
Wednesday, April 24, 2019

The Flash | Season 5 Episode 18 - "Godspeed"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello everyone! One final rant for the day!
Unlike the previous rants that I posted, this one is a really exciting one! I was so excited about this episode of The Flash! Not only it had Godspeed, it also had the whole story about Nora but it was also directed by Danielle Panabaker, which is awesome!
In the end, I loved this episode. Maybe I thought there was more to it (Nora's story, I mean) but what they gave us makes sense and I enjoyed it.
The whole episode goes through Nora's journal, which begins with just some 'mundane' stuff about her as a CSI and then we find out how she got around to Thawne and, the reason for that is simple - Godspeed.
I don't know what I was expecting but, the name Godspeed, and the looks that they gave us prior to the episode airing, made it look like this was a really badass speedster and... He just looked 'normal' to me. Actually, he's pretty much a fake because he used Velocity-9 so he's basically a rip-off version of Zoom. But anyway, so Nora encounters Godspeed, who is trying to upgrade the Velocity-9 and so that's when she finds out that she's a meta (a speedster) and that's why she goes to Thawne - first to get some Intel on how to defeat Godspeed and then to actually 'work' with him and just get better. It's also Thawne that basically let's her know that Barry is The Flash which she didn't know (and I didn't know either. I didn't realize that she didn't know Barry was The Flash).
After learning all of that from the journal, Iris decides to release Nora and let her explain all that's left to explain for herself but still, it isn't enough for Barry and so, after stating that he can't trust her no more, he sends her back to the future and says that he would feel any future attempts made by her to time travel. 
In the very end, Barry visits Thawne in Iran Heights and we see that Thawne only has 10 minutes left and then he's going to be executed.
This ending was a bit surprising and, at the same time, it almost looks like a good ending. This whole episode looks like a story of its own which, in a way, it is, but with all of this I completely forgot that we still have to deal with Cicada and I kind of wish Thawne was the villain again (and this coming from a person that has never been a big fan of Reverse Flash).
I know there's a new episode out already but I don't think I'm going to be able to review it today (and maybe not even tomorrow) so... Yeah, I guess that's pretty much it.
Anyway, let me know what you thought of the episode (even if there's a new one out already) and I'll see you in my next rant!

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