storyline.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

American Horror Story: Hotel | Season 5 Episode 8 - "The Ten Commandments Killer"

Spoiler Alert!

After a week without an episode, I was really looking forward for this one, so I was kind of disappointed where this episode led. Not that I hated it, but I was really hoping they would think of something else for the Ten Commandments Killer storyline.
For once, the episode started right where the last one ended, which was a good point but, with that, I saw where the episode was going and I wasn't a bit surprised with came next.
Sure we found a bit more about the back story of the Ten Commandments Killer and about Mr. March which I didn't know could have more back story. 
In that way, the episode was really nice but the fact that we found out that John is the killer was a little bit of a let down. Everyone was already guessing that he was the killer so I was hoping they would come out with something else, but I was wrong, he is indeed the Ten Commandements Killer.
From the moment that he realizes he is the killer he goes to the morgue to confess is 'killings', and I, for a moment, really believed that he was really confessing and 'wanted' to go to the jail, but I was wrong and he didn't really wanted to confess. He wanted to kill Detective Hahn.
That moment in the morgue was also really nice to find out more about how he turned out to be the killer. We find out that he first went to the hotel in 2010 and it was when everything started. He met Mr. March that night in 2010, along with the countess and the rest of the 'Hotel crew'. He also see how the countess got to kidnap Holden and everything. It turned out to be a 'plan' between The Countess and Mr. March, which makes everything so much clear.
In those flashbacks he also find out the it was Mr. March who started as the Ten Commandments Killer and, after he died, he was looking for someone to continue his work, and that's how he got to John.
We also find out more about the relationship between Sally and John, which I haven't really realized that there was a proper relationship between them.
In the end, John accepts who he is and agrees to continue with the murders, which was kind of surprising to me, but which I really enjoyed.
Is safe to say that, my favourite part from the whole episode was Evan Peters. I just can't get enough of his character and he just looks so damn sexy in it, that accent, oh my...!
And, well, that's basically it for today's rant. Hope I made sense with this post because I'm not feeling that well and I got a little bit distracted in this post.
Anyway, tell me your thoughts in this 'big' reveal. Tell me if you felt the same as I did or if you were surprised with this.