
Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Legends of Tomorrow | Season 5 Episode 1 - "Crisis on Infinite Earths: Part Five"

Spoiler Alert!

So, here we are. Crisis finale! Well, I'm not going to waste any time and I'm just going to say it - I'm disappointed.
That's right folks, this crossover was not what I was expecting. Was it good? Yes. Was it as epic as they were promising? Not really. 
The thing about Crisis on Infinite Earths was the stakes. The battle in the comics is huge, with Barry and Kara dying. Obviously we knew those two weren't going to die. Instead, Oliver would take their places, which happened... But that was it. I feel like I can speak for everyone when I say that we were expecting a ton of characters to die (a lot from Legends, in my opinion) but, in the end, Oliver was the only one to die, which was such an awful and disrespectful death. I don't know, I just know that this was not what they promised.
And now you say - What about all the 'cameos' and Easter Eggs? Well, those were great, don't get me wrong, but they were just that - a few cameos that made the crossover special, but they didn't add to the 'epicness' that I was expecting, mainly from this last episode. I saw someone say on twitter this and I totally agree - They focused way too much on the cameos and on the crossover being a 'fan service' that they forgot about the story and to play homage to our characters. And what makes everything worse is that there wasn't enough characters in this final battle, let alone Legends characters, which was what I was expecting, after all, this was a Legends episode.
However, the beginning was nice. The beginning of the episode gave us the feel of a Legends episode, with the fun, the jokes and, obviously, with Bebo. Yes, Bebo was back for this crossover and he was the last good thing in this. As soon as they 'killed' Bebo, it just went downhill. Yes, Black Lightning appeared again but it was so short. And again, where were Cisco, Iris, Ralph, Nora, Constantine... There were so many characters left out of this episode and I just wanted to see an epic final battle with a ton of superheroes and with a few more deaths.
In the end, I feel like this crossover was made just to get all our heroes in one Earth (now Earth-Prime) but then they messed that up too, when they showed that there's other Earths after all. From what I know, Crisis happens and then there's just one Earth left and... That didn't happen. Again, as I saw on Twitter, they just forgot about Doom Patrol, and Titans, and Swamp Thing and they couldn't mess that up (which they did anyway) so they had to 'keep' the other Earths.
Anyway, in the end, this crossover was just an huge disappointment for me. I saw people saying that this was the best one and, personally, I think this was the worst one. Even the last one was a lot more fun with Oliver and Barry switching. That was so much fun! And I kind of miss when they had smaller crossovers, like the first one with Oliver and Barry - my favorite duo.
Well, I'm going to end my rant here. Let me know what you thought of this crossover. Are you with the majority that loved it or are you with me? Tell me everything and I'll see you soon with new rants!

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