
Saturday, February 27, 2016

The Originals | Season 3 Episode 14 - "A Streetcar Named Desire"

Spoiler Alert!

So, here's the second part rant of the crossover and, I might say, the most exciting one!
In this second part, we don't focus so much on Rayna Cruz. Instead, the focus is the prophecy, afterall, this is still an The Originals episode.
Let's just say that, Aya and Aurora keep going with their plan and this is the episode where everything goes down.
Obviously, Davina is helping The Strix, afterall, she wants Kol back and this is the only way. 
Luckly, Stefan Salvatore is in town and it's basically because of him that everything works out fine in the end. Klaus helps Stefan and Stefan helps Klaus. 
This was pretty interesting to see because, like I said in my previous rant, I kind of missed them together, even thought I didn't know I liked them together so much.
So, it turns out that Freya makes a kind of spell to hide Stefan's mark from Rayna Cruz, but a lot is going on with The Mikaelsons and with The Strix and Elijah and Klaus end up in an 'imaginary world' with Aurora and Tristan, while The Strix and it's coven work on the spell to break the sirelines. 
Hayley then finds Lucien (finally Lucien is back in the game! I really missed him!) locked up and then brings him to the Mikaelson Mansion. There, Lucien and Marcel discuss bout the sireline and if things go wrong, they will end up dying, and that's when Stefan joins them, afterall, he's part of Klaus sireline as well. 
This was one of my favourite scenes because Stefan has always been my favourite and, in this season of The Originals, I've been liking a lot Lucien, so I was really excited to see a scene with both of them. 
Anyways, with Stefan's help, they work out a plan! Since Rayna Cruz is after Stefan, they decide to break into the The Strix's 'mansion' and then there Stefan makes his mark visible again, so Rayna Cruz goes after him.
The plan ends up working, but not everything ends well. They are able to stop from breaking Elijah's sireline but not Klaus and so, now Marcel, Lucien, Stefan and every other vampire that was part of Klaus' sireline, is now free!
And, after that, after realising that, Stefan leaves, which made me really sad because I was really enjoying this crossover, but not before Klaus says some words to him. Klaus tells Stefan to take care of Caroline (or something along those lines) and Stefan tells him the same thing but about Hayley, which was kind of cute and funny at the same time, since Phoebe Tonkin is Paul Weasley's real girlfriend.
Anyways... The episode was about to end when...
We see Davina doing the spell to bring back Kol, and...
I'm sorry about the Caps Lock but, you know I'm a huge Kolvina shipper and, to be honest, I thought they were going to drag this Kol story for the rest of the season, since Nate is in other show but... I guess I was wrong! And I'm so glad I was wrong because Kolvina is finally happening for real!
I'm just so damn excited for the next episode!
Please, tell me I'm not the only one so happy about all of this! Let me know all your thoughts in the comments!
Unfortunetely, this crossover is, well, over, so I probably won't talk much about The Originals but, if you would like to see more TO rant, tell me because I would love to make them, seriously, I would love!
Tell me everything in the comments.

The Vampire Diaries | Season 7 Episode 14 - "Moonlight on the Bayou"

Spoiler Alert!

So, after three seasons we finally got the The Vampire Diaries/The Originals crossover that we always wanted! And, I have to say, this were probably the best two episodes that we've ever had, on both series!
In the first part of the crossover, the TVD part, we see Caroline move to Dalls with Alaric. Of course they don't plan it to be permanent, at least, not the part where Caroline stays, but we all know that is going to happen eventually and this is only the beginning.
Meanwhile, Stefan is still on the run, because of Rayna Cruz, so Valerie locates an anti-magic bar, and guess where? In New Orleans! And, that's when we finally have that Klefan reencounter.
I never knew I missed them so much together until this scene happened! I sure missed Klaus on TVD but I never was a big 'fan' of Klaus and Stefan together. I sure enjoyed their dynamics, but it was just now that I really felt like this was missing and that I really liked it.
Of course, they chat up and Stefan tells Klaus about what have been happening in Mystic Falls, apart from Rayna Cruz. Eventually, Klaus finds out, obviously, and gets pretty mad and demands him to leave. Stefan goes but forgets his phone there and... that's when Klaroline happened! Sure, it wasn't a face-to-face thing but it was enough to makes us Klaroline shippers happy! And, because Klaus isn't still over Caroline, he agrees to help Stefan. It's safe to say that he only did that because of Caroline. Seriously, I doubt there's someone who doesn't ship Klaroline. They're just perfect together and I still hope they get together in the end (like in the very end of both series).
While all this is happening in New Orleans, in Mystic Falls, Damon and Bonnie are still trying to help Stefan and trying to 'kill' Rayna Cruz. That's when Enzo shows up and tells them about 'The Armory'. This part of the episode was just too confusing for me and I might have to re-watched because of that (and because it was so good that I just want to watch it again). But, apparently, this Armory have been after Rayna for years and Enzo have been working for them this whole time, and just because he want to know where his family is and all that.
And, what this Armory wants is Stefan location, so they can make him bait and catch Rayna Cruz. Of course Damon wouldn't give them that, and mostly not after being warned by Valerie about this organization's dubious past.
Of course Enzo gets 'mad' and so, tranquilizes Damon and knocks out Bonnie, giving her something that stops her from doing magic, which we find out when she wakes up. Let's just take a moment to realize that Bonenzo is very close! With all this happening, with all of this interactions, is obvious that it's going to happen soon, I still don't know how, because after this, Bonnie was pretty angry with Enzo, even thought one part of this scene between them was really cute, when Enzo basically admits that he's jelous of Damon. That was really cute!
Even thought Bonnie wasn't like 'locked up', the same didn't happen to Damon. It turns out that Enzo locked Damon up and... with Tyler! The good part is that we got a little more of Tyler in this episode, which is always good, but the bad part is that it was full moon and, well... Tyler is a werewolf. We get what was going to happen.
This is when a lot happens. Bonnie cuts Enzo's hand to free Damon, but then Damon doesn't want to be free because if he's free Tyler is as well and he would probably hurt Bonnie and... That's what eventually happens in the end. Bonnie gets kind of in a coma, because, even thought Damon tried to give her vampire blood, she still had that 'anti-magic' thing that Enzo gave her, so it didn't work.
And, in that moment, in the hospital with Bonnie, Damon 'tells her' that he's tired of all his loved ones getting hurt because of him and that's going to end. And that it is going to end tomorrow.
In terms of flashbacks, we didn't see muc but we see something that made us really worried. So Caroline goes, with her twins, to the same bar where Klaus and Stefan where in this episde, to meet Klaus, just to find out that Klaus wasn't there and that he hasn't been seen in 3 years! Like, what the hell happened?!
That last part really got me worried but, overall, it was such a good episode! And... It wasn't over yet! Because... This was a crossover afterall and the end is in The Original's episode! This means, a special The Originals rant here on the blog! I'm still going to post it today so... Keep an eye here on the blog!
Anyways, tell me your thoughts on this first part of the crossover and tell me which was your favourite part! Mine was for sure the Klaroline part!

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Arrow | Season 4 Episode 15 - "Taken"

Spoiler Alert!

Was it just me, or this episode seemed shorter?
I know it wasn't but it went by so fast that it seemed like 10 minutes instead of 45.
Anyways, as usual, this was a great episode. However, I feel like it was a little bit of a filler, even thought major things happened.
So, the episode starts with Darhk telling Oliver that he has William and that he will only 'give him back' if he drops out of the mayoral race. Right in this scene, I was 'shocked'. First, because I thought Darhk would keep William a little bit longer and they would drag out the whole 'William storyline' a little bit more, even thought I knew that this was going to happen because of the preview. Another thing, is that Felicity finds out about William in that moment. Again, I also knew this because of the preview, but I was still surprised. I never thought that Felicity would find out like this, and not through Oliver, even thought we was kind of forced to tell her.
With all this events, of course there was going to be some friction between them, which make me kind of sad...
But, to make things not so 'dark', we had another special appearance in this episode, this time, a female character, Vixen. 
I don't know about you guys, but I've never heard about this Vixen. I mean, I knew about her because I've heard that she was going to be on the show, but I didn't know anything about her before that and, to be honest, I still don't know much. Oh, and one more thing, has she already been mentioned on the show? Because I seriously can't remember, but the way that they were talking... It looked like she has already been in an Arrow or The Flash episode. Please, tell me if she has, because I can't remember.
Anyways... So this Vixen comes to help find William (and Darhk) with her magic.
In their first try they only found Darhk, but after knowing about Darhk's mystical idol they find him again and Vixen gets to destroy the mystical idol, leaving Darhk without his powers. And, this leads me into something that crossed my mind in that scene.
So, if Darhk doesn't have his powers anymore, how is he going to kill the person that is in the tomstone? This made me think that it won't be Darhk who kills that person.
My theory now is that is going to be Malcolm who kills that person.
We know that Malcolm is working with Darhk and I bet, Oliver and Team Arrow will get to kill Darhk in the end and it will be Malcolm who kills that person. It kind of makes sense. Malcolm is working with Darhk, he's really mad at Oliver and Team Arrow and, besides, it would make a great storyline for Season 5.
Also, I think I know who's in that tombstone.
I've been reading a lot of theories and I'm almost sure that it is Diggle who's going to die. As much as it pains me to say this, because I do really like Diggle, he's probably the one in the tombstone. First, the producers said that it's going to be one of the main characters. We already know that it isn't Oliver or Felicitys, which leaves just Thea, Laurel, Diggle and Lance. Thea wouldn't make sense because they just brought her back last season. Laurel wouldn't make sense too because she has just become the Black Canary and she's still trying to 'fit in', and Lance would be kind of obvious and, besides, the producers also said that it will make an huge impact on the Team and on the series, and his death wouldn't make that big of an impact. That just leaves us with Diggle. We also know that is someone kind of close to Barry, because he was there with Oliver, but not that close because he arrived late at the funeral and Diggle was in this week's The Flash episode, which make him get closer to Barry.
Also, he has a daughter and all and that would make an huge impact in series and the Team. So, my bet is that Malcolm is the one who's going to kill the person in the tombstone and the person that is in the tombstone is Diggle. I don't know, but I seriously believe in this theory. Tell me what do you think.
Anyways... Everything works out in the end, even thought Oliver has to send away William and his mother so they will be safe. He also records a video telling William all that happened so Samantha can show him after his 18th birthday.
The very last scene of the episode is a bittersweet moment, because Felicity is able to walk again, but she also breaks up with Oliver, and that ust broke my heart.
About the flashbacks, I think we're getting somewhere. Oliver is about to find what Reiter wants and I feel like we are going to know the connection in one of the next two episodes, I'm sure.
And, yeah guys, let me know your thoughts about all my theories and, of course, about the episode. I have to say, it wasn't one of my favourites, but I feel like we are pretty close to know who's going to die so, I feel like the next episodes are going to be amazing.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

The Vampire Diaries | Season 7 Episode 13 - "This Woman's Work"

Spoiler Alert!

Here I am, up and early (well, kind of) with a brand new TVD rant.
I think I should start by saying that this episode wasn't as exciting as the previous one but still, was a good episode.
This episode was basically all about Rayna Cruz. We got see more of her past in some flashbacks, and how she became an huntress. Well, turns out the producers are recycling again and they brought up the brotherhood of the five again.
The truth is, I don't remember much of that anymore, I just remember that when they came up with that storyline, it wa extremely boring and after a few episodes I was already tired of it. I don't know how they're going to 'play' with this 'new' storyline now, but I just hope it won't be as boring as the previous one.
Also, another big point of the episode were 'Caroline's babies'. Has we saw in the last episode, things weren't going great for Caroline, as the babies were siphoning her vampire magic. So, in this episode, they try to get the babies out. It turns out, they don't want to come out because they're enjoying all the magic that Caroline is 'giving' them. So, to make them 'want' to come out, Stefan asks for Valerie and the other heretics help so there's also magic in the 'outside' and the babies would be drawn to that.
Everything ends up well in the end (at least, in terms of the babies and Caroline), and that was one of the most beautiful moments in the episode, seeing Alaric with the babies was so cute! 
Meanwhile, back to Rayna Cruz... 
Enzo kind of blackmails Damon to give him Rayna Cruz's sword, with the whole 'You killed Elena story.'.
In the end, we learn that Enzo was 'played' by Rayna and he was in fact tied to a chair (with vervain ropes, of course). Something that I found quite funny was that Enzo stayed in that chair for the whole episode! While a lot more stuff happened, he was there... Until, eventually, in the very end of the episode, Damon comes to him and that's when Enzo tells him that he didn't kill Elena. That he teamed up with Tyler (which I found quite odd) and they showed him an empty coffin.
So, it looks like everything was fine in the end... Well, wrong!
It turns out that, before that last Enzo and Damon scene, Rayna got the sword and went after the heretics, which were all in the hospital helping Caroline. They end up leaving her, remaining just Valerie with her, but it doesn't work out anyways. Rayna ends up killing Bo, and heads up, after that, to the hospital, and that's when Damon arrives there and tries to stop her. Obviously, he can't, and that's when Stefan comes to his rescue and, as you may have already guess, that's when things go wrong.
The sword gets to Stefan and, even though it doesn't kill him (or puts him back in that stone) he's marked and that means that Rayna will go after him so... He has to run away, living Caroline.
And that's basically it. The only good thing about all of this is that next week will be crossover episode!
I'm seriously so excited about that! And also, that means that there will be a special The Originals' rant here next week, which is also very exciting to me!
And guys, I know this isn't a The Originals' rant but... Can I just say... How cute was Kolvina last night! Right?! I ship them so hard and I can't wait to see them actually together! And Nate Buzzolic?! On point!
Ok, I'm going to stop now because this is a TVD rant and not a The Originals' one. But... I just needed to get this out of my chest, hope you don't mind.
Anyways, hope you guys enjoyed the rant and let me know your thoughts in the comments below! Also, tell me if you're as excited as I am for the crossover episode because I am so damn excited!

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Arrow | Season 4 Episode 14 - "Code of Silence"

Spoiler Alert!

Guys, what was this episode?!
I know, what a way to start the post but... Am I right?! I feel like this episode had a bit of everything, what I quite like.
In this episode we get back to Darhk and his plan. We see him with the other members of his plan, including Malcolm. Luckily, we don't see much of Malcolm in this episode because, to be honest, I'm quite sick of him.
We also find out that Darhk does know about Lance beeing in 'Team Arrow' and so hires a team of mercenaries to kill him. And so, basically this team of mercenaries, called 'Demolition Team', are the villains of this episode, even thought we know that behind them is Darhk.
Obviously they don't kill Lance. 
After that, Team Arrow goes after the Demolition Team, almost ending up dead, because, in order to run away, the Demolition Team destroys their own building.
Also in the episode, Thea finds out about William, Oliver's son, and supports him, telling him that his decision is the right decision, he's just protecting his son.
With the end of last episodes, this episode focused a lot on Oliver's son and how he's keeping it a secret, mostly, from Felicity. And, it was also really focused on Oliver's campain to become Mayor. That's why the venue where Oliver and Ruve's debate was going to happen is the next target of the Demolition Team.
Once again, Team Arrow got to stop the Demolition Team and Oliver ended up winning the debate against Ruve.
And, the last scene of the episode is basically Darhk kidnapping William, but in a Darhk's way, if you know what I mean.
Oh, and in the last Arrow rant I didn't talked about the flashbacks because they haven't been really interesting to me and I'm still waiting to see how the flashbacks are connected to the present time, because they always are.
In the end, this was a pretty intense episode, in my opinion. We got to see more about Darhk's plan, we got some pretty good fight scenes and the romantic secenes were just amazing! I gotta say, I love Lance and Donna together, they're really cute! But you know, I'm an hardcore Olicity shipper so their moments where the best. And that last scene of Curtins giving Felicity's present was just... beautiful! Oh, and let's not forget about Oliver saying that Curtis is Terrific because we know that Curtis is going to be Mr. Terrific.
Anyways, tell me your thoughts about this episode and let's not forget about the theories of who's going to die in the end of the season.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

The Vampire Diaries | Season 7 Episode 12 - "Postcards from the Edge"

Spoiler Alert!

Guys, I'm so happy about this episode!
I'm sorry about starting this rant just like that but... It's the truth!
I feel like the last couple of episodes were kind of boring and I was starting to loose interest and be more excited about The Originals. But this episode was just amazing and I'm so happy that the kind of episodes that I used to love on TVD are back!
I so prefer the 'dark vibe' episodes and this one was one of those, just really dark and that actually reminded me of Season 1, one of my favourites.
In this episode we find out that 'Caroline's babies' are siphoners, which have been siphoning Caroline's vampirism. She ends up on the hospital because of that and that's when they, Carolina, Stefan and Valerie, find out that Caroline's starting to desiccate. 
The best part of this episode, besides the one that I'm going to talk later, was Damon. We got Season 1 Damon back! The dark Damon, which I kind of missed.
Just now I realized that I actually really liked dark Damon. But, I guess with all the changed in his character, I started disliking him. I so prefer the Damon without Elena.
And so, with dark Damon back, of course we had some kind of fight, this time Damon vs Julian. 
I have to say, that was a pretty good scene and I so wish Damon would've killed Julian.
Luckily, later in the episode, Stefan got the hang of it and it was him who killed Julian! And, this shows why Stefan is my favourite Salvatore!
And, before you wonder (if you haven't seen the episode already), yeah, Damon tells Stefan about killing Elena and well... Stefan gets really angry, but then he just comes to his senses and that's when he kills Julian.
But, the best part of the episode was for sure Nora, Bonnie and Mary Lou (and later Enzo).
So, the 'girl gang' goes after that Huntress and find out that she's just an old lady and, Bonnie being the kind hearted girl that she his, believes that she's just an old lady and that she can't be after them. Well, of course she is wrong and whe they are alone, the Huntress, which her real name is Rayna Cruz, almost kills. And... That's when Enzo comes to the rescue!
My Bonenzo heart just melted! It was super cute and I really missed Michael Malarkey in the last few episodes, so it was really nice to see him back again.
Later, we see Enzo burning The Huntress' body but, instead of ashes, what's left is the real form of Rayna Cruz. I can see that there's something connecting Enzo and The Huntress so, I'm really curious to find out what it is.
In the Flashforwards we see Matt again, this time vervaining Stefan. And then, we see Rayna looking through a glass, at Damon who is tied to a chair.
To be honest, I'm really curious how all of this is going to tie up, because, even thought Stefan and Damon were 'killed' by that sword, which makes them some of The Huntress target, it doesn't really make sense, since in the present, she's after the heretics.
But, well, let's see what happens.
So, tell me in the comments your thoughts about this episode and let me know if you're also a Bonenzo shipper.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Arrow | Season 4 Episode 13 - "Sins of the Father"

Spoiler Alert!

One more episode of Arrow aired yesterday and, for once, I'm here, on time, to rant about it.
My first thought about this episode was that it was kind of a filler. Of course, we had some 'closer' with it, but I guess we didn't 'move on' in the storyline from the previous episode. Still, it was a good episode and I'm happy we had it.
Also, for the first time, I think, the episode started right where the last one ended, with Nyssa's offer. Of course Oliver didn't accept it, it was kind of obivous. Instead, he tried to do things 'the right way'. Well, that, we also knew that would really work out that well.
To be honest, at first, I actually agreed with Malcolm. How did you know that the cure was 'real' and would work? And, I feel like Oliver thought a little bit about it and ended up kind of agreeing with Malcolm, that's why he went to Nyssa and asked for a sample, so they would know that it was true and it worked.
The cure ends up being real so Malcolm agrees with the 'deal'... Well, kind of. It was too good to be true and, of course, there would be some twist. Malcolm went to the place where they would do the deal and ends up 'shooting' at her and everything ends up in a fight.
Oliver, then, had to come up with other plan, so he convinces Malcolm to challenge Nyssa for a duel. And, once again, obviously there was some twist and Oliver ends up trading places with Nyssa, so it's him who ends up dueling with Malcolm. 
Even thought I don't really like Malcolm, I didn't want to see him dead, I just want him gone, so I was rooting for another plot twist and, thank god it happened! So, Oliver ends up just cutting Malcolm's hand off so he would give Nyssa the ring.
In the end, everything ended up 'well'... Well, kind of.
Yeah, Thea got the cure and is fine, and then Nyssa disbands the League and destroys the ring, but Malcolm gets really pissed with Oliver and, the last scene of the episode is him, with Darhk and telling him that the person that Oliver loves the most his is son, William, which made me really mad!
I thought all of this Malcolm crap was over because, to be honest, it's kind of annoy me... There's so much more going on! I just want this Malcolm crap over. Well, at least, the League part is over, I think...
And, that last scene leaves me now thinking, what if it's Oliver's son who dies in a few months?
Tell me guys your opinions after this episode because I never really thought it could be William who ends up dying.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Shadowhunters | Season 1 Episode 5 - "Moo Shu to Go"

Spoiler Alert!

I think I should start this post saying that this was probably the best episode so far!
Once again, it started right where the previous one ended and, of course Alec got 'mad' right at the beggining of the episode because of the stone, and that's when a 'new' character appeared.
I don't think she plays a big role in the series, but we got a glimpse of Izzy and Alec's mum, which, let me tell you, it's kind of a b*tch. I'm sorry about swearing but, I just had to say it. I hate those types of people so I also hate those types of characters. Thank god she was just in a few minutes of the episode!
Apart from that, in my opinion, Alec was the 'main character' in this episode, which I don't bother at all. Matthew Daddario is just so pretty it hurts! I mean, everyone in that show is really pretty! But, Matthew just has 'something' in my opinion.
In this episode we also got to see a little bit more of Simon's 'transformation' and I'm really curious to know when are they going to find out about him starting to become a vampire because, if it was me, I've already thought about that, I don't know how that hasn't cross their minds yet.
Lastly, I finally understood in which side Luke is because, to be honest, I was kind of confused about his character. About him, I kind of felt like Clary, because in the beginning of the Series he looked all nice and protecting her but after that I got really confused. Please, tell me I wasn't the only one because I feel really dumb for doubting him.
And, since I've talked about basically every character... Jace kind of pissed me off in this episode. I don't know why but I did. And about Izzy... Well, for me, she's just like Alec, the best characters in the series. I always love their scenes and, directly about Izzy, I just love how 'powerful' she is and so 'badass'. 
In the end, the episode was pretty interesting. It felt like it was just 10 minutes when it was about 45, it just went to quickly, which means, great episode.
To finish this rant I just wanted to thank Emeraude for RT me yesterday, on twitter, even thought I think she won't ever read this, but well, one can dream, right?! It was just so unexpected and I got really happy to be noticed by my favourite actress in the series, so Thank You.
Anyways, tell me your thoughts about the episode in the comments. Also, tell me who his your favourite character in the series, because I would love to know!

Monday, February 8, 2016

The Vampire Diaries | Season 7 Episode 11 - "Things We Lost in the Fire"

Spoiler Alert!

I'm sorry I'm a little bit late with this TVD rant but, as you know, I now watch the episodes live and then I was busy on the weekend so I couldn't update. But I'm here today with the rant and, I think I should start this rant saying that, honestly, I was expecting more about this episode. 
I thought this was going to be a really powerfull episode but, apart from what happened in the end, it was kind of boring. Please, tell me I wasn't the only one that felt that, because everyone that was live tweeting during the episode seemed to really enjoy it... In my opinion, The Originals has been so much more exciting but well, this is a TVD rant and not a TO one so, let's go one with TVD...
Of course the Mystic Falls gang didn't die, it was obvious that they wouldn't die. So, after seeing what he did, Damon fed Bonnie and Matt with his blood and that was when Caroline striked and got Damon unconscious. They lock Damon so he can come back to his senses withouth killing anyone.
And then that's when we see some parts of Stefan's hell. 
One of the good parts of the episode was knowing more about how was Stefan's hell, because in the previous episode we saw a lot of Damon's hell but we barely knew anything about Stefan's, so it was nice to know more about it, even thought we already what it was about.
Anyways, back to present, Damon tell Stefan that he's fine and that Stefan can unchain him. After a while, Stefan finally does that and take Damon to the town. That's when we find out that Julian took over the town. To be honest, I think that storyline is getting really boring. I know that this is necessary for what comes next, which we find out about later in the episode. 
Turns out that whoever is after the Salvatore Brothers in the flashforwards is someone called 'The Huntress', which means, a woman.
We still don't know who that woman is, and that's probably the only thing exciting right now, the curiosity to find out who that woman is and what she wants, because the whole heretics storyline is getting pretty boring, at least, in my opinion.
Something else really exciting about this episode is that Tyler was back! And not just in flashforwards, in real time. That was one of the good things about the episode. I kind of missed Tyler, even thought he wasn't really one of my favourites.
We also see a little more of Caroline's pregnancy and her relationship with Alaric. I'm really curious how are they gonna end up together so, that's something else to look forward to.
Also, I kind of missed Enzo. He wasn't in either this last two episodes so... Hopefully he will be in the next one.
Back to Damon, it turns out that he isn't fine at all, and neither is Stefan, who thought he already got over the effects from the Phoenix Stone. We later find out that, in order to get over those effects, Damon has to let go of Elena and Stefan has to let go of Damon.
Something that happened in this episode and that I wasn't excepting at all, was Matt getting arrested and, after that, kind of bonding with the lady cop.
We also find out later, in the flashforwards that something changed in Matt and I didn't like that change!
To keep going with the Damon crazyness, he forces Tyler to take him to Elena, thinking that he would feel better. Turns out, he hallucinates again and ends up burning Elena's body! That was like the big thing happening in that episode. Seriously, I was so shocked when I saw that!
In the end, the episode had some big things happening, such as finally knowing about The Huntress and having Tyler back, at least, for this episode, but it wasn't enough for me. Hopefully the next one will have more 'action'.
Please, tell me I wasn't the only one that felt that way and share with me your opinions about this episode.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Arrow | Season 4 Episode 12 - "Unchained"

Spoiler Alert!

One more episode of Arrow is out so, here I am again to rant about it.
I quite enjoyed this episode for a numerous of reasons, first because Roy was back, then because we found out some pretty good stuff in this episode and then Nyssa was also back so, great episode just from that. But there's a lot more to talk about.
The episode begans with Team going after another 'criminal', just like usual, until they find out that 'criminal' is Roy. Meanwhile, Thea gets worse because of the Lazarus Pit and now, not just she wants to kill everyone but she's getting sick because she hasn't killed anyone in two months.
Team Arrow also find out that Roy was back and 'stealing' some stuff because he was being controlled by a man that called himself 'The Calculator'.
The rest of the episode is basically Team Arrow going after that man, who wants to basically kill everyone in Star City. Of course, they track the bomb that that guy was building and stop it. Unfortunatelly, they can't track the guy but, at least, the city is 'safe'.
A lot more happen in this episode, besides that, such as Damien Darhk's wife running against Oliver from Mayor, Thea ends up in a coma and, right at the end of the episode we find out that The Calculator is Felicity's father! Like, what the hell?!
I have to say that this was an hell of an episode, but that' what makes it even better, right?!
So, now I wonder, is it Thea who's gonna die? It would be kind of obvious but... Who knows...
Tell me your theories in the comments as well as what you thought about this episode.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Shadowhunters | Season 1 Episode 4 - "Raising Hell"

Spoiler Alert!

One more shadowhunters episode aired yesterday and I must say, it was probably the best one so far, apart from one thing or two that were not that 'credible'.
I should start with saying that, once again, and it was one of the things that weren't that great in the episode, Katherine was an awful actress. I'm sorry if I'm insulting someone but that's just the truth, she isn't a good actress and I feel like the series could be so much better than it already is if Clary were portraited by other actress. But, she was the one that got the part, so we will have to cope with her during the series.
The bright side is that, there so many other good actors in the series, such as Matthew Daddario, which was one of the best part of this episode. We got intruduced to the 'relationship' that is going to happen between Magnus and Alec in this episode and, it was so damn funny! Seriously, the best part of the episode. The scenes between those two were just so funny and really nice to watch, can't wait to see more of those two.
Something that I also really enjoyed in this episode was the makeup in all the actors and, mostly, in Katherine and Emeraude. Katherine might not be the best actress but she is beautiful and her makeup was on point in this episode, as well as Emeraude's. This is not really part of the acting so I congratulate the makeup artists in the series, because they did an amazing job.
Now, back to the not so good things. The last part of the episode, with the demon, was a little bit of a fail, because it was so not credible. It seemed a little bit fake, all those special effects, so that's one thing that they should work on from now on, because that they can improve, what can't really happen to Katherine. I mean, she might, but it's unlikely.
Overall, this was a great episode and I really enjoyed the storyline, the episode with the best script.
Tell me your thoughts in the comments, what did you think of the episode and if you are also excited to see more of Magnus and Alec.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Arrow | Season 4 Episode 11 - "A.W.O.L."

Spoiler Alert!

I told you I was going to be back soon with another Arrow rant so, here I am.
I have to say that I enjoyed this episode a lot better than the previous one. This had everything that I like in an episode, it was cute, it had action and it had some pretty exciting twists.
This episode was all about Felicity and how her life is going to be from now on. Also, this episode didn't involve Darhk, which is nice because after a few episodes, it gets a little bit repetitive. 
Also, we had a 'special' appearance from A.R.G.U.S. Let's just say that this episode's 'bad guy' (or should I say, 'bad guys') had something to do with them and so we got to see Lyla and Diggle 'working' with Amanda Waller again.
In this episode, we also saw some flashbacks from Diggle and his brother, Andy, from while they were in Afghanistan, instead of the usual Oliver flashbacks which, again, is nice to see once in a while.
Andy ends up helping Team Arrow tracking the organization that they were after and, after some 'difficulties' Felicity finally gets back to the Team and helps them aswell.
It was pretty nice to see what Felicity is going through, and it was also nice to see the 'past Felicity' back, it's always fun to see Emily Bett Rickards play a different type of chracter, even if she's still the same character (I hope this makes sense).
Shadowspire, the organization that Team Arrow is after, gets to A.R.G.U.S. and ends up killing Amanda Waller. To be honest, I was actually happy with that, I never really liked her, to be honest, mostly because of everything that happened in last season's flashbacks so, it was fine for me that she died.
Of course, they end up stoping Shadowspire and, in the end, Diggle and Andy are 'fine' again, and Andy even goes living with Diggle, Layla and Sara, which we see in the very end of the episode, and what a cute way to end the episode.
All I have to say is that this episode was super cute, with some pretty nice scenes and... well... I don't know what else to say, let's see what the next episode brings.
Tell me what did you think of the episode, if you were also kind of 'happy' that Amanda died and if you also like some episodes that are not that related to Darhk.

Arrow | Season 4 Episode 10 - "Blood Debts"

Spoiler Alert!

Finally, I'm back with my Arrow rants! I'm sorry I took some time with uploading an Arrow rant, but I'm currently watching too many series, so some of them get behind, but I'm back and I'm so glad I'm back, because this episode was just so amazing! Heartbreaking, but amazing!
In the last episode, we saw that Felicity had been shot and that made me really mad and sad and worried, even though I knew they weren't going to kill Felicity's character, at least, not yet. And, that's what happens, she does get really badly injured but she doesn't die.
With this, obviously, Oliver went out after Darhk, turning to every source that he could find, including Captain Lance and Diggle's brother, Andy.
They get a pretty good lead but no signs of Darhk, just a bunch of ghosts dead and a symbol painted in blood, and 'anarchy symbol', meaning that Machin is back. I don't know it is just me but, I seriously can't remember this Machin guy, neither what Thea did to him. If you remember, please tell me in the comments in which season and episode he appears because I don't have clue.
Anyways, since Machin is also after Darhk, Team Arrow decided to go after Machin to get some information. Unfortunately, he doesn't tell anything and he gets arrested.
Oliver then decides to get Machin free so they can track him and find where's Darhk. Meanwhile, Andy finally tells Diggle some information and they go after that lead,
They find Machin in Darhk's house, with Darhk's family, so Team Arrow free Darhk's family but Machin excapes in the process.
Darhk then appears and, when I thought Oliver was going to kill him... He just let him go! Like, for real?! I just got really mad, to be honest. I know they wouldn't kill Darhk just yet but... Oliver didn't even try?! It was so messed up. And then, Darhk let him go just because Oliver saved his family, but not leaving without a threat, of course.
Apart from that scene that I was so schocked about, there were some pretty nice scenes, mostly Olicity scenes. I have to say, this episode made me love Olicity even more. I seriously ship them so hard! Those scenes were just so beautiful, even thought I was really sad about Felicity being paralyzed. I hope that they make a twist or something and she gets all good again, let's just pray.
About the flashbacks... Not much happened, to be honest. We see something about the tattoo that Costantine 'transfered' to Oliver, but I didn't understand that that well so, let's see what happens. 
And, the episode ended with another flashforward about who's going to die and we finally that is isn't Felicity, because she appears in the car with Oliver so, that leaves us with 'who died?'. I saw some theories saying that it might be Thea, others tell it might be Lance and I recently saw a theory that said it was going to be Laurel. To be honest, I think it's Lance, but that doesn't really make sense with Barry there... So... I don't know... Leave me your theories in the comments, it would be fun to share our theories.
Hope you liked the rant and expect another one really soon.