
Thursday, February 25, 2016

Arrow | Season 4 Episode 15 - "Taken"

Spoiler Alert!

Was it just me, or this episode seemed shorter?
I know it wasn't but it went by so fast that it seemed like 10 minutes instead of 45.
Anyways, as usual, this was a great episode. However, I feel like it was a little bit of a filler, even thought major things happened.
So, the episode starts with Darhk telling Oliver that he has William and that he will only 'give him back' if he drops out of the mayoral race. Right in this scene, I was 'shocked'. First, because I thought Darhk would keep William a little bit longer and they would drag out the whole 'William storyline' a little bit more, even thought I knew that this was going to happen because of the preview. Another thing, is that Felicity finds out about William in that moment. Again, I also knew this because of the preview, but I was still surprised. I never thought that Felicity would find out like this, and not through Oliver, even thought we was kind of forced to tell her.
With all this events, of course there was going to be some friction between them, which make me kind of sad...
But, to make things not so 'dark', we had another special appearance in this episode, this time, a female character, Vixen. 
I don't know about you guys, but I've never heard about this Vixen. I mean, I knew about her because I've heard that she was going to be on the show, but I didn't know anything about her before that and, to be honest, I still don't know much. Oh, and one more thing, has she already been mentioned on the show? Because I seriously can't remember, but the way that they were talking... It looked like she has already been in an Arrow or The Flash episode. Please, tell me if she has, because I can't remember.
Anyways... So this Vixen comes to help find William (and Darhk) with her magic.
In their first try they only found Darhk, but after knowing about Darhk's mystical idol they find him again and Vixen gets to destroy the mystical idol, leaving Darhk without his powers. And, this leads me into something that crossed my mind in that scene.
So, if Darhk doesn't have his powers anymore, how is he going to kill the person that is in the tomstone? This made me think that it won't be Darhk who kills that person.
My theory now is that is going to be Malcolm who kills that person.
We know that Malcolm is working with Darhk and I bet, Oliver and Team Arrow will get to kill Darhk in the end and it will be Malcolm who kills that person. It kind of makes sense. Malcolm is working with Darhk, he's really mad at Oliver and Team Arrow and, besides, it would make a great storyline for Season 5.
Also, I think I know who's in that tombstone.
I've been reading a lot of theories and I'm almost sure that it is Diggle who's going to die. As much as it pains me to say this, because I do really like Diggle, he's probably the one in the tombstone. First, the producers said that it's going to be one of the main characters. We already know that it isn't Oliver or Felicitys, which leaves just Thea, Laurel, Diggle and Lance. Thea wouldn't make sense because they just brought her back last season. Laurel wouldn't make sense too because she has just become the Black Canary and she's still trying to 'fit in', and Lance would be kind of obvious and, besides, the producers also said that it will make an huge impact on the Team and on the series, and his death wouldn't make that big of an impact. That just leaves us with Diggle. We also know that is someone kind of close to Barry, because he was there with Oliver, but not that close because he arrived late at the funeral and Diggle was in this week's The Flash episode, which make him get closer to Barry.
Also, he has a daughter and all and that would make an huge impact in series and the Team. So, my bet is that Malcolm is the one who's going to kill the person in the tombstone and the person that is in the tombstone is Diggle. I don't know, but I seriously believe in this theory. Tell me what do you think.
Anyways... Everything works out in the end, even thought Oliver has to send away William and his mother so they will be safe. He also records a video telling William all that happened so Samantha can show him after his 18th birthday.
The very last scene of the episode is a bittersweet moment, because Felicity is able to walk again, but she also breaks up with Oliver, and that ust broke my heart.
About the flashbacks, I think we're getting somewhere. Oliver is about to find what Reiter wants and I feel like we are going to know the connection in one of the next two episodes, I'm sure.
And, yeah guys, let me know your thoughts about all my theories and, of course, about the episode. I have to say, it wasn't one of my favourites, but I feel like we are pretty close to know who's going to die so, I feel like the next episodes are going to be amazing.

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