
Saturday, November 14, 2015

The Vampire Diaries | Season 7 Episode 6 - "Best Served Cold"

Spoiler Alert!

I'm sorry for being a little late with this rant but what matters is that it is already here and that I have a lot to talk to you about.
When I thought this series couldn't get better the producers hit me with this episode.
One of my ways to know if an episode is really good is if it makes me cry, and this episode sure made me cry, but we'll talk about that later in the post.
I think I should start with the flashforward. In this episode's flashforward we see a little bit more of that scene between Damon and Ric that they showed us in a previous episode and, OMG. I hope I didn't get this wrong but, Is Ric's Caroline fiancĂ©?! Because, that's what I understood from that scene. And, in a way, it kind of makes sense, from what we found out next in this weeks episode (which I will talk about later).
Next, we have the whole Julian thing. I think his storyline is interesting but... I don't know. It still doesn't bring much to the series. Sure, it is a big deal what he did to Valerie and I understand completely why Stefan is so mad with him, and I think this storyline between the Salvatore brothers and Julian is going to be a big part of this season's storyline but, to be honest, I think there's other storylines that are more interesting than this one, for example, what we (kind of) found out that is going on at the school.
First, let me just say this, I miss that school so damn much! For me, that I'm a fan of this show from the beggining, that school is huge and we haven't been seeing much from it, afterall, the characters are in college, which is understandable, but still... I missed it so much, so it was good to have a little scene in it. Now that I mentioned this, let's talk about what Matt and Bonnie found out at the school. I'm super curious about that storyline! I seriously don't understand why those kinds are in there and who did that to them. It's just a mess, but I'm stoked to find out more about it.
Even though I liked that they brought this new storyline, which seemed pretty interesting to me, I also feel like they are mixed too many storylines. We have the flashforwards, we have the heretics, Julian, the Phoenix stone, this new storyline... This seems like too many storylines for me. Not that I don't like them, but I would prefer they closed a storyline before starting a new one.
Oh, and talking about storylines, I really enjoyed that scene between Bonnie and Enzo. I shiped Kai and Bonnie so hard (and I still do) but I also ship Bonnie with Enzo now and I feel like, from now on, he are going to see a lot of scenes between both of them, which is cool for me. I'm really curious to know how are they going to end up together so, can't wait for more Benzo scenes.
And, now on to the last scene of the episode. Caroline has Ric's babies! I new it, I new it, I new it!
If you read my previous TVD rant you know that I had that theory, that was Caroline who was 'pregnant' with Ric's babies, because Candice is pregnant in real life so, for me, that was the only way they could put her pregnant in the storyline. I also said that they could make a twist and say that now vampires could have babies but... I was right about Caroline and Ric's babies! I sure should be a writer for that show. Just kidding, but the fact that I was right about that made me extrememly happy. This just shows how much I love this show and that I'm onto every single detail.
Now, let's just see how this story goes, because I'm super curious about it.
Tell me your thoughts in the comments, if you had the same theory as me and which are your thoughts on this new storyline about the kids in the school.

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