
Saturday, July 3, 2021

The Flash | Season 7 Episode 15 - "Enemy at the Gates"

Spoiler Alert!


Hey people!

I know, I know... Once again I'm pretty late with this rant... This year has been tough on me so I've been taking some time with the stuff that I do, so I hope you understand. Luckily, today I bring you a good rant!

Who would have thought?! That's right, The Flash finally did it and brought us a nice episode. Of course there was still some things that could've been improved and stuff that were unnecessary but, overall, I would say this was a pretty good episode! And I don't know if there's anything to do with that but, coincidentally, this was an episode without Iris... I don't know if that played a part, I just know that I enjoyed this episode and it didn't have Iris... I'm just saying...

So, this episode revolved around two main things - Barry thinking that Iris is pregnant and Godspeed being back! Well, it turns out it's not the real Godspeed but it didn't really matter because they (yes, multiple Godspeeds) brought us some good fights - fights where Barry couldn't 'defeat' them with words. That's right, this episode had actual fights and that was one of the things that made me like this episode!

I've seen people complain about the fact that the 'words' and the 'love' is a nice metaphor for not having to fight and that things can work out with words and people can change and whatnot and, I get it, but that doesn't make for a good superhero show. Yes, it's a nice message, but the show is supposed to be entertaining and not having fight scenes makes for a boring show... At least, when it comes to superheroes. So yes, I liked that Barry and the rest of Team Flash had to actually fight the bad guys here.

The other thing that made me like this episode, and to be honest, my favorite thing about the show right now - Frost and Chillblaine's  'relationship'. We got to see a bit more of that in this episode, to the point that Chillblaine even helped Team Flash fight the Godspeeds. In the end he ended up 'betraying' Frost but, everything up until that point was so cool - the fights, the chemistry, the puns... I'm really enjoying having another romantic relationship in the show (other than Barry and Iris, which you know how I feel about them). And to be fair, I haven't been into a couple, like shipping them, in a while so... I can't wait to see more of Frost and Chillblaine!

And well, in the end of the episode, as Team Flash is loosing (believe it or not), more Godspeeds appear to fight the other Godspeeds and that was an ending! Not only it was so unexpected but it was also quite confusing and I can't wait to find out more about that because yes, next episode will have Godspeed again and, apparently, the real one, so that should be fun!

Something else that caught me off guard was Barry and Iris' pregnancy test results. Turns out Iris is not pregnant and that was a surprising. Knowing that we will have Bart Allen in a future episode (as well as Nora) that made me think that the test would be positive but it would be a boy and not a girl, which even Chester hinted to that so yeah, I was surprised with the results.

Apart from those main stories there was also a tiny story about Caitlin removing Esperanza's Black hole chip and the story with Joe helping Kramer going after that guy (who I can't remember the name of nor I care much to know). This last story was even the end of the episode which, to be honest, as pretty underwhelming. They made us believe that Joe and Kramer died but it's pretty clear they didn't. Also, I liked it better when Joe was after Kramer, not helping her... I still think she's hiding something but we'll see...

Okay, that's it for this week's episode. As I said, overall, it was so much better than the previous ones and I'm excited about the Godspeed story-line as well as the romantic story between Chillblaine and Frost so that's nice. I don't care much for Esperanza nor Joe's story but let's see where that goes.

Let me know what you thought of this episode and, once again, I'm sorry for being late (again). I'll see you next week with another rant!



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