
Friday, July 31, 2020

The Challenge: Total Madness | Season 35 Episoe 18 - "Behind the Total Madness"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello people!
So, here we are with the last rant for a while. It's kind of a bummer because we're ending with kind of boring episodes, although I already knew going into them. The truth is, the Reunion episodes never are as good as the rest of the season but still... I like to watch them and, of course, talk to you about what happens in them.
In this last one they kind of did things differently. This time, they didn't separate the Reunion into two parts (technically). Episode 17 was the real reunion while this episode was only showing 'scenes' that were cut out of the official episodes which, in a way, makes things more interesting. Overall, I feel like this episode was more interesting than the previous one, but still pretty boring compared to the overall season.
In this one was saw a bit more about people's mental state with, once again, people complaining about the bunker and what that did to them. I mean, I wasn't there so I can't say for sure but it looks like it wouldn't be that difficult. Heck, I was stuff at home for 3 months during this quarantine so... How hard can it be to be in a bunker?!
Anyway... Besides that, of course, there were a few more hookups that we didn't see, such as Melissa and Josh which wasn't really a hookup, just a snuggling, and Melissa and Nany and, to be honest, a bunch of girls. From what they said, they were playing truth or dare or something like that and they dares Melissa to kiss Nany and suddenly Aneesa was also kissing Jenny and apparently they all kissed each other?! I don't know, but it was a lot of hookups just between the girls.
They also went into some of the 'fails' such as the whole Kyle and Nelson thing with the car but, to be honest, that was pretty lame.
Something that was kind of surprising was that Jenna wasn't the only one with love trouble back home. Turns out that Nelson also had some fights with his now ex-girlfriend, Angela, who was also on The Challenge a few seasons ago, and apparently she was accusing him of cheating on her with Dee?! I mean, that was totally fake because we didn't see that at all! Regardless, it looks like they're not together anymore...
And well, there's a few other stuff that they talked about (Zach and Jenna again, Kailah and Bear and her boyfriend finding out) but those things were pretty boring to me. I did like though when they talked about Big T's injury and how she wanted to be all glamours to go to the hospital. That was pretty funny and that's the type of content I feel like we need to see in this type's of reunions and on The Challenge in general.
To finish things up they also went into their nights out and how Nany lost a tooth/veneer when she was drunk. Again, the type of content that it's funny and interesting at the same time.
But that was it guys. I know, not a lot and, overall, a bit lame but that's what we've got. Regardless, I would love to know your thoughts on not only this episode but on the season in general and when do you think we'll have a new season?! I mean, the show was renew for Season 36 and I've heard a rumor that they're starting filming it in August so... I would love to have a new season in October but maybe only November... We'll see. But that's it from me.
Once again, tell me all your thoughts and I'll see you when the shows (all the ones that I cover on the blog) come back on air.

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