
Friday, January 18, 2019

Supernatural | Season 14 Episode 10 - "Nihilism"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello guys!
So, here it is a brand new Supernatural rant!
Unfortunately, this wasn't the 'comeback' that I was expecting. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't a bad episode, it just wasn't as good as I thought it was going to be. Overall I think this was a bit rushed. I feel like they don't really want Michael to be the 'big bad' this season and they just had to do something with him in a way to start focusing on what 'really matters' and so they came up with this episode. The story-line of this episode could have lasted a few more episodes and, instead, they wrapped everything in this and so that's why I think this was rushed. But anyway...
The episode starts right where the last one ended, with Sam, Jack and Cas against Michael. The end of last episode looked like this was going to be an hard challenge but pretty quickly they manage to trap Michael using the angelic handcuffs, but it couldn't be that easy so, post that, Michael summons several of his monsters to rescue him.
With a new threat, Sam attempts to get the Reaper Violet to transport them to safety and despite her protests, the four of them are teleported to the bunker. That's when Sam gets a call from Maggie, who tells them that all of Michael's monsters have broken off their attack on Kansas City, Missouri and are headed to the bunker.
Michael remains the first priority though, as well as get Dean back and so, remembering how Crowley helped Sam kick Gadreel out of his mind, they work on doing the same thing with Dean, entering Dean's mind with the help of the British Men of Letters mind-link device. And so, Sam and Cas get inside Dean's mind while Jack stays in the 'real world' to protect the bunker.
Inside Dean's mind, Sam and Castiel find Dean living out a looped existence where he owns a bar with Pamela. Next move is to get Dean to remember 'the truth' and for that they have the help of 'Poughkeepsie', a word that, to be honest, I couldn't quite remember but, after some research, I found that it was used in Season 9 and it basically means 'get out and run' or something like that.
Anyway... They succeed in getting Dean to remember the truth, but that's when Michael attacks and warns that if he's forced out, Dean will die.
Post that, Sam, Dean and Cas work on something else and end up trapping Michael within Dean's mind. At the same time, several monsters attack the bunker and Jack draws on power from his soul to destroy them.
But, because this is Supernatural, and we are only on episode 10, of course things couldn't end that well.
After all that, Dean is visited by Billie who reveals that she had rescued Sam and the others from Michael's monsters. She also warns Dean that all versions of his fate but one now have Michael breaking free and using Dean to destroy the world. She then moves to show Dean the one fate where Michael fails, leaving Dean shocked. You know what this means right?! This must be something about Sam dying. Of course that, if they get renewed, they will work something out to keep the boys on the show but... Just thinking that one of them might actually die in the end... I don't like it and I also didn't like Dean's face when he saw that fate.
Well... That was it for this episode.
Like I said, it was too packed and too rushed for my liking but it did end with a big cliffhanger that is making me really want to see what comes next so... I'm excited (I guess).
Let me know what you thoughts of the episode and what you think is that one fate that Dean was so afraid of.
I'll see you guys next week with new rants!

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