
Friday, November 10, 2017

Supernatural | Season 13 Episode 5 - "Advanced Thanatology"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello one more time.
So, here we are with the second rant of the day - the Supernatural one.
Right away I need to say that this episode got me really pumped with the 'Previously' part of it. Because of it, we always get a little taste/hint of what this episode is really going to be about, and this 'Previously' had scenes from Death's death (when Dean killed her/him) and from Billie's death, so right away, this was going to be interesting! We knew that Death being dead, as well as Billie's death, would have consequences and we have been waiting to find out what were those consequences, and we find that out in this episode. This is one of the things that I like the most about this show - they just don't leave storylines in the air. Of course with 13 seasons they have plenty of time to fill out all the storylines, but sometimes shows just throw something at us and then completely forget it and Supernatural doesn't do that and I really appreaciate it.
On the down side, there was no Jack in this episode, which then I got ok with it because, like Sam said, we needed some family time with only the brothers on a hunt, which we didn't have for awhile so it was fine. We didn't have much Castiel either (just the tiny bit at the end) but it was also ok, I believe the remaining of the episode made up for everything.
Ok, let's get into the actual events of the episode.
Another 'case of the week' (kind of) starting with two kids going to an abandoned asylum which, of course, ends badly, with one of them presumedly dead and with the other, Shawn, left unable to speak from trauma and taking home a plague mask with him.
Of course the brothers take on the case and a lot stuff happens between them, with Sam trying to do things we wouldn't normaly do but that Dean would, just so Dean would be fine. We ends up saying he's finae but he isn't in fact.
They go and try to talk to Shawn but with no luck. After that, Sam goes to talk with other of their friends (Shawn and Evan, the one killed) and that's when he find out about the asylum. Also in that night Shawn disappears.
The next day the brothers find out about Shawn's disappearance and that's when they decide to go to the Asylum, ending up killing, in fact, the doctor that was causing everything, by burning his plague masks, but then they discover that the house is still haunted by the people that were killed there.
With no time to look for all the bodies, Dean decides to kill himself in order to talk to the ghosts and find out about the place where the bodies are. 
Dean is able to talk to Shawn, who we find out is also dead, and who tells him not only what really happened to him, but also what Dean needed to know - the bodies location. 
While doing this, a Reaper reports that Dean is in The Veil and that's when the new Death comes to see him - Billie.
We then find out that, the rules said that the first Reaper to die after Death's death would become the new Death, which in this case was Billie, killed by Castiel last season.
She then says that she wants to talk to Dean about the 'parallel universe' and Dean tells her everything in exchange for the souls at the house to be free.
Billie is kind of surprised that Dean didn't ask to get back to life, but she 'gives it to him' anyway because she sees the Winchesters as important  to the universe with work to do.
In the very end of the episode we finally have the Destiel reunion!
I have to be honest and say that I was expecting like a hug or something but maybe that happens in the next episode?! Who knows... I just know that I'm loving this season and I just can't wait for more!
Let me know all your thoughts and predictions for next episodes and I'll see you later with the last rant of the day - Arrow.

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