
Saturday, December 5, 2015

The Flash | Season 2 Episode 8 - "Legends of Today"

Spoiler Alert!

Today, I bring you a special post.
As you may already know, this weeks episode of Arrow was a crossover with The Flash, so I thought I should bring you a rant of The Flash's episode as well as the Arrow's episode. First, because you wouldn't understand Arrow's rant without The Flash's one, and Second, because I also watch The Flash, so I thought it would be interesting to have a special/different rant this week, so, let's get into it!
Right when the episode started I got really excited! I love to see both shows/both characters from each show interact, so I was really looking forward to this episodes! Also, I knew that this crossover was going to intruduce us to Legends of Tomorrow, so I was really excited about that aswell, and that was where the episode began.
It started with an imortal 'bad guy' (which we find out about the imortal part later in the episode) killing a bunch of people, which was kind of expected. What I didn't expect was that he was after Kendra, who turns out to be more than the Hawkgirl (which I also already knew about). She's like a 'mythical' creature. I don't really know how to explain to you but I think, if you watch the show, you'll get it.
And, that's when the Team Arrow comes to help. Well, actually, it's Barry who reaches out to Oliver for his help but... well, you get the idea.
It was so interesting to see them working together again and see some of the chracters interact for the first time, like, for example, Thea and Barry, because she wasn't a part of Team Arrow last time that Oliver and Barry were helping each other, so she didn't know that they knew each other, which was one of my favourite parts of the episode.
Malcolm also kind of helps Team Arrow and Team Flash, which was also interesting, because we haven't really seen The Flash interact with him and with the League of Assassins.
To help to all this party a guy, who turned out to be Hawkman (or something) came to get Kendra aswell, and again, Oliver and Barry had to fight him, not knowing that he was trying to actually help. That fight scene was just amazing! I really like the fight scenes in both shows but the scenes in this episode were just amazing!
This guys actually helps us (viewrs) and both Teams to understand all the story behing Kendra, the 'bad guys' Savage and him, which make them (the teams) trust him a little bit more, even thought, not fully.
In the meantime, that guy Savage goes back to Central City to get a powerfull weapon and, of course, Barry and Oliver go after the same weapon trying to get it before Savage, while Thea and Diggle stay in Star City, along with Felicity and Cisco, to protect Kendra.
Is save to say that, like expected, Savage gets the weapon first and another fight scene happens, which was really great too!
By the end of the episode, Kendra finally comes to her senses and kind of 'reborn' and finds out who she really his, so both Teams get back to Central City to try and take down Savage for good. And, the best part of the episode, which is also the end of it, happens.
While Barry and Oliver are in the cafĂ© that Team Flash usually go to, a kid passes by them and drops a Flash toy (which is also one of my favourite parts of the episode) and Oliver gets it for him. And then, that's when he realizes who the kids mum is, her long time girlfriend who was pregnant and who his mum paid to go away and tell Oliver that she lost the baby (remember that from season 01 of Arrow?) That was a HUGE moment in the episode and that was when it ended, leaving me so excited to see Arrow's episode!
Now, I seriously have to watch Arrow's episode and, when I do, I'll post a rant right away!
So, this is it guys, a special rant about The Flash. Hope you guys liked it and if you want me to start doing The Flash rants, tell me in the comments, because I also watch The Flash and I wouldn't mind, at all, to start rating about it too.

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