
Friday, December 11, 2015

The Vampire Diaries | Season 7 Episode 9 - "Cold As Ice"

Spoiler Alert!

With the Holidays coming, this week most of the series decided to make a 'christmassy' episode and, of course, The Vampire Diaries was one of those, and what an episode!
In this episode, Stefan and Damon continued with their chase after Julian to kill him. With the death of their mother they now want, more than ever, go after Julian and kill him (Stefan more than Damon, but still) so that's what they do. They make Bonnie do a locator spell on him (Julian) and they go to a town they never heard of and they find out later that's all basically a trap. Not that Jullian planned it, I think, but it was still a trap. Fortunately, Bonnie have their backs and inform them that it's a trap. Even though it was a little bit late, they still managed to run from Julian, but Stefan doesn't give up and teams up with Valerie and well, their plan doesn't really work out.
But, before that, some other stuff happen. Something really surprising in this episode was a 'friendship' between Bonnie and Nora. Seriously, I wasn't expecting that at all and, to be honest, I kind of enjoyed it. It was different, and it was nice too see. Bonnie even made Nora end her relationship with Mary Louise for good. Well, not really for good, that's when the things went wrong. That was the moment when Stefan and Valeries plan didn't work out. 
The thing is, they kind of kidnapped Mary Louise to make Julian 'meet' them, but they forgot about Nora and, well... Julian told Nora and you can imagine. They relationship wasn't really over, they still loved each other so, of course, Nora went after Mary Louise and that's when everything went down.
But, before I go into the end of the episode (and the best/worst part of it) we have to talk about Caroline. 
So, in this episode, Caroline deals with her pregnancy and everything and things aren't that great with her too. It seems like the pregnancy is messing with her and she's been kind of crazy. I think that's a good storyline because it would be kind of weird if she was just pregnant and everything was ok. 
And ok, I'm not going to make you wait any longer. Let's talk about the end of the episode.
So, everything went down and Julian did meet them, Well, he met Damon but, the thing was, Damon didn't know about Stefan and Valerie's plan so he didn't know anything that Julian was talking about. He soon realized so he went along. You know how Damon is, right?! Meanwhile, Nora distracted Valerie, who was keeping Mary Louise, and got her girlfriend out of there with a cloacking spell.
In the Salvatore house, Stefan finally got there to 'help' Damon and they tried to take Julian down but, as you can probably think, it didn't go well, at all! 
Julian got that sword with the Phoenix stone and staked it on Damon. You know what that sword does, right?! (In case you don't, it 'traps' a vampire inside the stone and punishes him while in there) So, it was a shock for me when that happened! I kind of saw it comming but... I was hoping it wouldn't happen. What I sure wasn't expecting was what happened next!
After Julian leaving, Caroline comes and sees Stefan knealed on Damon's side and tells him that he's gonna make it, they're going to get him out of there. Of course they are, they have Bonnie but... Then, out of nowhere (well, out of a cloacking spell), Nora appears and stakes Stefan aswell and... The episode ends!
Like, WTF?!
A Christmas episode ending like this! And now, I have to until until 29th of January to see whats going to happen next! It's going to be torture!
Oh, and I forgot to tell you about the flashfoward. I didn't like it! I didn't like it at all! Valerie and Stefan are together... Even thought I don't ship Steroline, I don't like Stefan with Valerie either so... I didn't like it... I don't want it to happen! This episode just proved me that basically all heretics are awful and they can't change! The only one that I liked was Oscar! That's it!
Anyways, I just want it to be January already because I need a new episode! 
Well, this concludes this weeks rant and there won't be more TVD rants until the end of January, when the episodes come back.
Tell me your thoughts in the comments and tell me if you want me to start doing rants for another series, since the ones that I rant about are going to be on hiatus for a few weeks.

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