
Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Supergirl | Season 4 Episode 9 - "Elseworlds, Part 3"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello everyone and welcome to the last rant of Elseworlds!
This was such an huge roller coaster but I did get to a conclusion in regards of comparing this crossover to the last ones.
All in all, this crossover fell a bit short for me... I did really love the whole body swap thing, I loved seeing Barry and Oliver together, and that already makes for a great crossover for me, but the last one was epic with loads of characters and just epic action while this one was a lot more simple and just really focused on the main three heroes which, about Barry and Oliver I liked but, when it comes to Supergirl... I don't care that much. I think I've never really said this but I gave up on Supergirl. I kind of liked the first two seasons and by the third season I really lost interest and, actually, the last Supergirl episode that I watched was the last crossover! I'm still going to finish Season 3 just because of Chris Wood but he isn't on the show anymore so, I'm not going to bother with Season 4. And so, as you can see, this was bit of a 'difficult' episode for me because, just like the last ones had a lot more stuff to do with their own shows (like the first was had more The Flash characters and the second one was a bit more dark, just like Arrow is) this also happened in this episode, with a lot more scenes focused on Supergirl. I mean, I get it, but I'm just not really into her anymore so... In the end, I can't really complain because, to be honest, the only main thing Supergirl wise was the relationship between Kara and Alex, besides that, it was pretty much focused on Oliver and Barry, and I liked that.
So, the episode begins with Barry and Oliver waking up in a reality where they are wanted criminals, hunted by Deegan as Black Superman while Kara is kept at a prison at STAR Labs, run by Deegan Superman, Killer Frost, Diggle and Alex, who think she's crazy.
In a way to try and get things back to their rightful place, Barry and Oliver locate Cisco who's a mob boss in this new reality. I just need to point out that I loved the Gary cameo because they said that Legends weren't going to be part of the crossover but Gary is in Legends so... I liked that little cameo.
Anyway so, with Cisco's help, they go to Earth-38 to bring the real Superman to Earth-1 and fight Deegan Superman.
While Superman is busy with Deegan Superman, Supergirl convinces Alex to release her, and together with Barry they are able to retrieve the Book of Destiny. Kara tries to get reality back to it's original form but she isn't strong enough so Superman does it and he's able to return Barry and Oliver to their original forms but then Deegan gets an hold with the book and escapes with it.
Barry proposes he and Kara travel in opposite directions to slow the Earth in order to retrieve the book, even though Clark says it will kill them. With this threat, Oliver goes to the Monitor and negotiates with him saying that both Barry and Kara are the best of them.
Kara and Barry successfully slow the Earth, allowing Clark to retrieve the book and defeat Deegan with the help of Oliver, J'onn, Brainy and Lois.
With everything as it should be, everyone that isn't from this Earth gets back to Earth-38 and that's when Clark reveals that Lois is pregnant, and that they are going to be moving to Argo City for a short period. In the end, Clark proposes to Lois and she accepts.
Back in Earth-1, Barry and Oliver celebrate in a bar and that's when it gets back to the beginning of this season with the 'bantering' between Oliver and Barry, when Barry wants to hug Oliver but Oliver says no. I loved that!
The episode then ends with Oliver getting a call from Batwoman, revealing that Deegan in in Arkham and has made friends with Psycho-Pirate, leaving this crossover with the announcement of next years crossover - Crisis on Infinite Earths.
I have to say that this wasn't really a surprise for me because I've seen so many people talking about it but it did get me excited because it means that next year we're going to have so many characters in the crossover and that is going to be epic! I can expect next year's crossover to be better than the Crisis on Earth-X but, unfortunately, Elseworlds wasn't as epic, in my opinion. I still love it but comparing the two, I still prefer last year's crossover.
And yeah, I guess that's pretty much it guys. Like I said, this didn't really live up to all my expectations but that very first part was amazing and I'm going to re-watch it a bunch of times.
Let me know what you thought of this years crossover. Did you like it as much as last years? Do you prefer Elseworlds? Tell me everything and I'll talk to you Friday with a new Supernatural rant.

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