
Friday, June 10, 2022

The Flash | Season 8 Episode 16 - "The Curious Case of Bartholomew Allen"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello people!

Stuff happened and because of that I wasn't abble to post anything for the past weeks. Honestly, it's going to take some time for me to get all caught up on all the rants I have to write but I'm going to try in the next few days... No promises tho.

With all of that said, as you can expect, I don't remember this episode that well, so I migth skip some things that might be super important to you but, because it has been a while since I've watched it, I don't remember every single aspect of the episode. But from what I remember, I did enjoy this episode!

The main focus was Barry and that is the key, usually, for me to like the episodes. In this one, Barry goes after this guy who stole a gamma absorption array but, in doing so, the bad guy - Pytor Orloff - blasts him with it and Barry starts aging rapidly. 

As the episode goes on, we discover that, the more Barry uses his powers, the more he ages. On one hand that was fun because we can see Barry gettin wrinkles and grey hairs and deal with «old people problems» such as body pain and stuff, which can be fun, but at the same time it starts to become a problem and we start to get worried because we know Barry and he just can't not use his powers to help. It takes a conversation with Cecile (yes, not Joe) to convince him to not use his speed anymore. It was actually a pretty deep conversation and, for once, I felt like Cecile served a purpose.

Without Barry, it's up the remaining of Team Flash to figure out Orloff's plan as well as how to defeat him, and it's Chester who figures that his plan is to absorb the energy from everyone in Central City in order to become immortal. 

Orloff does activate the machine but, of course, Barry is able to stop him and, at the same time, not only reverse Orloff's deaging as well and Barry's aging. And actually, Barry gets even younger than he was before, which was fun as well.

The episode ends with Barry going to check on Caitlin and finding out all the equipment in her apartment and her plan to revive Frost, which he doesn't agree with and, in order to stop Caitlin, he destroys everything in her apartment. I thought that was a bit much, to be honest, and I think he made everything worse. Caitlin is not that type but now she must be mad and must want to do it even more... I know I would so... Let's see were this goes.

I know there's one new episode out already but I havent' seen it yet so no spoilers please. However, I would love to know what you thought about this particular episode so, let me know... Again, I'm sorry for the delay in posts. Until the next one!



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