
Friday, April 28, 2017

Arrow | Season 5 Episode 19 - "Dangerous Liasions"

Spoiler Alert!

Damn, what an episode!
Ok, yes, unfortunatelly, we didn't have Adrian Chase in it (which I really looking forward to), but we had so many good stuff anyway!
And, in this episode, I feel like Arrow swap with The Flash, because this episode felt a lot more emotional and sentimental. It still had the Arrow 'darkness' feel, but we had so much development of relationships (any kind), which I loved!
I already knew what was going to happen in this episode.
I knew this was going to be a Felicity centred episode, which I liked, but I'm not a big fan of Felicity going dark or being part of Helix, so I was curious to see what they were going to do.
So, basically the only way to find Chase is with a device that Helix's former leader Cayden James developed. The issue is, he is in Argus costudy so you see where this is going... They have to free him.
Obviously there was going to be some conflit here between Helix and Team Arrow and, this time, Felicity chose to be on Helix side.
Also, before we get deeper into this, I need to say that I don't ger Felicity's obsession with getting Adrian Chase. I mean, I know that she's broken and mad because of Billy's death but, we're so over that already! That was so long ago that I don't even care! But I get Felicity's motivation, I just don't buy this 'obsession'. This doesn't seem like Felicity at all but yeah, hopefully after this episode this will change. Anyway, back to the episode...
Lyla then takes advantage of the fact that Helix is going to attack Argus in order to get Cayden and plans a way to get Helix, the thing is, Helix is smarter and doesn't get caught and gets to rescue Cayden in the end.
Then comes probably my favourite part of the episode, Helix leaving Felicity behind.
You already know what I didn't like this Felicity storyline but, even if I liked, I always wondered how they would end this because, in the end, Felicity had to be 100% Team Arrow and I was seeing her getting more and more into Helix. But then, this ending I thought it was Perfect!
Helix getting Cayden out of Argus and back to 'them' is a perfect excuse to leave Felicity behind.
Obviously Argus is going to be on the look for him so Helix has to be on the run so it made perfect sense (to me, at least) for them to leave her behind. The only thing was, in that moment, I really thought they were just going to leave her and that's it, no device no nothing.
Luckily, they were better than I thought and Cayden left the device to track Chase for her.
The next thing we see is Felicity going to the bunker and put the device in action, while she had a little talk with Oliver.
Oh, also, I need to talk about Olicity in this episode. We had a lot of Olicity moments in this episode, but they were all so sad... The only thing making me happy about all of this was the outcome of this episode.
After putting the device to action, Felicity sees that Adrian is in the build and that's when he starts and assault, and basically the episode ends like that.
And, because I already know what the next episode is going to be about, I got really excited about everything, because we are going to get Olicity back next week! I seriously can't wait! 
I also can't wait to see Adrian back because I just love him! I don't care, I really like his character and I seriously hope they don't kill him.
Anyway, and just to finish this rant, I need to talk about the other main part of the episode, which was about Rene and his daughter.
They talked about this a few episodes ago and we all have been waiting to see when this information was going to come in play and it finally did! I guess they decided to show this now because the actor who plays Rene was added to the main cast so this is going to be an huge story for next season.
I don't know if they're going to do more things with it in this one but I don't believe so because next season is about Olicity and, after that, we need to focus on getting Chase and all of that so, I don't think this will come up in this season but it will next season for sure, and I'm excited about that!
Rene was a character that I didn't really like but this past episodes made me like him more and I'm actually enjoying to see him.
And yeah, that's basically it guys!
Overall a pretty good episode and I can't wait for the next one!
Let me know your thoughts about it and I'll see you tomorrow with a new Supernatural rant!

Thursday, April 27, 2017

The Flash | Season 3 Episode 19 - "The Once and Future Flash"

Spoiler Alert!

I'm finally back with the usual The Flash, Arrow, etc rants!
And with a pretty damn good episode!
I gotta say, I really enjoyed this episode! It wasn't too focused on Savitar, which I normally don't like but, this time, I loved it! It had a darker tone and maybe that's why I enjoyed it. I prefer The Flash over Arrow, mostly because of the lighter tone that The Flash has, but this season I've really been loving Arrow and I feel like this episode had a more 'Arrow' feel to it, like it was a bit more dark and 'heavy', which is nice to have once in a while.
So, basically the episode starts right where the previous one left of, with Caitlin turning Killer Frost and just attacking Cisco, Julian and H.R. And, ultimately, she ends up destroying her necklace.
Then, we move to the main focus of the episode, Barry going to 2024.
I've already seen photos, so I knew that, at least, Barry would be totally different and kind of an 'emo' Barry, which is understanding, after Iris death.
What I didn't know was what happened to all the other characters.
Right away I enjoyed the fact that it was Cisco who got Barry through all the things that happened and what happened to everyone. I also liked that fact that Cisco was basically the same, because last time that we saw some time change or something, Cisco was completely different and I don't like Cisco any other way. I like this Cisco and that's all. Of course it wasn't everything alright with him... It couldn't be. We find out that Caitlin attacked him, destroying his hands making him loose his powers,
Then, we don't see much of the other characters, only the 2024 Barry, which, like I said, is hidding from everyone and being an emo. He then tells the 2017 Barry that he doesn't know Savitar's identity so then Barry decides to go back to the present because you shouldn't stay in the future and interfere with it for a long time. But something goes wrong and he can't go back.
We then later find out that it was Cisco who did it because he wanted to get the Team back. But before that, we see what happened to everyone else.
We see that Caitlin is 'trapped', still Killer Frost, that Julian is working in Iron Heights 'takin care' of Caitlin, that Wally is catatonic, after fighting with Savitar and that Joe is depressed and basically alone. Oh, and H.R. is a successful novelist.
Well... Needless to say that Barry manages to get the 'still working' part of the team back (H.R., Julian, Joe and Cisco) and later Emo Barry also joins the Team and, along with 'normal' Barry, they fight Scudder and Dillon.
It was all really beautiful and I really enjoyed it. To be honest, I wouldn't mind to have some part of Season 4 in that time period, because I feel like there was a lot we could do and see from the characters but yeah, I know they aren't going to do that because they aren't going to kill Iris.
Anyway, in the end of the episode, before Barry gets back to 2017, Emo Barry gives him some information about a physicist that helped Emo Barry trap Savitar in the speedforce four years after Iris' death.
I already knew about this, about this new physicist and, to be honest, I think they are going to get Savitar trapped but there's going to be a plot twist. I mean, there's always a plot twist but yeah... I saw some theories the other day and I quite liked them.
And yeah, in the very end of the episode we see Caitlin/Killer Frost meet with Savitar, who offers her the chance to eliminate Caitlin Snow forever and, to gain her trust, he reveals his identity to her.
Of course we don't see it, but I've seen some people talk about it and people say that it can be Ronnie... I don't know, my money is still on Eddie but... Who knows?! It can really be anyone so...
That was it for this week's episode!
Like I said in the beginning, I really enjoyed the episode and I'm looking forward to the next ones!
I'm moving to Arrow now so expect a rant in a few hours!

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

The Challenge: Invasion | Season 29 Episode 13 - "A River of Endless Light"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello guys!
So I'm back with a new The Challenge rant, the second to last episode of this season!
I must say, this episode was a little 'overrated', for me...
Don't get me wrong, there was a lot of good moments in it but, once again, as you already know by now, I'm a fan of the show because of the challenges and not because of the drama or anything else, and there was a lot of other things in this episode and barely any challenge, so that was a bummer for me.
But, the beginning was quite something!
We started the episode right were the previous one left of - with the elimination between CT and Darrell.
I seriously didn't know who was going to win this... Until five minutes after they started it.
By the middle of it, it was pretty obvious that it was going to be CT to win this. And guess what? He won. He just had a better strategy and, quite honest, I think he was pretty smart and I'm happy that he won! I wasn't rooting for any of them, to be honest, but it was nice to see CT go to a final.
After the elimination that's when things start to go downhill.
They find out that next challenge is going to be the final and, to celebrate, they were moving to a resort to have some chill time and also party a little bit. Just to have a nice time before the final.
Then, we see some drama with Ashley, which I had already seen on a preview on MTV's youtube channel and after that, we see them go to that resort.
At the resort, they had a festival or something were they would send two flowers into the sea, one symbolizing their past and another one their future.
That's when we find out that in that exact same day was Diem's birthday.
I get it... And it was actually beautiful, CT and Camila talking about her and we, audience, seeing some clips of her in the challenge but... I don't want to sound bitchy or anything but... I think they spent too much time on that.
Like I said previously, I like the show because of the challenges, and when they focus on other things, that is such a bummer for me.
And not only that... Because they spent too much time on that, that meant that we didn't even see two minutes of the first part of the final and that also means in the next episode, because it is going to be the last one before the reunion, they are going to speed up everything.
They could've shown like the first day of the final in this episode and then get a bit more into the last two days in the last episode.
That's just my opinion.
Anyway, like I said, next episode is going to be the last one and I'm pretty excited about!
Oh, also, I forgot to mention, there was a plot twist in the end of this episode. Turns out, they won't be playing in Teams in the final. Instead they are going to play as individuals. But it is going to be a little bit like Free Agents, because for each day they will have to team up with someone (from any of the 'teams). So, it's going to be interesting! In this first day Camila teamed up with CT so, this is going to be good! I'm rooting for them, obviously!
And yeah, now that's it!
Let me know who are you rooting for and who do you actually think is going to win!
I'll see you next week with the last 'normal' episode!

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

The Challenge: Invasion | Season 29 Episode 12 - "Caged"

Spoiler Alert!

Here I am with a brand new The Challenge rant and oh my, this episode was crazy!
First of, we started with the end of last week's episode and we finally found out who won from the Underdogs guys.
I got to be honest, I realle thought there was going to be a bigger fight between Cory and Nelson but, unfortunatelly, there wasn't... I kind of wanted a big fight between them because I knew Shane wouldn't win against Cory, and guess what?! I was right. He didn't and, once again, I lost one of my favourite people in the house, leaving me only with Camila.
Then, we move on to the week challenge, which I almost forgot there was going to be one. I didn't even remember the point of this challenge right now, but then I remembered the money for their Team Bank Account. I swear, if it wasn't for the old seasons that I watched a few months ago, I wouldn't remember about this, because there's been a while since they've done this, but anyway, there was a challenge and, for once, the Teams are even, four Underdogs against four Champs. Seriously, I had so much faith in my Champs and I seriously thought they were going to win but... Guess what?! No, they didn't and I was really disappointed in that! Really, they call themselves The Champs and they lost to those Underdogs! Like Ashley, Nelson, Cory and Nicole! I mean, Nicole is strong and all, and Cory is also 'fine' but the other two?! They're so dumb... Seriously, I was disappointed in them... And then, thinking that they then would go against each other in the fortress... I was really getting my hopes down because there was no way Camila would win against Laurel.
Then, the elimination came and it wasn't a physical one-on-one challenge so my hopes got a little higher but I always had in the back of my mind that Camila wouldn't win... Guess who was wrong this time?! Me! But thank god I was wrong because I was really rooting for Camila! And Camila won against Laurel! Like, that is amazing! I'm so proud of my Brazilian!
Then, the guys round... It never happened... I mean, it will happen, it just didn't happen in this episode.
Of course they had to make us suffer a little bit more and makes wait until the next episode to find out who wins - CT or Darrell! It is, for sure, going to be an interesting 'fight' so I'm looking forward to that! And after that comes the Final so, that's also going to be interesting! And, obviously, I'm going to be rooting for the Champs Team because my girl Camila is still in the game so, Go Camila!
Anyway, that's it for this week's episode! I'm really excited about next episode and I can't wait to find out who wins this elimination!
Let me know in the comments who do you think is going to win (CT or Darrell) and also tell me who will you be rooting for in the Final.
I'll see you in my next rant!

Monday, April 17, 2017

The Originals | Season 4 Episode 5 - "I Hear You Knockin"

Spoiler Alert!

Like I said, here I am with the last The Originals rant.
I don't know what is up with me, but I've been really underwhelmed with this past episodes.
Maybe I was expecting more of this season but, this past two episodes, were a little weak. 
I think it has been a lot of the same like, for example, what happened in this episode between Marcel and Klaus... Yes, it was interesting to watch but, most of the parts that were actually interesting were the parts where it was the Hollow messing with their minds, mostly Klaus' (but that might be because I'm Team Klaus and everything to do with him is interesting to me). But, apart from that, the 'actual' fight between Klau and Marcel was a little weak.
I must say, I didn't really want Marcel to die. He's not my favourite character but, I don't know, I think he's important to the storyline and to the series so I seriously hope they don't kill him off.
Also, I hate to see Klaus powerless. One of the reasons why I love Klaus so much is because he's like really powerfull and basically no one can mess with him but, the truth is, the Hollow can mess with him and that is a little distrubing to watch.
Nonetheless, I think the Hollow is a really interesting 'villain' and I'm loving all the darkness in this season. 
Something that I was a little sad about this episode was the lack of Hope... I know she's not a Regular and that she can't be the main 'focus' in all episodes but you know that my favourite scenes are the ones between Hope and Klaus and we didn't really have that in this episode, so it was little downside for me...
Oh, and I have to talk about Freya and Keelan...
It is so damn obvioust what they are trying to do... Obviously they are going to become a couple and, to be honest, I don't know how to feel about that.
I love the idea of love and I love to ship people but, those two... I don't know... There's something off for me. Maybe it's just the fact that I don't really like Freya but... I don't see myself shipping them. But, who knows?! Maybe I'll change my mind. I didn't really ship Kolvina in the beginning but look where I am now... I'm the biggest Kolvina shipper!
And, to finish this rant, I need to talk about that ending like, what was that?! A weapon that can kill an Original?! Seriously?! Nope, don't like it!
First, if the Hollow wasn't enough, we need two more villains... That, I think was unecessary... and the the Hollow created a new weapon that can kill an Original?! That is an huge plot whole! Like, I understand they creating a weapon that can kill Marcel... His 'species' is new and they can come up with something but, something other than white oak that can kill the originals?! Nope, I don't buy that. I seriously hate that storyline and I think they are doing an huge mistake with that. 
I understand that the Hollow wants them to kill each other but, if there's no white oak, you can't kill and Original, period! Obviously I know they won't kill them because they are the reason this series exist but... To me, that is just a mistake and I won't buy that one bit! I seriously don't like that plot!
Anyway guys, let me know what you thought about this two episodes and tell me what you think about this new weapon. I would love to know your thoughts about it.
Unfortunatelly we won't have a new episode this week so, new The Originals rant next week so, I'll see you then!

The Originals | Season 4 Episode 4 - "Keepers of the House"

Spoiler Alert!

Finally here I am to update you with the latest two The Originals episodes.
I must say that this episode was a little bit weak in my opinion.
Directing wise it was great, though. I think Joseph Morgan did an amazing job directing this episode because, being an audiovisual and multimedia student, I pay attention to all the scenes and photography and all that and I think this episode had a lot of great scenes photography and directing wise.
Script wise I think it was little bit weak, starting right at the beginning of the episode.
They started it right away with that scene of the birds falling around Hope and I though they were going to save that scene for later. I understand why they did that, I just think it was a little bit anti-climatic.
Besides that, all the episode was a little bit anti-climatic.
Once again, I understand, I just thought it was weak. I understand that we needed to find out more about the Hollow and all of the 'darkness' and the 'villain' in this season, and in that, the episode was good. I got to understand a little bit better all this mythology because all I knew was that symbol, and it was from Hemlock Grove and, from what I've understood in this episode, the meaning behind that is a lot different in both shows, so that was good.
Something else that I realized in this episode was that they are putting a lot of mythology in this season. They are messing with a lot of things at the same time which, in part, is good but, at the same time, is a little bit confusing.
And, once again, storywise, the only parts that I really liked were the Klaus/Hope scenes. I just can't help it, they are too cute and Joseph Morgan as 'Daddy Klaus' is phenomenal!
I also really enjoyed that last part of the episode were Hayley says to Elijah that they need to stop putting their family above everyone else. I'm not Hayley's biggest fan, but I really think we needed someone to realize that because I think that is going to be important from now on.
Two things that I didn't really enjoy in this episode were Elijah and Freya.
You all know by now that I hate Freya but this season she has really been a b*tch. Ok, that last part of the episode was 'nice' but overall, she has really been pissing me off and, I seriously don't care if I get hate for this but, I really hope she is the one to die at the end of this season.
I've already heard that someone is going to die and I really hope it's her. There's a possibility it is her because Riley Voelkel is brunette now so that might mean Freya dies?! Who knows...
The second thing that I didn't like was Elijah. I already said this in previous rants but Elijah has been acting really strange in this season and he's not the Elijah I liked. I hope the conversation he had with Hayley in the end of this episode changes him and makes him go back to what he was because I think that's one of the reasons why they've put that conversation on the script, to change Elijah 'back to normal' so, let's hope that!
And yeah, that's basically it now.
I don't think this was a strong episode. It was good not just what I thought it would be. Hopefully the next one will be better because I feel like now we have a good 'base' to start with the darkness and with the main 'bad things' so, let's see what the next episode brings!
As you know, the next episode already aired so I'm going to watch that next and I'll be back to tell you what I thought about it in a few hours!
Until then...

Friday, April 14, 2017

Supernatural | Season 12 Episode 18 - "The Memory Remains"

Spoiler Alert!

So, like I said, new SPN rant.
This one, I need to say, wasn't as exciting as the previous one. This was another 'filler' type of episode which is good, but aren't the best type of episode. But, I gotta say, this was for sure the creepiest episode so far!
The episode begins with Sam and Dean getting an email from 'Mick' (who is in fact Mr. Ketch) sending them on a case in Tomahawk, Winsconsin.
Obviously this is to cover up somthing else, which is the fact that Mr. Ketch and a team go to the Winchesters bunker to check out everything, learn about their habits and leave some spy equipment to watch them.
Meanwhile, in Winsconsin, the brothers discover that every year from 1898 to 1997, people have been disappearing and, after a witness description, they suspect it is a satyr.
After the witness disappears, the Winchesters suspect the local sheriff, Barrett Bishop whose family owned the town until he recently sold most everything.
Confronting Barrett, the Winchesters learn that his family got their riches by sacrificing people to the god Moloch. After Barrett's father died in 1997, Barrett put an end to it and left Moloch to starve to death as he had no desire to harm anyone.
However, they then find out that Barrett's half-brother Pete found out Moloch and the god promised him riches in exchange for feeding him, which he started doing.
Obviously this couldn't be that easy and Pete kidnaps Dean and tries to feed him to Moloch. Luckily Sam finds both Dean and Pete in time and, after killing Pete, he also kills Moloch with the Colt (the colt always coming in hand).
In the end of the episode Sam and Dean are informed by Mr. Ketch that their are now reporting to him, unaware that he is spying on them and also unaware of the fact that Mick is dead.
Unfortunatelly, we are not having a new episode next week, just the week after but, from the preview, I see that it is going to be an exciting episode and, to be honest, I can't wait for the boys to find out about Mick because, although they didn't really like him that much, I believe they will be mad and that's when everything is going to fall apart! 
There's only 5 episodes left so, things are going to get interesting from now on, I'm excited!
So, I'll only see you with a new Supernatural rant in two weeks but I'll see you sooner with another series. 

Supernatural | Season 12 Episode 17 - "The British Invasion"

Spoiler Alert!

So, just like I said, here I am with a new rant, this time, a Supernatural one.
I know I still have one more to post and that's coming right after this one, so stay tuned.
About this episode, I need to say that I really wanted to post this rant earlier because this episode damn was so intense!
We started of right away with some flashbacks of Mick when he was younger. We see him at Kendricks Academy and we also see him being forced to kill his best friend as per the Code of the British Men of Letters. Next, we see that his old teacher Dr. Hess finds out about Lucifer's baby and she demands Mick to get the Winchesters in line or give them to Mr. Ketch to be killed and then sending her protege Renny to watch things.
Then, we move on to the Lucifer's baby storyline and we see an old character, Eileen, who gets a lead on Kelly Kline and Dagon.
Castiel is still MIA so Mick brings The Colt to Sam and Dean while they trick Kelly into a meeting to talk. Unfortunatelly, Dagon shows up and messes the whole plan.
Of course all of this leads to a 'fight' and Eileen fires The Colt in an attempt to kill Dagon but misses and kills Renny instead.
And, it is in this moment that we see more of Mick and how he evolved. Obviously, because it's the Code, Mick tries to kill Eileen, but the Winchesters get to talk him out of it and that's when we see that Mick is growing out of the British Men of Letters rules and becoming a better character, in our eyes,
Obviously I shuld have suspected something but I didn't, and when the next scene came, I was completely unprepared.
Dr. Hess shows up in America saying Eileen will be killed. Mick then stands up for the Winchesters and then... Mr. Ketch kills him! He freaking killed Mick! Why?! 
I mean, I get why, but Why?! He was becoming one of my favourites characters this season! I was really starting to like him! Of course I should've suspected this! Once we start liking a character, mainly when it's one that was bad and is turning good, he gets killed so, I should've have known that he wasn't going to stay for long but... I didn't expect this, so I was completely shocked when Mr. Ketch killed Mick when a shot in the head. It was brutal!
Anyway, after this, the episode just goes on, like nothing happened, and Eileen decides to come back to Ireland and the Winchesters keep the Colt, which is good!
Meanwhile, Lucifer acts submissive to Crowley while secretly gaining support from the demons who look for a way to break the warding on Nick's vessel. 
And, in the end, Dagon tells Kelly that birthing her Nephilim will kill her.
As you can see, this was an huge episode and although I really liked it, I was also really sad about the whole Mick thing. I was really hoping he would stick around for a little while.
Anyway, let me know your thoughts on all of this and I'll see you in a few minutes with Episode 18's rant.

The Challenge: Invasion | Season 29 Episode 11 - "The Bloodbath"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello again guys!
I know I've been kind of MIA but I've been on holidays and I couldn't upload so, expect a lot of updates today.
Anyway, today I'm back with another The Challenge rant and oh my god! This was a crazy episode! I already expected an huge episode because this is called Bloodbath, but this was even bigger than what I was expecting.
So, this episode was mainly to ger rid of four underdogs! That's right, not only two, but four, so my predictions were right.
Unfortunatelly, it didn't go was I wanted it to go. I mean, guys wise, it was good, because Shane was the first one to complete the challenge, so that was good, and then Hunter was the one to go home so, that was also good. But sad part was the girls round...
Obviously, I was rooting for Jenna and, as you can imagine, she was the one to go home... I also like Nicole, but Jenna was my girl since the first challenge she was in and besides, she always went to the finals so I was hopping this would happen again. Unfortunatelly, it didn't and the worst part is that Amanda was the first one to complete the challenge and I hate her! I seriously hate her so... Didn't like that as well...
But, this didn't mean they were safe. No one was safe from the Fortress, which meant that Cory, Shane, Nelson, Amanda, Ashley and Nicole went to the fortress.
In the Fortress, they split it in two rounds. Ashley ends up winning the first round and then it's Nicole against Amanda and you already know by now who I was rooting for... Nicole, obviously! And I gotta say, it was pretty close! But, luckily, Nicole won in the end and Amanda went home! Yes! Thank god! I seriously hate her!
Then, comes the guys round and it was so unpredictable! Nelson freaking won the first round and it was so quick! I seriously wasn't expecting him to win that quickly! I mean, I was expecting him to win just because it was a strenght game and, to be honest, Nelson was the strongest out of the threee, but it was so quickly! Seriously, wasn't expecting it!
But then, we never really see the second round and, to be honest, I don't think we will see because, from what we've seen in the end of the episode, there's going to be an huge fight between Nelson and Cory because they had a plan to take out Shane and Cory thinks Nelson didn't do his part and, obviously, Shane being Shane, he makes it even worse so that he might have a chance because one of the other guys might be expelled. And that's how the episode ends, so we'll have to wait for the next episode to find out how it all ends. No matter what, I'm going to be rooting for Shane so...
And, besides that, there's also going to be another Champs elimination so... that's also going to be interesting. We'll see.
That's it for now guys. Let me know what you thought about this episode and who you are rooting for and I'll see you in my next rant!

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

The Challenge: Invasion | Season 29 Episode 10 - "Go Your Own Way"

Spoiler Alert!

Well, I guess I was wrong...
Hello guys and welcome back to a new The Challenge rant!
That's right guys, my favourite just lost. Yes, Bananas lost against Darrell.
I said in the end of my last The Challenge rant that Bananas might pull it off and end up winning and that I had faith in him and really thought he was going to win but... Not even close. He didn't get to put the ball inside that 'thing' and it touched the ground and yeah, Darrell ended up loosing. Guess I'll just going to be rooting for Camila from now on. Still, Bananas is the one who has win the most Challenges so... No biggie.
And, about Cara Maria and Laurel well... It was a pretty big win.. for Laurel. Once again, Cara Maria didn't even get to score so... She was just like Bananas. And how ironic was that this two rivals, Bananas and Cara Maria went home in the same day?! It was so Ironic.
I gotta say, from now on, the challenge is going to be a little 'off' for me because Bananas was the only one that I was really rooting for. I'm still rooting for Camila and I also want Jenna to get to the final but I don't feel like it's the same thing...
Anyway, getting back to the episode.
I must say that this episode was a little disappointing. First, Bananas loosing, then a lot of drama once again and last no elimination. That's right guys, no elimination this episode.
Yes, they still had a challenge and that's what I'm going to talk about now.
This Challenge was a pretty cool one and it was guy/girl pairs which was nice. Unfortunatelly, Camila and CT weren't that great, neither was Jenna. And, to top it all off, the Underdogs won. So, as you can see, this wasn't a great episode for me or for the people that I was rooting for.
And, like I said, there wasn't an underdog elimination. Instead, they had a party in the Oasis. 
I was just like CT and expecting something to happen and, guess what? Yes, something happened!
Me and my sister have been talking a lot about what they were going to do to make like the Champs and the Underdogs even, and how it all was going to happen because, afterall, we are already in episode 10 and usually there's only 13 episodes, the 13th being the reunion so... 
Turns out, next episode is going to be an Underdog bloodbath! TJ didn't say much about it but, from wha I've seen in the preview, they are going to have a challenge and I predict that there will just be one guy and one girl winning and all the others are going to elimination, because it showed three people in the elimination so... I think only one guy and one girl win the challenge and then, again, one guy and one girl win the elimination and, this way, the Champs and Underdogs are even. 
I got to be honest, I always thought that there was just going to be one guy and one girl in the Champs Team, but I guess that would be kind of unfair.
But I don't know, this are just my predictions. 
Let me know which are your predictions and I'll see you in my next rant!

Monday, April 3, 2017

The Originals | Season 4 Episode 3 - "Haunter of Ruins"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello guys! I'm sorry I took some time with this rant but you know the deal so let's just get on with the episode.
Finally, this season, I got to watch an episode live and live tweet so, if you're following me on twitter you might have seen some of my reactions.
Overall I thought it was a good episode, although I liked the previous one a lot more.
Basically the only thing that I really liked about this episode was Klaus and Hope. We got to see a little bit of them in the end of last episode, but it was only Klaus watching Hope sleep, so we didn't have much interaction between them. But this episode they finally got to interact and, although the first time they actually meet wasn't as iconic as I thought it would be, the next scenes were so good!
Seriously, Klaus as a father is the best thing ever! Just like in the last episode we saw a completely different side of Klaus, with him being so vulnerable with Camille, in this episode we saw the 'fatherly' side of him, which is equally as good.
And yeah, that was basically the only thing that I really enjoyed about the episode.
We also got a little bit more into the whole witchy thing that is happening to kids and we actually find out that it was connected to Vincent and his ex-wife/ex-girlfriend Eva and their unborn child. We also see that someone is casting some spell on some kids which, by the end of the episode, Vincent gets to free basically all of them, except for one, Hope. The Hope thing we will see in the next episode, so I'm curious to know more about that.
Until now, I'm still pretty confused about all of this. I even though about rewatching the episode but I was already late with this rant that I decided to just write about that I really understood and I might end up rewatching the episode (or not, who knows?!).
Then, there was something that I really hated in this episode - Freya.
I never really liked her but in this episode she really pissed me of, with all that stuff about keeping Killan (?) locked up! Luckily, Hayley intervened and let her go, which is one point in favor of Hayley, who I don't like that much but with this I'm starting to like a little bit more.
Oh, we also got a little bit of Haylijah, which I don't like as well, so no need to talk about and then something else that I didn't like as well, Rebekah and Kol leaving! Like, Why?! Why you gotta do that to me? I mean, I understand about Claire Holt, I know she's really busy with a lot of other shows and all but Nate Buzolic?! C'mon! Seriously, I still have a little bit of hope that he will be back and will try to bring Davina back as well. I need my Kolvina back! There's no good ships on the show right now and basically the only ones that I'm shipping, not romantically, are Klaus and Hope. All the other ships are rubbish and I just need some good ships on the show.
And yeah, that's basically it...
I know, not much but, like I said, there wasn't much that I really enjoyed about this episode so... We're going to leave the rant here.
Let me know in the comments your thoughts about the episode and I'll see you in my next rant!