
Saturday, June 5, 2021

The Challenge: All Stars | Season 1 Episode 10 - "Reunion"

Spoiler Alert!


Hello everybody!

Here I am with the only rant of the week. Also, unfortunately, this is also the last The Challenge rant for a while because there's no date yet for Season 37 so... It might take a while. That means that, for a couple of months, it will only be The Flash rants. But anyway, we're not here to talk about the other shows, we're here to talk about The Challenge: All Stars, so let's do it!

This is the actual final episode of this season/show - the Reunion. However, because it is the reunion, it means there's not a ton of things to talk about. But I must say, this reunion was a lot more tamed than the reunions from the other seasons/show - it's visible that they're adults and I sort of liked it.

When it comes to the actual challenges, I feel like this series missed a bit of the drama that the other one has. True that the 'normal' season has a ton of unnecessary drama, but  the all stars season could've used a bit more drama - but not on the reunion. The reunion from the other series is bunch of people talking over each other and basically just creating more drama and washing dirty laundry. That was not what happened here. They did get into some dramas but it was pretty civil. What I did not like that much was the fact that not the whole cast was there. Not even the majority, and that was noticeable because they talked a lot about people that weren't there and that's not really nice. I mean, I get that they had to go through stuff, but Kendal not being there to defend herself and KellyAnne being the one to do so... I didn't enjoy that.

Overall, it was a nice reunion. They talked about how they really felt old in the beginning of the season, they talked about the dramas between Trishelle and Katie, as well as the whole Arissa thing that, to me, was pretty iconic, but mostly because of TJ's comment, and they also talked about the drama between Jisela and Aneesa. Jisela was there to talk about it though, so that was sort of nice, but Aneesa wasn't there and, once again, it had to be Derrick to defend Aneesa. And actually, Jisela was basically the only one that rubbed me the wrong way. I really liked her in the beginning of the season, and I like that she's upfront and she says things like they are but... I don't know... This whole thing with Aneesa I think was too much and it was a bit of a stretch - she didn't need to be that mad. But like she said, it's her friendship and no one has to say anything about it.

Apart from that, they also talked about some hookups but nothing special, and Darrell commented on something that happened that we didn't see involving Beth getting stung by a Bee and Alton 'saving' her by sucking her toe... It was pretty hilarious!

Most of this episode was either pretty funny or pretty informational, when it comes to what happened behind the scenes and whatnot and, in the end, I really enjoyed Yes speech about winning and how he used his money - that was really nice and, just like Mark, I really think Yes as an amazing winner.

And that's it. This is the end of this new season of The Challenge. From what I read there will be a Season 2 of All Stars but until then, there will be a Season 37 before (I think). And, in the meantime, the only posts up will be The Flash so... I'll see you then!

Let me know what you thought of this new format - do you prefer the All Stars season? Or do you like the drama from the normal challenge? Tell me everything and I'll see you in my next rant!



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